Show STILL THE CHAMPION The TeemerGraudaur Boat Race Results in a WALK OVER FOR TEEMER Spencer SpeaksA Telegraph Advance New Catholic Bishop 3 Uidt Soc Any General Notes Teemer Wins LAKE MABANACOOK October 28 Teemer won the race Teemers time 2023 35 Gaudaurs time was not taken He was half a mile behind and paddled home The weather was very favorable for the race this morning and when the releree gave the word to go the contestants con-testants sped away in good shape and the race for the first mile was all that the spectators could wish but Teemer soon showed his superiority over his rival and drew away from him Gau daur tugged mauiully at the sculls and with his great strength and skill fully brought into play spurted again and again and did everything that he could to get even terms with Teemer but to no purpose The champion of America saw him in everything and went a little better and won the race handily Both oarsmen took their positions at 9 oclock and were at onCe sent away Gaudaurs position was on the western shoe Gaudaur took the water very quickly and went a little to the front Teetner recognizing Gaudaurs slight lead pulled up on him and had nearly closed up the lead of a length at the Quarter mile Gandaur was pulling thirtyfour strokes and Teenier thirty three At the halfmile post Teemer was upon the St Louis man while Gaudaur seemed to be giving out His left oar failed to fully respond and he was rowing unevenly Here Teemer shot away from his rival and at the three quarter mile post had a slight lead which he had increased at the mile Teemer uid some fast worK to the turn He beat Gaudaur out and there was no race home Gaudaur was making no effort to show his speed The race was a complete walkover for Teemer and his frleods at once took the train For Portland and will go on to New York He sails for England in the middle of November to meet Bubear on the Thames |