Show LIQUID SLATING four blackboords II SEARS LIDDLES I Salt Lake City Krewlnjj Company If f M CDLLE j H W MORSE President VicePresident We are now prepared to receive order s I for our CELEBRATED BBDWEISER LAGER II l f BEER Special inducements given to purchasers of carload lots I Having given our careful attention to I I the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of beer after the Bud I II I weiser process we are in a situation to place before the public an article superior I I I su-perior to any hitherto offered in this Ii market t Orders by telephone promptly attended at-tended to JACOB M081TZ Sec < fe Treas COMFORT restJpeace tocoughers after trying Rocky MountainVCpngh Syrup iI i F I LOST STKAYED OR STOLEN SOOOOOTKeward I I I Will be paid by A G Bechtol of the t Opera House Bar on the return of his 1 business which was lost or stolen on t I I the night of the fire Oct 15 That popular resort is again open to the public pub-lic with A G again on deck which is a sure guarantee to the public Mat the stock therein dispensed is equal to the best in the city A G BECHTOL NEW STOCK of Stationery and Notions has commenced to arrive at Pembrokes 72 Main street Drawing papers and material Xot undersold by any dealer I t Stop that Cough By using Dr Fraziers Throat and Lung Balsamthe only sure cure for I Coughs Colds Hoarseness and Sore Throat and all diseases of the throat I and lungs Do not neglect a cough It I I may prove fatal Scores and hundreds I I of grateful people owe their lives to Dr I i Fraziers Throat and Lung Balsam and no family will ever be without it after c once using it and discovering its mar Telods power It isjpnt up in large family bottles mid sold for the small price of 75 cents per bottle Frazier Medicine Co Props Cleveland Ohio j Sold by Z C M I Drug Store I I h Young Men Read This THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mich offer to send their celebrated ELECTROVOLTAIC BELT and other ELECTRIC ELEC-TRIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days to men young or old afflicted wIth nervous debility loss of vitality and manhood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neuralgia paralysis paraly-sis and many other diseases Complete restoration to health vigor and manhood man-hood guaranteed No risK is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free Syrup of Figs Natures own true Laxative Pleasant to the Palate acceptable to the Stomach harmless in its nature painless in its action Cures habitual Constipation Biliousness Indigestion and kindred ills Cleanses the system purifies the blood regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels Breaks up Colds Chills and Fevers etc Strengthens the organs in which it acts Better than bitter nauseous nau-seous Liver medicines pills salts and draughts Sample bottles free and large bottles for sale by all druggists ZCMI Drug Store Wholesale Agents All the Rage To captivate the popular taste and surpass all previous efforts to please the palate requires no small amount of knowledge and no little skill and when we remember that the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs is as beneficial to the system as it is acceptable accept-able to the stomach we readily understand under-stand why it is the universal favorite asa as-a cure for Habitual Constipation and other ills arising from a weakness or inactive condition of the Bowels Kidneys Kid-neys Liver and Stomach Sample bottles free and largo bottles for sale by all Druggists Z C M I Drug Store Wholesale agents 3 Files I Files I Piles I 11 Sure cure for blind bleeding and itching itch-Ing piles One box has cured the worst ases of thirty years standing No one seed suffer five minutes after using lYUliams Indian Pile Ointment It ibsorbs tumors allays itching acts as i poultice gives instant relief Pre bared only for piles itching of the pri into parts nothing else Hon 3 M Joffenbury Cleveland says I havq nsed scores of pile cures and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gives such immediate imme-diate and permanent relief as Dr Will liams Indian Pile Ointment Sold by druggists and mailed on receipt of price 1 FRAZIER MEDICINE Co Props Cleve and Ohio For sale at Z C M I Drug Store The Popular Approval Of the now famous Syrup of Figs as the most efficacious and agreable preparation pre-paration ever offered to the world as a cure for Habitual Constipation Biliousness Bilious-ness Indigestion and kindred ills has been won by the wise plan pursued by the California Fig Syrup Company Knowing that any remedy truly beneficial bene-ficial in its effects on the sy s1em and at thcsame time pleasant to the taste will meet with a rapid sale the Company through its agent for Salt Lake City Z C M I Drug Store gives away I sample bottles free of charge Try it and judge for yourself Large bottles fifty cents or one dollar 1 I I WHY WILL YOU COUGH WHEN Shilohs Cure will give immediate relief Price 10 cts 50 cts and 1 For sale at r A C Smith fc Cos Drug Store 11 I I Stop that Cough By using Dr Fraziers Throat and Lung Balsamthe only cure for Coughs I Colds Hoarseness and Sore Throat and all diseases of the throat and lungs Do I not neglect a cough It may prove fatal Scores and hundreds of grateful I people owe their lives to Dr Fraziers I rhroatand Lung Balsam andno family will ever be without it after once using it and discovering its marvelous power It is put up in large family bottles and sold for the small price of 75 cents per bottle Frazier Medicine Co Props Cleveland Ohio Sold by Z C M I Drug Store THIRTEENTH CAn or FURNITUBE for Fall and Winter trade just received If von want to buy cheap comb along to Henry Dinwoodeys = = = = = = = = c MEDICAL = BRDWW51 1 x y c U7 I p 0 a U ri 0 = IC81 a w THE g = BE TONIC 1 This medicine combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics Quickly and completely Jl 8t1an Cures Dyspepsia Indigestion Weakness dMalarlaChtIIsanndFFke Impure Blood 3IalarIaChlll and Fevers and NeurnlAiI1 ItiB an unfailinf remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys It Is invaluable and Liver for Diseases peculiar to Women and all who lead sedentary lives It does not injure the teeth cause head eheor produce constipation otter Iron medicines dolt do-lt enriches and purifies the blood stimulate the appetite aids the assimilation fens food re SI N sieves Heartburn and Belching and strengthens strength-ens the muscles and nerves For Intermittent Fevers Lassitude Lack 01 Energy ic it has no equal tS The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper Take no other Hade oir6r BRaWl CUEBIC1L CO BILTIHOUE TUTTT c PD L1C 25 YEARN USE The Greatest Magical Triumph of the Age SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Lon appetite Dowel costive Fain In the head with a dull sensation In the bach part Fain under the nhonldor blade Fallnoia after eatlnir with a disinclination dis-inclination exertion body or mind Irritability of temper Low spirit ivlth feeling baring neglected some duty Wearlnen Dizzliicat Fluttering at tf Heart Data before the eye headed over the right eye Rettlesincii wit fitful dream Highly colored Urine at CONSTIPATION TCTTS PILLS are especially adapt to such cases one close effects such change offeeling as to astonish the sufferc They Increase the Appetiteana cause tr body to Take on Flesh thus the system 1l nourished by their Tonic Action fr the Iiee tlveOrcanTtecuIttHtoolBaro produced Price 35c 4 Murray StiyY TUTTS HAIR DYED GRAY HAm or WHISKERS changed to n GLOSSY BLACK by a single application of f iE LAcrms nl r gf this DyE It imparts a natural color acts instantaneously Sold by Druggists or sent by express on receipt of 81 Office 44 Murray New York ISLAND HoME Stock Farm Grosse Isle Wayne Co Mich A V AGE FAENUM Proprietors PatroclcNo 2620 1167 IMPORTED Percheroii Horses All stock selected from the get of sires and dams of established reputation and registered regis-tered in the French and American stud books ISLAND HOME Is beautifully situated at the head of GROSSE ISLE in the Detroit River ten miles below the City and is accessible by railroad and steamboat Visitors not familiar with the location may call ateity office 52 Cam them pan Building to the farm and an Send escort for will catalogue accompany free by mall Address SAVAGE FARSUJT Detroit 3Iich f5 Gentlemens Healqualters FOR 1 FASHIONABLE SUITS He berg Fernstrom MERCHANT TAILORS Wasatch Building Main StOne St-One door South of Po tofficc A full and well selected stock of French English and Scotch Suitings In all the Latest Patterns and Styles Our Trade Mark is IS PERPEOT PIT jlS STAR EXPRESS Office No Ill Main street first door north of Bcrratt Bros Telephone Xo 112 Package Transfer and Excursion Wagons always in readiness Moving Pianos Organs Or-gans and Furniture a Specialty Have the flues four inhand wagon that was everbrousiit ti > this country Are prepared for any sired parties Tourists will do well to call on the Star Express 1 Orders by telephone receive prompt attention atten-tion ILEDGERLY y15 Sole Proprietor NEW TODAY THE SCENIC LINE f OF THE WORLD tj 1 Denver Rio Grande RAILWAY THE POPULAR Transcontinental Route BETWEEN Ogden Salt Lake Gunnison Pueblo Denver i At which latter Point DIRECTCONNECTIONS < BBBg > sKEaffii r Are made with Trains for Kansas City OmahaChicago Chicago St Louis And all Principal Points in the United States and Canada THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Train composed of the Celebrated Buffet and and Emigrant Sleeping elegant firstclass Can will coaches leave Ogden daily at 930 amon arrival of the train from San Francisco fcnd Salt Lake City at 1055 am making direct connection at Pueblo and Denver with trains for the East North and Seuth THE PACIFIC EXPRESS Train from Denver Pueblo and Eastern points will arrive in Salt Lake City at 4 50 ect pointsOgden at slopm mnkingdl pm and Ogden at C10 pm making direct connection with the Central Pacific Train for San Francisco and the Pacific Coast LOCAL TRAINS Will leave Salt Lake City for Ogden at S05 am r tM fry r y BBH w Leave Salt Lake City dal y for Bingham at 725 am Returning arrive at Salt Lake a 4 15 p m Leave Ogden t 540 pm arriving at Salt Lake at 7 pm AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Salt Lake daily except f Sundays at 500 a m arriving at Pleasant valley unction unc-tion at 435 p m Returning leaves Pleasant Pleas-ant Valley Junction at 700 a m arriving at Salt Lake at 6 00 pm W BANCROFT ReceiverS Receiver-S W ECCLES General Freight and Passenger Pas-senger Agent D R 0 Western Salt Lake City M IL Mtidno Cure without Patented A POfJITIV Pa-tented October Ii 16 box 1876 will One euro the most obstinate case in four days or less Allans Soluhle Mctcated Bougies Konasenota doses of cubebs copaiba or oil of eandalwood that our certain to produco dyspep ala by destroying the coatings of the stomach SoldbyalldrngKlBtsormilledonro celrtofprice Forfnrtherpar tlcnlars Bend for circular 1 0 Boa 533 CURE M t John IfhAN COt II CO-t John Bt New York A CARD To all who are suffering from errors and Indiscretions of youth nervious weakness early decay loss of manhood etc I will 1a Oi ar vIW8r tfRb wJ send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered dis-covered by a mJfsionary In South America eua se der red envelope to REV osccb INHAK Station D New York rlT ruN x Y1 vq tT Y41MO r f t It r 1 t POX SYMONSj NEW I Photographic Parlor 322 MAL ST Opposite St James Hotel I OPEN 1IONDAY Oct 27 0 r Ito I-to t j I + V j e Cannot be had for N asking it takes hard W E A IT H i VY feoHHita D duce blows it usually Therefore topro when a chance is offered of obtaining some thing nothing It Is the duty of everyone rich or poor to embrace 1t OurPremium List on another page affordsan opportunity you cant afford to miss = DRY GOODS lAND NOTIONS z ft j C t v IIAI 1 To Close Out Winter Stock And make room for Spring Purchases we offer our very desirable line of WOOLEN AND KNIT GOODS Blankets and Comforters LADIES MISSES CHILDRENS CLOAKS ULSTERS DOLMANS CIRCULARS NEWMARKETS Etc ALL SEASONABLE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS at Greatly Deduced Prices We also offer a Choiee and Elegant Line of MENS BOYS AND CHILDRENS CLOTHING Gents Furnishing Goods Hats Caps Etc And a Complete Stock of Mens Womens Misses and Childrens BOOTS SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS At Prices to fe3ult thc Times Complete Stock of the Celebrated Woolen Goods from the Provo Mills H S ELD EDGE Supt GREAT ANNUAL SALE AU OOST AT COHN BROTHERS THE LADIES OPPORTUNITY TO BUY Silks Velvets Plushes Cloaks Shawls Hosiery Dress Goods Embroideries Trimmings AT ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS Our stock is still very large and according to our principles we never carry Goods from year to year > and the reductions made throughout our Entire Stock IS SIMPLY ENORMOUS Space will not permit US to enumerate everything and we will only leadtngartic quote a few of the leading articles SILKS AND VELVETS Everything in this Stock at Cost without Reserve Colored Velvets at 2 forme price 275 and our Cheaper Quality at 150 reduced from ISS Plashes at175 andL30 formerpriees 225 and 3 The Reduction in Prices in our Line of Black Veivct5 is still greater Brocade Velvets and Silks at LESS THAN COST I Foreign Dress Goods at Cost Ladies Cloths and Tricots at Cost Heavy Cloakings at 50c on theDollar CLOAKS AND WRAPS Everything In this Department be Sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE REGARD LESS OF COST ELANNELS AND BLANKETS AT COST t Tremendous Bargains in our Attractive WHITE GOODS STOCK Table Linens Napkins and Towels EVERYTHING COST OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MERINO AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT COST HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY and WOOLEN GLOVES AT COST Corsets Corsets Corsets at Cost COHN BROTHERS 1t g Jj yr fr > S 5 51 3 TT Cw c 11 UiT3 c = c r I S I r I |