Show Another P Strike Denver 13 All the workmen cumbering about 300 fmpl yed in Kansas Pacific and South Park shopa of the Union Pacific railway in this city struck at noon today The causes are varieJ The men claim that in eetUlng the difficulties of may last the management agreed not to discharge any men but would lay off and call on as business demanded de-manded Ths tbe management deny and h ve discharged men from different shops from time to time as the decrease of business required B the recent reduction of 10 percent per-cent at isHe Kansas the men claim tha management ignored the I promise made In kray last No I violence is aoticipat Cheyenne 13 Union Pacific shop men ate Kill out The company com-pany has made EOIe concessions restoring wages at Elli Kansas and itemplojirg ali discharged men at D < nver at fewer rnure Another point is still in dispute and unless frrnntui hv the nimnanv it la aid I tae strike will I contiauoindifinitely |