Show Dames E Foote Is representing A H Andrews I COjof Ohicago the largest manufactory manu-factory in the world of School and Ctiurch Furniture and Office Desks Opera Chairs Bank Fittings Folding Fold-ing Beds and Wood Mantles Globes Map j Black Boards School Apparatus Ap-paratus Etc Office and Sample Boom 141 South Main Street i SANFORDS RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH Complete Treatment with inhaler for One Dollar mHE Great Balsamic Die THE ot Witch Hazel i Ha-zel American Pine Canada Can-ada Fir Marigold Clover Blossoms etc called San fords Radical Cure for the immediate relief and permanent cure of every form of Catarrh from a simple Cold in the head to Loss of Smell Taste and 5flesrine Cough and Ca narrhal Gonsumptionpom plete treatment consisting of one bottia Radical Cure one box Catarrhal Ca-tarrhal Solvent ard one Improved Inhaler In-haler in one package may now be had ofall Dru ltlt tor gl Ak for SAN FORDS SAD10 A L GTJKB The only absolute speific we kaow ofMed limes The best we have found in a lifetime of rinltRev Dr W gflin Boston After a long struggle with Catarrh the RADICAL CUBE baa conquered Rev S W Monroe Lewisburgh Fa 1 have not found a case that it did not relieve at once Andrew Lee Marzches erUas3 POTTER DRUG AKD CHEMICAL Co Boston DAI I N Electric Collins Plaster Voltaic instantly in-stantly Svstflm affects and the Net ban IS THE CRY fgbesPaln A perfect I SVmRms HERVE Electric Battery Combind with a Porus Plaster for 23 cents It annihilates Pain Vitalizes Vital-izes Weak and Worn Out Pars strengthens Tired MUEcles prevents Di cease and does more in one half the time than any other pluster in the world Sold everywhere TUTT PiLL TORPID BOWELS 1 HSORDE RED LIVER and MALARIA I Frorrrtheso sources arise three fourths 01 io diseases of the human race These symptoms Indicate their existence Loss of Appetite Bowels costive Sick Head iclic fullness after eating aversion to tiertlott of Ijocly or mInd Eructation of food Irritability of temper Iivr spirits A feeling of having neglected th tome duty1 Dizziness Fluttering at the HeartDots before the eyeshighly col srcd Urine CONSTIPATION and do nandtho uso of a remedy that acts dlrectlj > nlbe Liver AaaliivermedicinoTtJTTS PILLShave no equaL Their action on tbr KidncyBafldSiniS also prompt removtnj all impurities through these three BCOV t rigors of the system producing appc tite sound digestion regular stools cieai 31dn und a vigorousbody rUTS iLL cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect AflmDOTE TO MALARIA S laeveiYbere2c QgincU Murray St < Ti TUTTS HAiR DVE GRAT HAIR OR VIIISKEBS changed info rtantly to a Grxjssr BWCK by a singlo J fo plication of this DYE Sold by Drnggii or ent by express on receipt of 81 Office Murray StreetTsew York lurrs BAUUAL DF USEFUL RECEIPTS rIU PURE MAlT I NOT ACID Vin gaR I T t I IGEORGE I F BROUK ALSO A JHOIOE STOOK FAMILY ROUERIES Advertising ChealsII I It has become so common to write the beginning of an article in an elegant interesting in-teresting manner Then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all inch And simplY call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain honest terms as possible To induce people To give them one trial which so proves their value that they will never ute anythirg else I favorably noticed In THE REMEDY so all the papers Religious nd secular is Having a large sale and is supplanting supplant-ing all other medicines of There is no denying the virtues the Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness shrewd-ness And ability L cIn compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to eveiy ones observation Did She Die No ubhe lingered and suffered alons pin iuB away all the lime for years The doctors doing her no good And at lat was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers sav so much about Indeed Indeed IIHow thankful we should be for that medicine A Daughters Misery Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed misery From a complication kidney liver rheumatic trouble and nervous debility 1 Under the care of the best physicians Who gave her disease various names But no relief And now she is restored to us in good health > ai simple a remedy as Hop Bitters that we had shunned for years before using itXUE PARENTS Father isGetting Well My daughters say How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters He is getting well after his long suffering suf-fering from disease declared incurable And we are so glad that ho used your Bitters A LLY of Utica N Y CITY TAXES for 1884 Board of Equalization To Site Tax Payers of Sale lake Cits TOTIOE IS HEREBY MVEN NOTICE City Council of Salt Lake City will lit as a Board of Equalization on Tuesday August 19th 1884 at 4 oclock pm in the City Bdl for the purpose of bearing and deermining euch complaints as may ba made to he assessed as-sessed value of property on the Assessment Assess-ment Roll for the year J684 During its cessions the board willalso consider petitions peti-tions for remission of taxes for the current cur-rent year to an amount not to exceed five dollars from insane idiotic infirm or indigent persons as the law provides Tax pavers are hereby reminded that the only means provided by law for the re dress grievances in regard to taxation is by application to this board before the asossmeni roll for the year is finally approved ap-proved By order of the City Council HEBER M WELLS d td Recorder nmliAr YIrf1 a Wla VI Am PLANING MILL HALT BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT Lumber Dsorsc Lath 8a h Shingles f1tOIIIftbgas Ceiling FJ mca Flooring Picket 9 a dwa Kustic 8 Wtbghtl1aetS esc StKs promptly Filled IlIorg Cniinhbtors MaaaiacnjK I jjlOf Romnev AMIGDC Late Lacinior Taylor GoO Go-O dox wv fel Mrs M G LAPHAM CLOAKS AND SUITS 42 First Bonih Street V7 FtATT T Ams TTTMI ijjuj jjamxt u Established lilT > Bole Agent lor McCalls uazar Pattern Catalogue and Queen free on application The Bazar Dressmaker with over 700 Ulna tretloas SCcbj null DR WAPNERa COHALINE COSSETS Hoop Bustlei Eatteen and FetSWrtaet Orders by Mall Specially Attendoa to ADDIlESS MRS M OLAPHAM gait late Utah j l r rI fj T Z C L lVi r f V SALT LAKE Cir Am 25th 158j Z CMI GENTLEMENWith great pleasure I recommend the Miller Mil-ler Wrought Iron Range SB by far the Best Cocking Range that I know of and as an Economizer or Fuel Its Boiler Attachment At-tachment and Heater in my experience of fortyfive years I have never found anything to equal It Yours truly HENRY GROW Nineteenth Ward Salt Lake City V SALTiLARE CITY Hay Sib 1884 Z C M 1 GENTLEMEN I tske great pleasure in recommending the Miller Wrought Iron Range as tung decidedly the Best Ran e in tbe Market it requires very little fuel a person can work around it wIthout soiling or scorching the dress the heat seems concentrated within eo that the kitchen is not overheated over-heated even during the warmest weather the dampers are arranged perfection so that the heat may be regulated as desired i the Wttrhack is so protected that it dees not wear out as in other Ranges at the same time it heats the water wonderfully and we are never withe ut plenty cf vt ater in the bath room the Oven bakes perfectly and la very large In the opinion of my housekeeper who IS a very competent woman of twenty years experience this Range untguulltd and Ehoui be called the Kitchen Treasure Sincerely MRS DR WHITE SAM Salt Lake County April 19th ls4 V Z Q M Institution GENTLEMEN I take great pleasure in giving a Testimonial Testi-monial in regard to the merits of the lIi ler Wrought Iron Range which I purchased from you it is the tjestl have ever used in ail respectp the ceasing and bakrag qualitieaare excellent ex-cellent the Hot Water Apparatus ia splendid and as an economizer of fuel IIKVC never seen Its qual In fact it ia perfect In every particular Respectfully 3 ourr SAR H M DRIGGS Sandy Utah V SALT LAKE CITY April 21st 1884 V Z C M Institution GEMLEMEN Replying ta yours of 19th inst will say that I take great pleasure in saying a word in favor of tha Miller Wrought iron Range I have had one constant use for one year and it has proved satisfactory in every particular Its general Cooking ana Baking qualities are all that can be desired and as ai > Economizer of Fuel I beHave it has m equal since using it we have bad ever resdy a constant supply of Hot Watpr in all parts of the house I would not exchange it for any Range I have ever examined Very respectfully yours jj B 50WLE3 = z te M JJ M U 16 0 = H < J J1 1 a t P We hDbENCO5 V tOSE llGE1l < J UF H 68 Main Street V Salt Lake City JR P W MADSEN Wl E CUMInFoCCI J R WINDER V r 00 r V J AWi1J V 1it V L = Jai V c Lucrn1 J tC r1 tCu 4S cjc e WE are selling FINE BUGGIES at the CUT 1ATE SIN V FOR THIRTY DAYS and at Prices ranging a re 3125j S175 S200 250 5300 and S350 atc V at-c STUDEBAKER BRANCH 00 SALT LAKE CITY |