Show 0 PERSONAL POINTS f Those Who Are Coming and Going = Q F Chapman of Evanston WiU in town yesterday M H Lipman gcea to Wooi River this afternoon SMFerrandof Idal0 II 16 leaves for New York via the aceruc lo route today or 10 Ad Kuhn Of Ugden was in town 91 yesterday and registered at the Walker House Miss Neally Stevens and Mrs Beardley returned tolGgden Fester day afternoon It Capt Fuller of Eureka Nay la D I a passenger for Philadelphia via the D B G this morning Wm H Gale manager of tha Bohemians accompanied by hu at tha Continental wife is stopping I Geo H Crosby general agent of E the Burlington line is in the city t interviewing Salt Lake merchants A S Morgan and his daughters t 1 MlsEes Ophelia and Lzzle of Ogden are stopping at the Continental Hotel W S McCormick returned from a ti ip to Wood River yesterday morning morn-ing and reports things very quiet in that region W O Stone one of the prominent cattle men of Utah came in ou Wednesday and is quartered at the Walker House H A Clawson the new proprietor proprie-tor of the Junction Hotel at Ogden was in town yesterday stopping at the Walker House J F Allen and family left for SchOfield yesterday via tbe scenic route for a months picknicking in that favorite vicinity M E Cummings and Johu Winder Win-der started yesterday afternoon for a trip through Northern Utah and Idaho combining business and pleasure pleas-ure W L White returned from Wasatch county yesterday having had a three weeks airing in which business and pleasure figured in equal proportion u The party that went east yesterday yester-day with Mrs Fenton consisted of Mr Fentons sister and her husband hus-band imtead of Mrs Fentoni mother and child as stated jester div Ilatry C Smart of Spies Smait nmatic agents New York and manager of Gale Spaders Fizz BangBoom company downed onus on-us yesterday He is a pleeant gen tlsman and evidently underslacdi his business Major Hill departed f r Frisco yesterday t kine with him HIHH Sally Brown and Jennie Keats of the telephone exchange who will pass their vacation in the neighborhood neighbor-hood of the Horn Silver as the Majors guests Judge C F MIddletonc of Ogda accompanied by his cousin A J Morgsn of Okawvllle Ill came to Salt Lake yesterday The latta gentleman is looking around the country and thinks bait Lake a delightful de-lightful place |