Show Foreign Items Lmdon7The Pall Mall Gazette publishes the following Admiral Courbet baa not occupied the harbor or mines at Kelung The French war vessels In tse port will incite no hostile movements at Kelung nor ewhere in China London 71n the Commons today to-day the Secretary of State for Foreign For-eign Affairs Said he believed the negotiations ne-gotiations between France and China are Atm going on and hope they would result in a friendly BettJem tIn t-In the House of Lords Granvilla stated that negotiations with Mexico Mex-ico for a new treaty of commerce wouI1 soon be reumed Ischl7 Emperor Francis Joseph I gave an audience today to Tieza prime miniter for Hungary He then visited the Emperor of Germany I Ger-many The Emerora were together half an hour Later the Emper r William gave an audience to Tisza The emperors then dined together Tlsza and Count BeJokovich minister min-ister for Croatia were also present at the dinner The emperora dove to the station together and Emperor W lliam left at 4 oclcck They e TJ braceJ and kis ed each o her re I Doatedly before parting Ovations everywhere Yienna 7A violent hail steam today at Linz Grein and Kircb slay districts Many persons injured i in-jured A large number of buildings washed away I Sebastopol 7 A severe hurricane hurri-cane and rain storm visited this sec tion today Twelve persons killed immense anrunt of damage done to property Berlin Bismarck has instructed in-structed Count Von Munster German Ger-man ambassador to England to ask Earl Granville British foreign secretary sec-retary what measures England intends in-tends to take for the payrmnt of the Alexandria indemniy also urges early and energetic action to nunish the outrages inflicted by English fishermen in the North Sea on German Ger-man fishing sloops The German press continues to attack the English Eng-lish policy in the Egyptian conference con-ference and Prime Minister Ferrys overtures to the European powers for a joint representation with Eng lau1 in the payment of indemnities The North German Gazette re preaches the English press for is persistent efforts to excite France against Germany The paper says Recent events have sharpened public osinion in Germany to the drift of English pLcy and are ds Bolvng a belief i I the friendly sentiments senti-ments of the English for their Gr man cousins The attempts to excite ex-cite bate between France and Germany are now happily seen through both in Paris and Ben n Henceforth if Englands interests are oPPs d to the trench she must not look to Germany but must act alone The debate ia the House of Commons Com-mons criticzing tho governments action in the Egyptian conference will bs concluded Monday Many membf rs hearing that no decision on the queatiou would ba tak n have left London Thursday next has been fixed as the date of prorogation pro-rogation of Parliament Vienna 7The case of Anarchist An-archist SelJmRCb convicted of the murder of the banker Lienhart and Broker Eisart appealed and the sentence or death was confirmed He will be hanged tomorrow morning morn-ing When asked to sign the usual protocal Stollmach stamped his fot and refused Naples 7 Miss Eva Macky daughter of the California miN llonare is betrothed to M Colonna representative of the wellkuown family of Colonna |