Show f St Marys Academy Salt 1 r i Lake City Conducted by the Sisters of the VI Holy Jrcss Classes for boardera va sud day pupils will be resumed Mon day Sept 1st The course of study I embraces the branches of a thor ft7 H i ough and accomplished education tot Languages General Drawing arid at Vocal Music being included In the I 53 English course form no extra J charge Terms moderate Small boys boarders I I received in separ t Me department Halffare tickets iic f IB < a bs proeae3 for pupils For in t c tlogue aJdre ns abovd t 1 er I Dr Fraziers Magic Ointment 18 A sure cure for Little Grubs in 11 I 1 the Siu Rough Skin etc It will remOve that roughness from the hands tiful and face and make you beau tE Price 50c Sent by mail FRAzIER MEDICI E CO Props CoveluDd Ohm OSThTTE CELEBRATED f f 53TAC5 lfr RS The Feeble Grow Strong When Hostetters Stomach Bitters is used to promote assimilation of the food and enrich the blood Indigestion Indi-gestion the chief obstacle to an acquisition of strength by the weak is an ailment which infallibly sue camba to the action of this peerless corrective Loss of flesh aud appetite appe-tite failure to sleep and growing evidence of premature decay are speedily counteracted by the great invigorant which braces up the physical phy-sical energies and fotlittes the constitution con-stitution against cilaeae For sale by all Druggsls and Dealers I generally t I LEGAL NOTIOE r In the Prolate Court of Salt Lake County Utah Territory In the matter of the Etate of James B Johnson deceased TT APPEARING TO THE JUDGE JL of said Court by the petition this day tiled by Harry T Duke the administrator administra-tor of the Enato of James B Job con deceased praying fcr an Order of Sale of Real Estate that r i it necessary to fell the whole or someportion of the Real Estate to pay the debts ouietmdiLg stalest the deceased and the debts expenses and charges of administration it 13 therefore there-fore ordered by the Judge of said Court that ail persons interested in the Estate of ssid deceased appear before the aid Probate Court on Saturday tbe fcinth day of August AD 1884 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day at tho Ccurtroom of sid Probate Pro-bate Court at tha County Courthouse in tbe City and County of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah to show cause why an order Ehould not be granted to said OdD inistrator to sell to much of the Real Estate of be said deceased as shall be necessary and that a copy of this order be published for Jesst ten successive dajFiia tho SALT LAKE DAILY UEEALD jrV newspaper printed and published in iid County CountyELIS ELIAS A SMITH Probate Judge July 26 1884 KING G OF ALL A MODEL OF PERFECTION A UNIVERSAL FAVORITE II THE LIGHT RUNr ING I New Home SEWING H4CHINE The NEW HOME is positively posi-tively the g simplest and easiestrunning Sewing Machine liver invented and we challenge comDarison with other Machines in all respecs HANDSOMEST WOODWORK AND BEST ATTACHMENTS Call and examine it find you will buy no other JOHN DAYHBS CO I Agents No 66 Main St Salt LaS City Agents yraated in city and country coun-try jel THE GUIDE The Only legitimate Business Chart of SaltLaks t SECURE YOUR SPACE at OHCE These web Heal with the publle Bcnl rememembe that h ihoGuMe la tbe only i 11 publication of tho hind over sOared Utah Pcb Iabed ty the ROcky Moantaio AdVCr Sizing AEEDCJ O E ESSOJAN i CO apO lnnS eIP I I J I E d I l u Gr nd Exhibition 11 I j f i I SEALSKIN GARMENTS t t1 1 It f m THE RENOWNED SOUSE OF i j i I H LIEBES CO San Francisco Cali I F III 1iu Vi WILL DISPLAY A FULL SELECTION OF i Jt 1T1I r FUR OARMETS dlfd f IN ALL THE LEADING STYLES t 5 4 tt Ii II t l SUPERIOR QUALITY h I 1i t t PERFECT FIT f 1 LOWER PRICES r 4 j I t1 Il l I il If r iiiiii jI t ff r A W HILLIARD AGENT If 1IF i WALKER HOUSE PARLORS 20 fciJiP i h t ORDERS FOB MEASURE TAKEN ili t I I V 1 ff ij rt I jVII r j r ijt f1 BOLIVAR ROBERTS VIA NELDEH < < n F 1 j 5 j A 111 f l i 1 1i < ROBERTS NElDEN tt1 1 L rtJr Wholesa DR1TGGIS = Sand Retail M i We carry full line of II I I Ir Drugs Medicines Paints Oils Varnishes Brushes i r I Combs Fancy Goods Dye Stuffs tt I Assayers Materials Mill Supplies Scales r J 11 Balancer WeisblBi Cigars Tobacco Snuffs etc Write for Prices or soni f us a trial order Anything oodered not ia stock will ba f il r rnishtd tt bottom prices I I Wo 220 SMain Street opposite Post Ice rt i 1d 1 t II fq Boca LAGER BEERI Ii I i I 11r I I o I i tit lH L THE BEST LAGER BEER ON THE COAST 1 i EQUAL TO ANY EASTERN BEfit i tl Now on Sale ny t jtt tli j i t t iv J fi Is a W 10 ci v 0 I r 4 l I SOLE AGE la I 1 o rl t dt J J Irders for our Bottled Beer by the Single Dozen or the Case 4 f tg Beer by the Single Keg or Car Load Lots promptly lined und at current prices 1 t 0 WORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED 0 OFFICENo 140 Main Street WAREHOUSE 256 and 258 S TbiM West 3 1 TELEPHONE 147 and 317 mil HOWARD SEBREE GO 4 S hL = Simplest Strongest and Light Draft made CHAMPION lightCord BINDEJB i = fl Lightest Strongest Simplest and beatmade Binders in the market r ffl j B P IN FARM AND SPRING WAGON f r Carriages and Buggies 1 IM i i CHAMPION HTIH6 VACHIIL I I i I j Champion New BalIJoint Mower SELPRffiRS DROPPERS AND SfflfiLl REAPERS The Champion Machines are madn of better material will lastjlan ge I and take less repairs than any Machsnea made TIGE8 SELFDUMP HAY RAKE 9 The oaly perfect SelfDamp gsy Rake made HOWARD SEBRfE COiAY I r Salt Lake City i AND OGDEN UTAH SHOSHONE OALDWELL MOUXTAI I lAND I HOME AND WEISER CITY IDAHO I |