Show I z 1 I II from nn OUR with G gas F engine iurpine Culmer and Cylinder Bros presses It are Oil is r 4 j 1 used the most perfect lubricator we ever T S rS flJ This is to certify that I have ex I mined analyzed and tested Dr 4 Priced Special Flavoring Extracts F l of Vanilla Orange Lemon Celery l and find the same strong fine I 1 nads etc of good material and therefore 11 there-fore gladlY commend them for iam y use 1 f PBOF M DELAFOmAINE Analytical Chemist Chicago Tf Vote in North Jordan Hot1 Peoples ticket 77 votes Liberal I ticket 3 votes 80 votes poled in all Thermometer 92 in the shade today to-day dayTAYLORVILLE Ant 6th 1884 SAMUEL BRINGHUIIST Go to Chas K Bowring for all kinds of decorating and paper hanging hang-ing Old Constitution building 34 Main street OLD Honest and Star Tobaccos To-baccos are the best plugs Try them at G F Calmer Bros i A Bargain IAn I I-An assorted lot of Furniture shipped to a party here by an I eastern firm has been turned over to us with instructions to sell i BABRATT BROS OUR Summer Silks are marked down eo low as to make them pre ferable to wash materials F ATJERBAOII t Bno The Recent English Earthquake Earth-quake Those going by the cheap excursion excur-sion to Europe on the 30th of this I month will have the opportunity among the other advantages of seeing see-ing the district of the iccent earthquake earth-quake In England Early application applica-tion should be made for tickets as none will be sold positively atter August 22d 1884 if yoa fail to secure your tickets before then you will miss n rare chance of visiting the old country This Is a splendid opportunity for those who wish to visit Mends and relatives and ob Lain their genealogy and quite a number are taking advantage of such remarkably low rates as are offered The excursion will pass through some of the grandest scenery scen-ery in America including the Niagara Falls Dont forget that no tickets will be sold after Aneust 22d See Mr John A Maynes HERALD Building for further particulars University of Deseret The first term of the Academic Tear 183485 of the University of Deseret will begin in the new Un l I versity Building ou Monday August 18th at 9 am I Perfons i In tee city wno are proi pared to furnish students of the University with board or room > or boatd and rooms will please report I the fact olther to the president of the Institution or to the janitor In the University Building corner of FjrstNorth and Second West streets For fuither information i dative to the Instiluon apply to I L f JoHN R PAMC Presldert These Are Solid Facts The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of a suffering humanity truly I is Electric Bitters Inactivity of the Liver BilllouBnes Jaundice Constipation Weak Kidneys or any disease oi the urinary organs or who ever requires an appetizer tonic or mild stimulant will always find Electilc Bitters tbe best and only certain cure known They act i surely and quickly every bottle I guaranteed to give entire satisfaction satisfac-tion or rarnoy refunded Sold at I 50c a bottle by Z C M I DrugStore I Drug-Store t I SEWERAGE COCOANUT How the Milk in it is Accounted Ac-counted For Next to polygamy the prevailing has text of the Bait Lake Tribune been Onr filthy city the necessity Undoubtedly many of of eewerage Its readers have become thoroughly satisfied that this town is the > Decidedly Fresh Thats what everybody says of Durst and Vanhorna Fruits Butter etc which are the very best the market affords Wo Invite our friends to call and see for themselves I f DTJRST YANHOBN Great Annual Clearance Sale All Summer Clothing Straw II Hats and Underwear AJpaca Coats and Duaters White Linen and I I Marseilles Vests will be sold at ball he prevailing prices at I i t L GOLBBEKGa filthiest place in the world ana aiso authorities adopt a that until the firstclas3 system or sewerage It is reside unsafe to even temporarily in Salt Lake City We brice oar wihout doubt but of dirt share Inkshingers of even the brilliant Flag cannot scare the Daily Yellow the people who know by experience the many advantages of residence here while In no sense blind to the Genuine Sure Pop I DEATH to all insects whether in the house or out of doors at H DINWOODEYS I Japanese Paper Napkins And all sorts of Stationery at BedRock Bed-Rock Prices at Pembrokes 50 Main Street t objections It is not at nil unlikely that many of tbe the editors have given people their Yellow Flag credit for seemingly disinterested efforts regarding tewerage for this and many of those who never city taxes and who never intend to pay are fully assured that the rates should be increasedso as to provide funds t ha e heard thi necessary street cctner loufers hoe presence indicates the nectssity of personal eeweragt coolly declare that it was thA dnftv of the dd Muraion this town to bi r priests that run row two or three mIllion dollars and sewer the city the same tis New York The strongest arguments here of the necessity of sewerage cbervation extends have eo far as my tends arisen from a class of men L t b who never conlrlDuie any th ing uuu polltax and who dodge that whenever possible If we could afford it there could be no objection offered to sewerage advantage but ills an it has many expensive luxury for a city ilk eours did In this connection ever stop to think you decided to the city that in csse adopt a system of sewers which that would coat say two millions the Tribune although It affects to be the friend of the enterprise would defeat its accoinpllfhraeiU It is clear that ibis Is true for the following like this lowing reason A city needing 2000000 would UB compelled to borrow if and to borrow a city like an indiv dual must have credit and some commercial com-mercial indicators of a capacity to refund Of the integrity of or city authorities and the people they represent re-present tnere would under ordinary circuttiQianceB bo question They could borrow any cum In reason and but for the I extraordinary circumstances cir-cumstances brought about largely by the scarecrow cries of the uear ers of the Yellow Flag the amount of money necessary would be no Jm pediment But how is it now Suppose that the City Council were fully convinced of the feasibility ot the plan and weie to start negotiation for raising SStroOOO I what would capitalists say Would they not urge among other things the risk or loamg meir muuojr through the insurrection likely to occur through the fanatical Mormons Mor-mons who are in open rebellion against the United States Would I they not fear the threats of martial law which has been so often promised prom-ised us Would not the contingency contin-gency of a Legislative L CommlSH sion in their i minds jeopardize the loan Would they not conclude that if blood will run through the I streets of alt Lake City it the Gentiles do not soon get office that our filth may as well run with It They would conclude that Salt Lake City did not need sewerage at least rone such as their money would establish Why would they come to these conclusions Because the Tribune I the bosom friend of sewerage has been telling the world these things and incorporating them in their daily affidavits against this city so continuously that all men who have money are afraid to let any of it come among such a set of Moodthirstv lunatics as they by such evidences conceive us to be But now comes the funny part Notwithstanding the truth of what has been said and its bearing upon the whole matter in a commercial sense and although it Is plain that there can fce no connection between the facts about to be mentionedand that the Tribnne has so strongly urged sewerage It IB true nevertheless neverthe-less that the chief editor who doeR I the hightoned cleanliness dodge In the editorial columns has had during the sewer raid an Interest in the patent sewer while the quondam quon-dam local editor bad n corner on a pi tent water closet Babbee you 91 Dr Frazier s Root Bitters Fraziera Boot Bitters are not a drum shop beverage but are strictly medicinal in every sense They act strongly upon the Liver and Kid keep the bowels open and nays heal regular make the weak strong the lungs baUd up the nerves and cleanse rim blood ano sjstem of cvery Impurity Sold by druggists SI OU Thousands Say So Mr T W Atkins GIrardKan writes 1 never hesitate to recom mend your Electric Bitters to my customers they give entire satisfaction satisfac-tion and are rapid sellers Electric niffora nrn thn Tinrest 8nd boat medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the to be caD afford bowels No lam jean willlave hun withootthem They bills dreds or dollars in dootOla at fifty cents a Sold every year tottle by Z U M1 Drug Store t The Cholera Victims The French press or San Fran dice has started a subscriptIon list for the benefit of those who are Buffering fering In consequence of the plague lost France children who have their parents families who have lost the father who provided them their daily bread and all those unfortunates unfortu-nates who inevitably result from cnnh a terrible visitation Among the French residents ot the Pacific metropolis a large sum has been raised and a copy of the appeal has been Eent to the French Consul this city Professor A Andre who will be happy to receive nnd forward for-ward the subssriptlona of all who feel disposed to give to the good cause Subscriptions may either be sent by mail or delivered in person to Proessor Andre at 122 E Second South Street opposite the Thirteenth Thir-teenth Ward schoolhouse Let a handsome sum ba sent from the land where cholera ia never likely to appear ap-pear Sealskin The rerowned house of H Liebes St Co San Francisco Cal will display dis-play at the Walker House parlors 20 a full selection of fur garments in all the leading styles and they guarantee them to all be a per feet fit and of superior quality Mr A W Billiard is agent and will be pleased to have the opportunity of showing to Salt Lakers what an elegant line of goods are carried by his house A FULL line of Harrys Points I and frupe finp Coach Color at G F Calmer tS Bios + 1 BROOK TROUT at PRICE CLIVES t James E Foote la representing A H Andrews Co of Chicago the largest manufactory manu-factory in the world of School and Church Furniture and Office Desks i Opera Chairs Bank Fittings Foldi Ing Beds and Wood Mantles Globes Map Black Boards School Apparatus Ap-paratus Etc Office and Sample Pocm 141 South Main Street Cheap Furniture The Utah Furniture Company 1 No 78 W Second South Street advertise ad-vertise Store for rent and Goods for Sale t F AUERBACH BRO have just received some Beautiful all over Lace and Edgings to match t You are Interested Yourself We are prepared to sell to families fami-lies at the Occidental Pure California Cali-fornia and Imported Wines at ir duced prices The best of Liquors vnd Cigars always on hand TOT win become convinced by a trial AUER MURPHY Propr What are the desirable qualities in a whisker dye It must be convenient con-venient to use easy to apply w potsible to rub off elegant in appearance ap-pearance and cheap In price Buckinghams Dye for the Wnu here unites in Itself all these meriti t Try it To Our Patrons THE HERALD will not be Ie sponalbla for debts contracted W any of its employes Parties e tending credit must look to the too viduals for payment and not asi ola e such accounts with those fl the HERALD t REAL BARGAINS In Parasols at r t AUEBBACBi I First Eastern Oysters Just received by t COFFEE JOBS A LARGE stock of Summer Good Must be sold Suite to order fro 52 = 5 BUCKLE Sow I Two secondhand Pianos cre bargains at GEO CARELESS W I 83 W FirstSouth street House Cleaning Sale of Goldsmith Co To make rooj for fall stock now on the way offer the balance of our dpringf Summer stock of Mens YoutB I Childrens Clothing and Boys C astonish all t prices tnat will and secure bargains at p f1n t OLD0MITU x VV Take Notice Now is the time to bring OllowJD Y J The friends from Europe ever dare d-are the lowest rates Liverpool an From lve3 r emigrants Lake S63iro London to Salt JJ9t Germany and Paris to in i Salt Worff S08 from all points 10 x0ar Sweden and DenmwM70 rnationfurnlsbedfteby matlon pETEBSES J A P1tT Agent g Box 367 f I street 67 Third South Lake City E |