Show Surrendered Joseph H Evans formerly connected con-nected with the church blacksmith shop and who was indiced for polygamy ygamy in 1882 and made his escape before ha could be arrested appeared ap-peared > at the Court House yesterday and gave himself up supposing that as he had evaded answering eo long he could not now be heM for the offence of-fence charged in the indictment The vital part of the indictment was as follows Said Joseph H Evan did on the 6th day of May 18SO unlawfully and feloniously take to wife one Harriet Parry that st the time of said marriage be the sid Joseph H Evans had a lawful wife then living towit me Ruth E van whose maiden name was unknown to the grand jury from whom pat < > Evans had not been div reed nd Who had not been absent from him he five years next previous to sad narriage with Harriet Parry It is probable that Evans wH bl brought to trial at the next term of court and he will be brought in tomorrow to-morrow at which time he will be released on bonds till his case is called at the fall term |