Show THE WATER WAIL Another Appeal From the Dry Bench Editor Herald In my wanderings around I see sometimes things that I dont likeI I to see This has occurred on two occasions this week On F street Twentieth Ward I saw tolling uP he hill a poor lady one of Gods noble women bravely bearing her natural burden and what else two three pound lard buckets full of waler from the Twentieth Ward ditch to her home on the north bench She has to endure tbs need boa toil because of the mst and present obstinacy of her enemies those who have the power or say they have and the right to make provision for the water to run down itll eo that at any rate the citizens may have the privilege oEdppin up supply their wants Hundreds I are dully toiling man women and children for years When will there be an enl to thifj foolish waste of water to gratify the hjbby of the officers of the people or some of them Can it be exnlanea Surely the inhabitants of toe north bench have the rizht to an understanding under-standing about the efual to grant them tneir supply of water as citizens but silence on the su jeot seems to be good emugh for them You have no rights It Is enough for you to pay your taxes when cilltd upon and vote you have thoe rights and be satined never mind water rights They clang clang clangfire fire Where V Up on the dry bench Robe Andersons Everything dry as tin Ie < No water No Water I God help them The city officers will not Hose cart tarts wants the use Engine stares folly there Is nothing to work upon cannot net water anyway any-way the people up there have no rights as oitzane they went ur there and built their homes and have their little all there their wives and children Imagine this report In the morning pacer < 1 A fire broke out in the residence of Mr on the north bench last night about 10 oclock Mr in endeavoring to save his wife and children got very severely burnt one girl about 7 years of age was burnt to a cinder property including > includ-ing furniture entirely consumed cause small boy matches That all is itf 2Jo Justjce requires that an investigation should take place and it is found that on the worst spot of the site of alt Lake 3ity because the hottest under the sun without trees to even cool the ground a little The Council Coun-cil have persistently refused to grant to the 2500 inhabitants tax payer and citizens of the Uni ed states and of BaIt Lake City the privileges of even the crumbs that allrom the rich mans table What a matter this Is for public converBa tion comment and execration BUG they have no water rigfa we have refused them they as citizens citi-zens ought to have water and every other right enjoyed by other citizens citi-zens but contending and persevering perse-vering injustice of the City Council pint and present have made a habit of refusing all applications for water to idem while they the Counci1 cannot control the surplus water in any other way than in letting it fh a into the great dead sea But the expense would be great in getting it on to the bench Yes it would provided the Coun ell contracted tu do the work Some years since it was estimated what it could be done for by one of the late Council The sum was 3500 The people interested can do it for less and they would have been glad to do it for 1000 which makes a great difference to a community com-munity of poor working men but oven that was not granted Finding no chance any other way the benchers got a ditch from Red Butte about five miles and took a small portion ot water from thereto there-to supply their netds but when fairly in working order a mass meeting was called of the people who were interested in the ditch The tame member of the City Council declared they were a sat of thieves who were stealing the water from those who had the only vested right in it Ho v about the 7 year old girl who was burned to death Oh I forgot an inquest was held Child ban Ito t I to death cause small boy matches and an obstinate City Council Mr Editor in the name of mercy do help us to make known our great needs and arouse to a sense of duty our City Fathers We have pleaded with them we will plead with you and rest assured that we do not use the formal words will eyer pray but a lasting sense of grate lOcation will follow yonr kindness kind-ness in publishing our letters of complaint and we will never cease until we have our tights I though we might have to buy a pie s set up and work off uur own dodgers and distrit ute them ourselves I our-selves We mean business and intend in-tend to find out what our legal rights are If mild means will not work mercy for us We have been very very patient We cannot afford it any longer The last feather broke the camels back and now the peo pie ought to a man to come up and show their power The exposare of our pa t and present position Is absolutely nreded as starting point towards gaining our rights as citizens citi-zens We want nothing unreasonable unreason-able nothing that can hark any one elf e but we want the water that yearly runs to waste Never mind abont the next generation we want to live as long as we can Give ua I water I AQUA VITIA |