Show mkEns sav o1WIL IV greatest medical TTCECOT oWl V world Warranted to speedily wIG Rural Bruises Gate Ulcers gait lUunm Fever BOMB Cancers Piles GhilblaJjM Corns Tetter CSiapptd Hand anll ill tkfca amp lions gWEsatMd era fa cwy IniMi oasy nfomad II te III tmnb by Sa O LIaamae f j Little Predde was talking to his grandma who was something of a sceptic Grandma do you belong to the Presbyterian church uNo To the Baptist No To any church uNo Well grandma dont you think its about time to get in somewhere Dr Frazier Root = Bitters I Fraziers Root Bitters are not a dram shop beverage but are strictly i medicinal in every eenee They act strongly upon the Liver and Kidneys Kid-neys keep the bowels open and regular make the weak etrong heal the lunge build op the nerves and eleanEe JAC blood ana system ot every impurity Bold lay druggists 1W 2 j i MAH t 1 1 i1 1t fA M N i 1 f J ito 1 r 1 1 HO is UNACQUAINTED WiTH THS CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY W1Sl i 1 s SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE 0 F m f 1neapot iiu p 1u zrdco Dt Si3 I r Cn r t > I t T A 3fcnaAa ft I f i w C I d IiCros I d Ii i ispiro 0jr 4 Dr I o 0 ri kf k r 1 1 I t 1 L f C T0 Q e 4 1 i IJ c4oVt or WtAo ep s r r v oY ° J ° e 00 r Lt C R S ° ° ei4 1 i t 4eqs P t i I Lii < fl u i 11 i41 1raaax 1 Co CeatraV 4 N L eitai Ch j t i J t a 1 1 0 a r I Leaen iao teg t I tt k U s a NSASC Yks II J Ik I 5 4 r r i it 1 CACO RQCK ISLAND PACIFIC RW j q Being the Crent Central LIne affords to travtero Ly reason of Its unrivaled geographical II geo-graphical position tn 5 shortest and best route between tbj East Northeast neW it Southeast and tho West Nortnwst and Southweoti j l tile literally and strictly true that Its connections are all of the principal tInsi o rt road between tncAtlantlo and the Pacific > i By Its main line and branches It reaches Chicago Joliet Poor Ottavrzv I j a Salle Ceneseo Mollno and Rock Island In Illinois Davenport Muscatlnuj L Nashlngton Keokuk Koxvillo Oskaoosa FalrfI6d Des MoInes West Liberty I owa City Atlantic Avbc Audubon Harlan Cuthrle Center and Council Bluffaj 1 n Iowa Callatln Trenton Camorcrs and Kansas City In Mlcsourl and Leaver < l i vor h and Afcrilaon fn Kansas and the hundreds of cities vilfages and towio tI ntormodlate Tho t CEAT POCK ISLAND ROUTE 55V r i it Is familiarly callbd offers to travolcre all the aavantagen artf comfcc 1 f incident to a smooth track safebridges Union Depots at all connecting pSnt t r Fast Dipresa Trains composed of COMMODIOUS WELL VENTILATED WE 1 1fEATFt FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES a line cf t 1 TOST fIACNIFICEm HORTON RECL3NINC CHAIR CARS ever built PULLMAH test designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS and DINING C1 iH tat are acknowledged by press and pdopiq to ho the FINEST RUN UPON A5 I DAD IN THE COUNTRY and In wrrich superior ae are served to tTawalenloll > I1 j e low rate of SEVENTYFIXS CENTS EACH 1 THREE TRAINS each way between CWICACO ard tie MISSOURI RiVQ Qf j TWO TRAINS each way between CMICAflO ard MINNEAPOLIS and wit Ii AUL via tho famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE f 1 A lJe8td Direct Line ets Seneca sod Kankatet iw recently been opeJ1ed botiei j Ji t tfoJcn New Riobiroad Cincinnati ianspoUI and La 7ayetteKtod COIMiT IIUSB fi f laul MjDBeorolif and intermediate point J j AH Ihronth Ptuenren carried on Fast Express Train i For more detailed infonration eee Maps atd Folder whicn may bootUiatil IS waR > I f eUtis eUriircrallictetffic iDaho tJriUdPtztw and Canada ofE u J I i S I R R CABLE j T JOHN i ii VicePest t ccri luugec cr Tkt A Pasarau tr CHICAG a tf = 1 li1 I i COHNBROtr I It L I I fe t t fi1 u r 11 I i t nU USUAL SEMIANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE I I f Is now in lull progress t i i 11 t t I I 1 j tl + IjI I We f9 offering our large Stock of I j I j 1 Summer Silks AT COSf tt And many styles below coat j it t I II I J We are selling our SI 23 Jllo and 1 qualities at 75r Also our i I 65c and flOe qualities for 40c ii2 1 t We sire also oflerin wonderful Bargains In our entire f a SILK DEPARTMENT = ll i r tl OUR STOCK OP j j f i lj f Sum er Dress Goods H 1 IB also marked down to COST h 1f Our beautiful styles of French Cotton Sateens at 33 cents jh j 111iSllN UNDERWEAR AT COST j t L I t1ij Utj I 1 In offering this important line of good AT COST is a rare ChlLCU II M not to nezleoteii by anyone Tno stock is by far the best we ever IIJ carried We have a largo stock of Merino Goods contracted for focthe kl coming Winters Trade and will have to use the apaeo now occupied Oy Muslin Underwear aid we are therefore oompelled to make this Cleat anne It is a most complete line in every branch I We ore alsro offering Great Bargains in Ladies and Chlldr na SLLKf t J LI3LE and COTION HOSIERY f It j COME AND SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING l ttt t I i t I t COHN BRIE i 1 jI j I I > 1 I i l li if tt t f r I Ii 1 t |