Show L DAVIDJAMES CO 1 J Plumbers Tinners I I i r Gas and Steam Filters I f OJ 1 v4 t Call and examine our Stock of I Gas Fixtures Garden Hose J L1Wll Sprinklers Water Filers Pamps Hydrants tStreet j I 1ashers Bath Tubs Water Closets etc 1 4 I f INfNnN PLUMBINO CASFIT I t j tillC AND STEAMHEATING f oOfiDg Guttering etc t1I Done in all Its Branches I 71 r I I I t tj j L tW Q sB7 tIIain s1reet I Telephone Communication at Office or Residence i MiIli ± irjood BUTTON BOYAI t n PORTEB8 AD MASHJFACrIJRES e We are now ready to show our extensiva lino of Millinery Goods in Trimmed and Untrimmed t EATS AND BOiT2iTSTS j A fine selection of Opera Bonnets ad aU the latest Novelties < gfce season A handsome variety In Chips Manilla Tape Milan etc t3o in all the Latest Styles and Colors Also a Large Assortment ib 3iisde Hats for Iiidies and Children from 150 and upwards I 1 I dffilCE FEATHERS AH FLOWERS AND UPS 3k great Variety at Very Low Prices Ladies are respectfully Invited to I Inspect as it is no trouble to show goods Orders J I 1 promptly attended toO V T1 to-O Box 17 148 MAIN STEEET aLeELIASON 1C2 MAIN STREET I AOvring to tUo Luce and Elegant Sloe ot 8 I L V E R WAR E Just Received Wo trill give peciallnducements TO OUR CUSTOMERS ALSO IN 23oward Elgin Waltham Spring field and Centennial Watches in Gold and Silver Cases Alt our Goods are warranted first das in every respect onll and so foryoarselves and be convinced m BBEfflEKIDrP liini GonsnltinI and Civil ENGINEER JBBHftfa South St Salt Lake City OnttGt B ftea 1nsrrJ StUveror for Utah wjj hobo HobJ7 PublIc Geological Ex lO Reports on Mining PrOpertjC8 II ldlneai1Wlrolids 1lc1 Canals ancl ioint6Ud5 the WOrrtllgs or the tarns Pre rzco estizaatea and plans for opening and Wag rnlnog ozpert on mining queaticnl I lIen the courts Addrcja P Q l3O 1151 ULet U L I Lams Baek Side or Cues 4a 8hlloh8 Porous Plaster Price b r < UL t Drojj Stole if i r < t u ii1L 1 tc1f 1 11 1Irot rljal ref 4 iliMMflTb Ot t > eo q 09 BAKIN POWDER QTRICT PURE After an experience of n er fourteen years In the manufacture of Baking Powder we reel thafwo havo at last attained the object of our long experience and hard labor A PERFECTION IN BAKING POWDER Par Purity Strength and ScdltJifiUncssvx claim no equals Manufactured by 3 r w C ITT CONe CO-Ne Sforlz and St Joseph OLD IN CANS ONLY Eemington Johnson Co Sole Agents Salt Lake City SATAN IS COMING 1 P03 SALETHE BOOK OF I Knowledge Contents Millenium 1890 arrival of the longanticipated Jewish Hessian great financial crisis 1886 Satan the chief antl Christ tim of his birth incidents connected with Satans birth powers and advance skirmishers Satan Temple Ten Com aaadments Sstana EnEign and ln I iqiiptions what Satan lays regardine hip ensign to all nations etc Pries 23 cents stamps Addrese August Rote Bt Paul Mirn COUGH AWAY You WANTJ bat if not ueq BALES HONEY OP HOREHOUND AND TAn PIKES TooxriAcnE DROPS Cure in one minute f 1 By the skill of Dr Price we have now for our cakes puddings ices cream and nastry the mot delicious Fruit FJayora Those who wlah to make their delicacies palatable and eojoyably will make use of Dr Prices Special Flavorlug Extracts Vanilla Lemons Orange etcnot only on accoun of their nice flavor but for their safety f SILVER LAKE HOUSE BIG COTTONWOOD CANON 0 This popular raiort is now open Como up and spend a short season witn us V S BRIGHTON Prop THE MilLS II When They Arrive and Depart De-part AUIL1 AI1It I E1sternh 73Dpmi 25am Cslilornji ana wait 1033am n5 pa Montana and north 1030 ami 815 pm DR Bea3t 445 Pm il0 00 am 05 en Utah 100am 623am Ogden Utab 7 30 pmi 31Bpm Park Utah 1 pm City 3D pm 025am Tooelo Utah 445 pmL 7 no 1m Alta Utah nft OWpm GOO aw M D1nham Utah 315 pmj 650 am Southern Utah 640 pm650am The above Is standard mountain time JOhN T LYNCH A Postmaster bait Lake Cltv utah joly S 1884 tffiSTETTEb U I f tmBR ED itS 4 q i w mTTER S To the needs of the tourist commercial traveler nrd new Bottler l1o letters Stomach Bitters is peculiarly adapted since h strengthens the digestive organs and braces the physical en rgies to unhealthful un-healthful influencea It removes and prevents malarial fever constipation dyspepsia healthfully stimulates the kidneys and bladder and enriches as well as purifies the blood When overcome over-come by fatigue whether mental or physical phy-sical the weary and debilitated find it a reliable source of renewed strength and comfort For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally = H M8URG T EA m Has no equal In the entire range of the Pijarmaeorcea aa an antiscor butic i trative carminative rind bl od purifier f rUTTJS = PiLLS = H r TORPID BOWELS 3SQRDERED LI V E Rand R-and MALARIA From these sources arise threefourths of ho diseases of tho human race Those ymptoms indicate their existence loss of Ippetltc Bowels costive SICK head iclie fullness after eating aversion to sertlon of body or mind Eructation jf food Irritability of temper Lou ipbita A feeling of having neglected lame dutY DliilcssFlutterlngatt2io Heart Dots before tlio cyeshlglily co ircd tJrluc corfSTEPATlOHl and de nand the nso of a remctlythat acts directly n the Liver AsaLivermeaicinoTinEarS PILLS have no equal Their action on the Sidneys and Skin is also prompt removing ihOt E Ul impurities through these three scaT mgcra of the oyetem producing appo Ste sound digestion regular stools a clear sldnaadavlgorousoody < CUT2 S2irrE arne no nausea or griping nor Interfere trith dally work nUll arc arperfect ANTSDOTE TO MALARiA iolaeTerywhercSic Offife4 MurrnySt TUffs HAIR DYE GEAY HAIH OK TViTisimis changed in stnntljr to aGvasr Kiacir J byasiriglq n plication of this Bra Sold by DruffKi orscntbycrprf Ill rfcuJpt ot si Office 44 huTIyStrclSt New Tort tuTTa MHflL CFlEEFUt RECEIPTS FRU i BITTERS The majority of tIe ills of tho human tody arise from a derangement iJitht Liver affecting boa the stomach and boicel 2n order to effect a cure it If necessary to remove tiLe cause Irrcgti jar and Sluggish action of die Bower 4 HeadacheSlckncas at the 8tomachPa1 in the Back and isccindicatet1Qj the Live is at fault and that naturerc quires assistance to enable this organ f throw offitnpurillcs Prickly Ash Bitters areupeefoUb compounded this purpose They Ore mild in their action and effective as o cure pleasant to the taste and token easily by both cJiildren and adults fa hen according to directions they are a safe and pleasant C1lrcfl > > DYSpepSIa General DebilltyEtal con stlpntlon Diseased KIdney3r etc etc ls a Blood Purifier ftey are superior to any other tneildne cleansing the system thoroughly and imparting new life and energy to theta valid It is a medicine and not on IntOJslcatlng beverage ASK TOOK DRUGGIST FOR FR1CKIT ASH SIirEW and take no other PRICE LOa per Bottla PRIMLY ASH BITTERS COSOLE PROPRIETOR St Lotus and Kanais City2 Ziong BCFllLffli1ll fU18j THE Second Sfries of fbarcs is Dor I open to subcribsrs These deiiroui coming memb should call on lit Secretary en or before Tuesday July 15th 1884 A d scount lit the rate of 4 per c nt per annum will be allowed on nrepaytaents to the close of the second fiscal year A PAROS Secretary WJ BATESIAN Acft Secretary BEST OUT of the SEASON FOUR DAYS HOLIDAY EXCURSION Over tho UTAH uENTBlL i5T to PROVO PAYSON AND IfiPffl Train leaves Salt Lake at 7 Oami JULY 24TH among tho many attraction will 253 tho Pioneer Day Celebration at Provo MONSTER PARADE rspresentinjf the ya ious Industtieg ot the Ttr Utr ServKea wll be ceuduoted in tha Utah Stake New Tabernacle GnANj B cLL on the evening JayJJth In the Unmmotji Now Co op Ball SplendId oroertULlty fora TRIP TO THE GRAND OANYONS1 of Amejicsn Fork and Prove Too Excursion will bo accompanied by the SIXTH WARD SILVER BAND I I Faro tor Round Trip PROVO SIiS PAYSOB 2 25 HEPH1 S3 BW Tickets for sale at C B Saraaea D O Cadeti Danes Coulters Cheshire J Bxtots and Utah Central Railway ocei Lq IiU 4 mai 4 ei i il4 e I 4 1J 1 1t J GSIMMONDS t isieo 1 ISRBOOMENDiSU ALL PHI I 8IANS BS a Blood PunfviRR Liquor j It io a sure remedy for DysoepMa < I bill ind J Ffvp T Bud t > < Bt > rt j for aKin a-Kin v ind LVf orar nl > i IT I TIlE GllETE DISCOVERY OF 1I 1 TUE AEI This Extract > 3 B pure compound I com-pound of all the c oicest Tropic Fruit 1 nd put UD rsprefely for Medical and Family Use Fimiliea and Travelers ehculd alwavg be provided with a bottle of IMMONDS BXTBACr OF TKOPJOAL FRUIT It is good for Sour Stomach Sea Sickness and oil Sfom cn Trouble Also BUliou3nea nnd Dy pepsia and seta as a light purgative necessity for tafeig B strong Cathartic I The brst physicians recommend it w I everybody particularly recommed I the faculty for Ladies Comclamts iX traded rem the following ToP Fruit Pineapple Orange 3fangCe Z DotilU Banftrae Tamarind Malarial Diseases of all Kill a I Speedily lield to Its PoiTerfnU10111 I Notbing Equals it as on Appetiser it I Its tonic properties are eased < 50 1 te renaTia wasted vitality and r uvneDf 1I I the avston Try it and become vincfld Nooe jjonnne except my sKua turn ic aCross the cone 1 corfe8IuuONJg SEABDEY CO Salt tabs Solo Agents for Utah and Idaho Kept by leading Drurelittsnd Gocers |