Show i LIST OF AGENTS i I iiLt Authorized fcriaka Batecripfioiw foi SALT LAKE DJLJLY and SESCITEEKLY iERALD J T Hammond at Book Store Logan W O Creer Spanish Fork Tos U Eldredge Meadowville Charles Foote Nephi John 0 Stevonson Prove Thos Wallaco Ogdon and Weber Co c J Johnson Silver Bed V 6 W Babbitt Spring Lake and V Santaqum I V V tt 8 Williams Ephraim laaac Duffin Tokerville Kane co V V John Shields Tooele City V r Win Rich Montpelier Bear I4kt I Wm Hulme Bloomington Do i W Hodge Paris Do r V The HERALD ia alao supplied Bythe i J following Newsmen V L r Jas Dwyer Salt Lake City V Miller Shelton Fleming Do V B Carter Do Walker House do Do Townsend House do Do B Deighton R B Depot Do Vj Low Bro K 1C Depot Ogden J G Chambers Do V B M Johnson U B B B i I Barkelow Bros TTP BB 8 Marriott Sandy and West Jordan V If W Grant American Fork V I E Hill Bingham l J 0 Winslow EYnston I I V SALT LAKE C lTY B H EWERY MLUyiUroRs or i Lage Beer O insive premises are now complete com-plete fc53 0 manufacture of Lager Boor V With tfiflbcat facilities for mating and storing our flock we rI prepared 10 supply BOTTLED OR KEG BEER That cannot be excelled if equaled V SATISFACTION GUABANTEED f 1 KEYSER MORITZ f HENRY WAGENER V Sail Lake City Utah CALIFORNIA BREWERY Lager Beer Ale and Porter V TVholoixIe and Retail Second South Street threo doors eat of the Klephant Store m28 V V HIED CA1 rYON SOCK SPBIHOS And WEBER COAL fHE ONLY RELIABLE MARKET FLUMP F-LUMP ASSORTED AnD EBB COAL V V V Large stock always on had and tall V weight guaranteed Prices low and ipeciftl atUntloa tiTs to the wants of the public Crocs Dcserei Bank Block 30 lI GOULD Acn J1SCH 6 ELLIBBICI UMBERS GAS AND STEAM FITTERS I DEALESSjlH II I I PIPE I JJ HOSES Gas Fixtures Eto V Water Pipes Laid on Short Notice < V OLD CONSTITUTION BDIEDIKO V SALT LAKE OITY V 0 BOX 1153 oIS I V LEGAL BLANK mHE FOLLOWING LUtE OP THE has been complIed with V tho rreateit cars and with the adrico of the feading members of the legal fraternity frater-nity of Salt Lake City They are mad V to conform Btrictly to the law in every particular and parties using thou c Blanks will find thorn to be the bost eve V tied in this Territorr V V APPLICATIONS rOB PATHKTB e HI523 V 1 Notice of LocationS Location-S Appli tion for Patent 6Proof of Posting Notice and Diagram of Claim 4 Proof that Plat and Notice Po mained Posted Registers Certificate of Posting Notice V 6 Proof of Publication V 7 Affidavit of 500 Irnprovomom 8 Affidavit of Citizenship r V Certificate tbatno Suit is Pending 10 Power of Attorney 11 Notice of Application 12 Certificate of Identity of Claim V IS Statement and Charge of Fees 14Agreement of Publisher V DKEDS V Warranty Warranty against Gran tor Quit Claim Mining Claiiu Town site Lease Bargain and Sale iV V MOBTQAGEs Mortgage general form V Chattel Mortgage i VV DISTRICT OOOHI Notice of Motion Undertaking on Attachment V Writ of Affidavit for 1 Execution Undertaking on Claim and Deliver oi Personal property Affidavit on Claim and Delivery of V Personal Property Subpoenas nnslOURY 4V KOTABY PUBLIC V Protests Notices of Protest V Acknowledgments Witness I H Party known V 11 Subscribing Witness Wit-ness t jusnosa V V Sabpoana civil V tc criminal j Warrant of Arrest Writ of Attachment Undertaking on Attachment V c V V cVV V J Affidavit Commitments Summonses I Executions V t4 c Mittimus V Affidavits r Complaints V I V Complaint in Replevin t J Bond in Replevin s v i Notice of Appeal Undertaking on Appeal I V UIECELLhEOua V t Bond General Form I V Incorporation Bond V Official Bonds 3 V Constables Sate Bills of Bale Power of Attorney gensral Ie II special fI Promissory Notes Certificates of Marriage in oolen file Salt Lake Heralde h 7 HERALD JJJ 00 RBBBB 2 oo B JB J Vo 0 B B JVO V 0 BBBB J 0 0 B B JJ 00 B B JJ 00 BBBBB PRINTING OFFICB We are prepared wit mtmed Machinery Firstclass Stock S9 mBSSIVBl EXPERIENCE mOO All kinds of Job work A4 GUARANTEE SATISFACTION MINING WORK Yoaohffra Ore Eooelptts Time Books Fay Roil UOiiAIBRUIAL PRIHI3NS Cutoraents BillheadaJ Eavelopeej Postal Gardo Duo Bills V V V Labe1a < LECAL BLANKS BllANTY DEEDS UITaLLIM DJ1U zAO2OWIJJiiMP1VTB GOV3 PJ1EB pT1MT1J JililSSSi CERTIFIOATES OF STOOP ne tcry btitdcnolnUUi eX lfIJE8 RECEIPTS IN Boon LEITER HEADS CIRCULAE3 ElIq jES OAEDS WEDDING CARDS VmITmS CARDS J I FOSTERS L PLAY JBII1L5 t BOTlOU SILLSJ DODBJCX5 4 c V 0 V AH Szes Styles and Colw I We Invite Inspection Id ft ud htl tl OOMPUff YALKER BROg EAN K E E S Established 1859 D3ALESJ 13 EXCHANGE COIN and BULLION Wo draw Exchange on the following Leading Cities of Europe REAT 3RITA1N AKO IREUAHD London Belfast Dublin Edinbur and G1 3W SWITZERLAND wle Zsrsa QCCCT Lccreaa Laocuce Zoritb and Vsvey FRAMCE Bordeiax Bltriu Bayoaao Boutotno Borderni1 rrouJoi 1 USTTC Lyons and Paris BELCIUM Antwerp Bruii sjLnaemljurj HOLLAND Amttcrdam and Botterdam WAY ChmUa Bergen Throndijen sad Btavenscr SWEDEN Goth l1bur Stockholm sad Maine DENMARK Copenhagen ITALY Blcrosee Gores Leghorn Milan rtplcr P lcrmo Kama Tuna Vcsloe RUSSIA 8t Fetertbar SPAIN Gsili Hairld and Eavllle PORTUCAL Lltbca and Opertft AUSTRIA Carlsbad Prtffno Perth Trieste Vienna UUl1l ALL THE GERMAN BTATESk AHEBIGA5 CORRESPOOEKTS Importers and Trsdan Taw York < Bank Union Trust Ce Chicago First UsKoaal Baal i BU Louis State Savings Association Omaha Omaha National Bank Sam Fran First National Gold Bank SAn Fran Bk British North Arnoric ill S DE1OSTLflV DESEHET NATIONAL BASALT BA-SALT LAKE CITY Paid In Capital 200000 Surplus 50000 WHnUOOPBRPr siI nt H8 ELDREDGE Vies Prep Vu JENNINO rlft NrI FKRAMORZ LlflLZ > Dir tors JOHN BUAHP NIOHOLAS QnOESBEOK I 1 B DILLS Cashier J ImlYtS CEFBSIT FATASU BB ICUAE I BuyS and Sells Biehante OB IT aw York an r Francisco Chicago St LouU Onaha London and principal ContinentAl Cities Makes Collections remitting proceeds promptly JOHSTATLOB B H Ecuarrasa President Aut Cashier ZIONS SAVINGS BANK anD TRUST COMPANY No 53 East Temple St A few doors south of the Coop Building V I Capital Stock 200000 Paidup Capital 5000 Pays 6 per cent interest on Savings Deposits MONEY TO LOAN On Approved Securities at Low BATES of interest ja26 McCORNICK CO BANKERS Salt Lake City Utah S IEAHBAOT EVERY DESCfilPIIOH OJ BA5ZIHQ BUSINESS a I Purchase Gold Dust Cola and r Bullion I I K3UT A < ERTin 01VER TO RtUCTICRI Undertake the Purchase and Salt 01 tocks on Commission II C Advance on Ores and Bate Bullion consigned con-signed to our Order Sett Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Trans-fers on pointt Hast and West and on the leading cities of Europe I OOEEESP05DETTS New Tork Iraporterj sal Trader Nat Bank Ohieajo Oeruaereial National sank St t cull Stato Baiict AModatlor Omaha Omaha National Bank San Jfranoifoo Jfirzt Nit Gold JJAak nrl THE LONDON BANK OF UTAE LIMITED 20 Anstln Fjiars London LfDo SALT LAKE OlVy UTAH CAPITAL 160000 In 20000 Shares of 8 each NUMBER OF SHARES SUBSCRIBED FOB AND ALLOTTED TO DEC 20 1878 6200 EAT 248000 We beg to inform the public that we are prepared to transact a General Banking Business for which we have the necessary facilities We solicit new accounts and business generally Exchange Drawn on all the leading cities and towns of the United States and Europe PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS b Lnt1luYelrI Mftrtln t Co 63 Los bud Street The London laak of Utah Limited 2S Austin Friars La Sow Tork Meisrt Morton Bliss k ColD Co-lD The Fun Sational Bank Omaha Omaha National Bank Sea Praaciseo The Bank of Califorsia AftR01lY GODBE MaMJ Salt Lan City Fjb13lS79 75 I MAIN STREET I 75 ZRfl I A M t l P1 Ii Vfl t D I A M 0 N D S a R3 LI I 1 151 U I1 Li au 0 Z WATCHES a ti UJ I Jewelry C and AI I Silverware t9 H FOR I 1 H CHRISTMAS AND H J NEW YEARS > PRESENTS 81rn H Hono able Treatment Guaranteed 0 Guar-anteed 0 GOODS WARRANTED I O As Represented 75 I MAIN STREET I 76 dB JEREMY CO MASUfACTTJEERS OF Dairy Table lL Muling Salt p O BOX 1138 9ABEHOUSENorth Temple St vro blocks west of Depot Block o26 JOHN HACMANI V Merchant Tailor OppoMte Walker Bros Bank He makes the But and Cheapest Dr eec and Business Built n Salt Lake City V Give fin a Call UAKISQ ARI XEPAIElia NEATlY DiE S Jut Received a large stock of Fall and Winter Clothing marllSTBWAETS STEWART Celebrated B R U SHE S JO iAINTJiR9JO ImTERBKLtLSOfnrER KLtLSOfnrER HIT W ASflImB HJTWAJR HOaS1D1n Lan Sesrui FAXILT Un Tor Sale Wholesale and Retell by So aM L Grocery and Din DeparaaeaiB fran Qodhs Mtt A CoP I Co-P TMidel Iceirt KlsibaQ t Lavrtao f Mrs Dsy J Co IfCETSWnt Jeesinn It Sons nJC G F OaImer OaImerf1W A1t 1M CG d h 45 Years Before the Public I THE CEf1Ulf1E Co McLANES I LIVER PILLS fcnot recommended remedy II forn1l the illS that flesh is heir to but in affections of the Liver and in all Bilions Complaints Dyspepsia Dys-pepsia and Sick Headache or diseases of that character they stand without a rival ACUE AND FEVER No better cathartic can be used preparatory I prepara-tory to or after taking quinine I As a simple purgative they are unequaled BEWARE OF IMITATIONS The genuine are never sugarcoated Each box has a redwax seal on the lid with the impression McLANES LIVER PILL Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLAxs and FLEMING BROS Jg FInsist upon having the genuine DL C McLANES LIVER PILLS prepared by FIEHrXG BKOS Pittsburgh Pft the market being full of imitations of the name 1U Lane spelled differently ba same pronunciation THE I LLENs GREAT LUNG BALSAM nrrwnvl GM3hz Colds Conuunptlo REMEDY AUllna Bronchltli and nil other Throat and Lnng AfTcc mn tion ndorMKt by the Pret FOR APIiyclrlaiu Taken bytboa r nrH and na < < c ufUl nlvraja tilnikir It bm no FAaaI CURING WSOLD EVERMHERE U i 1S30 mE EspRiirrs or IHI Fonr Leadin Quarterly R8Y iBJ mE EplIiBURGR flaVIZw i7ltg THE WESTMIHSTSB BEVIZWif beral THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW Conservative THE BRItISH QUARTERLY REVIEW Evangelical ND Blackwoods EdInburgh Maiazine which havo been established in this country coun-try for nearly half a century are regularly regu-larly published by THE LEONARD SCOTT PuBLiamsa Co 41 Barclay Street New York Those publications present tho best foreign periodicals in a convenient form and at a reasonable price without abridgment or alteration The latest advances ad-vances and discoveries in the arts and sciences tho recent additions to knowledge knowl-edge in every department of literature and all tho now publications worthy of notice arc fully reported and ably discussed dis-cussed TEEHS FOE 1830 Including lodag Payable Strictly in Advance ran arcsu For any one Beviow 4 For any two Reviews 7 For any three Reviews 10 For all four Reviews 12 For Blackwoods Magazine 4 For Blackwood and one Review 7 For Blaekwood and two Reriew10 For Blackwood and three Review513 For Blackwood and the four Keviow315 POSTAGE This item of expense now borne by the publishers is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on tha cost to subscribers informer in-former years CXUB3 A discount of iv jor cent tr II be allowed to clubs of four or morn POTcn Thus four copies of Blackwood or of ono Review will be sent to one address for S12SO four copies of the four Review and Blackwood for lS and so on PREMIUMS Now subscribers applying early for the year 18SO may have witbout charge the numbers for the last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals S3 they may subscribe sub-scribe for Or instead new subscribers to any two three or four of the above periodicals may havoonoof the Four Reviews for 1879 subscribers to allfivo may havo twa of the Four Reviews or ono set of Blackwoods Magazine for 1879 Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless tho money is remitted direct to the pub lichen No premiums given to Clubs To eecuro premiums it will bo necessary neces-sary to make early application as tho stock available for that purpose is limited REPRINTED BT The Lwnard Scott Publishing Co 41 Barclay St New York j1 JOB LOTS fle o Are tie Only Ex1uve Job Mllg Honse in M T I UomestJcs Woolens JKIaialteis Shirts DracrlJ Mens Clothing Boys Clothing ilate Caps Boots and Sioes Notions Linen Goods Cassimeres Furnishing Goods Hardware Cutlery Valises Axes Hammers HammersUntcliets hatchets Saws Etc We Offer Big Inducements to the Trade I WOOLF One Door South of Godbe l Coa Store QRAYD SPECIFIC MED1OIHE SCACLCSSC < THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY An unfailing n nre for Seminal WeakneSS us 1 SpennaUrrhcea Jmpottsey r and all dIiaUu that follow 61 M a loquace of SelA bun as Lou of MemorY Universal rnUfJ r ftgn > sal LuiltBaa Pain in the ypPiES Back Dirsness of Vision i Preautnra Old AB and Before TaMugEiany other Diseases that td to InIlllt1 or ConTRADE M Ie saiaptloa and Premature GraTe aFalI partlruart h our pamphlet which we desire t 1 lend tree by maU to Torr A ens trrIhe Bplltlfi MIdi inch old bJ clr11niJtS at Jlper Deekaceer HZ pociases for S3 or will be lent free fay raiU on receipt Aftei T no of the money by addreinnz Tklng THE GRAY MEDlCIHE COlt CO-lt 0 10 Mechanics Block Detroit illoh csBoId In Salt Lake City and everywhere in the United States and Canada by al Wholeale nd RetaIl DrntziJts laiD I7t 1 r at coniete CCIDZ TO WDIOCK tJJ Ulnlc Chijtin ca A Ccoptlett Womta 0 hood Selection of wiT E4f ° fv riD Eril4xyJsr4c 53 BndI B t = l = t = = 1f1 4i n nIna fre impure rut oaano ad on llaluaeUI C r = rIo O r = BUTTS BISPlnAU 7 ts JLSIIl SLit Llslo BWc4 5ctedi5 cue esneesni > m I aUIeoJdnt r Vteel cuee l l r IIf r1 Jo I Utah Southern Raiuotr OH AHD AFEEB JUNE 13 1S7O oorsa BOOTH 4 e43a1Ln a Norris or Blation 101 = i a = in 1 TRAITS LEAn a m I w c B1lt lAke 700 780 Morgan 718 SOC 5 Germania 7 22 8 10 50 vendahls 7 28 8 20 130 Jtinction 7 37 8 35 To urern 11 Sandy 740 545 5 LJA T Sandy 756 950 Draper 8071010 100 Lel 8441120 165 American Fork 8 fG 11 35 180 Pleasant Grove I OS n 50 1 95 Provo 9871245 250 SpingvilJJ 953 110 S 75 SJmbh Fork lQ OS 1 35 8 Qt Payson 10 12 15 S 60 Santnquin 10 50 24 1 S 75 MonnM 1126 340 435 N ephi 11 50 oJ 2 4 75 Chicken Crook 12 30 5 3 5 50 = = 501i50 lfORTH I rt r ro i I Nemooh Statboe i f f I II II I in 15DAVX p m a m S Co Chicken Crrek 1 00 7 50 NephL 1 40 9 00 76 Mona 2 04 940 116 Sanaquin 2 40 lO 50 1 76 Payson l 55 1115 V 2 00 Spsnilh Fork 3 19 11 55 2 60 ringville 3 84 12 20 2 if Frovo 3401245 8CC Pleasant GrOvo4 22 1 40 3 55 American Fork J 84 1 55 3 70 Lhj 446 210 385 Draper 56 320 450 An3 vSsndy S 40 4 65 Leave Sandy 5 40 4 45 Junction 5 45 4 55 4 75 Lovendahh 5 55 5 10 1 00 Germanic 6 02 5 20 5 00 Morgan 6 07 5 SO 5 00 Lfi AT Salt LAke 6 25 6 00 o 50 ffosland 2 will be run dally Nca 8 and 4 will be run dIi Sundays Sun-days excepted For all LuformaU r concerning ZiifcL or Pascf e apply to JAMES SHAEP Gen Freight and Ticket Aca JOHN SHARP SHAPSllpe1 Superintoadeat illiEi18ll 11 NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY Great Trunk Line from the Wast to Chicago and tho East It ia tho cldsit ihoTtest most direct con vtnient cotnfortahlo and in over respect the best line yen cnn tao It li thO greatest and grandest hallway crgarUtiioa in tho United State It orns or controls over 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PULLJIAK HOTEL OARS arc run alone by It through between COUflCJL ELUPFS l CHICACO Ko ether toad runs Pollzian Hotel Can or any oher form ot Uctol Cars tbrcugh between be-tween the Uu outl River and Chicago PASSENGERS GOING EAST should ten in mind that this ii tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Passengers by this route have choice of FIVE Different Routes and the advantage ad-vantage of Eight Daily Lines Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to PHILADELPHIA HEW YORK And All Points East Insist thtt Cbs Ticket Agent fells you Hokflt by the North Westarn Road Exam ine year TikeU and refsso to buy tithes do not reid ovor this road All Again sell them and Cheek uraal Bz gis0 free by this Lies iHROOQfl TICKETS via this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Union Pacific wd ell Western Railroads i Saw Tork QSiM No 415 Broadway Bos ton Office No 5 State Street Omaha Offices i 313 Fourteenth Street ana U P Depot Has Francisco Offica 2 Jew iloatzonery Street Council BloCi Offices at U P Tranfer Depot end 0 ± N W Depot Chicago Ticket Office = 62 Clsri Street under Sherman Sher-man demo 7a Canal corner or Madison Street Kirzio Strset Depot earner West Kiniie lid Canal Streets Wells Street Deoot cora or Wells and Kind Streets For rto or information not atteinsbla om your hose ticket cheats apply toW to-W U STESIETT Gaal Pass Ajt Chicago tliKTET UuGniTT iIP OenI Macsr Chicago If t Utah Cetral Rairua t PIONEER LINE OF UTA1f On and after November V ntU 4 1878 tisme of Stattua I Z4VZT I V tRAiR5 LEAVE a mJ in h Salt J3kg 700Ioo ilWood1 Cross 7 254 al MOo S CentrevJ1lo 7 S3 4 16 I FIrminliton 750 1 8 1 Kaysvi 8 12 4 si 1 3t AB1UT1t A1 Ogden 11 001 I 5 4012 Namsof5tatj d i o Z Z iZAIi8 LEA n s m p m e Qadel 940 82O M Kaysvillo 10 81 7 10 1 Ot FarminJtton 10 5 7 31 1 8 Oen trev 11 04 7 4 1 8 IDWooda Orooe 11 IS 7 as 1 7f tRIUn AT Salt L e 11 40 5 20 2 U Passing Places MIXED TRAI WILL RUM DAILY Sundays excepted > Lt vinK Bait Lake City at 840 an arriving In Ogden at 1150 am leaving Bait Lake at 605 pm arriving Ogden at 8J20 pm leaving Ogden at a 50 am arriving in Salt Lake City at 10 am leaving Ogden at 330 Pm arriving in Salt Lake City at 615 pm p1J For at mf mation cencwninc Preigh o H 4ppiy toM V to-M > p t tTktAgon JOIn k wintendent UTAH WESTERN wm f Orer ted by Tnmeas for zoadloldrJ On and fw MONDAY OCT 13lh 1879 sd actil farther notico IRE UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY tralr will run daily Sundayi eicastxl or t o Ions Leave Salt Lake Cib at 700 am Leavo BiibtOD at 720 am lirijo Chambers at 800 urn Arrive it Lake Point at 8 3D am Leave Lafeopoint at S JO am Leave halfway House at 9 U SK Leave Tooolo City at 9V ac AniTo at Tarminas at 1031 xro Leave Terminus ct IS 10 pE Leave Toeclo City it U45 pm Leave fislfwa Hocso at 115 rn Leave 1 aiepoiat at 1 43 pm Leave Cbrraboi at 210 pm lavs Brighton at 2W pm Arrive ct Salt Lake City at 310 pa No Freight received after 4 p m Fare to Lake Point and return nice dir Sl5c Children urderTcn 65c W W BITER Manager UTAH UUIIMlLim RAllW On and after Nov 30 1S Northward Station Southward 6 30 PM Ogden 8 55ASt 8 00 II Brigham 7 40 It 9 40 Summit 6 15 to 10 55 I Logan 5 25 12 10AM Franklin 3 55 7 30 Blackfoot 9 00 P3I 1 0PooBeaverCaiion 2 55 FAS8KKGXB TARIFF Distances and Pares from Ogden llarrinille 6125 Soithfieldi 87 1336 WlUllrd Itl 70 franklin 78 < 400 Driaham 22110 Battle Creek 90 4M Cal1alort30 15I swan Creek 9014110 H0110yvillIJ3 166 lOncida 125 750 JawevuiIel3S1t PortNcnf il7 loSe Collln ton 43715 Roitorlrir JIB SunmltM i 1S 2 40 Blackfoot MW 1358 Menden 53 26ii I KeoKockiu6 1600 Logan 153 30 Camat1245 1975 Hyde Park ta 32 teavelCauon A Freight Train coicsKorttleiTci Ojden daily hondas > eieeptcuat92iain Franklin Frank-lin every Monday W ednesday and Friday at 7SO am BIsekfoor overr luesdayThur t day and Saturday at 6 id am Going South Train leaves Beaver Canon every Roads Wednesday and Friday at 850 am Blackfoot Black-foot every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday it 750 a m Franklin daily Sucdayi excepted ex-cepted at 910 a m arriving at Ogden at 5 SS pm pmGEO W THATOHEB Burnt TOllGATE Hn 0BeantlftiI ryinuaious Colored Ti Rctat l ua 1u1 Send atam p for package DrEC lDEETB Ii JLh Hemtdr rr the POl I prs rare Seminal Emissions and flu ocean tr ii BM s r m Dm1 Applicuo u Uu Briadr rs t of iS Bim rV = = BM hlwItIo U altod with fto v ia er Umartkan ud IMI bUtftn wttb ti t purrcij ef jtt nb mod rf tmaiv 4 r1tM tt Ia 7 ee4 It w a prseoiaeri jvnK ThU It COeIthI eSOe Pt4 pth1j st that it 1i tin pft cew I i Cy tt4Xd mfUiVnt U tk > mt te eW eSt n tar aad nriaz tai Ttrr prml at tnttU a = 4e 1 HARRIS REMEDY CO i CHEMISTS thinrtet and Mb trtJI 51 Iorl fIJ i V M V Nr TO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WILt SI BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE i i I in 1n c I I i l cz J 1f pn srv 3 FicR bk y t j r e4 4 jV 14 4 i sI 41 C4 Iateaainv a n r A41 a VScl C a r 4 unana Cf etan CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND PACIFIC R R V TilE GREAT COSXECmG LINK BETWEEN THE EAST AJD THE TTE S iiiijnainltao 0rohu rBntfroia Chicago to Cornel BiiCs I SMOKlhO SALOON where yen con enjoY pasatne LOrougli JosIet oaawa La iiayaria atnilbours of the TejOf Gcnegeo Jtfoine Rode Island V c o Liberty lenin City Massage Davenport Brooklyn I and 1iafSBceaf Missouri rivers Iron Eridaes at all span the His Ira1 points crossed bv rneII and DosMotnes the capital of low line and transiera esesfital i are avoided at Councu wits branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria Le4venworth and A lIon Junction to Mcscatlne Washington Fair madg In Union depots Atchison connections i Trenton iV I S Eicon Gallatin lieliuap Cameron Centrerllle Lcarernronh Prtncetoc ant moo TI1E GitIriT PlUNCIlAL T1IKOLGI1 R H JOfE cONNECTIOr K AS hlson Washiaeton to Sljronrner Ostaloosa LOWS ar I Knoxrllle Keokuk to Kinalnrton Bona CHICAGO with all diverging lines forthx ple Itontonsport ladependent Eldon Ottui tf tl8 and South 1Ii1t J ty Eddyville kalooma PclIa Monroe and De 1U21t EaL3TvoonTrlth oon with i 1 ines Des Moines to Indbnola and Wlnteraet the Lake Shoret mietoAulubonand Avoca to Uarlan This Ultd3 gan Southern and ritt burBFr Wayne 4 CAt 4 fltlrelrthc only llailroad which owns con c-At nivGTOnEinTSwithPittabnr ir Is i and tbrocch line operates a between Chicago H Kansas cinnati fct LOJIS It 1C This Company am and control their Sleeping At LA S trjg with Illinois Central RR f my tei llepino AtProiHA with P P J PLI 1 whcb are Inferior to none acid giveyou a W Ill U Ee7 N Inferor I Midland and T P W Railroads J frable berth between Chicago and Council Blulj At Kctu ISLAND with Wett k ro UnlonK IeaTenworth or Atchison for Two Dollars and Rock Island UW1 Peoria fty Cents and a section for Five Dollars while 1i dll1 RaHroad Cent At DA Fe 4 se0n DU3 DAVENPOET with the Javeaport H other VIP lt lines gut the same points Western It RAt wth th lvpr iiree Dollars I fort M J double terth and Six Dollars V At WEST i r a section dT LIBEWTT with tt Burlington Rapids a Northern R R t What will please ru next will be Use pleasure a 5ow i PJenso mM te AtURIXVZLL with Central It 55 of f fl en ojlns your meals while casstajr over the At Dss 1IOIN ES with U M Sc Ft DoJlfC ii V J35 DE anuf nl prairies of Illinois and 1OISE wit M F D JIIC IUou nd Io In one of At Cornell BrCTip r th Colon Pacui I V ur magnificent Ulnlnz and Restaurant Cars that At OMAn with if a MO Ion It K in NAt all Through Express Trains You Bet coMpiurs accompany j wthBurhtng1o n entire meal aa good as is served la any Brat I Rapid A Northern cNcyios It 1L wIB class hotel for seTontynTB cents or you caa n OTTCMWA with tentealB B onlcr what YOU like and pay for what yon get Louis kanCitriNorthern1ndtiB o Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people At KzoSDXwitiTolrtoPe rtaniid Ws = 9joritioi pie prefer separate apartments for different purr Wapasi am k Ok WRl pur-r VVceS and the enormous passenger = At BZ5ULi wftn Na this line warrantimr it we ere pleased to an5 At QKIi EOcnco that this Company rnOS itS PALACE Fttl t Nab nod tyStasi SLEEPING CABS for Sleeping ccrposes and its Rlt fs PAC D1N1NO CAStS for Eatmg pm At L wjy p P ood I C Oae other great feature of our Falaca Cars s si I I 9J J t 5TC1iIaor PtLACR and C1fl15 LEAVENWOIi are run b 115 toPIOSU5RS MOINES C1C n Tielceta via thi LIne mown as t Oredf lihek Tsthid floatefi CIS 6d b o TIcket igenth I the Unit 8t1 C Xlnd n For Informaflon Dot ob iraei loUOD obt 6 J A O A A o A 1 C |