Show 5 18800 y I > THE PEOPLES PAPER I THE IfERALIL SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD The HERALD enters upon the new year with better hopes and brighter prospects than it ever before enjoyed The remarkable success of the paper in i the past as manifested by its large and steadily growing subscription list its increasing adveiteing patronage patron-age and the expressions of goodwill = towards the journal which greet us from all quarters convinces the publishers pub-lishers that they ere doing what they set out to donamely luruisb o newspaper that the people would like and therefore support The HERALD as in the past will be the peoples paper Independent in a political sense it will always be found on the side of the people outspoken on questions afiectingthe rights the masses battling for local selfgovern meat and the largest liberty to individuals indi-viduals consistent witn public good laboring for a pure honest and economic eco-nomic administration of government treating public matters dispassionately dispassion-ately and employing language calculated calcu-lated to enlighten the reason of men rather than influence their passions and working for peace and the development de-velopment of the resources of the territory ter-ritory instead of trying to create strife and retard progress With our increased in-creased facilities for gathering news both by telegraph and mail the employment em-ployment of a larger number of correspondents cor-respondents in different sections of the country and the better arrangement arrange-ment of nil the many details of the establishment we confidently promise to make the SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD a better paper than ever r SALT LAKE SEMIWEEKLY HERALD This valuable and popular edition of the HKRALD will continue to make its appearance twice a week during the year and the same degree of progress and improvement that marks the Daily will be seen in its columns No better newspaper can ba found in the west for those people who aro not blessed with daily mail facilities than the SEMIWEEKLY HERALD It contains con-tains all the news domestic and foreign for-eign in a condensed and readable form The design has been to make it combine the distinguishing distinguish-ing characteristics of a commercial commer-cial and home journal and we believe that this has been successfully success-fully carried out The SEMIWEEKLY has certainly met with unexpectedly high favor at the hands of the people It is proposed to make it even more popular than in the past by reducing the price to 350 per annum making mak-ing it the cheapestsemiweekly paper in tho west The reduction in price does not imply a lessening of the quantity of matter published Its columns will continue full of news and choice literrnre T SALT LAKE WEEKLY HERALD I About the 1st of March we will begin the publication of a Weekly Edition of the HERALD The demand for such a paper has been very pressing during he past two or tbree years The aim of the publishers will be to furnish a paper for those people who live ofl the main lines of travel and who are not accommodated with mail service ser-vice oftener than once a week to provide a newspaper for those who have only one day a week of leisure to devote to the pleasant and profitable profita-ble employment of reading to supply a suitable editiou of the HERALD for sending abroad a paper that shall faithfully and honestly represent this great and growing territory with its tqany and important industries and its thrifty enterprising people to make a paper for the home circle and family fireside one that shaH contain the news and at the same time combine com-bine the essential elements of a literary liter-ary educational and industrial journal jour-nal In fact our aim will be to make the WEEKLY HERALD a welcome visitor to the homo where it will be found a constant fund of instruction entertainment and profit to all members of the family Besides the leading characteristics of the Daily the Weekly will contain matter specially for the agriculturist the gardener the etockraiaer the mechanic the kitchen and the household house-hold generally and an important feature of its columns will be the wellchosen entertaining and moral literature also reports of the Tabernacle I Taber-nacle discourses Nothing will bo admitted ad-mitted to its columns that has not firet been carefully prepared and revised re-vised The price will be only 2 a year a figure unprecedentedly low for a far west newspaper We confidently confi-dently predict for the WEEKLY HERALD one of the greatest successes and the efforts of the publishers shall be to make the paper merit the popularity popu-larity that it cannot fail to attain RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Postage Paid Salt Lake Daily Herald One Year 1050 Six Months 525 Three Months 265 Sail Laie SemiWeeklY Herald One Year 350 Six Months 175 S Salt Laie feefcly Herald One Year 200 Sir Months 125 end Money in Registered Letter or Posioffict Order Address THE HERALD Salt Lake City Utah |