Show Notice The following gentlemen are authorized author-ized to canvass for the SALT LAKE DAILY SEMI WEEKLY and WEEKLY HERALD also to rec ive payment and receipt for the same i John HortonRockport and fomship L T Shepherdhear Lake County O F Lyons Summit County E E CowdollBcavor County Thomas Crawloy Juab County W L Watkins Brigham City Walter Walkerarmingthn J R ClarkGrrntavill John Pymm St George R W lluiyboceCedar City PH Wright M Coalville U P Millerltichficld Edw Reid Paysqn Win Probert Scipio William Burbeck Provo George Scott Manti John Woodhousc Lehi La = I LUMBER SHINCLES LATH Y FLOORINC RUSTIC SIDINC PICKETS ETC CHEAP AT Salt LATIMER TAYLOR IJt COS a r aU IT IS TRULY WONDERFUL tier one To see what improvements now exist eon KB compared with railway travel only line oin a few years ago To become convinced race of this one has only to select for his OBJ all rout9 Eastlho popular and wellknown tlof CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY it You are landed by the Union Pacific = = 0 Railroad in the Union Depot at Council nil Coun-cil Bluffs where stands the C N HI LI W Palace Train composed of Pullman Pull-man Hotel Cars Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Day Ccuchee Smoking Baggage Postal Carp 3 etc ready to convey ita passengers D passen-gers through Iowa and Illinois and into Chicago Gliding smoothly along clV over the superb track of steel rail Jill through thriving cities and village comfortably seated in this train one = scarcely discovers the high rate of speed which he is riding Trains of 1 this road are always on time connections J con-nections sure and passengers seeking seek-ing pleasure comfort safety and eaE3 in traveling will find tho c NorthWestern in excess of their nictations and the greatest of all rcutcs to Chicago and the East Insist In-sist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this Road all Agents sell them Examine your Tickets and tefuse to buy if they do not read over this Road If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations you will buy your Tickets by this Routo COT AND WILL TAKE NO OTHER j29 I HOMEMADE SENTIMENTAL 11 AND IMPORTED COMICVAL i ENTINES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT SAVAGES ART BAZAR AND AT ALL LIVE COOP AND FANCY COODS g STORES j29 i What an Englishman Thinks of z the American People He says they hurry they eat quick they gulp they belch they I have stomach ache headache liver troubles and bowel complaint they fret nnd they Ecsld they get cross at nothing and without cause they look salow and holloweyed they look hungry and cant eat they spit up food they hive wakeiul nights They die early because they disregard the true principles to correct These troubles and many others all i grow out and from a torpid liver and called dyspepsia or indigestion They can be cured and have been cured and in every case with a guaranty that they will be cured by the use of Dr Minties English Dandelion Pills Sold by all druggists Price 50s per bottle 4 1 HealTh strength and vigor of the c I Kidneys and Bladder always follow I I the use of the great Buchu compound Dr Mintiea Nephreticum Brighfa Disease Diabetes Inflammation SB I Smarting or Private Diseases are quickly cured by it For Leucorrhco it has no equal Dont be persuaded to take any other preparation Everyone Every-one who has tried it recommends it For sale by all druggists SIB ASTLEY CoOPERS VITAL Rssro 11 BATIVE The great English remedy has made moro cures of Nervous Debility 3 De-bility Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood J Man-hood nocturnal emission lassitude I i despondency and inability for mental x labor despondency and such diseases o as are induced by youthful follies and rt t excesses than all other medicines it combined It is not stimulant nor excitant is perfectly safe to take is h not a quack nostrum and produces Ii results that are wonderful Price S per bottle Four times the quantity 10 It will not disappoint i you Try a bottle fc i j II 2o b9 haJ at S LrML drug department Messrs Moore Allen Co dDt Mintier6C8f 11 Kear nev sili f aa 1 FlAnoisoo d8 a L Skating Rink Now is the time for good skatihg Splendid ice and the best rink ever seen in Utah Sixth Ward fe4 PITTS BaosCo MEERSOHAUM COODS FOR PRESENTS AT ED HARRIS all A RICH LINE OF ScARF RIXGS just opened at JOSLIN k PARKS d4 ELEGANT NEW LACES in TOR CHOU3 Langnedoc Brabant and Venice new Cachemeres and Saline Fringes and Ties just received fel F AUERBACH BRO I CHEAP Another of thoie fine Victor Sewing Machines for sale Apply al this office jylO Wanted BtDttSEHOLD AND STORE GOOjlS FOB CASH Beforeyoa sell your outfit consult John Crane west of Theatre He pays the highest price for everything o4 To APPRECIATE fine workmanship see the fine stock of SILVER FILIGREE JEWELRY just opened at d21 JoaLiN PARKS D CANES AHD NOTIONS AT LITTLE LIT-TLE CHURCH ROUND THE CORNER dll NOTICE THE different kinds of Homemade Home-made Yarns that John 0 Cutler Agent has for sale Blue Clouded Brown and 3 ply Red Clouded Grey 2 and 3 ply Plain Blue Red 2 and 3 ply Pink 2 ply White 2 and 3 ply j29 Judges of Election The undersigned will be at his office in the City Hall on Friday evening February 6th from 630 to 8 oclock for the purpose of administering admin-istering the oath of office to sucn of the persona appointed to act as Judges of Election at the City Election on Monday next who have not already qualified or who cannot conveniently attend during the day feo JOHN T CAIKE Recorder e SASH DOORS AND BLINDS MOULDUCS BRACKETS ARD ALL SIZES OF WINDOW CLASS AT BOTTOM FICURESt LAT IMER TAYLOR CO > 18 Bullion Receipt of bullion on Wednesday By McCornick Co Two car loads of Old Telegraph bullion one car Morgan four care Germani refined re-fined lead four bars Germania fine I silver Value 15050 By Pacific Express Company Four barB of bullion from the Ontario Mill Value 379384 Totil value of shipmenti as far as reprted 1884384 JOB PRINTING neatly cheaply and quickly done at this office New Furniture We open this date the first of four car lQads of FURNITURE and House Goods This arrival makes our stock complete and we invite your attention to prices d6 BlRRATi BEOS I SILVER THREADS AMONG TaE GOLD is the exquisite Silver Filigree Jewelry just opened at d21 JCSLIN PARKS MR E 0 THOMPSON the leading lead-ing Merchant Tailor of Philadelphia will arrive in our city on February I 5th fully prepared to receive orders I for superior Custom CLOTHING His line of samples and pattern garments gar-ments will surpass anything ever offered here before nnd hia facilities and capabilities cannot be equalled He fill have rooms at the Walker House fe4 Petit Jurors The examination of the jurors drawn for this term was made and the following excused 173 James E Bromley deputy sheriff 163 James T Smithschool teacher 200 Thomas Yatesconstable 194 Joseph Hewlettnot a citizen 101 lioburt Wilsonnot a citizen 107 John A Hughes not a resident of this district 117James B Goodfellow excused temporarily Jurors not Present 197Patrick H Lannan SamuelS S Walker 89Robert Moore 155 Wm 0 Johnson IBS Elihu Warren 119 Lloyd B Elevens The marshal was instructed to serve summons on such of the above as had not been served and notice was also given that those failing to appear would be held in i contempt Copartnership Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned un-dersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm name of MEsDAMES BUTTON BOYAK and will continue tho Millinery Business at the old stand of Madame Button I Co 128 Main street streetAMELIA AMELIA BUTTON AUGUSTA BOYAN Salt Lko City Feb 2 I860 fe3 GENUINE BARGAINSWe have an overstock of Cloaks Dolmans Felt Skirts Dress Goods Flannels Waterproofs and a large variety of Winter Goods which we are offering regardless of cost and the recent advances ad-vances in this class of goods jlo COHN BEOS Quick York Mr Sharp yesterday presented in the House from the committee on railroads the bill empowering railroads rail-roads to deed and mortgage their rights franchises eto which was vetoed on Tuesday ActingGovernor Thomas The bill as now presented is an exact copy of that vetoed by the ActingGovernor exc pt in regard to the seventh section which was stricken out in compliance with the suggestions of the Governor The bill was pushed thrQugh the House and passed and Eent to the Council and in a short time was returned to the House having passed the Council with a very slight amendment which was at once concurred in by the House The bill is now certain of receiving the Governors approval Select Oysters 65 Cents At SMITHS two doors east of Godbes corner Solo Agent for Booths Select Oysters The only house that receives Oysters fresh every day j25 PIPES CIGARS AND TOBACCOS TOBAC-COS AT ED HARRIS LITTLE CHURCH ROUND THE CORNEt COR-NEt dH Departed A private telegram received from Coalville yesterday announced the death at that place at midnight Tuesday Tues-day of Joieph M Cain son of the late Joseph Cain of this city Deceased had been sick for some time with typhoid fever and for several days it was feared he would not recover The HEBALD extends its sympathy to his motter sister and other relatives In their sad bereavement bereave-ment RARE BARGAINS IN HOSIERY COHN Baos are clearing out their immense stock of Woolen and Cotton I Hosiery regardless of cost jlo CARPETS WALL PAPER Lace Curtains Window Shades Cornices and a full line of Upholstery Trimmings Trim-mings Wire Cloth at H Dinwoodopa Furniture Store 118 Greenigs Private Boarding House Second House East ot City Hall neatly furnished and fitted up TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE VERY BEST A Home to its Patrons Pat-rons Terms moderate DANIEL GEEENIQ Prop 3U Lake City n26 WE HAVE just received a large stock of Embroideries the handsomest assortment ever seen here purchased by our junior at St Gall Switzerland We are prepared to offer great bargains bar-gains in this line COHN BEOS j29 2 WATER PIE LAID t order by HEESCH ELLERBEOK Old Constitution Building al NOTICE milE ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 the Stockholders of the Utah Southern South-ern Railroad Cumpany for the Election of Ofcer for the ensuing year will beheld be-held at the office of the Deseret National Bank Salt Lake City U T February 211830 at 1 oclock atn ja29 H yOUNG Secretary t < I F AUERBACH t A BROS SPEOIAL CLOSING OUT SALE s1 OF WINTER GOODS 1 i i t I Black 175 and 1200 Colored Silks and Satins at 70e 90c 100 125 150 Black Cashmeres at 40o 5c flOe 70C SOc 90c 100 Colored Cashmeres at 55c 70c 90o Double Wide Lustres and other Dress Goods 20c SOc 40c 50c 70c 85c Silk Striped and Plaid Dress Goods 25o 30c lOc SOc t Mohair and Armuro Dress Goods Six Yards for 1 0 Denblo Wide Heavy Matelasse and Drap Date at 150 worth 250 Double Wide Heavy Beaver Cloth at 1 75 250 3 00 Double 140 Wide Repellant and Ladies Cloth 85c 90 300 100 120 Heavy 150 all wool Casaimerea for Men and Boys wear 115 125 J e White and Colored Flannels Jeans and Satinettee 15c 25c 30c > 8c 40c Soc doe 700 SOc 2c 30 Knit Opera Shawls 75c 125 175 225 375 Ladies Corsets 40o 60o 75o 1 0 150 2 00 3 0 500 t Ltdiea and Childrens Hose 10cf 15c 20 25c to 84 50par pair Our Own Seamless Kid Glove warranted equal to Harris or any other make three buttons 175 four buttons 200 Beat Value in Kid Gloves in the City Ladies Goods Fur for Seta the Money 250 in 350 the o 0 10 00 1500 2000 Beat if Ladies and Childrens Cloaks Dolmans and Circulars 300 100 0 600 700 to 2500 10 p Turkey Red Table Cloths 75ot 8 SI 00 120 Bleached Damask Table Cotbb COo 75c 100 140 Towels from lOc t 75o Ribbons Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Lace and Silk Ties Fringes Berlin Embroideries in Silk Worsted Marvels of Art Veilingg Tidies Etc at Lowest Prices in the City Veinge I 0 4 GENTS AND BOYS CLOTHING Hats and Furnishing Goods Of every kind At Prices to Close Out Goods Every Article 01 Winter 1 The Best Unlaundried WHITE SHIRTS of 2200 Linen Bosoms and Wamsutta Muslin ever offered at retail at 100 Better value than the last Fifty Dozcn we closed in s short a time Samples sent free of postage Tae lack of room and the poor light In our store compel us fo offer the great overstock we purchased before the lato rise in Merchandise at any cost and purchasers botn Wholesale and Retail who are desirous de-sirous to secure the most Goods for the least money will do well to call and price our Goods before purchasing purchas-ing elsewhere We show Goods with pleasure WHOLESALE BUYERS Will be treated as such in Competition with any Market East or West 4 0 JEOrders Promptly filled and Honorable Treatment Warranteda 0 ESTABLISHED 1SG4 F AUERBACH BRO Walker Bros GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Ladies Cloaks reduced from 350 to 250 C 400 to 300 k C CC 500 to 375 CC q CC 1000 to 800 CC I 2000 to 1000 C t C 1500 to 1200 t C 1800 to 1500 0 WE OFFER ONE HUNDRED MISSESJ CLOAKS AND so COTOE ooiims AT REDUCED PRICES 0 KNIT GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES Ladies Sleeveless Jackets from 100 to 1075 5 125 to 100 cc cc 150 to 125 CC CC 175 to 500 A other Knitted Goods reduced in proportion 4 t IMMENSE REDUCTIONS IN SHAWLS AND FELT SKIRTS 100 Boys Overcoats cHA OHEA 0 FURS i FURS AT ACTUAL COST WE ARE OFFERING POSITIVE BARCAiNS IN A CLASSES OF WINTER GOODS WALKER BROTHERS i |