Show I I If r = B ADqUARTJIRS FOR DIArdONDS9 W ATDHES 1JEWELRY9 1 AND SIL J VERW RE j Q8LINPARK I 150 East Temple Street < j 1 SALT LAKE OITYi r lOOt iI i I AU Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention r JOHN HAGMAN I i I a I a I rALLOR Four Door West of White 7lou8e I MEW ARfieVAL OF SPRING fi1iJ SUMMER COODSr Give Htm a Call nriMr I r USEUMe wrU TK rUG TAlURffAgfcE OA5 K 1 ALP LAKE CITY JOSEPH L BABFOOT PO Bur Mi Cnrato I 3IE3O R A A LOWE SALT LAKE CITY AND OCDEN General Agent for the Celebrated FREIGHT AND SPRING WAGONS SCHUTTLER FARM I And Dealer in AU 7cinds of the Latest Improved Farm Machinery Reapers and Mowers Harvesters Plows Harrows Cultivators Threshers and ALL Articles in that Line AGENT FOR AMES STEAM ENGINES COOPER SAW MILLS LANE SAW MILL LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS KNOWLE3 STEAM PUMPS SHINGLE AND LATH MILLS Correspondence Solicited Inquiries Answered Promptly Address or call on GEO LOWE Ogden and Salt Lake City A COMPLETE STOCK OF t = ilL I r M AND Ii 1f < aiJtetrs b1Uppll SAT 4 ATC AT-C U L bL E R J S f AT THE LOWEST PRICES TO HEADS OF FAMILIES We would call your attention to our Homemade Home-made Boots and Shoes which we will sell and give Better Value for the Money than any Imported Im-ported Goods sold I ZEsTO 70 MAIN STREET I SOLOMON BROTHERS COlD SAVE MONEY AND CUT DOWN YOUR SHOE BILLS > Jbk f ft CENTAU Ek llMIMEJlf always Cures and itoVei uiEaD I points Tho woIds groat pn i Reliever for Man and Bcasc Cheap quick and reliable 1 4 a J I PITCHERS CASTORL is not Narcotic Children grow fat upon Mothers like and Physicians recommend CASTORIA It regulates tho Bowels cures Wind Colic allays Feverishness and destroys de-stroys Worms SALTLAKE CITY BREWERY MANTJFAOTUBEBB OP Lager Bee Our extensive premises are now complete com-plete for the manufacture of Lager Beer With the best facilities fur making and storing our stock we are prepared to supply BOTTLED OR KEG BEER That cannot be excelled if equaled SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SEYSER MOBIT7 I GAB RYS Patent Iron Roofing I JOE BUILDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Cheapest and most Practical Roofing Roof-ing Manufactured The only Iron Roofing taking the PriZt at the Centennial Suitable for all Classes and Styles 01 Roofs Contraction and expansion pro Tided for by Anchored Seams and Capped Joints No Nails or Screw put through the Iron I 4DDBEB3 ELIAS MORRIS Sox 1065 SALT LAKE CITY ap25 RECLIPT BOOKS FOR SALE AT HEKALn OFFICE e2 t I 1j 1I 1 j OUTSALE AT THE BAGLEEMPORIU M l 1 PREPARATORY TO STOCK TAKING JULY 15 1881 < Sb the next Thirty Days the EAGLE EMPORIUM will be the Place to Secure Good Bargains in all its Departments as we must clear up and close out our Stock of 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE I By the above time COME ONE AND ALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES I 4c J < wrM JENNINGS SONS 5 SALT LAKE OITTT UTAH GRAND OPENING OF lY1ILLI > i Ns ER Y 7 Ladies are respectfully invited to display inspect of our well selected and handsome 4 1 BONNETS HATS CAPULHTS ETC ETC j t In the very latest style and all the newest shades I r MESDAMES BUTTON BOYAN 128 Main Street j Orders are promptly attended to j P 0 Box 777 Salt Lace City SALT LAKE CITY BEER HALL No 87 and Si BAM r TEMPLE STREET SALT LAKE BRIWERY BSSR BY THE GLASS IMIEASTJKE OIR TTJlsr A Compete Stock of WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands FINE HOT AND COLD LUNCH Orders taken for Salt Lake City Brewery Beer by Telephone or at the Hall jet TUFTS NYSTROM ij MASSIVE LI1lE OF SPRING D AR M E R jJMMER r t 7Cr5 t at5 VtICn Dress Goods ess H 0 S i e r J MILLINERY GLOVES r i NOTIONS 4 NOTIONS 1 AND ALYD Corsets Underwear t ANDS AND-S II 0 E S AT I j J D F ARm E R 9 SEW S-EW ONES PRICE STORE 0 f ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES FROM WHICH THERE IS NO DEVIASION m3 J = = = = j j 3Lh tPa ool3 w I i CT C JI JJPHOLSTSRYHDlJvTWOODBYSFIJRM TUHBfe 1i i 1 i JJ JJI i FURNITURE Window Cornices Window hades Carpets Wall Paper Lace Curtains Lambrequins FE AT H ERS9 MATTRESSES Upholstery and Drapery Material With Trimmings fo match REFRIGERATORS BABY CARRIAGES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HENRY DIN WO Y3D1CS 3 g m3G 1238 to 1244 Firat South Street J Salt Lake Oity |