Show TELEGRAPHIC i TO Vi BIERS Comptroller Knox Addresses Yon Washington 25Tbe fallowing circular cir-cular was today forwarded by Comptroller Comp-troller of the Currency Knox to cashiers of national banks I am desirous of obtaining ob-taining as accurate an estimate as possible pos-sible of the respective proportions of business done through national banks by the use of actual money and by the use ot checks drafts and certificates and in order to do so i have to request that you will keep an accurate account of the receipts re-ceipts and payments of your bank on the fourth day of June 1 and the first day of October 81 aod report the same to this office immediately after the dates named AB it will probably be impossible impos-sible for you to give the information asked for after the dnlxja named shall have passed unless you shall at the same time be careful to note down the amounts of the items indicated it is particularly requested re-quested that you will take suitable precaution pre-caution to guard against overlooking the matter If there be any kinds of receipts or payments other than those mentioned on the accompanying form I will take it as a favor if you will designate their character and insert their amount in your report The circular accompanied bv a blank form which under the head of receipts calls for the amount of gold coin silver coin currency viz legal tender notes national bank notes and silver certificate and the whole number of checks drafts etc received and credited bond under the head of payments calls for checks drafts and certificates of deposit on respective banks paid io coin and currency cur-rency the number checks drafts and certificates of deposit and othar banks and bankers paid in coin and in currency cur-rency the checks und drafts on the respective banks credited to depositors and the checks and drafts drawn by the respective banks on other banks and bankers |