Show isM f f M i t i t Ii 1 ft ftit I t n y 1 1 r if at HOMES HOMES i moot rt FOB SALE BY t r > J o K CILLESPIE I IV oticeN w properties every day I have houses and lots in all it Ii a J pert of the city for sale Money t i h to Loan on Mortgages Houses rented and rents collected I l aAA ADOBE a HOUSE OF FOUR i16QO rooms > hall poch etc lot 4x10 fldJ of ground with good variety of fruit 1 i trw half block from car line Eleventh Ward I 51 e I n RUSTIC HOUSE OF FIVE E160 rooms stable and other outhouses I lot SslO rods of ground east front good I frails and water on car line and good locality l T nth ward ° 7 q A SPECULATION I AN ADOBE 3500 house of flee rooms good cellar t f I ud s fuN corner lot having a trontige of 495 f4 of ground with large growing shade f trees and about 160 of the choicest kinds of ° nit trees nil bearing good fruit tats lot can J fee subdivided into seven choice building lota juicftted on the corner of Seventh East and I r Third South streets one block from car line 57 40Aft LARGE TWO STORY ADOBE 4200 house of eight rooms modern style with bow window douba porches etc a nice largo lot in good cultivation lacing south and west and affords a grand Yiiir of the city water plenty and close to luslneig at the head of Main street 55 I Q A A A COZY BUILDING LOT 3x6 RODS OUU Of ijroundm the Jeanlng bock 1 Keith Temple street 61 i J j FOR RENT A firstclass Furnished House of r I I nvnc rooms complete together with but r i tcnes closets good cellar bathroom i If hydrant water etc large lot in lawn j and beautifully shaded on car line f J r i close to business Call at my office for A tI particulars f Brick house of four rooms summer kitchen end cellar First South street x < 16 Qfnce Next id Walker House I TUL1N STREET t i J CITY DRUG STORE N i II G 1 4 I y 1 Z C SUITS CO e I is r jl PROP IETORS I n j f 4 f i Corner Main and Second South t I 1 OLD ELEPHANT CORNER t r t a x Ir i L Pi SCRIPTIDN PUfiHUT t f 4 7 I Pure Drugs y j I 1 1 Patent Medicines R t Toilet Articles i I r j And Everything found In a q FBSTCLASSJJRUB STORE 7t 1 11 l PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED i i tAll flours of the Day or Night It by Competent Pharmacists t I WHOLESALE ORDERS l i i paced as low as any Drug House in the e t I Territory i a a2S i Wr 1 1 1 HEQWAiniiS i 1 f FOR t ti h DIAMONDS k W ATCHESa JEWELRY > n AND r t SILVERWARE t R Pi b j9LIN 1 PAR K Ya 150 East Temple Street SAL LAKE OTY i oar it 1 fU Orders by Mail will Receive Prompt N4 I6 Attention FOR SALE H c l TWO NEW BOILERS s i One 50 and one 80 horsepower Workmanship Guaranteed and Prices Satisfactory I tt r a Apply to 1 HA1iNES SON T SOUTH TEMPLE ST s 1 Between Second Third West Sts i I BOILER MAKERS All Kinds of Boiler Work Done p CATARRH CURED health end rceet breath secured by Shilohs I w F atarrh Remedy Price 50c Nasal jedor free Sold by Z 0 M I I 1 ircg Stare M k a p i r t a II If > t if t 0 j1It 1 4 > ri Le d t y i t t < J > 1 t I I CL SING OUT = aLJ OF SUDS1YJtER CLOTHING ETC ETC ETC S ATM AT-M R H LIPMANS 155 It 157 MAIN ST Salt Lake City a21 S UTAH CENTRAL RAILWAY v per PIONEER LINE OF UTAH The Old Reliable Standard Guage Solid RoadBed FirstClass Equipments Equip-ments running between OGDEN SALT LAKE PROVO NEPHI JUAB MILFORD AND FRISCO ON AND AFTER AUGUST 8 1883 Four Express Trains leave Salt Lake for Ogden daily as follows Pacific Express at 540 a m Atlantic Express at 715 a m Park City Express 4 pm Special Express at 625 pm Arrive in Ogden at 7 a m 840 a m 530 p m and 755 p m Express Trains leave Ogden at 550 a m 850 a m 1030 am and 610 p m Arrive at Salt Lake at 710 am 1020 am 12 noon and 740 p m Express leaves Salt Lake daily at 8 am for Juab and intermediate stations connects with Sanpete Valley Railway for Sanpete Through Express leaves Salt Lake at 305 p m connecting with Salt Lake and Western Railway for Tintic and Stage Lines at Milford and Frisco for Southern Utah Nevada Ne-vada and Arizona A Freight Train leaves Salt Lake daily at 645 a m Sundays excepted > ex-cepted carrying passengers to Smelters at Cottonwood Express Train tram Juab and intermediate points arrives at Salt Lake at 6pm Through Express from Frisco and Milford arrives at Salt Lake at 912 a m JAS SHARP F COPE Asst Gen Supt Gen F d P Agt JOHN SHARP General Suot HENRV WACENER Salt Lake Oily Utah CALIFORNIA BREWERY Lager Boer Ale and Porter Wholesale and Retail Secoiu South Street Three doors east from Main Street NOTICE 10 CREDITORS eeo In the Probate Court of Juab County in Utah Territory In the matter of the Estate of Alexander Gardner deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the undersigned executors of the Estate of Alexander Gardner deceased to the creditors of and to all persons laving claims against said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publica tion of this notice to said Executors at the residence of Alexander G Pyper in the town of Nephi County of Juab Territory Ter-ritory Utah ALEXANDER G PYPER LORENZO WEBB Executors of the Estate of Alexander Gardner deceased Dated at Nephi Juab county Utah Territory August 4th 1883 E B GLUTS Successor GLUTS HASTINGS TRANSFER LINE HAVING PURCHASED THE ENtire EN-tire interest of Mr F B Jackson in the Transfer Business formerly conducted con-ducted by him and increased the same by additional Trucks and Drays we are now prepared to do a general Transfer business to and from all Depots Will also make a specialty of moving Pianos Organs and Household furniture By careful and strict attention to business we hope to merit nnblic patronage Office at 117 ESsin Street Orders by Telephone Promptly Attended At-tended to llDJrE BAtJTINGB Halt XnU City AllJrlal 1Ml JOHN TAYLOR B II SOHETTLER President Asst Cashier 21 O IS S S1VUGS I BAN K I AND TRUST COMPANY J No 53 EAS TEMPLE STREE I HERALD BUILDING Capital Stock 8200000 Paidup Capital 850000 Pays 5 per cent interest on Savings Deposits MONEY TO LOAN Dn approved Securities at Low RATRA ntintaraat 2Y5 AECA D E Restaurant e and Chon Hmrnl 0 S E THE BEST IN TOWN EVERYTHING IN SEASON PRICES MODERATE I 34 DDTSVOODEY Caterer What it Did for an Old Lady COSHOOTON STATION N Y December 281878 GENTSA number of people had been using your Bitters here and with marked effect In one case a lady of over 70 years had been sick for years and for the past ten years I has not been able to be around half the time About six months ago she got so feeble she was helpless Her old remedies or physicians being of no avail I sent to Deposit forfyfive miles away and got a bottle of Hop Bitters It improved her so she was able to dress herself and walk about the house When she had taken the second bottle she was able to take care of her own room and walk out to her neighbors neigh-bors and has improved all the time since My wife and children also have derived great benefit from their use W B HATHAWAY Agent United States s Express Company LEGAL NOTICE 40 + e In the Probate Court of the County of Salt Lake Territory of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of Karl G Suisted deceased Order TT APPEASING TO SAID COURT IT by the Petition this day presented and filed by Anne Charlson taB administra trix of the estate of Karl G Suisted deceased de-ceased praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said deceased that it is necessary to sell the whole ef said estate to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased and the debts expenses and charges of administration of said estate It is therefore ordered by said Court that all persons interested in said estate of said deceased appear bore the eaid Probate Pro-bate Court on Friday the seventh day of September 1883 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day at the court room of said Court at the County Court House of said County in Salt Lake City Utah to show cause why an order should not be granted to said administratrix to sell said real estate for the purposes of paying said debts outstanding against said deceased de-ceased and the debts expenses and charges of administration And that a copy of this order be published pub-lished at east ten successive days in the SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD a newspaper news-paper published and printed in said City of Silt Lake E SMITH Probate Judge Dated 24 h August 1883 TBBBITOBY OF UTAH J 85 COITMTY OF SALT LAKE j I D BOCKHOIT Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the foregoing is a full true and I correct copy of an order to show cause why an order of sale should not be granted as appears of record in my office In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and SEAL affixed the Seal of said Court this 24th day of August AD 1883 D BOOKHOLT au25 Probate Clerk FOB Lame Book Side or Chest ass Shilohs Porous Plaster Price 36s Sold by Z 0 M L Drug Store ri n f JOB PRINTING r I R < u 1f p t J j EVERY DESCRIPTION Or J0E J B PRINTING AT LOW RATES AT HERALD JOB ROOMS BOOKBINDING AND RULING Promptly Attended to l I c i > > t44 0 > 0 10B J PRINTING t iti n 1 ill 4 A Now is the time to eelsct your EYEGLASSES SPHTiELB l I C q O L ELlSOH Bas Just received t fine line of OPTICAL GOODS Always a Fine Selection of JOn I GOLD and SIL fER VI ATCHES On hand second to none in Utah 142 MAIN STREET THE Short Line 1o 7HE GhicHHO 7 Milwall B ann Sf PaDl RAILWAY Is now running its 3ASr 1i rRES TRAINS from OMAEA with Pullmans Magnificent BleeDers AXDTZiI Finest Dining Cars in tha World o IF YOU oe GOING EA8 1 TO CHICAGO MILWAUKEE j or to any point beyond or IF YOU are GOING NO HTH J reST re-ST PAUL or HINHEAPOUS Take the BEST ROUTE the phfG oMllwank 1 ana stPanl RIB 1 RI-B a MERRILL Genl Manager J T CLARK GanT Snperlateadeat A V H CARPENTER Gen Pass 4 Ticket As GIlO H HEAFFORD Asat Gen PassA eat UHAE W ATWATER Agent Office 8 Second BonthBtreel Salt LafcaCfj 02 CIz z = = c = = g v A 0 raoSQ c P tit m Cl ca = a = c = cI co < c S cI 4 Pi This Famous English Thread which stands unrivaled un-rivaled throughout the world for smoothness of finish and for strength of cord will shortly be introduced intro-duced in this market It is the only Thread in the American market that is I made in Enol and and is 30 per cent stronger than any other thread sold in the United States The excellence excel-lence of BROOKS THREAD is well known in every family fam-ily which has ever used it For Hand or Machine Work GEO WHITTELL 219 Pine Street San Francisco Cal Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast and Utah Jyl7 NEW LOHBER YARD E SELLS At the Old Pioneer lumber inrJ Of ARMSTRONG 4 BAGLEY ON FIRST SOUTH STREET Opposite 14th Ward Heating House Offers at WHOLESALE AND BETJli LUMBSS OF AIL GRADE Consisting In part of Flooring scantling B00 MO IngCclling Pickets Lath Shingles ng Joist Doors Windows Tran30IDld Houldings alo fthlch will be old Cure wihoa A POSIT I VE ented Medicines Oco pat a bee is 16 1876 One box No1 will cure the mos four days or leur No2 will cure long stand i obstinate case no matter of how ing Allans BUDGIE SOLUBLE MEDICATED MEDICATEDsbisono copablaolIo Bo nankeens dcsea of cnbe b t produce ds sandalwood that are certain coatings cj tht of pepsin by destroying rd = by all druggist g J stomach Price S150 male For further par or mailed on receipt of price 0 Box 1C 3o tlculars send for circular f V f p J O ALLAN CO P 11 HE Ufa 83 John street New York CROUP WHOOPING COUGH immediately i tr and Bronchitis Sold Dy Z lleved by Shiloh CUT w OML Drug Store |