Show Foreign Berlin 20The Reichstag was opened today The message of the Emperor at the opening of the session ses-sion declares that the Reichstag is called to notify the Spanish treaty and secure beyond doubt the payment pay-ment of the indemnity granted the government by the Bundesrath for carrying the provisions of the treaty into immediate effect Two hundred hun-dred and sixty deputies were present pres-ent The President and vicePresI dent of the previous session were reelected re-elected Vienna 20The antiMagyar riot at Seagovian has been quelled The peasants participating fled to the mountains Martial law has been proclaimed in Egerszog and the troops have been reinforced Paris 20It is reported that the Emperor of Abyssinia having heard that King Menolek of Shoa intended to send an embassy to France to solicit for a protectorate I over Shoa has declared war against King Menolek and the Abyssinian army has already invaded Shun |