Show 4rfi t Ma li TELEGiR j aI O 1 Ji Fl f Ff fI t + t EOLES VIOTOBY n Freddie G is the Big Boy The Saratoga Races New York29 The defeat of Ircquois the winner the English Derby at Monmouth Mon-mouth park and tbe splendid victory of Frederick Gebhardts Bole continues to ezcile sporting circles and New Yorks upper up-per ten The attendance at Monmouth park on Saturday wai large but that of today was equally as great The weather was all that could be desired and the large crowds departed well satisfied with the last day of this most successful meeting meet-ing Many hoped to Iroquois retrieve himself and turn the tables on his con querers of Saturday Few were prepared for the great surprise in store though Eolea victory was BB popular as it was unexpected When the red and gold spots of Freddie Gebhardts entry went first under the wire a great shout went up frog the grand stand and few people paid any attention to P Lorillards pair Ircquois ani Drake Carter who were absolutely last Following is a full description de-scription of the race The third was a renewal re-newal of the Monmouth stakes for three year olds and upwards at 500 each half forfeit I with 2500 added of which 1000 were to the second to carry seven pounds above the scale One mile and a half Starters PGebhardts B B Eole by Eolus dam War Song five years old weight 129 pounds W Dono hue firs Dwyers Bros1 b c George Kin ny by Bonnie Scotland dam Kathleen weight 112 pounds J McLaughlin Mc-Laughlin second P Lorillards c h G Monitor by Glenelgc dam Minx aged 125 pounds W Hayward third P Lorillards b g Duke Carter Tenbroeck Platina three years old 109 pounds Shaver fourth P Loril lards b h Iroquois six years I by Sea mington dam Maggie B B five years old 129 pounds Frakes fifth Time 286K Lorillards pair were favorites selling in the pools for 500 George Kinney 310 Eole 180 Monitor 70 In the books there were six to five against P Lorillards pair eight to five against George Kinney three to one against Eole and seven to one against Monitor Mutuals paid 20 Eole was first away George Kinney second Monitor third Drake Garter fourth Iroquois fourth When the horses passed the fivefurlongs pole Monitor was leading by a head Brake Carter second one length ahead of George Kinney the latter ajneck ahead Eole fourth Iroquois was two lengths behind fifth Ai the horses passed the threequarters pole Drake Carter led one length Monitor second half length ahead of George Kinney Eole fourth Iroquois bringing up the rear Time of quarter 26K seconds George Kinney took the second place coming up the quarter stretch and as the horses passed the judges stand Drake Carter led ft length and a half George Kinney second a head in front of Monitor the latter a length and a half in advance of Eole he half alength ahead of Iroquois Time of the halfmile 52M second Going around the upper turn there was no change in the position of the horses and as they pasted the quarter pole Drake Carter was one length in front of George Kinney the latter three quarters of a length in advance of Monitor he half a length ahead of Eole who led Iroquois length Time of thejthreequarters 120 Drake Carter kept in front of George Kinney at the three furlongs but at the mile pole he only had his nose in front of him Kinney a length and a half ahead of Eole the latter a seek in advance of Monitor and ho three lengths ahead of Iroquois Time of mile 145 The horses were at that time doing their best George Kinney passed Drake Carter as he entered the lower turn was a neck in front of him at the five furlongs pole Mile and a quarter S10J A more exciting ex-citing run up to the home stretch was seldom witnessed Billy Donohue brought Eole up with a rush as soon as he got into straight running and coming on at a gallant pace led one length at the seven furlongs pole George Kinney second Monitor third Drake Carter fourth Iroquois fifth Bole was forced along as he did not seem to be running kindly as be swerved to the inside of the track but did not interfere with any of the ether and he won the race by a length and a half George Kinney second sec-ond a length and a half ahead of Monitor Moni-tor third Drake Carter fourth Iroquois fifth Time of mile and a half 23b S The unexpected defeat ot Iroquois on Saturday has increased me interest in nis reappearance especially as Lorillard i was willing and anxious to back him I against bis conquerors for large amount The contest has now passed into history and those who had an abiding faith in the I winner of the Derby are crestfallen at his ignominious defeat a second time His performance today seems so inexplicable inexplica-ble for he was outpaced from the beginning begin-ning to the end not being able to get within striking distance of the others while his stable companion Drake Carter made a sorry show also All this looks unaccountable and no excuse can be made to explain away the second disaster dis-aster The shrewdest turf men were deceived and more so than Lorillard himself who should certainly have known condition of his horses through his trainer Those who saw the race on Saturday did not hesitate to back Iroquois Iro-quois and he became a favorite so much EO that 4 to 1 was freely offered against Drake Carter who had conquered both the Dwyer cracks while only 8 to 5 were offered against Iroquois It was said in extenuation that the favorite having been trained and run upon turf could not run I upon our dirt tracks but today Iro L 11 quoia could not rxieoti at ell on the contrary con-trary both Eole and George Kinney showed magnificent form especially Eole whose performance bore out the assertion that had Donohue been strong enough to ride the hone in the preceding race he would have beaten Kinney Donohues strength was saved today for he did not tide in the two preceding races and he was able to do Justice i both to the horse and to himself Although the time made I was half a second slower than in Saturdays Satur-days race it fully met the expectations under the weather conditione Saratoga 29Tbree quarters mile Richard Lond first Enooy second Pow hattan third Time 618J One mile and quarter over five bur dels Furey first Beaverwick second Raven third Time 222 |