Show SALT LAKE TB TRE GRUD HiSTRONIC CQHBIHATIOH MRS F M I BATES MISS SALLIE HIHCKLEY AND THK DRAMATIC CLUB IlOUE T the ereatcft Sensational szd Spc Ia tacular tuccpB of the times THEm THE-m r POCKETBOOK jte special property of Mis Binebley Three Performances I Positive and Certain Ii 1 1OLTThSllAY W 1EWE1JkY 5EPTEf ER 3d 4th and 5th I Box Office open Saturday September 1 au29 I = = = i IAN I-AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant fascinating tints of Complexion forwmch ladies strive are chiefly artificial arti-ficial and all who will take the trouble may secure them These roseate bewitching toes follow the use Hagan9 lagnolia Balma delicate harmless and always reliable arfcle Sold by all druggists j I The Magnolia Balm conceals con-ceals every blemish removes I Sallowness Tan Redness Eruptions all evidences of excitement and every imperfection imper-fection > Its effects are immediate i andso natural that no human being can detect its applica fin j gn m1utloll of Co1rtllGrhip I OllCE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 tbrt tie firm of Smyth DnMott fflat Maaufjclurors doing business on Fir t South Street Salt Lake City was Idifwlred by mutual consent on tbe tenth day of April AD 1882 the undorngned I retiring tram the bu inepe and firm a21 BERGEN DKMOTT JK OAROLINA TOLU TONIC preparatio of Balsam of Toiu Rock Candy kdytiasla and open Medici flats the Basis being thi Purest Rice and Rye Whiakss Besides being a Sure Cora for MALARIA AND DYSPEPSIA tie the Finest Bevenge known and M a nic and appetizer is unequalled by any other flitters and we recommend it especially to Lose suffering from general debility connected con-nected with baa appetite and strength It fill also be found INVALUABLE as ga rem for Cough Golds and all Diseases of the rot and Lunge I Owing to Its Medicinal Properties It Is inb et to the siimp lax ONLY and ANYONE a fell it without a liqnor license i Sold by all firstclass Drocgiata Grocers IZC MI Wholesale Agents win inppl k 6 trade at a liberal discount H SCHOFP 00 < ltrleftcn PCMann FRANOE 4tinantal ana C lon al A3ncj Licensed 14 RUE DE CHABROL PARIS pttMcta every Description of Commit awn Merchant and General Agency Business Parchago of Best Goods and at Minl Urn Prices See Price Llt Orders Qlckly filled Oareful attention ezit All climates suitoo to ship CONDITIONS vmmi ion of 2 n 23 ppr cent ugainsi nk Drrf payablo on delivery of hip 1 Documentsj or 5 pr rroitsi Jor > cent with fcab t balance drawn for with Bill Ladi0 Suitable roduce taken in Ylent AU Trsde and Cash Discounts con 91110 purchttsew Original Invoices Warded LI When requested Ills r 1 Advances made on Colin rfe ARency represents Buys and Sells qrl1Q I ltenry branch of Personal Agency DeM transacted Price List on Application kITPANOE tb lANCE Direct to Manager Ii Guh I a London or Bans Banker I Ul CO l 00mQiunicatioa8 to be addressed f THE MANAGER t tinental and Colonial Agency 1 do Cbcbrol Path France H t L LEGiL NOTICE In the Probate Court in and for Salt Lake County Territory of Utah In the matter of the estate cf Marinda H Y Conrad deceas d Notice DURSANT TO AN ORDER OF I the Probate Court for Salt Lake County Territory of Uth in the above entitled matter notice is hereby given that Thursday tho 6th day of September A D 1883 at 1C am at the Court housn Salt Like city has been appointed the time and place for the hearing of the petiti n of H S Young filtd In paid court praying for the admission to probate pro-bate of a certain document filed therewith there-with purporting to be the last l will and testament Maricda H Y Conrad deceased de-ceased at which time and place I all persons per-sons interested may appear and contest the probate of said will Dated at Salt Lake City this 27lh day of August 1883 D BOCK HOLT Clerk of the Probate Court in and fjr Salt Lake County t 1 = 3 4 s c c j c8 C C fU c e cftELO Trade Mark FURNITURE In all Styles and Grades 1231 FIRST SOUTH ST MARKET ROW 1sT MARYS ACADEMY SALT LAKE cIr CONDUCTED BY THE Sisters of the Holy Cross THE COURSE OF STUDY IS I thorough embracing all the branches of a solid and refined edaea tion fitting the pupils to be intelligent useful and accomplished members of society French German Latin Drawing Special Culture in Vocal Music and Ornamental Or-namental Needle Work being Included in the English Course form Ifo extra charge Tne Musical and Art Departments conducted on the basis of the best European Euro-pean Conservatories and Art Schools No interference with the religious belief be-lief of nonCatholic pupils Terms for board and tuition moderate sr Small boys received in a separate department Glosses to be resumed Monday Sep tember 3 1883 For Catalogues address iu above Halffore Tickets can be procured by the Academy for pupils au2 Health is Wealth ray eRii cCWe rJ TREATMENT Bz B 0 WESTS Non AHD BEICT TB A KMT guaranteed speciflc for Hysteria Die ames ConTalilom Fits Nervous Neuralgia Headache Nervous Prostration caused by the use f alcohol or tobacco Wakefulness Mental Depression Softening of the Brala resulting in Insanity and leading to misery decay and death Premature Old igo Barrenness Loss of power In either sex Involuntary Losses caused by overexertion of the brain youthful folly eta Bach box contains one month treatment LOO a box or six boxes for 500 sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case With eaoh order receive br us for six boxes accompanied with 550 wo win send the purchaser our written guarai f tee to refund the money if the treatment dot no effect a cure Guarantees issued only LI Z C MI Drug Store Salt Lake City fta it 1 9f5 UNDERTAKING JOS WM TAYLOR U 14 D RTA K ERA ER-A full line of Caskets Metallic Case I Redwood Coffins and Undertakers Goods constantly con-stantly on hand All Orders by Telegraph or Telephone day or night will receive prompt attention Telephone communication with office or residence West Temple street southeast of Valley eeTpmo 4t House P O Box 054 I METROPOLITAN SALOON Beclitol Bros Props The Finest Liquors sud Cigars Poo Table Nice Cold Lunch from 9 til 12 pm Call and try us METROPOLITAN HOTEL aull = = ARABIAN StMUl COBB ann 8IC CP Mills E vv RUFF Manufacturer and Importer oi Coles Teas Slices Chocolates Etc AND WHOLESALE JOBB1B 218 Main St Salt Lake City FOR Lame Baa Side or Chest use ShIloh Porous Plaster Price 25e Sold by ZCM I Drug Store W nPAL iit 4KIJ4G POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never varies a marvel cJ purity strength and wholesomeness More onomica1 than the ordinary kinds and cannot < can-not be sold in competition with the ranlti hide of low test short weight alum or oho ihate powders Bold only In cans RoYAL BAKWO POTOVB 00 Slew York o nv r ccasuiKPTica CSR f Bt CUPrED DR L tt ti WM rLL i ss F > K THB BALSAM LUNGS Cures Consumption Colds PnouruoEiB influenza Bronchial Difficulties Bronchitis Bron-chitis Hoarseness Asthma Croup Whooping Cough and all Diiensse of the Breathing Organs It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs Inflamed and poisoned by tha dieeaae and prevents pre-vents the night sweat and the tightness Kcroi i tbe chest which accompany it CONSUMPTION ii i not an incuaobla milady HALLS BALSAM trill cur jou oven though professional aid fails W 011 MORRIS9 THE PAINTER Opposite Old City Meat Market West Temple Street au28 DAVID JAMES Is Eole Agent for the Jnckarm Ventilating Ven-tilating Grate and Fire on the Hearth Grates Stoves and Mantles DA liD JArfiES Is Sols Agent for the Otto Silent Gas Engine DAVID JAMES Is Bole Agent for the GarryIron Roofing nAVID JAMES Is Sole Agent for the Haxton H B Smith and W H Warner Steam Heating Apparatus DAVID JAMES Is Bole Agent for the Hartfoid Glass Water Closets and keeps in stock the Hollyer Hygeia Zones Jennings and Whites Sanitary Closets ail of which are firstclass DAVID JAMES Keeps in stock the Latest Improved Plumbers Materials to be found in the Eastern Markets DAVID JAMES Has in stock the Latest Designs in Gas Fixtures selected penouaily whie in the East the past winter DAVID JAMES Has in stock a large supply of Iron Hose and Lead Pipe Pumps end FittingE DAVID JAMES Is also nranured to Lay Water Pipe I from the water mains on short notice DAViD JAMES Has a large force of Firstolas Plumbers Steam and Gas Fitters and is prepared to do Plumbing ana Steam Fitting on the very latest improved im-proved plans a a adopted by Eastern oiiies and solicits the continued patronage pat-ronage of the citizens of this city and vicinity DAVID JAMES Hail in stock a large assortment of Tin Plate Sheet Iron Roofing and Galvanized Iron and is prepared to do all kinds of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Work Stove Furniture a Bpe oialty Orders RecBived bv TeleDhone At Office and Workshops No 69 Main Street or Residence mylo General Sherman was in San Francisco Thursday LEGAL NOTICE In the Probate Court of the County of Salt Lake Territory of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of Karl G Suijted deceased Order TT APPEALING TO SAID COURT II 1 by tbe Petition this day presented and filed by Anne Charlson the administra trix of the estate of Karl G Suisted deceased de-ceased praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said deceased that it is necessary to soil the whole ef said estate to pay the debts out fandID against the deceased and the debts expenses and charges of Administration of said estate It is therefore ordered by said Court that all persons interested in sid estate of said deceased appear before the said Probate Pro-bate Court on Friday the seventh day of September 1S83 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of eaid day at the court room ofeoid Court at the County Court House of said County in Silt Lake City Utah to show cause wby an order should not I be granted to said administratrix to sell I said real estate for the purposes ot paying I said debts outstanding against said deceased de-ceased snd the debts expenses and charges of administration And that a copy of this order be published pub-lished at east ten successive days in the SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD a news pnpr published and printed in said City ofSelt Like E SMITH Probate Judge Dnted 21 h August 1883 TSBKITOBT CF UTAH I 11 COUNTY OP SALT LAKE j Bh II D BOCKHOLT Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of an order to show cause why an order of sale should not be granted as appears of record in my office In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and SEAL affixed the Seal of said Court this 24th day of August AD 1883 D BOCKHOLT Ru25 Probate Clerk MONHEBI KNAPP iROHITEOTS OFFICE THIRD ARCHITEOTS ii Floor next door North of Jones Bank Main street Salt Lake Box 632 F tiBiAi = PINKOAM OF LYIUt MASSe ¼ r e JI I 4 r rIE E r f Vic > UtF Viu > r ties V 4g LYDIA Ell PINKHAMS VEGETABLE PINKHAMSj j IsaPofiltlveCnre f j I forcll tli oPniifiil ComplAin cud TlTeslmetM I ocommou toourbot < eaue population Jtwlllcure entirely the woirt form or Female Com 5 plalatanllOT < irlantronbleslnnajnmBtIon and THcenj tlon rolling end DI pnc aenti mnl the con tnn n > SpInal 7eafcncM mil Jc partIcularly adapted to the 5 tIt I 111 Cbui a of Life It will dissolve and expel tumor from the utl11ll1 nn Serb tags ot doccloinnent The tendency to cancerous can-cerous bumorthereis checked Tery epetUUy Jiy tIt twIt tw-It removes fedntness flatulency destrojaall cra tar foretlmulanti and relloves TieaLness of Use lltomb It cures Bloating headaches Jcrront Prostration General DebUlty BleepleBaoeits Derrtstlon mid Indigestion I gestion < That feeltag ot bearing down ctnslng rialnwelgnb and backache always verraiuicntly cured by its are i It mil at all tlmu and under nil cIrcumpteaC act ho harmony with the laws that KOTem the fcniRle ryetera For the cure of Eldncy Comjialuts tt either tertU Compound Is unsurpassed 1VDIA E PIXKHAS3 nCETAntK CO 1OTJXDiS preoared at Si3 cal 235 Western Ann LyE3M Priced l Elx bottles f or ti Eoiitbyn tolorm of pills also In the tors otloinKC H 1ot price Jlpwboc fer eIther HrBrinlIi IT cswera z letters oflnfintry fend for PW1 S irfj Address as above Mention itt Taper Po family should be without ITDU E PINI5U Liven PILLS They care constipation bWouas I 5na Corpiditv of tbeliTer Z cfotsr box hy nil 1ruEgIlCs is TlIE Chicago NorthWestern Railway the OLD ESTABLISHED SHORT LIKE And the UNITED STATES FAST MAIL ROUTE Its the Geat Thoroughfare from mid to CHICAGO And all points Northern Illinois Cen cf t tral Eastern and Northwestern Iowa Wisconsin Northern Michigan Minnesota I Minne-sota Dakota Manitoba Central and Northern Nebraska Coloratt Wyoming I Wyom-ing Utah Idaho Moutaiit Nevada California Oregon Washnprnn Territory Terri-tory British Columbia Cp 4rn Japan the Sandwich Islands Australia NOW Zealand and all principal points in the S NORTH NORTHWEST WEST With its own lines it traverses Northern North-ern ILLINOIS Central and Northern IOU 1 WISCONSIN Northern BHCHI GAN MINNESOTA and Central DAKOTA DAKO-TA It offers to the traveler all accommodations accom-modations that can be offered by any railroad Its train service equals that of any road their speed is as great as comfort and safety will permit they make close connections in union depots at Junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West and Northwest and offer to those that US them SPEED COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connection connec-tion with all other railroads at that city It runs PALACE SlEEPING CARS on all through trains PARLOR CARS on its principal routes and NORTHWESTERN t ap BIKING CARS on its COUNCIL BUJFFS and on its ST PAUL and MINNEAPOIJS through day express trains If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations Accom-modations you will buv your Tickets by this route AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER I For rates for hno or round trip j tickets and for full information in regard re-gard to all parts of the West North and Northwest write to General Passenger Agent at Chicago Ill All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line J D LAYNQ MARVIN HUQHITT Gen SnpX 2d Vice Prell and QeuMausrar W H STBNNETT Gen Pass Ar1 Chicago W N B s BCOCK general western ogent GEORGE D WILLIAMS traveling ajen Denver Co lorado I I I IfJIil i1 1 < if1 1 tt TT 07 < m w jr r T 1r iiJ A C 0 r i 310 and 342 113m sresi z7 C7ElS C7 ASr S fp ENT OPEN BAct SILVER BELL BANJOS LYON HEALY STATE AND MONROE ST CHICAGO Will send repaldto any nd < lre5 < t their Illustrated Pnco L J rn Xinto t Stylo jBtinJorj Just Instrument forlicnicsCamplngPartlCSSam mer Erenlnpferenailcsctc Now the rage In boot city ci-ty Krices 3 and upwards u s IDEPOetLiARY t t S DESE ET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY II Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 150000 H 8 Eldredge President I 1 Vm Jennings Vice Prest Feramors Little John Sharp I Dtrwicrs Wm W lifter Ii8 8 ills Cashier JasTL Little Asat Cashier I r a Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Soils Exchange on Now York Ban Francisco Chicago St Louh Omaha London and Principal Continental Conti-nental Cities S Makes Collections Remitting oeecU Promptly i 1 < I c 1 > 1Jr t |