Show a r THE TRIBUNE rS PHILOSOPHER PHILOSO-PHER The attention of the custodian of the insane asylum is respectfully called to several short editorials in the Tribune of this morning and if after perusing them he does not immediately im-mediately look after the body of the editor of that sheet then can it be truly said that he has no eye for business and that he is not the right man in the right place Below Be-low I give a few quotations to show how just a claim the warden of the madhouse has upon him We do not believe that there is e parallel in history to the infamy perpetrated perpe-trated by the hews on Monday evening and by the HERALD on Tuesday morn Tnnne II ingTribnne The two journals mentioned it will be remembered had the temerity temer-ity to object to something the Iri bune said This is infamy 1 The old man President Taylor regretted re-gretted be said that lynching should have occurred in Salt Luke city but he teems to rank it with ordinary lynchings like the one at Park City and it is on this point we have somewhat to say There is a difference between what is called Lynch law and mo 3 law Tribune Trib-une Yes one lynching occurred in a Gentile townthe other in a Mormon Mor-mon community To at makes a vast difference you know The acts of the Salt Lake police last Saturday were an unprecedented infamy in-famy And it is why Mayor Jennings should have suspended at once every one who was charged by responsible eye wit nesses with such a terrible and dangerous breach of trust pending an investigation doing to the establishment or disproof of such charges That he has not done so and does not simply shows that he has no proper conception of the majesty and dignty of the Jaw Tribune Yes of course the Mayor should have suspended every one of the police and left the city without any protection simply because the Tribune thought he should every thing should be turned upside down and the entire municipality should be at the beck and call of a few hotheaded hot-headed rascally adventurers because be-cause the Tribune says so That libel on decent and respectable journalism must be obeyed no matter mat-ter the cost and anybody who objects to its rabid mouthings is of necessity Ua dirty polyg or Ua jib beriiig idiot It is not because the Mayor find police pol-ice are Mormons that we lay these things We should feel r hundred times more the duty of saying them were they Gentiles Gen-tiles instead of Mormon And whatever may be thought or said bout it we have yet to allude to thio painful subject with the desire to wake capital out of it against the Mormons We speak and have spoken either praise or blame in behalf of a broaderSfcnd higher view of the office and authority of law a point to which most of the comments of The Tribune on affairs in Utah from day today to-day and from year tayear are directed Tribunc Phew This from a sheet that has daily abused and threatened the police which has incessantly encouraged en-couraged every kind of lawlessness and disorder which has attempted to frown down every effort made to enforce the laws in regard to violations viola-tions of city ordinances which has become and deservedly so the organ or-gan of prostitutes and gamblers and which has openly and avowedly advocated the turning of the young people of Utah into houses of ill fame into gambling dens and liquor saloons in order that they might becomefree from Mormon control and be made better bet-ter men and women 1 This is what the Tribune has done it cannot deny iteven though it has the cheek to attempt to do other things equally as atrocious Every respectable Gentile in Utah the Tribune clique are not counted remembers with a blush of shame the infamous article and the unprincipled wretch who penned it cowers like a dog when the fact is mentioned The Tribune an exponent of law and order Phew What next The Tribune is published principally as a business enterprise Its policy or the end it aims at in its influence on the pubic mind is the diffusion of enlightened enlight-ened and just v8W3 Toga ds Mormonism Mormon-ism in its social and political aspects especially it is necessarily bcilila because be-cause it regards it as utterly and absolutely abso-lutely subversive of human freedom in its spirit and genius and in its practical outcome But its files will bear witness that in its efforts to enlighten the Mormon Mor-mon people as to the retrogressive und deadly effect of their own system it has published a hundred columns of reasoning reason-ing pleading of teaching one of denunciation and a thousand such columns col-umns to one of vituperation Tribune Where are the hundred columns of reasoning of pleading of teaching 1 teach-ing When that paper makes such a statement as the above it lies and lies with a purpose It is not mistaken in the premises it is not I laboring under a false impression but it willfully and knowingly lies 1 Can any one find a single utterance I of pleading Was there ever a word of reasoning No On the contrary in ninetynine out of a hundred issues it has abused and villitied the Mormons and not only them but anybody and everybody that said a wird in their favor it has applied Co all these the mostin suIting and opprobrious epithets that a beastly mind could conceive and which no man who was good at heart could utter And now at this date it comes crawling around and endeavors to lick the wounds it has made Out upon such dirty deceit and hypocrisy That the human who pens edi torials for the Tribune should have applied for protection to the people he had abused was quite natural It is entirely consistent with his former course and that of his ring But that there was any real necessity neces-sity for such a foolish and most un I irise proceeding on his part no one whoknows the exact state of affaire will for a moment admit Nobody but an arrant coward and knave would do such a thing and can anything any-thing presuming to be a man be called such when he humbles himself I him-self in that unmanly manner His worst enemy in the whole case was his own conscience o at least what little is left of itpresuming for a moment mo-ment that he ever had one People have been so unkind as to believe that he was simply trying to make political capital others have said that he was really afraid but with other classes the action is looked upon as being a combination of both He felt that he had done wrong and it was quite evident that he was willing to let the matter drop where it was and he would have done so had he not again been hounded on by the partieseven less conscientious than he from whom he receives his bread and butter To that paragon of virtue patriotism patriot-ism and honor let me say you are safe from any attacks The people have been abused and maltreated by you for years without resistance and they can bear it a little longer In the meantime keep on in the way you are now going and you will see how much benefit you are conferring upon your opponents You are working straight against yourself your persistent and unwarranted un-warranted abuse has strengthened the Mormon Church if it has had any effect at all Your chances of ever reaching the hearts of Young Utah grow more feeble each day even among those with whom you think you are gaining favor you are despised and rejected the best of your friends have been and are gradually turning from you realizing real-izing that you are but a snake in the grass The business men of the city furnished the money with which life was kept in your worthless worth-less body and now you turn and sting even them Such a course cannot last forever Sooner or later there must be a turning point when that is reached it will not belong be-long ere you are consigned to your proper place and that isOBLIVION OBLIVION Salt Lake City Aug 30 1883 |