Show r r I THE KNIGHTS f I i 1 4 California is not the only section k r that will be the gainer from the j late visitation of the Knights i Templar The Golden State will i I reap the rich harvest The iilgrms i 1 visited California at a most opportune t I h oppor-tune season not that the State is at its best in August for this is I perhaps its most unpleasant month t c so far as temperature and the appearance If i pearance of nature are both concerned 1 con-cerned but the Masons left behind them the suffocating debilitating i n heat and sultriness of the east and t found a cool bracing atmosphere on t j u 1 the coast and the refreshing breezes Off the Pacific The transition was i BO marked and the improvement so J r greatas to have strikingly pleasant wt + effect upon the heated tourists Of 41 J the scores that we have met on the l return trip we have yet to meet 4 I one who does not speak in glowing i t R terms of the California climate I I Of course they are all gushing in r their praises of the bighearted wholesouled generous people of j I the Pacific who seem to have tl acted out their benevolent and hospitable natures to the fullest > r The eyes and thoughts of not a few Sir Knights turn back longingly l long-ingly towards the pleasant shores of the Pacific and the gay city of San Francisco It will not be surprising J 1 surpris-ing if the conclave will prove the I r ° t 1 the means of enticing many to make f r ri j f California their home i 1t 4 While toe Golden State will receive 1 Y I < re-ceive the great benefit from the recent re-cent gathering of the pilgrims Salt Jtti t Lake and Utah will not suffer at the j I hands of these stranger tourists As i i a rule the Knights are intelligent t t I educated gentlemen and as such J r 1 they are less warped by F t prejudice than the average J traveler who drops in on us for a i E day and departs to write and tell the little that he saw and much N that he imagined The Sir Knights and their ladies have almost invari 1 ably expressed delight at the appearance r ap-pearance of Salt Lake and its f r I people Things here are so different U to what they looked for their impressions a I im-pressions having been formed from reading vicious accounts that pleasant t 1 pleas-ant acknowledged by all We shall expect fine reports from most of our Masonic friends 4 f and that Utah will not be given the kY t black eye that so many are predisposed j r predis-posed to bestow |