Show LURED BY nOLO flOLD TO KM BETRAY PAL Police Say 1000 1 Reward In Induced Induced Induced Man to Accuse Riley Murder Suspects Closer flost r and closer coer clo er bit by bit what the thc consider a chain of evidence both positive and circumstantial Is being drawn about I 1 L E Driskell and andR It R E K Kennedy Kenned Formal charges of f murdering Officer C C Riley will be bema mad ma against the men within the next few days The police say the pair correspond In Ine e cv r ry detail to the descriptions de of the who held up Knowlton and later latr shot Officer Riley the night of 6 5 Yesterday a stream o of people witnesses of the short sharp scuttle scuffle the muffled report and the flight of the murderer on State street the night of the murder went In and out of De tc tUve tive Sheets office What the result of these attempts at identification are the police are with withholding holding holling but from the statements of ut come of the witnesses es the men have been identified repeatedly Knowlton who was held up at Second East Hast and First streets a few lew minutes before the murder was positive la In his Identification of Driskell Of Kennedy he was wae not so sure although Lo he h claims that the shorter man maR who had his back to him most moat of the time resembles Kennedy Louis Loute Ful Fuller ler the negro janitor at the Orpheum theatre who saw the shooting is certain certain tain that the man who shot Riley and nd then fled ed through the alley to the east Aa was a short swarthy man tallying cl sely with the appearance of oC Ken Kenn n dy The police poUce believe bellev Kennedy fired the slot Their Idea is W that Riley had ar arrested rested d only one of the holdups and ioa taking him to the station when the theother theother other man ran up behind and shot him to save ave oa ve his pal This is the story adhered to by A Martin Martinho Tho ho claims to have witnessed the mui mur murd dc d from the Empire theatre It also s sin in Keeping h Ping with the account alleged to toh rare Fave h Ye been beon b cn told to an Ogden man by Iv himself The police pollee say sa this T Tn an is a former pal of Kennedys They rt r f i f f t 1 1 tell his name but they the say the tho 1000 reward offered has induced hm to t tell all he knows Sex S Several oral times a day the two to suspects PT vre 1 put through the sweating process hut but no damaging admissions have been obtained from them Kennedy said he hea hd a 3 an alibi and ami mentioned a certain oman of Ogden The police pollee retorted thit this woman had implicated him himI I blanched for a moment and then the police to bring her er be for fr him When the charge is made both men menVill Vill It if IC accused of murder in the first C S |