Show Dancing classes dass now nO forming at Ii j a S n Sample Line of Dainty Collars Hosiery Special A splendid assortment of manu manufacturers A beautiful assortment of stocks samples of plain and with tabs and jabots 55 high grade Hosiery including tailored styles and many mans daintily gray and white blue and white S ily fly trimmed with lace embroidery plain colors tans and fancy em embroidered ery cry and silk ribbon broidered boot effects effe ts We are values splendid up to each offering these to choose at 4 close per pair O 3 5 only 2 9 c cA A I of Wonderful Values from I ISalt Salt alt Lakes Most Popular 5 T Ready to Wear Section Jersey Top Dresses 7 7 95 Q Special Showing of 6 g Q 95 Ii I Very Special at W I e Tailored Skirts at IP jiz These dresses are in the latest Dagobert style tylo High class claa tailored skirts of serge fine panama and mannish s 8 in the various plaited side close fitting Jersey top with the popular styles and novelty effects introduced by the button effects full plaited serge flounce skirts best tailors this season The colors are blu Y This is one of the strongest values ever put on brown and black full fall range of sizes and actual I values ranging up to you choose at only I the market at i iOne tTA One piece dresses of fine French serges and taffeta silks extreme tail tall tailored tailored ored and braid trimmed models with high and low collar effects full I plaited skirts and each 7 one a remarkable e value 13 9 5 I f at atWi CD S Wi S New Fall Coats for Women Misses j I Ir and Children S I 1 This mis handsome line includes silk rubberized coats in black and colors t S new models trimmed with straps and button trimmed in front and back sleeves and aud pockets the latest novelty ideas Many handsome 41 11 III stripes stripe s also included in this line They I im are worth 15 each j 13 4 9 5 S I cloose at only 44 1 i VI omens and Misses coats of colored Kersey and wide wale materials S 4 I nn also many handsome autumn weaves made in plain styles or in the low lown n button plaited effects high and low collars all the new autumn m JI p shades included price for fj y f ef JL 7 5 15 0 0 Saturday T M 9 t y iO v 0 S 0 This coat in the 38 inch length made in the styles beautifully lack Black Bl B ace k Cheviot Ch Vi 0 t fully lined and handsomely tailored This coat is specially made madeC 8 95 for large women sizes 39 41 43 45 and 47 each eCh one a r remark remarkable Goats C oa oats t sa at t e able bargain at Childrens Cloth Coats Coat at Infants Coats Very Spec Specially Smart Tailored Waists to Each Priced at Special for Saturday This assortment includes bearskin and 1 29 These in In cheviots worsteds fancy mix mixtures mix material in blue stripe rose tures or box styles new green white grap and red The styles These are made waists wall tJ of plain plaited effects sizes 6 to 14 years cars are fire single and double breasted excel excellently and figured madras striped percales in Splendid little coats at the above bove quoted lined and button trimmed sizes white while and colors various new model ed prices 2 to 6 years full f ll of sizes each one a snap at Children Childrens Dresses Childrens Wool Peter Thompson Special l Dresses Dresses These arc are made of fine serge in in all colors with withA A line of exceptionally pretty dresses for little fancy tucked yoke wide stitched revere revers but bat batton This TIns line also 1110 includes sailor styles made of fine misses made of 01 cloth coth with colored ton ten to trimmed and aud cuffs and collars cellars and belt French enek G serge rge r e braided and aad embroidered styles long styles with full plaited finished with with narrow Darrow plaid piping sizes 6 sizes SIZes 6 to 14 years very specially at t skirts sizes S from 6 to 12 years 1 7 JT to 12 l years 69 Q 0 Q very vory special at 5 i J 1 7 specially priced at si Ii 2 QC 95 J 5 50 P 5 95 P 7 95 i 8 95 r A Quartet of Unusual Wash Goods Specials i Embroidery Flannels hemmed Heavy German twilled Blank Blankets Wool Eiderdown in all Nottingham Lace Curtains in hemstitched and scalloped ets pair of them all allwhite white and ecru our regular edges worth up to a white worth a pair colors co I ors splendid and 1 value and a good seller seUer at yard Saturday Saturday extra qualities Saturday that Saturday 5 9 1 39 3 9 2 9 6 3 Special JC C Special special the yard C only UC C Wonderful Jewelry Offers Boys fleece lined Union Suits excellent Half and Less Than T an quality and splendid weight comes in gray Half Actual Prices only Saturday extra special the 5 9 5 Shirt buttons four on a card worth lOc a card eard c suit C CI I Beauty Pins Fins two on OD a card worth to 25 a card 9 A 0 I Shirt Buttons four t ur on a card worth lOc a card 75 Belt Pins splendid variety choose at 50 and Cuff Links choose at 26 2 and Gilt Hair Barrettes worth each special 12 e W omen s Gauntlet G aunt 1 et Gloves Gl oves including Inc 1 u d Ing tan tanA A splendid assortment of beads including pearl coral only white and dark kid lining and exceptionally etc Sat Saturday good glove values special 1 9 8 35 c values v al ues special 1 1 JC ur d ay extra ex t ra special J at a t the th e pair I ilk C w 55 J P GARDNER I IThe The Clothier HAS MOVED Directly across neros the street treet from th the theold old stand If where you work and much you are paid are im jm important things then It is Im tin Important too that you let the want ads help you yo to determine these things S SI I S CASTOR CASTORIA IA For Infants and In InThe The Kind You Have Hava Always Bears the j Signature of o I c T |