Show S Is BRANSFORD IN GLASS CLASS I OR IS MULVEY IN e John Bransford American party candidate for mayor of Salt Lake is the father of the stockade He has so declared and has uttered the declaration as if he were proud of it itOn itOn itOn On the eighth day of December 1908 he gave an interview i to the Salt Lake Herald in which he announced his h s claim to being the inventor and promoter and defender of the stockade There have not been a great many things in hi his official life of which John Bransford has boasted But he boasted of being the father of the stockade And many months afterward long enough for them to have made up their minds the bosses of the American party selected John JolIn Bransford as their candidate for mayor They knew their action would make their party responsible for the l record ecord of Bransford made while an of officer officer officer And they knew the people of Salt Lake would understand that the election of the stockade candidate would mean the reestablishment of the stockade Here are some selections from Mr interview the interview in which he proved his claim to being the father of the stockade With reference to the proposed new district the houses of which are in process of construction I WISH TO SAY THAT I AM THOROUGHLY IN FAVOR OF IT and that it was at my suggestion that the work was begun WITH THE POWER VESTED IN ME AS MAYOR OF SALT LAKE CITY I propose to take these thes women from the business section of the city and put them in the new district More than a year ago I went east with Councilmen Mulvey Tuddenham and Holly to look over the various systems of municipal lighting and other questions of importance in many of the larger cities of the country co On that trip we also took occasion to consult the city officials in reference to their methods of handling the ten tenderloin tenderloin tenderloin problem and to examine into these methods I asked Mr Mulvey to find some person or company that would consent to erect the buildings in the dis district district district after the general genera plans and who would consent to have the entire district under constant police regula regulation regulation regulation tion Mr Mulvey found some people who considered the matter but finally they decided not to undertake the project Then it was that we got into communication with willi the Ogden people THEY AGREED TO MY TERMS and andI I told them if they did as I wished and followed out oit O tt the directions I gave them my word voth that I would see to it that the women of the downtown district were removed to the new location ACTING SOLELY ON MY ASSUR ASSURANCE ASSURANCE AS SUB ANCE THAT THE REMOVAL AL WOULD BE MADE INVESTED THEIR MONEY AND HAVE BUILT THE TILE BUILDINGS AFTER MY SUGGESTION The buildings are now up and the removal of the women to the new district will be made very soon Please to observe the name of the man Brant rd selected to put the deal through ar arrange arrange arrange range the details provide the white slaves and lil the capital Martin Mulvey You know Martin Mr Bransford the clean man cl se Martin Mulvey to do the dirty work Mulvey is now a candidate of the American party for a place in the city council from the Fifth municipal ward It the first time he lie has been a candidate for the council from that ward He made i ade the race six years ago this pleasant autumn and the Tribune then published some comments upon his character which wh h are now mighty interesting reading Here are a few of the things the Tribune said of Mulvey in ill 1903 SALT LAKE TRIBUNE OCTOBER So 30 1903 Page 1 Martin E Mulvey a sample of pure democracy saloon man and typical representative of Democrats asks support of women Wants mothers wives and daughters to vote for him Presents himself l as a paragon of the purity that prevails in the Democratic party Two years ago Mr Mulvey was practically pr hooted off the floor of the Democratic city convention Time has brought a change The com mt to Mr rm rd Martin E Mulvey is a prize fight promoter C Martin Mart l E Mulvey as one of the largest saloon keep keepers ers in Salt Lake was expected to wield an influence 1 luence for the Democratic th ic ticket among the saloon element a Martin E Mulvey cy is i is the recognized head of the sporting fraternity frat of the city Martin 1 E political influence heretofore has been fin Jn to the neighborhood of Commercial street Victoria alley and Plum alley aIley Martin E pu one of the th best days dy work vork he ever did last Tuesday in the strict securing scouring the th n i the women of the street gam gain gamblers gamblers and denizens of the t district His ilis I e f class is is something superb grow growing growing growing ing out of long association and knowledge rtin SE E Mulvey and his trusted lieutenants are going ahead systematically to stuff he ballot baIlot boxes with a ballots that never should have been permitted to be registered J 9 SALT LAKE TRIBUNE OCTOBER OCT BER 30 EDITORIAL Martin E Mulvey is is relying for elltion el tion upon the vote mc is is distinctly classed as the vote of the un underworld the votes of thieves prostitutes s and the lawless eS generally Without the support of that thata class his chances for election would note worth the a nickel upon Yet there i s no lack of dirty coin in his campaign He has bera b a member m of the before and he did the city no good His candidacy now bodes no good to the thi city I We call upon all fair and citizens of th th municipal ward to come forward in in indignant indignant protest against the pretentious of this man and b im so deep under their ballots on Tuesday next that politically he will never be heard of again 1 SALT LAKE TRIBUNE OCTOBER 31 1903 EDITORIAL I The war on Mulvey should be kept going and going goinga id until the night of election day dRY It is isa isa a candidacy which all the decent people of the Fifth ward should repudiate with loathing and andis scorn r That is the man to WhO whom m John ohn J Bransford maj m of Salt Lake turned over the task tusk of organizing the stockade catching and herding t in in it and finding the th financial backing hacking for the measureless wicked enterprise 11 Mulvey has not reformed He Hc is the same Martin E Mulvey ho lie was in 1903 i And it is the hardest word that can be he said Bransford that the work w rk was too tough for Mulvey ulvey i And then John Bransford himself took up t work Then it was we got into com COrn communication with the Ogden people veople he says n aning Belle London and her bar friends They agreed to my terms I gave them I would see to it the women of the downtown district were ere removed to the new now location It was too low for Mulvey but John Bransford d the polished Christian gentleman was not above taking it up It will wili be observed observe since the Tribune is now supporting Mulvey for the council that the Tribune has sunk to Martins level And since lie is a candidate of the American party that party has sunk stink to Martins level And since John Bransford is willing to do what even Mulvey could not bring himself to attempt is it hardly fair to Mulvey y to say that Bransford is in his class |