Show I I AMUSEMENTS I IThe The he Gingerbread Man Ian Is here again opening a weeks engagement at the Co Colonial Colonial lonial theatre last lt evening The Te clever lines and business and the taking music carry car It I to success once more mor although there ther is much room for improvement in inthe time the company Nobody would accuse acus the manager of pilfering from cradles cradle and beauty uty shows in order to secure seure his chorus Ross Snow has the leading comedy come rote role rok of Wondrous ondrous Wise Vis and the audience appeared to be with him Rose Ros Murray Is I hardworking and mobile mobie as al Margery Daw Carrick Major who wo played Fudge has a a good goodvoice god goodvoice voice and makeup Fred Fr J Nice Nic made a a good Gingerbread Man lilan May a Bouton who g played the princess prince looks healthy and strong and capable of a good days work ork There Tee were W re others but bt g no special need exists exist to mention then them the The show Is worth the money If I a person is light entertainment The he Naked Nake Truth billed bie as the tle th head headliner headliner headliner liner for this thi weeks lk program at the Or Orpheum Orpheum Orpheum as an original comic opera oper in one act ae is new vivacious comical cmil pleasing highly entertaining and probably in every way wa merits the distinction accorded it as asa asa a While undoubtedly it is the most mot expensive act ac on the new bill bi which opened last night to the usual crowded Sunday Sunda night house hous there ther are ar other acts act on the bill bi which were just as heartily ap applauded applauded and und which might be deemed just justas as worthy of o being bing termed headline at attractions attractions tractions The whole bill this week is good better than last week week and better thap tha many of the excellent bills bils of a n nm m her ber br of weeks of the present prent season Pretty Pty faces sweet voices voces a unique in character and pretty pret clothes are what make mke The Naked Nak Truth offering so very acceptable A Scotchman in iii kilts kis with dream drem stories of o wealth fascinates the daughter of or a Norman innkeeper whose money he covets coeta and the girl prom promises promIse isea Ise to wed e him hi although engaged to a sailor who wh Is away a on a voyage The sail sall sal r returns bringing with him a in the t trinity of which no n person can cn tell tella a He lie le without losing some Sm article artile of dress dres The rest can cn be imagIned The talisman Is placed near the tIme trysting tr place of the th Scot and the th daughter and as clothes disappear the eyes of or the girl are opened regarding the Imposture of the Scot He Is 18 finally nan fully ful exposed TIme with a breezy bry number Lea Les Le by four pretty pr t and elegant elegantly ly 1 costumed costume maidens Parisian in every ever move and gesture g Every Ee second send of the time allotted to their number is i occupied with graceful gyrations gratH and dances with new steps and features f tures dizzy and daz dazzling dazzling A very sery ver quiet but very er enjoyable feature of the bill bi follows the dainty musical of offering o fering of the Much Sisters Slet One sings sing I sweetly and plays the plano piano while the theother theother theother other performs with the tl violin Both are pretty and modest Their Ter music musi is i artistic and antI their number Is short short They TI received deserved applause last evening The Tle Rooney sisters sister Josie and Julia Jula were greeted with wih the fervor accorded to old friends last evening Their singing and dancing was presented with an air that was irresistible They knew they were making a hit and they the gried In It I They Tey demanded applause and they the got It It They Te can cn sing and they can dance and it was with wih difficulty that they persuaded the audience to let them retire after repeated encoreS encore JOne One of the tIme most enjoyable numbers was that of Arthur Arhur Borani and Miss Annie Nevard The act Is L athletic tumbling and knockabout presented presente in comedy but so different from acts act of a similar character seen in the past that it J Is very eT refreshing A trained poodle contributes a whole lot lotto lotto to Lo the act Applause was liberal and en encores encores encores cores were responded to last evening Hawthorn and Burt singers and antI dane dancers ers ens er kept the audience in iii laughter through theIr entire act They sang fang some new songs handed banded out a choice assortment of Or song new flew and jokes joke and antI pleased the fbi audience to the extent of being bing encored several times Nat Nat at Goodwin Goodwn would probably show dlf In admitting just how many man years cars ago RO it Il was that thit he ho with Maxine Elliott Elot fIrst frt presented When hen n Wo We I Were Vere Twenty Twety One It I is well some sm years ago a o but the play pIa has ha lost lot nothing by b age uS Judging from he time way wa it was received last night by hiM bJ the regular retla at lt the Bungalow When Yh n We I Were er Is this weeks offering by b Willard mard Mack The play pia lay Itself Is one of Harry V jest best bet efforts made mode famous by Nat Good Goodwin Go Goodwin win In and is on the whole well wel rendered or Of f course coure the imposed Impe limitations of a aslock astock astock I stock production weakens eakens It I materially when compared with lh the tho th original and this was wa heightened somewhat last night flight by a slight sl dragging In the te first frt act espe especially epe daily caly th east cast cst at times Ure seemed at a loss losso to o find themselves and there th r was an un unusually usually long wait walt between acts but these thes faults will be remedied by tonight oi rk Mack lack as Richard CareVe and an nd Mi Doug DougI I I las as Phyllis was capital both appearing at a their best and in thorough sympathy with h their roles role James Rennie equaled Time The h Imp In any an of the original corn com companies Cm The Th remainder of the cast was acceptably filled fied When We Were will wl fill fib fl the week at the Bungalow The announcement is made of ot the t reper repertoire tome toire of the Lambardi grand n opeti or com corn company compan pany pan at the Colonial theatre for its It corn com coming c corning ing engagement March 3 Z 4 5 i C II Open Opening ing leg opera Wednesday ay evening March 3 3 Lucia opra dl Thursday mat matinee matInee inee lace Faust Thursday evening II n Tro Trovatore Trovatore Trovatore Friday evening Carmen Care Sat Saturday uray matinee RIgoletto Saturday evening and I A different cast cant will wl be b given give for tor each ech opera Thomas Jefferson wi will be seen se at the Salt Lake theatre for fat three thre nights be beginning b beginning ginning Thursday in his famous famus production production tion of Rip Van Winkle The TIme very name of Jefferson Jeferson has so long been connected with wih livings Irvings legend of the Catskills that students of 01 the drama would woul almost almot re resent ra resent I sent their separation No play in history has ever survived as a Rip Van Winkle Dear old Rip Who 0 does doe not know this I character charter But would we have known him so I well wel without the Jeffersons Seats Sets go on sale tomorrow The bill bi at the New Kew Lyric this thi week is j excellent The management has ha secured the line ln ef of o Independent films and they thEY surpass anything that has been seen in Salt Lake for a long longtime longtime time Among the time good things is 1 a pic pie picture picture ture entitled A Soldiers Heroism The Hem picture is beautifully staged tage and an superbly The of the fort acted blowing up at the finish of the time film fim is one of the most mot won wonderful wonderful wonderful effects ever produced on o any an stage The on Coney Cotey Island is proving pr proving ing very ver popular as are the two songs ns of Mr r Phillips The comedy come end of the bill bi is one ot on that thatis is 15 a scream from Crom beginning to This picture Is entitled His Wedding ea Morn Other pictures picture of meni mert are The T Step Stepmother Stepmother mother A Painless Extraction On Guard at the Powder Magazine and antI The T School of oC Life Lie The bill bl runs rm all al week with matinees daily dan Two features of the tho concert to be b given at the Colonial theatre Sunday evening Feb 28 8 under the of the 2 auspices th Salt Lake festival chorus will wl be b the appear appearance ance anee of the Salt Sal Lake Jake male chorus chrs of forty fort voices voles under the direction of o Squire Coop and the Schubert male quartette composed of James Hyrum Hyrm Christansen D M 1 Burt and W L L Rich Richardson Richardson Richardson ardson Both of these organizations were er winners of first prizes in their ther respective class cas at the great Eisteddfod here hr last summer and have hae made especial espial preparation preparation tion ton for this concert Edmund Vance Yance Cooks poet pot and an enter entertainer entertainer tamer will wi give his Pot Luck With a Poet Poet at the tho First Firt Methodist church Tuesday evening Mr Ir Cooke Coke has has appeared here on the lecture platform several times before and has many friends in inthis Inthis inthis this city cl |