Show KARP KARf IS FORMER I IY y M in c LT L A CHAMP CHAMPT T J Martells Saw Champion in First Bout and Thinks i He Is a Wonder I A ilL traveling man called at The Herald office last evening and Introduced himself as T J J Martell of Buffalo N Y He said lie had read in the papers that hat Stanley Karp the welterweight champion was to meet Julius Johnson here on Friday and wished to say sa a good word for Karp Martell Mar Martell Martell tell knows tho champion personally and saw him in his first professional match at Buffalo Since then he has followed his wrestling career and considers him the best besl man in th thc world of o his weight w But said Martell what I wanted to tell you is this Karp Is not one of ot the tho ordinary wrestlers you ou hear about but isa Is Isa Isa a gentleman In every particular Ho lIe Is a aY aY aY Y M r C A boy and learned the game in the Buffalo Burtalo Y M Id C A There ho he won the Amateur championship before starting out on his professional career Ho lIe is a popular favorite wherever he goes and andis is bound to be one olle when he ho gets to Salt Lake Martell said he was unable to arrange his business to stay over oer until Friday but would like Very vCr much to stay and see the match He lIe also said that Johnson who ho was a stranger to him would have to be beall beall beall all his record says he lie Is If he lie beats Karp I |