Show j RIFLE CLUB SCORES The wind greatly greath interfered with the rifle shooters yesterday During a great greater er part of ot the day It was blowing a gale making high scores almost impossible impo sible At times the marksmen were compelled to set the wind gauge to inches that thai is holding Inches off the bullseye to come close to the targets Letchfield was the high man The scores Av Y Letchfield 76 S 6 71 74 04 33 s 71 73 71 7 73 3 73 79 73 34 Hirschvogel 63 SI 68 63 61 58 OS 71 10 Taylor w g 64 t I il 1 64 t i Benton 44 63 3 A 4 21 12 West cst 61 I 1 61 gj |