Show I WHITE WOMAN ASSAULTED BY NEGRO FIEND Diabolical Outrage Perpetrated at Ottumwa la Ia and an Uprising Follows MOB BENT ON VENGEANCE FOR SERIES OF CRIMES S NATIONAL GUARD HELD IN READINESS THOUSANDS OF CITIZENS SURROUND JAIL z S la ha Fob Feb 21 Angered by bythe it bythe the brutal tta k by a negro n upon Mrs Mi re Charles diaries M Johnson Joinson the th invalid wife of or a traveling j k a mob of 1000 men and boys boya tonight surround the U jail iMil thirsty for en fe ut upon on the unknown culprit Four negroes were see locked up tip a suspects and John Jun Juti kin a negro suspected of the murder f Clara Clam Rosen Ro n two O weeks ago w hustled out of or town torn t n to avoid the mobs fury Company 13 of the nation natha guards was waa held in the barracks barra ks in readiness fr action Awful Crime Committed Mrs Irs Johnston was w in bed with her child at S I this morn morning mornIn morning ing In when she awoke to find a 8 negro bending over her Before she could scream for help the negro seized her by bythe bythe the throat and began to choke her Despite he weakness as the result of or a recent operation Mrs Johnston fought desperately She tore Joeie awl ad cried out At the same sante time the tho did screamed The negro became d There was wa a curtain pole iole an H 1 In diameter which was used AS 9 a window w prop within reach The n grabbed this and beat the woman until she be became became came caine unconscious Citizens Citizen Wildly Excited How long the negro remained Is fo Rot net known The cries ertes of the child finally aroused the neighbors They found Mrs I Johnston lying on the floor By her side was the curtain pole stained stal with blood The news spread d Soon armed posses were on the tile track of the fleeing negroes Members of the cit elt citizens guard were posted in places where riots were feared The homes of the ne M negroes a groes were ere placed under guard The city jail jaU became the Ule point or of attraction for fer the excited men who formed the nucleus of or orthe the mob The trail of Mrs Johnstons assailant was followed by to a deep ravine near Rutledge comp camp p three miles from rom Ottumwa but was lost 5 S Mines Searched for Fiend The mines were searched eean Md with the help Ip of or miners but the man had disappeared dl Other posses of armed men searched eth ether ether er parts of the country all day da While this was going on the crowd around areu d the jail jaU continued to grow Threats were re remade made freely against the negro and aiMI the police became alarmed for his safety Toward night the officers took hint him hi out oat of the jail by a rear door He ir was placed in an automobile and taken tak to ten mlle miles of tile the dy eI put on board a Burlington passenger train and taken to Albia AlbI where he was aa locked up Mob Yelled Its Hate The mob contented contested itself lIMit with its hate as the first second and third sm sa a pact peet were brought in to jaiL jalL IL The police notice had been provided with a good description d of the guilty negro by Mrs Johnston J and after each man was brought in they announced to the crowd that the man cap captured captured had nto nb part in the crime The men of sober minds In the crowd argued with the more violent to give the th police pollee a first It was felt as the night wore w on that the danger point ot of 0 concerted action on the part of f the thou thousands thousands sands lande had passed paged Still there were ere evi evidences evidences dences of o unrest In the more lOON Isolated belated parts of the city Many Recent Crimes There have been a number numbe of or assaults a on white women by negroes within the thelast thelast last two years which contributed toward t arousing the people The Too first was an aft as ae souR bault on Mrs Irs George Georce McBride A colored man was U tri tried d for th till assault ault but was ac se acquitted acQuitted quitted Mary Marj Mahoney the next victim died in a hospital and Oscar oscar Hogan col eel colored colored ored te Is t serving a life term tenn In the for tot the crime Agnes Acnes Yates a tale tele telephone phone operator was followed home fot work and attacked attached A negro gro was charged with the tM assault but the UMi jut jury acquitted a ed him Mrs John Johr Irwin IMn was wu assaulted by Leroy Edwards EdwardL a negro who woo was wes coo con convicted and aDd given gl a life Ufe sentence The TIle men mur murder mender der of Clara Chara Rosen and the upon Mrs oIlS Johnston brought the th crimes to a ell cli ellma ma max flex x Rosen Murder Suspect t tJohn John Junkin colored the ORb only suspect now held in the Rosen ease case ca is 18 booked on ona ona ona a charge of larceny Thus far there lies has developed little tittle evidence to connect him with the murder and many maRY that U t towing owing to similarity of crimes the Rosen Resen murder and the Johnston J assault as were committed by the same MIne person pec n Late La to tonight tonight tonight night two more negroes were brought to tolie tile the city elty jail through a crowd which blocked the street There were cries of Lynch them but the main body bod of the mob seemed willing to await definite news that the police and posses have arrested the right man Tonight the physicians attending Mrs Johnston se v that she will recover unless the shock to her heart proves too greet great greetAn An examination also showed that the t th at attack attack tack with the curtain pole did net Injure re reher 1 her internally though there is danger of ot blood poisoning from the wounds Oem Corn Commercial meNial mercial travelers of the city raised rals 1 a parse I of o 1 as a reward for the arrest and conviction of the assailant |