Show r Expect Worst Seer Perplexed I i Meteorologist Alter Promises Promises Promises Prom Prom- Big Bis Snowfall all After Arter having drummed aimlessly up and down the temperature scales for several weeks Salt Lakes Lake's weather settled set set- tIed down do to the playing of or a serIous seriously wintry tune last night rendering a rhapsody In slushy snow accompanied b by plain and fancy wind blowing I Ih The onslaught ht was n f accompanied na b by I I I other g b bb at the tho meteorological t l I cal station on the roo roof of ot the Boston building that Observer J J. J Cecil Alter wa was for tor nonplussed J Expect tho the worst was t his desperate prediction for tor he hc thinks this will be the heaviest snowfall of the year I Despite the tact fact act that the January Januar Just past was the driest January in Salt Halt Lakes Lake's history reports received b by Mr lr Alter are to the effect that early autumn precipitation was he heavy y enough so BO that the city's storage reservoirs are aro now filled to their capacity Reports Reports Re Re- ports port from forest rangers however are areto areto areto to the effect that the snowfall on the mountains Is far tar below bebow normal Mr 1 Alter Aller anticipates he heavy v precipitation tion during this month mouth March and April and declares that farmers should hould not bo be discouraged |