Show 1 lr L ti 1 i. i Wash Vash Out Your Pores are s With 1 U iC ur a Soap 0 bolet Ie h t e ube uble a clear swe Sweet t. t t-h t h he I Wa ski with ri th l t tom 2 It tI tEJe R aS an ana ife trilling trifling wholesome ome expense treatment Con Wn rne me ma massaging a and ng other tads dads r nn t emear the face ace wilh I In fire on the end of the tin Ara r wash ash re Soap a and water usi plenty pl ty of best t 1 p ed With the then Ii hands soap op which it softens i t O enl ts liy and continue bathing a few Rinse Wj wit tepid water d dry due ic gently and on a l f W grains of Talcum a tai I 1 n ting Y he c. c cacho ch fragrance f fK ff f K If r rt t I I i- i LAST CALL The The Sto Store re That Serves You Best BestOn FINAL R REDUCTIONS ED UC T IONS IN Any Women's TAILORED SUIT SKIR SKIRTS F Formerly ormer 1 y U Up po t to 40 00 Regular 1350 to 1500 Va Values rues s menn mean these This special rapid d disposal in price Suits will of of S 1 2 95 9 5 of SERGES Perfectly stunning tailored SATINS smartness models anti in in 95 9 T TAI TAFFETAS all tol told Get et here r comprising enl Navy Gray Black and clever ef ef- early and aud secure I the lie seasons season's greatest safest plaid suit bargain Sizes 10 40 to 44 On Broadway Between Main and State Slate feets The seasons season's greatest skirl akin bar bar- gain I The Purchasing Power Ter of Your Dollar Is Axe Greatest in February at a THE P PARIS A RIS' RIS i L While JIBe the wonderful von e 11 v giving value rl tr of THE P PAR AI lIlb supremacy IS is demonstrated to the economic advantage of thousands of our patrons daily the the c heig height heit lt of economy lY is readied reached during our till big I February r Clean Clean Up Up Sales Sules IlO now nov P progressing All short lots and broken lines of the most seasonable a apparel lI u c 1 for women and children are L reduced without regard to former price cost or loss Share in these 1 wonderful von e savings while you can Final Clean Clean Up U 1 Women's Women s Georgette eor e e Dress Pr Down Dowil A d C 0 A T S Crepes r I 40 Inches Wide To the Lowest of the Year Yeat r Positively the Lowest Prices RIch heavy quality in the most c c cF F These Smart Coats Will Ever Get Get Get- wanted anted colorings of the hour Two Extraordinary Lots 1 Yard ard- ard o Three Great Bargain Lots D Dresses esses L b fJ C CO COATS 0 A ATS T S up ll Up to 0 17 I Formerly priced 4 4 Curtains I I 1 up to Wl 25 at- at at atIn id 30 a at at r 1 2 21 1 Yards Lo I Long LongIn In wool velours and ool colored z 0 red Many Beautiful most advanced models fn n n full lined Every color All sizes sizes for women In white or ecru ru scrims Values Values t t Cd scrImps Taffetas Serg Serges s and Stunning Georgette nn and d misses mos most ex extraordinary mary Pair Pair Pair- aIr aIr- Georgette Georg Georg- p j ette elte Combinations Fortunate indeed COATS C 0 A T S i 18 is the tho woman who ho secures e re ono one of these Formerly priced 14 90 wonderful Dress barg bargains uns up to atin at- at Turkish in In fur trimmed novelty olty wo wool l mixtures mix mix- mx- mx Dresses ses tures lures etc the seasons season's ts Towels 75 most cap captivating tJ I r r models Wonder Yonder values Good Size up to Q 1 j COATS C 0 A T S 40 atu at j nea Heavy bleached blenched quality A I Formerly priced 17 1795 95 I most exceptional bargain Shop I u up to y 40 IO 40 a at atIn t- t early Each Each Ench- P Perfectly CF f c tl y e exquisite Ot 0 erca creations t. t Ions 01 of II I latest a t es t I introduction in in In ettes and Taffetas I liEl In broadcloths wool velours etc 17 C Tho The special in n most in instances barely barea bare bare- a fur trimmed many are arc elegantly ly Iy covers tho the cost of or materials L GIE GREAT I FINAL UP CLEAN-UP l Final I Reductions In I ANY BOYS BOY'S fie S KNICKER COATS S Silk I 1 k Petticoats P e 1 1 c o a I S SUIT IN THE TIE HOUSE One third Oil Olf lJ Practically our entire assortments included in the following most II I 1 A i L IF F P R I C E unusual bargain lots lots lots- BLUE SERGES SERES Silk Petticoats Sill Silk Petticoats Petticoats' Sill Silk Petticoats INCLUDED Sizes 2 to 14 Up to 55 Up to Up to suits Sulla from the tho best t Choose from a n practically new t makers them among assortment tho assortment tho seasons season's most at at t at ET ELTY captivating TY WOOLENS r juvenile VELVETS Ci r sO and models e NOVELTY NOV NOY- MIXTURES MIX 1111 in r F fi i hand the clothes celebrated b wool cool t G Grays Gras o ra or y and s I I Tics TURES URES Colors and other include newest d 0 green lab fab 95 95 4 5 A V 45 59 95 5 j 1 C yam smartest browns brown tares tures ar t tee es t etc eft greens belted e e All a an mixtures mix mix- and the nd r I t gray graj brown and black Buy uy buckled ett effects SJ Sizes S F now for present and next sea sea- seasons season's sea sen- Q j. j e a to 16 I sons son's Former wear Prices SAVE 1295 to 2590 ALL FU RS AT f 1 7 1250 1260 Suits now Boys Boys' 8 00 I SALE PRICES f 1500 Boys Boys' 1000 O o I 1 AI t lL 2 1 Price and Less Suits now a 12 G 1 o 0 to 12 95 1800 l OO Boys Boys' 12 00 I 2 2000 00 Boys' Boys 1350 I Only a n few pieces left Who w will 11 share shore in in these most extraordinary savings 7 Suits now Suits now now L a 1 DRINK HABIT Conquered at ot atNEAL atNEAL NEAL INSTITUTE I Tho The Neal Way ay Is the modern sate safe sure and pleasant way The dangerous 1 painful needle noodle Injections are aro never noer used No bad had after aCtor effects No 0 mental or physical derangement so common with the old time hypodermic methods Why h suffer and struggle alone alono from Irom that awful nervousness nervousness' Let them help hell you by removing tho the alcoholic poison polson Satisfaction guaranteed c Homo Home treatment If It desired Drug and tobacco tob-cco habits also treated I NEAT s. s SALT r L. L LAKE IU CIl CITY Tel leI Wn n 1701 Auto Till nUl call for tor you Advertisement a To arouse a n sluggish liver to relieve a distressed I stomach to fortify yourself yourself yourself your your- self against disease use useY mo a w Y V nus La th tb World of An t Sal Sala Any U IA B B. B Bea lOc 25 THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE ething Like Phosphate to 10 lOut Int ou on Firm JI Flesh and Rod to Strength Vigor Il or nail Dud Ner e Force Judging from the countless preparations preparations and treatments which are continually contin- contin being advertised for tho the purpose of ot making thin people fleshy develop developing in Ins ing arms neck and bust and replacing ugly uly hollows and angles by bv the soil sofa curved cured lines of ot health end and beauty beaty there thoro are aro evidently thousands of or men and women who keen keenly I feel teel their hC thinness Thinness and w weakness akness arc are usual usually due to starved nerves neros Our bodies need n more ore I phosphate than is Iii contained In modern modern- foods Physicians claim thero there Is nothing that will supply this thIs' deficiency so wen well as tb the organic pho phosphate phate known among druggists druggist n as phosphate which Is Inexpensive and is la sold by Johnson Schramm-Johnson on Drugs in Salt Lake and nd most all dru druggists under undera a guarantee of ot satisfaction or mone money back By Dr feeding the nerves directly the bod cells with and antl b by supplying body the necessary 1 phosphoric food lood elements ele dle- le- le ments phosphate quickly pro pros duces a welcome transformation in the theo appearance tho tiro Increase in weight fre frequently frequently fre- fre being astonishing This Increase In weight also Iso with It a n. general Improvement In the health Nervousness s and I lack of of energy which nearl nearly always accompany ox excessive thinness soon disappear dull eyes become bright and pale cheeks glow Slow with the tho bloom of ot perfect health CAUTION Although phosphate bUro-phosphate is unsurpassed ad for tor relieving nervous nervousness nervousness' ness ness' sleeplessness and general weakness weak weak- f ness It should not owing to its ita l' l remarkable re- re he b h hI growing flesh properties used lJ by ah who ho does docs not desire dutre tp to I put pul on en n f flesh lesli- t |