Show SENATORS FUME OVER HANDLING OF liT UTAH AD FUNDS State Declared to Have I Lost Mint of Money l Under Existing La Law LawIn I In the tho midst of ot discussion o of senate bill No 1 23 3 by 3 Senator Olson Int Intended n e eto to amend the tho existing law with reference refer rater ence to control of ot state funds the tho upper upper upper up up- per house of ot the Legislature yesterday afternoon adjourned to meet again at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon deciding that Lincoln's birthday should be bo ob observed observed ob- ob served ser as a l legal gal holiday In considering Senator bill for tor increasing revenue from rom deposit o of funds lunds held on hand Its author unearthed considerable o opposition to the Ule measure to such an extent in fact that near tho the close of oC the tho afternoon afternoon after after- noon session S Senator move moved that the enacting clause clauso bo be stricken out This brought several of or tho time senators senators senators sena sena- tors to their feet Ceet In principal a among them S Senator McKinney in expostulation tion against non-faith non to Democratic platform pledges V Whilo tho the was in progress the hour at which tho Senate had promised to meet with th th-a House to witness tho the Fit to lo FI FI ht I film Um had arrived and discussion Ion was wasI put over o until the tho Thursday meeting I State Looser Charge Senator Ol Olson on proclaimed to his fol follow tellow tel tel- low lawmakers that tho measure which he had fathered was tho outgrowth o of what ho hu described as ns methods of or handling state funds and in some someI I instances m funds so dl disgrace disgrace- ful rul Ui as aa to havo have amounted heretofore to night on to public scandal B By thOM these methods method ho said tho the state stale hn had bad lost hundreds of or thousands of ot dollars in Interest through public lUbliC moneys moner having bavins be been bOlm in log rolled for fo- Individual benefit benefito o 0 of the tho state treasurer and other state ot of officials The public committee had reported rc- rc ported the tho bill bitt in to tho the Senate with i a 1 that It bo not passed Senator Olson intimated that personal person Interest t was wai behind opposition to his measure which brought ht Senator Dern up standing with resentment against tho imputation ns rs he hI considered it H. H I with reference to the thc committee re reporting ro- ro porting adversely upon tho bill But Senator Ol Ol- Olon Ol on hastened tene to explain and the explanation had tho the effect of ot oil upon what threatened momentarily to h have vc been senatorial troubled v V. aters ater d l M Shown B By passage of or tho the bill Senator Ol Olson Olson Ol- Ol son said I lcJ the state treasurers treasurer's sal salary l' l office expenses would h be provided for without bur burden en upon the time common common- wealth b 1 Ho claimed that proposed qualification of banks seeking Becking to become become become be be- come custodians of ot state funds would relieve the thO talo tal of or tho heavy lIea bonding expense now required In the state treasurers treasurer's case cam because tho the Individual banks v.-ouM v. out be he called upon to lo supply the Iho safat safety safely necessary nn and pa pay tho time ox- ox of oC it I Senators South Southwick Dorn Bevar Devan and mc opposed d th tho th- measure luro In the forum form In which It was presented an as boing un unworkable nfl un- workable If into a statute On that acCount each of tho the senators said Raid It H was Wat to tho enacting enact enact- In ing clause clauso o. o although there thero was romo sentiment m in n favor of oC recommitting th ha bill Senator Olson moved of that the tho measure mea man sure uro bo ho committed this his time to lo tho ho committee ommittee on and r but loul when the question w was s p PIt pAt t bv Lv President J. J IV V Funk It was WS 8 lost lort o t ocr ly So f f of or the tha bill hill went wont over 01 to Thursday |