Show SOLDIERS MAY GET WORK I ON NEW STREET Slate State and City Heads Plan Relief Five Hundred Men l Need Jobs A pro program of oC hl highway hwa building for tor returning soldiers soldier in n state l c city and count county wan wa outlined d and practically agree agreed upon at nt a n meeting held In Governor Governor Gov Joy ers ambers office yesterday a Work York will bo ho furnished to between and men in road roal building near the Capitol grounds and arid the expense will wUl bo be borne horne by tho the state tato and tho the city In conference with the tho governor Jo on this subject of or creating work worle for tor Unemployed un unemployed un- un employed men were cre State Road fond Engineer Engineer En En- Ira R. R Drowning Attorney General Gen eral Dan B Shields Secretary of oC State te Harden Bennion I L L. L Morris of or i Una La state council councH of ot defense bureau of 01 employment County Commissioner C. C F. F Stillman Mayor W W. Mont lont Ferr Ferry and City Commissioner loner C. C C. C N p slen Hun Etin rom From Capitol It Is propos proposed eel to construct a road to connect tho Capitol grounds with the northern part of ot Salt Lake Lako through Columbus street and anel b by tho the Warm Springs R. R This highway would connect with the proposed Ia viaduct across City Crock Creek canyon canon northeast of ot the Capitol Meantime a big bed beel of ot gravel Is being removed remo and utilized in the new road rond construction Mr l Morris told the conferees that since its establishment the employment bureau of or tho the state council ot of defense had furnished work to about jOO men mon i but he a added ed that t there were now more than In Salt Lake who ur urgently I need help In obtaining work whereby they ma may earn a n living I for tor themselves and dependent ent upon them Mr f Morris said that these men mon had re returned returned returned re- re turned from tho the military service and were practically penniless s l Men Uen to Return It Is la estimated Mr Morris explained that about more men will re return return re- re turn and will require employment The They will come como from the military and naval services ser and the shipyards Public officials state county and city will wIit seek seok to avert any extensive condition of unemployment ment In Utah Those attending yesterday est rda s meeting announced their Intention to promote every ery enterprise which would bring I about a desirable labor situation |