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Show GanlGFJillG Ca Proposed Eloping Contop w By ALICE MITCHELL TheCenlerville City Council S Meeting, Tuesday night k (presided over by acting Mavor Bob Arbuckle) was dominated by the subject of (building. There was a definite ltmosphere of wanting to do 'things just right, in order to tvoid the problems of the past ' cmZENS WERE urged to build in accordance with . prevailing city ordinances, I :and to furnish definite plans d proposed developments. : The rezoning of the Dean rrrCcok property, beginning at I u approximately 175 S. extending extend-ing North to 400 N. (Parrish Lane) between the Old Bam- burger right-of-way, and to Lilt-hat would be 4th W. if there irere a through street, was igain discussed. ( COUNCILMAN Dean Lay-I Lay-I on said that Mr. Cook will be esponsihle for the roads and Imi cnprovements, if the roposed shopping develop-ent develop-ent should be constructed, e would also be responsible inCki!t the right type -of lusinesses were brought to fenterville. Councilman teForrest Smouse indicated hat he would approve of the evelopment, if it were a pjiall. All of the Councilmen 2iere concerned that the "development be clearly lefined before rezoning. Ml Councilman Steve Myers It Wants the assurance of the J improvements before the learning of such a large block r;T, M land. Councilman Tom rltandall asked about what juJnstituted adequate land-leaping land-leaping in business develop-nents. develop-nents. jwd! THE COUNCIL came to the Epnclusion that there were too pnany loose ends to be brought together to go ahead with the A iteming. Sid Noble, City Administrator, Ad-ministrator, was asked to ;contact Mr. Cook and have him bring answers concerning concern-ing the mall to the next City luuncil Meeting. The I I -problem of roads must be I rpolved. There must be access I - foads or developers won't f ant to develop. public hearing was held regarding the rezoning of the C-Taylor Burton and LDS J-nurch properties, which are l the special improvement .district, from agriculture to Nail!-manufacturing. This consti-nfjl consti-nfjl the remainder of the -t HI property involved in the District Dis-trict below 1-15. After discussion discus-sion and some comment by Bev Cornwall, representative for Mr. Burton, the council voted unanimously to agree to the rezoning. COUNCILMAN Steve Myers reminded the Council that when the district was originally planned, Mr. Burton Bur-ton had promised that he would put on account a sum of money as a bond to insure PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 2 tetGrUlG SGGEI8 fln8CTGF8 CONTINUED FROM FRONT improvements. Mrs. Cornwall Corn-wall assured the Council that Mr. Burton would follow through as he had said he would do. Mr. Noble reported that the Mountain Fuel Company is working on the repairs of Porter's Lane adjacent to Syro Steel. They are making good progress. Bob Sessions has the contract to do the work. Mr. Sessions also has the contract to do the work on Porter's Lane 'above the Freeway. The Gas Company Is doing the work at Syro Steel since the property below 1-15 goes into West Bountiful. The work above is being carried forward by the city of Center-ville. Center-ville. THERE was considerable comment concerning the repairs of the sidewalk by the old church at approximately 1195 N. Main Street. This involves in-volves Hal Harrison. Mr. Noble said that Mr. Harrison has promised to do the work. The State changed the grade, which made some problems. He suggested that possibly the city forces and Mr. Harrison's forces might finish the job satisfactorily. Councilman Arbuckle said that the sidewalk has to be adequate for people to walk on. Councilman Myers said . that the job should be done : entirety now, including curb, : ; gutter and sidewalk. Councilman Council-man Randall reminded the 1 ; Council that they couldn't foul up the driveway of the property owner. Mr. Noble : was asked to look into the matter. He was also asked to look into the matter of the Bob Ashdown problem, that of diverting drainage waters. COUNCILMAN Tom Ran-: Ran-: dall reported that the cemetery ceme-tery is being prepared for Memorial Day. There has : been some concern about the entrance, but Mr. Noble as- ; sured the Council that the driveway will be fixed by Memorial Day. Some of the work will be finished after Memorial Day, but it will be in a satisfactory condition for the special day. Councilman Randall asked about the possibility of having the city of Centerville participate par-ticipate in the Davis County Fair Bicentennial Parade. He suggested that it would be a good thing for the com-: com-: munity. The Council voted unanimously to enter a float. . City Bicentennial Funds will 'be used. The Council offered : to help Mr. Randall with any of the parade details, since he : will be away from the city as ' . he goes back East to bring his son home from the mission field. : COUNCILMAN Layton reporter on the rocket ship which is being made to put in the new park. Much of the labor has been donated. Sr. Citizen representatives Alice Johnson and Eva Hancock Han-cock attended the meeting to show plans for the new Sr. Citizens' Center east of the library in Bountiful. Mrs. Johnson said that the plans had been changed so that the building would look more residential. She indicated that Coy Hayward is planning an addition to the building which would house the paintings of . Mrs. Hayward and the works of other artists. Mrs. Johnson showed the floor plan for the . center. They plan to aid in the nutrition needs of the elderly. They will take meals to the home bound. Busing is being provided to the center. MRS. JOHNSON thanked the city of Centerville for the financial support they had given the new building project. Mr. Arbuckle was told that a basement is not planned, since it is difficult for many of the Sr. Citizens to go down the steps, also concrete is very expensive. Plans are being made to break ground July 3. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Hancock asked the Council to consider an appropriation for the Sr. Center in the new budget. Jeff Bell approached the Council to ask to build a photographic pho-tographic shop in Centerville in the old Pharmaceutical Plant. This is located in a residential area, so the project would be a non-conforming use. since photographic pho-tographic shops are allowed in commercial zonings. Mr. Bell said that he would remove the tin garage and old shed and cars. They would take down the stacks and do some outside landscaping. It would be a benefit to the city to clean up the property. He said that, if necessary, he would ask for a zoning change. COUNCILMAN Smouse was assured that there is very little lit-tle waste to be dumped. He said that the Planning and Zoning Committee had heard the request and said that they 5uld not support the project. ,1iey weren't in favor of spot zoning or of having non-conforming usage in a residential zone. Mr. Noble said that it might be possible to declare the building a nuisance and have it torn down. As the ordinances or-dinances are at present, it is not possible to allow the request of Mr. Bell without rezoning. THE COUNCIL finally voted vot-ed to deny the request of Mr. Bell. The Council announced that they are looking into the possibilities pos-sibilities of revamping the ordinance governing rezoning. rezon-ing. Councilman Myers is anxious that it be amended or added to so that if the property which has been rezoned is not developed for the purpose for which the rezoning was requested, in a certain period of time, it would revert to the original zoning. Mr. Stahle, city Attorney, At-torney, is working on the legal ramifications of the changes. VAUGHAN Fowler, of the Pyramid Corporation, approached the Council to ask for a permit to build more storage units on their property in the manufacturing manufactur-ing complex west of 1-15. Mr. Fowler stressed the fact that there is a need for storage units in the area. David Hansen, of the Construction Con-struction Material Corporation, Corpora-tion, attended the meeting to ask for a building permit to -construct a ready-mix plant in the manufacturing complex. He said that he is purchasing property from C. Taylor Burton. He wants to build in the area near the railroad tracks. The building will be 14' x 10-12'. It will be completely enclosed, except the conveyor to dump in the sink area. He wants to cooperate in every way possible possi-ble with the city and they desire to conform to ordinances. or-dinances. COUNCILMAN Myers emphasized that the city doesn't want people to see outside storage as they drive along the highway. Councilman Council-man Arbuckle said that the city should have a plan of how Mr. Burton is selling the property. Mr. Noble was told that the yardage capacity if from 135 to 200 yds a day in the summer months. Mr. Arbuckle reiterated the fact that there is a need for a road plan from Mr. Burton. Mr. Layton said that there is also a need to find out where the drainage goes. Mr. Hanson Han-son was given tentative approval, based on the drawing draw-ing up of road and development develop-ment plans by Mr. Burton Hopefully these plans will be forthcoming soon. ENGINEER Chad Mitchell was present to work on the signing of the contract with Call Engineering and the city of Centerville, for the Special Improvement District. Tobe and Beverly Pitt man again sought audience with the Council regarding their proposed project of cluster housing for senior citizens. They are requesting the rezoning of their property between 6th S. and 400 W. to allow for this project. They said that there is a definite need in the south Davis area for senior citizen housing. ALICE JOHNSON had said that she likes the idea of the Pittman proposal, especially if they provide shuttle buses. The Pitlmans said that their project is not apartment building. Councilman Layton said that he felt the city should wait to hear from Attorney At-torney Stahle before any action ac-tion is taken. He feels that the rezoning would be spot zoning. zon-ing. The conclusion was that Mr. Pittman will be contacted after Mr. Stahle has given an opinion. Jeannette Sessions, Recorder, reported that the Grand Opening of the Ernst Store, in the Page's Lane Shopping Center, will be Monday, May 24th, at 9.30 a.m. am |