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'VYm Sunday March 24 1974 Standard-Examine- r City Studies BYU LIBRARY 'yy yt'fy S'Sk V Ogden Vf Annexation Early Ogden Photos 'if A collection of old A Ogden girl has von the national grand prize for her entry in the blackout puzzle contest published March 10 in the Og-- d e n Standard - Examiner IN HOME “They were found in the home my sister Clara Miller who died about 10 years ago” Mrs of comics section Debbie Porter daughter of Mi and Mrs Robert Lewis Porter of 713 Polk will receive a World Book Encyclopedia with research guide and index Her entry was judged best among all received in cities where the Cappy Dick puzzle contest was published Debbie and her brother 9 are frequent Kenneth entrants in Cappy Dick con- Area Liaison Leader Picked By Air Force “Since she sold Oliver added real estate and collected a tracing them might to be difficult” prove Wadsworth assistant professor of communications at BYU who was instrumental in locating the plates and having them turned over to the Provo school said there are pictures of the photographer in the collection but his name is not given Found with the glass plates were sentences of information about them That information was used in assembling the short explanation which appears Ne tests A sixth grader at Horace Mann Elementary Debbie enjoys reading and property 1 B s o n a way” i Parents of Head Start children are asked to meet in the Utah Power and Light THE OGDEN BRASS BAND is blowing a tune for the onlookers in a parade down Washington Original members of this band were heard playing together in Cardiff Wales by Chauncy W West while they were on LDS missions He raised the money to bring them to Ogden They made their first public appearance on July 24 1856 in the Pioneer Day celebration (top photo) The Ogden Electric Railway didn’t halt for a parade The recollection of Charles A Peterson as recorded in the history books said “After putting the old mules in the barn I climbed into the electric streetcar and became Ogden’s first conductor on Sept 26 1891” (Bottom photo) Photography the Mormon Arts Festival which opened at BYU March 14 Apparently he was a friend of is a significant for BYU” Wad- Secretary Charles C Richards acquisition sworth said “Such documen- (1893-189tary photographs give us a The plates range in size from Corporation 5 Individuals or groups in- clear idea what Ogden wasjGU by 4U up to by like shortly before P r o fes s o r Wadsworth and in- really in terested obtaining statehood” several student assistants are in formation about the Air Force the the photographs Among many process of contact-printin- g ROTC may contact Capt in the collections is a picture them and preserving each 4 Warnick by calling him at in tlr negative in an acid-fre- e the took photographer in Ogden office 'velope They will be catalogued secretary's is 6) 621-767- ial l'v y ' h ' 'y'Z:'A '' : v' WON'T LAST “That’s the idea” said the Mayor “The road won’t last a year if we don’t do something now” he said Councilman Norman Farr was appointed to contact the city’s attorney about an ordinance limiting the load on the road and discussing the matter with Weber Commission County Chairman Keith Jensen TO PLAN PROGRAM highly-qualifie- “Th just going to the new post office will cause the street to break up” A low load limit should be placed on the road to prohibit contract mail haulers with from heavy trucks using Pacific he said “There is also a safety factor involved The road is so narrow that if a car and truck meet one is going to have to go off the road” said Mayor Oram Councilman Leon Poulsen said that a load limit would force the trucks to “go around the other under each picture Research into history books and files have aided in the pinpointing of time and place in many of the scenes “Further research in the Ogden area will undoubtedly turn up more names” Mr Wad“Several porsworth added traits with the imprint of ‘Heber Thomas’ were found in the box with the negatives but we cannot assume they were his without more evidence” Acc o r d i n g to Professor the collection Wad s w o r t h views “choice” some contains in the of Ogden businesses with the proprietors 1890s standing out in front as well as a large number of Ogden and owners their homes Force at that time Capt Warnick his wife and two children are making their home in Ogden where he is employed with the Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemicals Pacific ‘save” Pacific He said the street was narrow and that “heavy truck traffic Capt Kenneth L Warnick an Air Force Reserve officer has been appointed as a liaison officer for the United States Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps His appothhnent was anEdward nounced by Capt Kiechlin coordinator for the liaison officers in Utah and Idaho Capt Warnick will furnish families information concerning the Air MADE ARRANGEMENTS Force ROTC to high schools Under an arrangement with civic groups church groups BYU Mrs Oliver will retain and to other interested parties of the negatives ownership in the local area Those who wish to use prints The new liaison officer will for publication must first obtain advise on all aspects of the Air but they will be Force ROTC program md will permission for scholarly research available d students and will be included in the assist in applying for an Air Force rapidly-growin- g photo archives ROTC scholarship of the BYU Library Warnick graduated Capt Mrs Oliver has given perfrom Brigham Young Univer- mission to BYU to make large sity receiving a commission as prints for inclusion in a display Air a Second Lieutenant ic the at on Pioneer Utah 11 near outside the northeast city limits Byron McGregor the city’s engineer said the council would have to be petitioned by property owners living in the area before it could annex A majority of the property owners would be needed he said “I think we should be working on this because it is going to be a valuable piece of land” said Mayor Keith Oram TALK TO OWNERS He said the councilmen should talk to property owners about petitioning the city Mr McGregor said it had been his experience that the railroad which has tracks in the area wouldn’t be happy or unhappy about annexation “They really have nothing to gain by it” said Mr McGregor Mayor Oram pointed out the city was already servicing a number of homes in that area Mayor Oram also said the city has to do something to between 1890 and 1896 during the administration of Territorial Governor Caleb W West The plates were deposited in the BYU Library by Mrs G Howard Oliver 175 A Street Salt Lake City Oliver is a grandMrs and of William daughter El i z a b e t h Howard pioneer settlers in Cottonwood south of Salt Lake City but she said the origin of the negatives is still somewhat of a mystery LOCAL GIRL 12 CAPTURES TOP CONTEST PRIZE to be selected The County Council said the Golden Hours satellite at the White center 222 23th duplicated many of the services provided at Target Area Senior Citizens Center 2959 Lincoln a block away Another Golden Hours satellite in St Mary’s Church Hall 2740 Pennsylvania will continue to operate as well as a Target Area center 2481 C Target Area centers were organized by the Ogden Area Community Action Agency RIVERDALE The City Council decided Wednesday to move forward in night annexation of documentary photographs of the Ogden area in the 1890s has been turned over to the Brigham Young University Library Included are some 500 scenes taken by an unknown photographer professional DEBBIE PORTER National Winner The board of directors of the Golden Hours Center has announced the closing of its Marshall White Center satellite for senior citizens as requested by the County Council on Aging Ronald Rencher chairman said Golden Hours will probably open another satellite in a city yet Near Pacific - glass plate negatives containing o SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER ON LINCOLN SHUT DOWN ' V ' v GLASS PLATES BYU recently acquired some 3000 glass plates taken by S p r i n g v i 1 1 e Photographer George Edward Anderson (1860-192and is in the process of 8) a establishing comprehensive collection negative covering the Utah and Mormon scenes In a later edition the story of Charles C Richards will be told He was a native Ogdenite and prominent lawyer before territorial being appointed secretary by President Grover Absenteeism Costly School Leader Says he district gets per student the is a $622386 annual loss result Supt Burningham to the district in revenue is absenteeism costing says students 10 per cent of their On the other hand the cost of and operating the district isn’t educational opportunities the Weber School District morcrecjucod bv the absenteeism than $622000 a year in state Burningham Supt reported funds the average daily attendance “While the financial loss to for the district in January at the district is serious the 9352 cent a drop of almost educational loss to the students one per cent from the previous per is tragic Supt Burningham J told the Weber Beard of Average daily attendance in Education the secondary schools was 9261 He said the financial loss can 'per cent a drop of 129 per bLlnIprovnB tlMcent n was 9438 per cent in the average daily attendance schools a 95 per “But a student may never elementary cent decrease make up the educational opWeber High School recorded portunities lost by unnecessary the biggest increase in ababsence from the classroom” senteeism reporting an average he said of 9053 per attendance daily DURING REPORT cent down 359 per cent Supt Burningham made the Absenteeism increased by 307 observations during a report to per cent at South Ogden Junior the board that absenteeism has High School in January 267 per increased in the district this cent at Roy High School and year significantly so in some 222 per cent at Bonneville High WASHINGTON G ' 7'y ’ TERRACE -t- Leland i School schools He concluded the report withj TEN SCHOOLS a call for a major eifort to Ten schools recorded ! an attendance par-crease in attendance during licuiariy enlisting parental January led by a 223 per cent assistance T II Bell Junior High Some principals say the in- gain at School creased absenteeism rate is due Others an in- experiencing in part to a more liberal c'cascd were attendance Bates parental attitude toward student 92 cent Club per Heights 69 attendance V‘ew' M They report some pareUPcrce2t V ke weir children out ol sdioul for winter vacations or longY YY '23 cfnt: YaI!cy in- 'improvein lr Y weekends of skiing or otnerl'Y'Y 'y °o1' ctnt Satrf 'L'Y winter recreational activities “n"’r :"3 wnile outlining Ihe financial Y alK' Junior Vahlqmst loss to the district of senteeism Supt Burningham lgh Scho'!1' I56 gave most emphasis to ihe' Reserve Officer Job adverse effect WASHINGTON TERRACE -student A r resident of WashingWERE ABSENT ton Terrace has been named to He reported 1225 students serve as a member of the city’s were absent in the district each reserve police force Ralph day on the average during! Brooks will participate in a “T 1 six-yea- Januarv three-mont- preliminary h proba-I- f this figure is multiplied bytion program before becoming a the $508 per year in state funds) reserve officer AIRMAN SERVES AT TEXAS BASE An Ogden woman has completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base Tex Airman Joann L Wise daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert A Wise of 2781 Grant is remaining at the TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR OVER COST air training command base to receive instruction as a AIL personnel specialist She is a 1973 graduate of Ogden High School t Cleveland 'X At by BYU Manuscripts Librarian Dennis Rowley Auditorium 457 26th Monday at 6:30 pm to plan the program for preschoolers sponsored by the US Office of Child Development through the Ogden Area Community Action CJ 4' mw- - jm -- MIf- HERE'S AN EXAMPLE: NEW 1974 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-D- R SEDAN Stock No 671 STICKER PRICE $549505 DISCOUNT $107505 442000 LOW NET PRICE ADD ONLY I' b ‘ Y t - $44(M00 DEAL!! ' ir: WRITE YOUR OWN MARKING the northwest corner of 24th and Washington for many years was ZCMI In 1869 ZCMI bought the store owned by Lester J Herricks and David H Peerv making Mr Peery their first president and manager U84 Improvements Planned The Utah Road Commission has requested Federal Highway Administra‘ion approval for design features of safety improvements on U84 at the intersections of U39 and U108 One part of the project consists of upgrading the signing signalization and traffic islands of the U84 intersection with 12th which is U39 includes other part The U84 at on adding left turn lanes the 103 intersection north of ' V Nye’s Corner at the Junction with Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad tracks Railroad warning signals and improvements to the profile and surfacing of U84 also are included according to Blaine J Kay director of highways The intersection where the railroad tracks cross has been the scene of a number of traffic mishaps in the past At that point U108 intersects with U84 north of the tracks on U84-10- 3 the west side j tracks on the east Motor vehicles negotiating left turns off U84 presently have no storage lanes (88'S ROYALES 98'S TOROS CUSTOM CRUISERS) Come into Mehon Oldsmobile at 2805 Washington Pick out the standard size Oldsmobile of your choice Find its low net price on the poster in our showroom Just add $7400 to that price and the car is yours "Just like selling yourself a car OQiflMSaMEtf OGSkim1 Q3& c West of Ogden 12th U39 is a major 7400 xm BUY NOW!! SAVE NOW!! An OLDSMOBILE east-weartery to the Defense access providing st e Depot Ogden IRS Ogden Center and Ogden Canyon for eastbound traffic Westbound it provides a to route West Weber handy West Warren Warren and Plain and south of the City Ser-vic- JJ 2805 Washington ' 392-752- 1 s w - CADILLAC s o |