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Show V OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: TTESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1891. Tfc Vead as tbe pMsieaxt bent araa aamJy before tit isportaaai esAon be draped eya aa4 hjerued li XmJi Bar tbe upataat. --Atwtapa Aune Bad." aai J be. U tW bee U b itufpsur of pnauoa." Tb taaa bvwad. tL rUld tarunl Uav aVatlT. bet brr bttas ruat ml bps trctaalOalr, a if peced aad oa tbeta ttat atiaeuai J but Yvr'jt TU. a- mrrrii at TAX fa. a--. nutxr I ifeaat I TV Aa tu3 t u fiw t to U--av wufreilinm. J aad caaar, jrt Arrt tr a tnfravt Jm CM asr asr aaaanat Tat ear U Mar rnradry Smmmt we A taken: Manama ejaaa aot an eaa. Bat e IM very Imai Uatk j evan&f- - m! au uf M. B f4tfeye Is : to " jriava 9un.au JcBas k4 s wt 4rmm taa etker UrM. aa aav a na as aa uwini ta myu oc K son a ntf, sua aw aaa a. a anaa-awai- Furniture i raaataxai aba w. aaa Iw aaa. a ot bm. awlr-4uaii-i at taey a Laa anaea. imnm as lary ra vaawi a aur. taa amuaat Mvr taaa a aak-- t tut rana. If waa all as taa-- a mokm up harawi- - Ha caat fur la Srraja fcy taa tact that aa a luat aeaat la taa apart o aftar trr-1- 1 ana tajrlr arrry bit. inane oa laa a Paaaawt laraatm tas taw it, eurar-eoaior umf UraaaM. ruria,- katK out aa taaa all taa t aaaujr . kasua I TWf ara taa ongiaai aa eelf evaHtia Itum Uver filav Itrvar of laaaOutav. wale aostat Fot-to-a Manraav Alwsrs aak U Vr. ara Latia Soru-oala- d ravar-'Pauaia, . Uraatuaa. . r rl IMa a ajtsa. avr Boyle aur bana t a fiyf "Tbea wby are yoa here, toad child that ytw are?" "Beraase, if yoo please, it is becanas dnae ate aand; saarataa; TaasareaajrT AtiOlaakarf at sea ar eure sua us K as tWe- - Carriages First Shipment of the Season Just Received. prxaa-Vb- t, Vue 1 ( week ago." "Twaa But yoo, Utea, that was nav dn&aed aad ettmcwl' cried tb president, earpriaed. "Abl Uai Oiea, no! Wby aboold I bare beta coavdemned who bar nnm mm4 aaxasiaaar aM ?? etutii j List-He- . itUmi4 laaalM ! ley chOd," aaid th eot.iBg brf diatreas, -j- aTbajaj yoa bare atil auauecbiBg to aay to LitfUe "Only that 1 am IVde. H U FrvsideBt; Asa Bel was aay sister, and we buried ber. ytur girl! rerk;r, a-- Trot Bab ! . WUr sae arraate nr aaj ecueav mwn Uar Vim eaeery uerat a amrajf elatracsad i JM Co. Anne died while this boine was before tb ruyal table" (tbe luwrr court uf rartnxaoar laaaorstt jsad:" Donary). "It waa wbea ab was lying I fee! eo brokee) up fa her eoOa all o4d aad whit that this I really taaaa It mfntp order concerting tbe aix months arrived, iMkMUtkMfttUMMI Mr. ' TWta a aa aam day ay aay certifying that ah most sabmit Oh! at Wart eaaturea. tea, your Hy bow tbe bad waited and prayed fur it, BuDrua. aad tried ao bard to live to receive It! Hbe bad never driamed of this, M. le ANN BEDES DEBT. StwjCwMjaMH ITwiJf-nt- , aud when they bad taken her away witb clused eyes, mat and III BtslMk, Kjf; deaf for ever, my mother and I told oar-stiv- e Ta judge- wert in tUeir tJaceat. ' we tbe must that wrong repair . OsUida Um ft wdgbwl heavily opn au walls he bad dane becaas of ber fiance, Oa-britack a,tmao ail eVtmar- la ahapelM boildinff, effaced tbe taa aoaavi Karloney. It was for him. aad mtU fiord haelf to the windows, conreal-kafftbet- r aa aowato, ara aroipJy without knowing it, that ah sinned, fronty Buwering. br taa nat at TW h la Ui ball itaclf the air wit thk k awl and we thought" MS aa ST Twaatr. rurgati reuai, Thr art pretty sue-to-. MaOfbajtlmaT BB invchildT or strata I? cetaartM, aeranHae amelled "What, ufalMwp ekina, It prtav isaMa M)C atiJbng. ta avta, Mirrn, tarapat. Eaa her rest to la 'That leaafcm ventiUv hi br peaoefoily aarta, ran to Tie, and the VmJ. ay dnifffisu. to should one no mortal and that aay asbea, ura ta tbe rjpjwr glawe of tbe at) light she oared tbera anything, that we Boost taanaad alowly and alothUlly. INVITATIONS, 71m juror, too, kaorxl wearily afainat do aa I said repair tbe wrong done by amende has ber. tbe mother If y jaid the back of their chair. On of then DRUGGISTS. laid chawd hia eyea and let hia hand fall for the guods, and I have come, M. le & iawrt, loMvd to aomsolonce by the munot-aaw- President, to serve in ber place tbe six JLGVjrTB FOR months the in ttaa county prison." tlrk a jrn. acnttcbing of To eerre in ber aUter'a place! Another tappe4 aad aoftly lieat tbe What innocence, what simplicity! with hia prmll oa Mat table. STRATTON ST.0 W Tbe jurors smiled broadly; tbe face of Tbe pmridrat ptubed bia apwtacUi to tbm tip of bia none and ntupptxl bia damy the presideiit was no longer cold or nor was it precisely bia brow brow, bis atern gray pyei, witb a Klat-ia- l Also for Wallis & Mexican hand-mad- e, atare, beat fixedly njwn tbe dour wbenw from whk'h be mopped the moisture CosBcrciil PilMiig Ci, 2404 Wisk Am wroaid iarae tbe rnlprita in coam of with a large yellow handkerchief. e "It is well." said be; "you were right, trial, and oa whom tb-- waited to Custom house child, hut but, now that I think of Perfumery and Toilet Articles, tbe aentenre, my ItCIOAJiS AXD TOBACCX). "la there not atill another oneT dv BrECIALTTES: lie stopped, frowned, and emned to amended be, presently, of tbe aWiy lock- FlnT Trorh Candiea. reflect of I think that "now in a hard, inbtitly 4aa; ttpataff at bia elbow Home llsda Taffies. Toice. it," continued he, "there was an error in PreMTlpttoat CarsfsUr Comaonadad. Purs lea Cream. One," responded the other; "a girl" this affair. We have, my dear child, Wsabiartoa Areas, tU "Eh bien! bring borln thtm," aid th sent you tlte wrong document." "The wrong document, St. le Presi-dent- y preeJdent. faltered Lisette, railing ber great, WHOLK8A1K DKAXKU9 OV the Tbe crier culled, tlte d.wr sorrowful eyes to his face with a gaze of girl entered. Acnrrentof freh air glided in with heart breaking reproach, "the wrong docIce Oeam for a Wbolualb ann Darin. her and aoftly fanned the fiire and ument?" (applied at ooa . Bhe uo aist-antacould notire, and tho day's the curious more, tickled lashd of the presisay Lxit m M.h hwofpkk, At the name moment a my of dent himself wns no les moved. n ( or. Stith aad Ave. "The wrong document, my child, ves," annlight pierced the ahroudinir fog and danced between the fntety etching of said he firmly, rising from his seat to EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTMTLT IN Comtr Wishingion Ave. ui Tftfnty-Crthe paries aoroM the diint r walls and tenderly puss his hand across the tdmiin.3 hair, "beyond there" pointing to tbe furniture of the hall of audience. -Strrtt under Broom Hotel STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. A girl" bad eaid the tipstaff a chill. heaven above them through the mist an veiled window "Justice has given rather, scarcely more than on the Tew of maidenhood, and no pretty in her little olher venlict? "Go now to thy mother and tell ber fnrred jacket, embroidered with wreathj Pin st t Stock or ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO ODR "OGDEN OFFICE." and blossoms and Uttint; like the skin this from me that thy sister was not a crim ronnded waist, straight and slcndor as inal tliat Anns was innoccut." "Before God. at least," added he, in a the stem of a yonng palm. Her bliu k Orders respectfully solicited la tbe Market. satisfaction guar- eyea were lowered to the flcor. but hrr tone otil andibls to his own great heart. Turkish Bath The only before God, at least!" TramJuted for mWlTFR rrononncedthlxatlnTiTitoi7 white brow ws clar and nuclonded. Xrr it and satisfy yonnelrn. is now house in of "What is it that you hare done. iiy Short Stories from the Ilcngarian anteed. . W imliilor-nUC. E. Mikszrnth aggene-chfldT questioned the prcMtnt by at 24th 364 St., opened al tt la e Aau-Uao- Ca BtalB( sllaatlaa. BiitalaU. - t h (id us u, el Fred, l, kiesel k Company, WHOLESAIE Liquor and Cigar Merchants ana Wedding Goods, at.' Ogden, Utah. JAS. WALLACE CARL UPMANN'S CAEDS DRUGGIST. oere-monio- Pocatello, Idaho. f Visiting Programmes ot rat-avJ- aa GB0CEB8, l k Co C -I - ant a A R S. - - - F. B. HURLBUT, Therabst Brewing Company's MilvvaukeeBeer par-tie- DEUGGIST, YVah-Inrto- Mil Ba 1 IS TOILET ARTICLES and Utah y. The girl nervously rturranged her bandkerchief that coTenxl her luud, caught her breath UeaTily,th'ii answered, sighing; "My affair is sad, U. U Iident, wry, very Kid." Her voice, soft and dolorous, went to the heart like good music, that, even when one hears it no longer, seems still to Tibrnte in the air and change everything by its mysterious influence. Tbe faces of the jurors wore no longer ao morose. The portrait of the kiui. and farther away still of tho Judex Curin appeared to make to her from the silent wall benignant signs, eucouraging her to bravely recount the affair "so very, very sad." "But see you,"aaid hc, "this writing; tt will tell you letter than 1 can." Only she had first to seek it; to nnclasp the buttons of her cniNngo nud draw it from her losotn a piece of crat;kling yarchment, stamt)ed bn closed with the ponderous official seal. mninmred the liresi. "A judgr-icn- t dent, running his eye over the paper, "a judgment aaiiiht Anne Bnde, assigned so begin today a pnniehment of m JBonths' imprisonment." Tho girl nodded aorrowliiHy; the loosened by ths riovtnnent, foil fiona her head, and a hoary tre?a of her long black hair, all unbound, veilod her features. It sought, perhaps, to shield Them from the gaze of the people, for if ahe was white as a lily a while ago, alw araa purple with shame at this moment. "It is a week since we received it," atammered she hi a broken voice. ''Tbe tsmrt officer brought it himself and what ft withcl to toll its, and any poor mother said to me: Thon most go, my child, the law is the taw, aad om should not take It as a pleasantry.' I bare come, therefore, U to begia tbe hand-3Eerchie- f, aizmonthsr Tbe president wiped bis glasses, tbm wriped them again, bia cold, atern gasa aeeking tbe faces of his coUeagoes, the wiadows, tbe floor, the great iron stovs. lawongh. whoa grated door fiery ys aaemed te sparkle aad Areltealngly re "The law," aamrnnred be, 'tke law is - 1 A ul tbaUw!" And be read anew the aattutary before suau.the black, sprawling Airli acroas Beds the white page, declnrias "A condemned to six natrtlrs' iraprisoaioeBt New Xixla af t'og-ra- J. W. Ihs. A French scientist has lately intro- dncttl a process for the engraving of designs on wood, leather or similar materials by means of a pencil or tool, the point of which is constantly at red heat After a series of experiments with hot irons ar.d platinum wiro heated by electricity, a special tool was finally devised by tho inventor of this proeew. which renders the oieratiou extremely simple. The tool in question is another applica tion of tho cautery instrument used by surgeons. The poucil has a wooden handle upon w!iich is mounted, a small plut- iuum tube with a fiuo point. Two separate receptacle communicato with the tool by means of a rubber tube; ona of these contains a hydro-carbosuch a alcohol, benzine or wood spirit, and the other contains compressed air. A constant flow of the hydro-carbo- n vapor is maintained at the point o? tbe tool, which is thereby kept in a state of intense iieat. Both receptacles are provided with regulating apparatus, by which the supply of ink can he adjusted or cnt off, as desired. The operation of tracing designs on wood work and leather is thus simplified to the utmost possible extent A tracing of the design is made on the article to be ornamented, and any degree of relief is instantly effected, very little skill on the part et tbe operator being required. The new process will be of the greatest service to bookbiaders, carpenters and otlters, as well as afford-la-g a ready means of labeling cases, barrels, etc. New York Commercial Adr Tertiser. . ' "The law, yea, t law to tbe law'" XD Dombstio CIGARS. D. GOODHAHT, Hi. (INCWPOKATED.) $500 Reward Prop Trill pay tb a bore ren-trfor any tasa of Llrw Ooaaplaiat, lyintala. Sick amdachr, Indirmtlon. f3 MS Weat't UpaUaa or Cutivoaen tra euutot ear F. J. KIESEL 4 n WAIKKK. Untacist. Oae. ftah. THE OGDEN TRUNK Sole CO igtets, to onr Fina Eqoipraant, employed Experienced and Competent belp, and are bow prepared tofiTe oar patrons Ogdco, Utah As Good Service an Appreciative Pnbllc Tel. 173 SOth Bt. Keatr of Kend Buscgies, Road Carta. Buckboards. Turbine WheolSa, Ensrinea Saw Mills. fit. m. eeaw-- aBame-- iav- tjali-r- M SMI aa . Iransier Co., YI ISTGK d. HI la. rivotIavaJ I Is'arArKmMaMj tha WAtfM - -aatnarrr A So -- -- TaaonW aaia remtr for --TJELSt'1 aVemiaiifcaeaoryhites. h aad feel aarei eaanr srr IB IWTiMllLlWa-aiI TwtmwCar rs riflfeTpTn. to all . . V Ta a tsfcf it DO ore-tr- ib. ai I aWaaaaaaaaa ii--ie j I ; V NoiUSthtt, Sjwt-ial- Telspkoae t. FEED STABLES - ' . CAJUUA6ES Oar BoardtHi and Feedia with cMarui. COR KY BEO'S T nf!TTOA7 I TV. eery mpect , COMPA"NTV WaaBiBatoat Atenne I ' DEITEM. DahartMiat will be fomad Satisfactory in - -- -'- TTTY If A f!TTTYTi! WnPTTC E. HOLLAND, Proprietor, Practical Founder 1H1H AND Furniture Covins a : J - parraased taa entire Livery aad Transfer basiana Beretafere carried oa y ateaan.avartia Bn a, a are pre)iaril t recetre ordere ler rSINGLE AXD DQTBLE' DUTOfl SKS, CfJtlUOES FO OPFJLA ASD WfiDBlNQ FAITIE8, HOTINO OF SACKUGS OB FV.BXITCBS, UVES. CAXLL "Cr BAGGAGE m XaVUTraV TraaT1 IDE jv . - 2482 Washington ATenni t. Haia , ttotl. COREY BRO'S & COMP'Y, LIVERY trrxif. ff lean the. Quantity to Bire m a trial. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Agricultural - Implements, Wagons, as Can be Had in Utah. We intend to Lead all Competitor in Quality of Work, and -- DEALEB IN -- Va We hare added many ImproTementa GEO. A. LOWE, FACTORY aaa aaa t Ogden City Steam Laundry 1ms, Clear Imparted Tattaeca tVr & ceata Abwlately ara and frre from all ic.Js, ntractt, palaa arflarorlat, sod sreaot dipprd. 1 a beanllftil and pa fact etfr, not a ebeap rlgwr. or rhrroot Equal to as nVcutelfar ta taa Caltad States, that la told refalar. VaMabl UtwP1!Iii.Iwo th dtrarOauaraatrlelly coaiplMI with. They ara purely Veffrtabla. aad aarat bil ta (It aatufactioa. StiparCoatad. Larva bona, eaaUialnr euto. S rralx. Itawara of couatarfaHa Tha irranlna auuiofarcnred aaly ay aad laXtatloa!i. nut Joan u wkt company, ciucaoo.ill. ftjr A. Sec. and Tieas. SINCE PURCHASING THE ; VTE U O. A. PARMELEY. Manager. Fifth 8t, Nssr Young, OODJEN ! & CO. OfiDlN STEAM TAUNDRY CO. O. P. IIENDERSHOT, Orders bj Vlail Promptly Attended to. r the slave States. The liue settled on in the compromise of 1830 was 33 degs. 30 min. Tbe Jdason and Dixon line, as iltncn ulove, ram along the parallel of N des. 43 mm. St Louis Vepubuc. J. KIESEL F. All who know of the Sanitary and Cnrstive properties of thii kind of bath can find ererythina in first class style '.at the a bore named place. R SE PERFniER and TOILET ARTIC LES. larOBTEB Woodman-se- e block. Druggists .. crowd: basement of & CO., ' Taa ataxia aa Bitot 140. : The Mason ana Dixoa lias rans along tbe parallel of latitude 89 ' degs. 44 Wagon Material, Hcatj Hari min., 34 degs. 8 mm., separating PennIt waa sylvania front afarylaad. ware, Iran and. tteel. s" draws by two distinguished English lUaafactan tha Beat Troukf. BapatruBl to. attended Old Takea Traak promptly la Mason Jereand surveyors, Qbarlea Kxckanra. tirdnra eaUad for sad Delirered ta Faker Barbed Wirts, Black miah Bison, who began their werk is ail parUottbsoHy. KLTVK A OPTMAN. 1703 and finished k in 1767. The line No. rm Tweirty4fth 8k,,:. smitlv Tools, Etc. is marked by atones see at intervals of At aaflea, eacb having the arms of Lord OGWKN Inaar RhU Baltimore ea graved upon on aid and "a Kr s hm am w those of tbe Pent family upon tbe other. awe at m wilL Wf Vtf THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN . . Hat aasVSaVM ' Beaidea these Urge stone set to mark I ; , Ilk. Ya rtjMf iM -- Ht aa4 j i -- eacb fifth aafte, smaller atones were set r ftoa f innJajr.iMAllartr arnriBT W War jnm at the ead f each mile, these having a Ml tfart le tpttv tm, iia P fo r !) ft) liaM. large engraved upon one side and the t -i -l faKm. Farw apevat r letter M a the otter these intended as ,i It. nTOCB'irnre, (, T.s initial letters af Pesifjlvasia and atary-lan- KUHaltaatak Ca,B Is prepared o (J all kinds f for receinng atalea gaods. All f tiies ttoncss ware engraved in Meanwhile the leadea reatilater bad nuickened ita pace and aims furinnsly, England. The Mason and Dixon line Ontside the wind had risen, and bow it was not the line separating the free and book the windows, whistled through tbe crevices aad seemed to kiss remorselessly about the ears c tbe gaping McNUTT Svauty-iMr- a and Machinist.- - sat. Wall and tiacela. Dealer la lleta Knjlaaa !'.en. Paajys, Kta. I w:i farsf.ll aad ereot In)net Bellera, Heater and ItackJaei? ay eoatras aad Co my wr a laa beat at as uar. Ctvera saaealaa wark aad rrvalrtsf arutatiy attaaded te u iscv. |