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Show 1 -- rr.iM, 3.Mo; tpj tatfi tfiinittnz' no o yr-- i fjrorct-- (2&in Jt'ji r 'Vrn v?n?p. vT-io- (3lhmb Sei Vol. 3 No. 27 Wednesday, March 2, 1983 No Authority vWfct. Judge's Ruling On Resfauranf Fee 'Confusing' Cornaby said in his ruling the money raised by the fee was to that go into the general fund of the was expected to clear up a dis- county, and the regulation passpute over a restaurant fee ed by the board was to off-sschedule in Davis County has the costs of the inspections. But, left county Board of Health the judge ruled, the money went members and a county attorney into the general fund and not to confused. reducing the costs of inspecting The confusion is a result of a County Commissioner Harry ruling by 2nd. District Court Gerlach said in a board of Judge Douglas L. Cornaby Feb. health breakfast meeting Tues18 that said the board did not day that each county departfollow statutory procedures in ment used to have its onw bankestablishing a fee schedule for ing accounts but that was county restaurant inspections changed because it was a and that the board had no aunightmare. Now, Gerlach said, the money coming to the thority to assess such a fee. The ruling resulted from a county from the restaurant fees lawsuit by the Utah Restaurant are credited to the health Association against the board, . claiming the board did not have Deputy County Attorney the authority to establish a Gerald Hess said he was also Food Services Establishment confused by the ruling. Hess said Cornabys decision Permit Fee Schedule. And Cornaby agreed with the has been given to the URAs URA position. He said in his lawyer, Gary Atkin, who will ruling that the fee was actually submit a finding of fact and a tax and that the legislature conclusion of law document to. could not delegate this taxing Cornaby for his signature. The function to local boards of county has 10 days after that date to object to the document. health. By KENT SOMERS Review Staff A ruling BOUNTIFUL et Staff phot SPRING often means communing between young people of the opposite sex and these two Clearfield High students have found an unusual way to talk things over. Taking the by Rodney Wright upside-dow- n viewpoint in the conversation is Nick Clark, while Nina Bernarde looks out from inside the car. W Ms Funds By KENT SOMERS Rovfow Staff A public FARMINGTON defender representing a murder suspect has asked the Davis County Commission for money to pay a second attorney who is helping prepare for the trial. Stephen Oda who, along with two other attorneys, provides legal defense for indigents in the county, asked the commissioners to pay Steven Major for bis help in preparing the defense for Victor Ray Bradley on a first-degr- ee murder charge. Bradley is accused of killing a Clearfield girl last March. His first trial was declared a mistrial, said Oda, because Bradley became ill during the trial and passed out. Oda said the county attor ; , neys office is using two lawyers more qualified to review the in the case and it would make bills because they know how much time is required for each it fair if we had two attorneys. He added that he had never case. The bills, Page said, outtried a capital murder case and line how many hours the public needed another attorneys help defenders spend in court and how many hours they spend inin preparing the case. Oda said a $1,300 bill for Materviewing witnesses and preto had been services given paring their case. jors He disagreed with Odas County Attorney Rodney S. Page for his approval, but it had claim that the county attorneys been rejected, office had an unfair advantage v; Oda expressed concern about because it reviewed the public We dont having to submit his bills to the defenders bills. attorneys office for approval, know what witnesses-the- y T' are, because the opposition" may be 'talking to, Page said. able to tell what we are gearPage said he disapproved ing up for. I would think some Odas request to pay Major for other party besides Rod Page ' his help on the case because it should be reviewing my bills violated a pre-triagreement and passing on them hes the between himself and Oda that Oda would be paid $50 an hour. opposition. But Page said his office is That agreement made no provi-- . sions for another attorney, said Page. County Commissioners Glen h E. Saunders and Harry B. told Oda last week they would take the matter under advisement but Saunders said Monday that the commissioners had not yet reached a decision on the matter. Ger-lac- -- al even tf By KENT SOMERS Raviaw Staff CLEARFIELD After a selection process that took more than a month, the City Council has named seven citizens to a committee to study a proposed resource recovery plant that could be located in the city. But one of the members was accused by Shirley Reed, a member of a group opposing the plant, of being 100 percent in favor of the burn plant. Bob Preece, said Mrs. Reed, has been going around with Richard Harvey, . Oda said he also needs the extra help because Judge J. Duffy Palmer said that he wants to immediately move to the penalty phase of the trial if " Bradley is convicted. The first phase focuses on the guilt or innocence of the accused. If found guilty, it must be decided if the death penalty should be invoked. Oda said that was like preparing for two separate trials. , -- Review. North Edition On Doorsteps Today . The Lakeside Review north edition makes its debut today, with expanded news coverage of northern Davis County and Roy. The north edition will cover the area including Farming-ton- , north through Roy. It will continue to be delivered each Wednesday morning to each home in the area with news of particular interest to our readers here. News articles will continue non-partisa- n, An office has in Bountiful to been opened handle news for a separate edition of the newspaper which will be delivered to the area of Davis County south of Farmington. Yreash Plcoirrt The mayor said that Mrs. Reeds for or against the plant. I have no association with him at all. group was welcome to participate but Hamblin said that no changes are said that people in her group shouldnt anticipated in the committee. He told think the newly formed committee is Mrs. Reed at last weeks council meet- its only communication vehicle. A conditional use permit for the site ing that the council was really after people and I dont know must be granted by the city planning any other way to find out than ask commission before construction on the $54 million plant could begin. But the them and have them say yes or no. Hamblin said the group will try to decision to grant or deny the permit act objectively and seek out all the -- can be appealed to the City Council for information to make a logical decision. a final decision. We are seeking Ive got a sneaking hunch the deciknowledge in sion will be made by this group right all the areas (of the plant). Davis County environmental health rector, supporting the plant. Mayor Neldon E. Hamblin said Monday that Councilman H. Kay Chandler had called Preece, who assured the councilman that he had not been supporting the concept of the plant. I dont know where she got that, Preece told the Lakeside Review. Im undecided. Harvey also denied Mrs. Reeds allegation. He did make an effort to come and find out (about the plant), Harvey said. But I dont know whether he is to be accepted at our Layton office, 2146 North Main, Lay-toin the Antelope Square Shopping Center, or by our correspondents whose names regularly appear on page 2A of the newspaper. n th here, said Councilman Rulon Cummings. Robert Speirs will chair the committee, consisting of Paul Poorte, Davis McBride, Glen Eggert, Paul Boggs, Gene Fessler and Preece. The committee may take a while to get going full speed, said Hamblin, because it has some initial pick and shovel work to do! Mrs. Reed said she just wanted to be sure that if the committee listens to Mr. Harveys pitch, they should also have the opposing facts. Remembering Old Times Col. Flagg, Sidney Freedman and of course, Tuttle. Again, try to narrow your list. MASH ended its life Monday night, and like the I dont Best written line in the last show death of an old favorite uncle, it was sad, but left know whats on those walls but it must have hit behind many pleasant memories, the fan first. Hawkeye Pierce, 1953.: Saddest scene in the last show Colonel r And like the favorite uncle, the program was not without its eulogies. Newspapers filled their Potter, facing the horse and telling Hawkeye and Sunday issues with khaki post mortems, and even B. J. goodbye. Dumbest mistake ever made by a cast mem-be- r opposing television stations ran MASH specials, McClean Stevenson for leaving. conceding that the show would dominate the The please dont do it request This goes to ratings. But MASH will continue to grab Americans by Harry Morgan, William Christopher and Jamie the stomach in what looks to be a long, profitable Farr, who are planning to do a MASH spinoff. syndication run. And arguments about favorite Please guys, dont tarnish your fame on schlocky shows, characters and guest stars will continue. sitcoms. If you Character who grew up the fastest Here are some opinions: d a went from John that and of elusive The show the Favorite ignore Trapper saga d chief of staff, the surgeon to a mysterious Captain Tuttle. Well, wait a minute. The show about Radars leaving wasnt bad and award would have to go to Radar. Over one the one about Henrys death was good. And how summer, his voice changed and he went bald. Either you liked it or you didnt category could you leave any Colonel Flagg show off the list? OK, I know what youre thinking, this guy is The death of Henry Blake. More than any other more wishy washy than Charlie Brown. All I can show, it made the point that not all things in life turn out cheery. Its nice to see television reflect say is try to narrow your list. A tie between that once in awhile. Favorite guest character By KENT SOMERS Rtviaw Staff ' curly-haire- bald-heade- tr School Bard Oft C93G30 Layton. High School brought the Shakespeare era back in a production of plays for students and the public. 4C Wendy Polllokeiide Index Roy Climbs jsiness . . lassified Home Living School . .... . B ...... - ! Sports k' eraser: Review 2D 2D, 3D ID, Section 4C-6- C 1C-3- C The Roy High Basketball team has climbed another notch in the state 4A tourna- ment after defeating Bingham. 1C J |