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Show r ( . t .. jk - ''7 - - -- y y.yyvji yj x ' V ? f i KAY&YlLkE II, YOL, 3?ece IE3 V, B, Smith aqle Editor. LOO HOMllttM. HTMW. Wheat taken fur coal at the CH)p Geo. Bennett went to Ogden Friday' John W. Galley, vent to the capital Saturday. J, R. Barnes took a spin to the Ilub Tuesday. Will Blood took In the Junction city Monday. MiuL.lL Alexander sojourned In Ogden Tuesday. Wn. II. Bloqd was a visitor at the capital of Zion Saturday. Hyrum Stewart made a business trip to Salt Lake Saturday. Miss 8. Z. Brown was a visitor to nub of .Utah Saturday. ithe IL Linford took the morning itrain fur Salt Lake Saturday. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Puttllki attended the ifuneral of .their little niece at Hooper .Monday. n elegant social card party was :had at the residence of Cba F. Alex .ander Jut Saturday. The smiling- - countenance Thn J . iNteed ut Farmington was seen on our istreets with his nJeigb Tuesday, A Mr. Newberry was in Kaysville the fore part of the week trying to 'irnaxe converts for the pupuilst party. Itls said that H. E. Lewis, of pictorial fame, spent the fore part of the 'week in Tlooper with his affianced. much bad ai may,.peftap console them, I foci a 111 tie delicate about writing so strong criticism when 1 think of of the great number of Influential persons present, hut I have counselled several Intelligent pewifw who re- mained Inside during the service! and they donotdiasgree with me in the least. I account for the condition of the sir i the two rooms to the fact that the airlu dose rooms gets impure so gradual that those who have charge sometimes do not notice that the fire in the stove burn out and are not replenished, and that the poom is being heated br the taut poisonous air from human lungs. Ventilation must be a lost art or else we are just beginning to understand the principle. Until we can afford to adopt improved method of warming and ventilating our dwellings and publi? tituse we will of ouurxe fce compelled to get aiong tbe best we can, but the best rs can during cold weather surely v includes keeping up the fires and allowing reasonable space for ingress and egress of pure and Impure air tyiTifoi Rn SfgUtlMt- - It seems that Tug Eagle must still continue tu tuts its born and stir up the peoploQQthe fire question. Our city is tn a very help teas condition and should n monster conflagration break loose It could do thousands of dollars woitb of damages before it could be made to succumb. We have no assistance whatever except men and buckets and to reach enough water Is almost cut uf tbe question The Board of Trustee of Idaho Falls, fully alive to the hrlplese condition of the town in oae of fire, negotiated Dr. AJrd, a resident of Heberdity with Mr. Mollruy the agent uf the sind a graduate of tne California lied, Li ndgreq Mahan Chemical Fire seal College, was In town looking for a Chicaof Company, place to practice his profession, lie go for a n umber two chemical engine will, psmaps, locate here. in be accep ted on certsih conditions. N. U Sheffield, E. M. Whitesides, One of tbe conditions was that a and L H. Baldwin were at the inst- thorough test of the engine bn made itute at Bountiful Saturday. Mia bv the manufacturers, and If satisRllla Brown accompanied the first factory t be machine would be acceptnamed personage. ed by tbe hoard, the price being flSOO. Dont forget that the annual meet- On the strength ut tbu agreement the company fiu warded one uf their ing of the dliectors of cream iry will Om held kf the ufflJe trthe nmipany engine which however did not arrive as soon as ex pected owing to tbe conmeat Saturday evening. cern being over crowded with orders. A grand bow and weight party will It however put in its appearance on be given at Williams Hall. Friday Tuesdsy, two days after the unfortuevening, Feb. 2. 1894, for the benefit nate destruction of Clark & Fannings aif the Young Ladies Mutual Improve- store, circumtancn keenly regretment association. Each lady has two ted by every une. bows and one is drawn by a gentleMr. Mahan, one of of tbe firm cf man who pays for his tickefcaccording manufacturer came Tuesday mornto her weight, at i a cent n pound. ing prepared to make no exhibition Fur to be open- of the fire fighting qualities of this Fur the ed Jsn. 27 the ule of excursion tick- kind of fire extinguishing aparalus. A building was accordingly conets to ban Francisco, going and returning via Ogden and the Southern structed on tbs plaza of dry lumber Pacific direct routs will be 135.85, Bate and filled with lnflamable material going via the Southern Pacific and re- and saturated with coal oil. The turning via Shasta route and Port- engine was set up and charged with land or reversed will be 115.00. higher the them icsl, the building fired and than direct route. Above rates in- when the town trustees considered clude five tickets of admission to the the fire had sufficient progress they irdered Mr. Mahan to go ahead. The fair good 30 days and no stop over pri allowed in either direction. building at this tune was a mas ol t. TnoxAstuar, Agent. flame at the same time a stiff breeze was blowing, but in less tban three after the chemical was turnminutes Tnu u Ge.fsled on, the fire was out and nothlLg The following Is from the Provo remains! but bJakened mass of timDispatch, It has mure truth than bers. poetry la it; It was evident to all who witnessed The newspapers give more in charity the experim ent that bad the fire been more to the churches, more to the ten times as great tbe result would schools, mure to the puhl ic enterprise have been the same. and more to the generl good In every The town board were completely way, than any other single enterprise satisfied with the trial and immein the community. Its calls come to diately accepted the engine. It every day, not one single call, but Tbe trial established the tact that they come In groups of downs. Pick it was nut necessary that the fire up any paper In Utah, daily or weekly should be confined within n closed and count the number of free notices room in order to make the chemical It contains. If you are a typo, meas- effective against its . progres but a ure them up and see how many ems strong breeze circulated through tbe they amount to. fire which was fed with coal oil and Now reflect that every time a prin- other lnflamable material, but the ter to uches a Single type It costs the result was as stated above. publisher money. This Is all donated. Why cannnt some scheme of tbia Tho often the poor fellow instead of kind be worked right here la our own receiving, as he should do, the praise dear Kaysville. of the community, receives its corses. Wake tip, ye Solon and look into the matter. A fire department would VtttilstJoa. be one of the most paying Investments Uthe funeral of Pen. Smith here our city could make. weresolittlo fresh sir let Into the Let ns get a mounted pnmp and loom that theair lnsld? was perfectly hose some and down pnt obuoxous and poisonous. When meeting closed, four oi the cisterns if we can do no better. six windows were lowered a total of even inches; as near as could be esA Letts? frem flBsi Bowler. timated by myself and several others who came out nn account of the Tatloiibvillk, Jan. 25, 1894. poisonous air. Some of the windows Editor or Tbs Eagle1 I have bad been open but. were closed before was out. received a letter from Giles Bowhalf Tbs Just panes meeting the of glass had small pieces broken out ler. He Is in the Deep Creek country. through which a small portion of the 1 will send tbe letter to you for publitufcuplo feet of air per hour that an cation which will be interesting to all adult, breathes, could circulate. So readers of your valuable paper. I hope you will give it space In Jenson fee! regret that they If information that columns and oblige. the iid, ntu your Old i. W. W, FbabklIh. so room and little ..a.-iparc Uci (n-gl- Mid-Win- ter es - ;i- ne DAVIS QOTJNTYx UTAH, THURSDAY FEB, Ieatak, Jan. 16, 1894. W. W. Frawsuu. Dear Sir: Yourquf the 10 received and contents noted in answer would say 1 am glad you are doing a fair business at Taylnravllle. I taupe the time will ccme when the world at large will appreciate tbe labor performed by skilled mechanics who have thoroughly learned their trade, blacks uiltns. It is most especially now, and always has been the custom to eatthe meat and throw the bones to the smith, and they can nardly make a It nng. All blaeiu mitbs la all states lu the Union are alike, Well, Franklin, abed your skin like a shake in the spring and come to Deep Creek and prospect for n claim in lbapsh range of mountains. We at Deep Creek are in triangle with Fuh Spring, East Gold Hill north and Kin oly and West Spring Creek south All goud mining districts, both gold and silver In hundreds of claims and when vnu learn that the Denver and Bio Grande Western has made a map of Utah with a map uf theu proposed road, iliuwing iu route across the desert tc Deep Cyeek ft Is time fur the people here to be happy gt tbe prospect uf tbu addition to Utahs wealth. Ye Franklin, I predict that by the manipulation of machinery in ten years hence a skilled blacksmith can not bn found working at his trgde. If there la any exception to this, he will have to start In something else. The farmer has uo particular use for us now, Any mgn can learu so that tag can, in one years practice, botch along with farm machine rehorse-sho- e pairs. The tire shrinker, ualL and tbe duzens of other things made by machinery and supplied to the trade hare laid the oUl son of Vulcan on the ehclf. If you don't do the farmers work for little or nothing and wait for him one year, he will buy an anvil of hla own, and tell you to grow cabbage for yourself Come here, Friend Franklin, before nil the land and claims are taken. A sheep-herde- r dollars here can get thirty-fiv- e per month, while it would re quire a smith to work all winter for that amount in cash. I remain yours respectfully, to-da- Co-o-p. i WE LE AP Blankets from, Lpo to 112.00 s pair at the We have a few suite ofj clothes that Co-o- go at cost. Kaysville Co-oNote the reduction in boots and shoes at thn Co- - jp. The Coop has the best and cheapest line uf overcoats In Davis county. Sweetr potatoes Cocoa-nCranberrie Cabbage and Grapes at H. J. Sheffield's p, mLH Ka.'YS'VTILjLE always stock cf Dry Good, Groceries, Boots, Shoe Hats, CQohing, Gents Furnish, iqgs, Hardware, Crockery and in short anything and everything inth A CARD LADIES. TO THE General Merchandise lino. We also have the ageney for Pleasant Valiev, Castle Gate, Soqk Springs Almy and Peaeoeh Coal Cos. Dear Lady: If you ire troubled with painful and irregular periods d take Dr- - de JozaS Prescription. We give written guarantee to permanently cure in two treatments or refund money. Price for one trial treatment 12 00 Write or call on Lady Manager, World-renowne- SALT LAKE MED. CO., West Second Routk St. Salt Lake City. Utah. Patients unsuccessfully treated or 68 imposed upon by others eipeeialJy Invited to call. IfyouWishto get 1 OAK COPYRIGHTS. I OBTAIE A PATXHT V ad tkoa mtHtmTAIiom Cfcn 0UR JW l of Molly MBSiantlal.' A HiiGmIi Sow ad call on us. PRICES TALK LOWEST PRICES SSea John R. Barnes la. Is ok, Supt hMIK kooki aotlMlatbiScIpailSa Aowriraa, art raapkt wMoly kejorttka pokilownk- - Cwart PRICES TAT.K. - talks Gilk Bowler. rnCUWESW sails bus empists Oo-o- p ut - Lsiiss, Best m. S94. Choice pew raisins and best reclean ed currants for. princa meat at the IMS, Ml i taUAllWAX CnriMsd. There been goffering with painful end irregular Menstruation for over six year Ihavs paid n fortune to th best physicians, and have taken neatly all kinds of patient medicines and treatment TotatrodasakMrtM kf r adacatloail work th but without avail. About one year ago Will kMatwaUaprileaau I A Indy friend told me to tike Ds. DK p. Down. niHimi fuwf M IMUMS MW roftlb Joza'S famous prescription, which had cored her in ons months treatment, was very nek at that time and willing to take anything to cure me. Consequently I have taken two months treatment of Dr- - dr Jozas prescription, and can state that I am not only permanently cured but am now the mother of a healthy boy. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. de Jozab prescription, and am always UK la an (tyM aaS Mml Lightest, ready to give information regarding Lhis etrawwt, aeeleet worth; Ik elafleet. remedy. M US. R. L HOKES, 169 Madison-ave- ., edent Tor MM bran Mm tai Chicago. Wo give one months CttakfMe malM freo tf treatment so any lady who will send 13 00 The Marlin lire Arms Co., to the 8ALT LAKE MEDICINE CO., 56 Haw Haver, On U.S.A. Salt lake City, or W. Second Soulb-st- ., give all information wanted by writing to tli Ladr Manager of the company. Bemember we guarantee a pemanent cure DB. W. F. INGRAM, in two treatments or refond money. Lady representatives wanted everywhere, N.B. A trial treatment sent on receipt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, of 12.00, UTAIL KAYSVILLE, UNION PACFIC TIME '1' SANAT FE ROUTE" Don't tsU to soeuro your t Is kata reiJlog Rio Grande Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Rys, Tho only lino ruuaiBg fulluun Stooping oar hetwsw Ogdoa, Emit Chicago without Ohaugo lko Oity ssq SHORTEST. QUICKEST LINE EQUIPMENT 'CrN'SITItl'A.SSEHQ SDEHEfiY IIHBIIIIflLBP. via DLEMwnnn bfbihub, Train leaves Rio Qraodc Wooten Dspot, Bolt Lake City, at 7:H p. e,. Ticket Offle No. 1SW. Seeood South Btroet I SU C. BTXE37M J1X'X M Dooly Building. BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - W TABLE SOUTH BOUVD. No. H Butte Express 9:29 a m. 3:50 p m. 8:44 p. m. Pac. Local Bonnemort XORTlIBOtIND. No. II Fast Mall Portland Express Local C. Express In effect Dec. 1, 93. P. Tnomssscn, 7:32 a. m. 7:37 p. m. J0:11 a. m. 3:21p.m. Agent. Layton, John B. Barns Freat Km&ttiMUtf Peter Barton T. F, Rouechc Artesian Wells. Prices Reasonable. Kaysville, Utah. L 8 Hill Vies Director Prut. John JJ W. Galley J NATHAN REEVES. .Manufacturer of Call at KAYSVILLE Combination fencing. Utah. Ieavsvill, Meat Market. For FIRST CLASS MEATS Highest Cash Price Paid for :.A. Williams & Son, Dealers in and PORK 4 BgcgsAwnraH KB Robert Blamires, Prop. Cub is r H. Barns wiiUL , . BARNES BANKING innonneing that gsmonts on bshslf ipnlist matter officially recommended by the Na-J&n Press Assooimtion and Taubeneek, in quantity da- - t i Vransaets a fenerri BANKJT;pER Draft. Drawn Payabl Jtnyw WeterB H d price No Canada or Mexico. Our acfr se furnisnes suthorued matSee. National for transacting genera- PressMORGAN, Association. are aa good aa ciress found to Um Ifjfjjip We pay 5 per cent interest on Denver, colo Wtt .1-.?llEf by Mammu . knowsUtMNiiohia deposits and receive any ai when warm. This fens and lUyn ft t ! - - fi i! - L BEEF, MUTTON G. B. W, Bsrnss, J.H. Larkins. Capital $25,000. - . 1, - one dollar up. Deposits r FAOTMPPUra LEPA t:- FXUM rA Special attention to tlSsssSssScSiS or mil V1ixi. WEWSNTIOUR BUSIN K 33 owfto ortrorUmo piano ear that row -' - wwtta IUo papa; z:i i ; vS- - J -- f I1 S I '.'rew I - |