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Show V a Urowlngi Aiunru'iii A BEAR'S QUEER REVENGB An experiment at tea growing was Ho Smashed o Joorlorfe Showcases soC made in North Carolina last aiumon. Chewed 1 p M airboa The result was the harvesting of l.'tl) Ernest Zshn of Lancaster, now pounds of suiicrinr leaves. A more realizes that animal rights as well as elaborate plantation has been grown human right can not be violated with- this season, and, from present indicia- -' out incurring a penalty commensurate tious, the results will show much betwth the w ong. A few weeks ago he ter. It was grown from seeds obtaina T-- and, jumping into my lap again, ROYAL BICYCLISTS. looked into the bag, and, I think, concluded it was too much work to eunoeal ail the rest, for he patted the THE WHEEL A FAVORITE WITH THE NOBILITY. paper down over the nuts, aud started on a tour around llie room. Unfortunately I opened the bag to take another not out for him, and, hearing Eoropeaa Wouh Mura and Mora Addicted to tho lotoslrotloa Afforded the noise, he ran awiftly to me, and, by Spinning Along tha Hoularnrdn seeing the paper bag open, bit my hand. I jumped up and ran aeroaa Friaeoaa Louies la Hal moral. the studio with the hag, but lie was after me. As quickly as I could I ICYCLING HAS dropped the bag upon the table, aud become extraordl-nar- i then the angry little fellow was satisy popular in fied. Paris and Brussel After this he pattered around tho Somehow it is diffiroom at his own sweet will, examincult to associate cycling with ing ehsirs and tables, occasionally decorum, stopping to give an extra pat to tha e, bnt the proud rug under which must of his nuts were wearing the hidden. St Nichols moat picturesque nd becoming cosLong Journey tar a Dalian tume, and followed Professor Mendenhall, the head of by her groom in the United States coast survey and a fanltlese livery, also riding a cycle, dentist of world-wid-e renntation, dis- mar be seen by the dozen every morncovered his special mental bent in a in the lioi enjoying ihe rapid ing curious way, savs Washington. Ha movement end exhilarating exercise. was the son of a farmer in a Western The Parisian woman riders ere in pro- to the men as about one to village. One dav, when he was about Sometimes thrv ride in paire fourteen years old, a insn from another and altownship bought a cow of his father, with bnt one groom following, skirt, reaching only to who, hot wishing to be troubled with ways in a short the knee knee trousers and buttoned delivering the animal himself, said: cloth The ekirt leggings to the knee. bottom I will give you a dollar to is sometimes My eon, and divided at the drive that cow to X for me." below the knee gathered to two bandsdres-es worn by How far is It?" asked the boy. ike the gymnasium miles by the road yon athletic women here. Bat prettier Twenty-fiv- e than these are tbs accordion plaited would have to take. Tha distance looked long, but tbo skirt of black over black tight with velvet, also dollar looked big. A bargain was sunty Bolero jackets ofsilk waist and bright struck on the spot and the next morn- Itilaek, looks a bit odd just at first to see a ing before daylight the farmer's son lady and gentleman walking along started on his journey. He reached together and suddenly have the lady his destination by night, very tired; slip off her long skirt, hand it to the in a little bat before going to bed he happened gentleman, who wrape it up straps It on the inback of hie to notice in a corner of the sitting-roothe lady, her short of the house in which he was to machine, and mount her wheel and ride as weil-wor- n petticoat, Euclid. a copy of lodge and easy as her esc rt 8 till, A glance inside of the book fascinated rapidly rou rather- - like it when you get acthe youngster, who sat up most of the customed to it. Short dresses appear night, in spite of his day's tramp, in the windows of the shop and of them are designed for pouring over the angles and areas, though many inea and tangents, lie resolved he hu ting, mo-- t of them are worn for must have that book. The next morn- cycling. The cycle, too, is a great favorite ing he said to the master of the house: with the English ladies of the royal What will you take for your house, which insures it popularity Euclid? with a'l sorts and conditions of women; Ieuppooe it's worth a dollar," woe out it la the trithe answer. cycle that is preDown wentyoung Mendenhalls hand ferred by the more kn-into his pocket, ont came the dollar conservative dames and which he had so bravely earned, and emoieelles. the next minute he was the owner of Princess Adethe book, which he carried tenderly laide hasMary had for under his arm as he trudged horn some years so much That was the opening suggestion of to say in favor of a career in science of which any man th!s exerci-- e that he has prevailed might be proud. upnn the queen to haridan as a Boy. order two machines Congressman Tom Campbell relates for her grandthe following sketch, told to him by daughter a, the A JAUNTY COSTUME. Princesses Irene and Alix of Hease. The the late General Phil Sheridan. When Phil Sheridan was IB years princess of Wales bought another for old the congressman in his dis- a birthday preaent for one of her and the vrinceeaes of Lome trict, in Perry county, Ohio, the place daughter and Beatrice both cycled bravely of Phll'a birth, had an elephant on his tite grounds at Balmoral. hands in the shape of a West Point through Of court now that cycle riding Is so popular a form of exercise, it must cadetship to give away. The Democratic chairmen of five have its hygien and, according to counties each had applicants to urge, medical authority, beginners should and to eaeh the congressman was avoid all overexertion. The ride should exceed half an hour. under equal obligation Bat to reoog-niz- e by no means Every day after the first week the one was to offend the other four. time may be extended, and after some One day the congressman waa walk- weeks' practice twenty miles may be Somtaken at a stretch. The dr si should ing along the country road, near erset, revolving the problem in his be as light as possible, entirely of mind, when he met Farmer Sheridan, woolen material an 1 worn without Riders recommend that all with whom he was slightly acquainted. corset Good morning, congressman, said the undergarments be made of the same material as the d es for it is imMr. Sheridan. possible to fall off from a bicycle Good morning, was the reply. efully, and the girl in frills and When he had gone a few paces ho gra lac when she takes a header, is apt to look like an upset laundry basket topped suddenly and called out: By the way, Mr. Sheridan, how Nothing is more likely to increase the tits than cycling, hut, as with many boys have you? ing, it is advisable to let quite an I have two fine boys, your honor, hour elapse between the meal and the was the reply, Mike and Phil. exercise. Fleshy women desirous of How would yon like to have one their weight oust remember of them sent to West Point for a mil- reducing that tbe ee f denial comes in at this itary education at the government's point for the increase of appetite, if not vigorously mortified, ireans a expense? Well, replied Mr. Sheridan slowly, greater increase of flesh than the can reduce, however faithfully they are both a help, bnt I wouldn't cycling and vigorously followed. mind. . Miss Reynold an English cyclist, All right, which one shall I take? accomplished quite a feat recently waa the "Mike's Depend reply. she started from the smartest; he's got a head for the Aquarium at learning, bnt if yon want a fighter I Brighton reckon Phil is the one you went o'clock in the morn And that was how Phil Sheridan ing and headed her bicycle for London. got an education at West Point Four hours and Whoa tho Uooso Hunks High. thirteen minutes Wild geese, when migrating In autlater she pedalled umn, form Into lines aliaped similar to briskly up to .the the letter V, the leader takes his place Hyde Psrk corner, where she paused at the point where the two lines meet, and view e a the the two lines following as they sail landscxpe o'er with above far the trees and beyond away, a smile of miss bkykoij) all danger of gun They all seem eesled satisfaction, (she hsd made fnil of glee and join in a chorus that the entire run without a stop. sounds very much like honk, honk, After wiping the dew of honest toil honk. Anyone who has heard these from her brow, Miss Reynolds again curiously sounding notes can never mounted her wheel, ami, like the King and hs four thousand men, forget them In former times those of France marched back again. That i who heard them realised the happi- gayly he wheeled back, making three halts ness of the winged creatures in being on the r he reached her starting ' so high and safe and it became a mat- point atway. 1:3 p m., having made the ter of course when two persons met entire trip In a trifle over eight and a each other under peculiarly favorable half hours circumstances for this or that enterMiss Reynold who Is only in yesrs prise to sav, Everything is lovely of ag says ibatshe suffered no 11 and the goose honks high. effects from her wonderful rid If our grandmotner however, could see Effect of Mud. which in costume this enerur' Little Ethel, at her arithmetic les- the ing young women covered so muen son Whats a quotient? is safe to assert they ground, it Little Johnny It's what you get by would have suffered the ill effects which Miss Reynolds escaped. A verdividing one number by another. bal Je ription of her knickerbockers Oh, it's the answer, is itf ' nd her loose shirt waist of the same Ye opening over a neglige white Then why don't they call it the material, shirt could not do luatice to the thing. answer? Cause that word is too easy to re- Bo a picture of the young woman is given, just a she so eared when she Good New member. took her surrey of London from the ... i j The (lot a Croat DaaL liyde Park corner. Kindly Old Gentleman Do yon ; know what happens to little boys who Chinese Kalchnaek run ont in the rain? Little Boy Yes, The odd little pape- - weigh' cup, sir; sometimes they get cold, soma- bowl teapot animal times they get a spanking and (tri-- j seal-- , i ray and I nicknaeks in soap-tAn- e idols fitfures I've sometimes both. uinpliuntly) got : wh ch travelers colors of variona Harper's Bazar. b ing from hina ate made, for the Lnrky l.lltia llojr most art. from the outpm f mines j Little Diek I know why little col-- ! near Wenchow. The white, jade ored boys is so happy. Little Don color and I frozen'' ar- - considered the Theie Little Diek Cause their nest an bring high price ; Why? i mother can't tell when their hands re f.iHJD miners and carvers at tns-- s mine arc dirty. Good New Bari-sienn- THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY. Will Mini wise man who bu Journeyed Ovap land and over aa Ta tho countries whore the rainbow And tha alurioua sunset be, Kindly toll a ilille stnuurcr Who baa oddly lost her way, Where'! tha road that ahe miut travel To return ta yeaterday? far. you aea, aha'a uulamlllar Vrlth and cauuot read What lta alraaaa, myaierloua Tell of ways and wueru they lead. And har heart upbraid her aorely. Though ahe did nut mean to stray When aha fell aeleep laat evening And abandoned yeaterday For aha left a deal neuleeted That aba really ahould have dona: And aha fear she's tout aome favora That aha fairly mlKht have won Bo (he'd like to turn her backward To retrieve them If ahe may WII not aome one kindly tell her Where a the road to yeaterday? Julie U. Upymann, In St Nicholas Dot a Hammocks. to-da-y, alun-pae- An acceptable preaent for one little girl to give to another, or to giro to ber own doll, in a dolla hammock. : Cat two oblongs of blue and white narrow-stri- p bed ticking, each as long as necessary, according to tlie length of the doll, and about half as wide as the length. Take the heaviest wool or worsted of any preferred shade, and make, say stripes along the white stripes of the ticking. Red wool is cheerful and durable: Lay the wool smooth and straight along the white stripes and fasten it down with slanting stitches of blue or yellow embroidery silk. When all the white stripes have thus been covered, lay the two oblongs together wrong side out, and stitch across the ends. Turn the right side out and stitch again, thus making a sort of hem or shirr, wide enough to run in a piece of whalebone or heavy bonnet wire. Turn in the edges of the sides. Baste together smoothly. Then with the worsted makes fringe along the two double edges This is done by threading a needle double and pulling the worsted through the ticking, leaving the loops as long as you wish the fringe- - to bis, say about two inches, though some dolls like to have their hammock fringe three inches deepk Take another stitch a sort of buttonhole stitch in the same place to secure the worsted; then set a fresh stitch, as before, next to the first one; fastening it in the samo way; this leaves the worsted in'a succession of When this has been done loo pa along both edges of the hammock, the loops must be cut The fringe is then complete. In the hems run pieces of wire or whalebone, not as wide as the cloth, which is thereby left somewhat shirred or gathered Fasten the ends of the bones stoutly to the ticking. Now thread red cord into a big needle and sew it in single all along the ends, one inch apart, passing the needle inside the stretcher of wire or bone. Cut it off at each stitch leaving the two ends six or seven inches long. Gather up the cords of each end and tio them into a brass ring. Now the hammock is complete. A couple of hooks in a corner of the play room will suffice to hang it on, or a cord fastened to each ring will enable you to swing your doll hammock between two chairs or to a low branch of a tree in summer time. Ifyou wish to have the hammock very, very complete, make a gay little and pillow of silk stuffed with cottonInter--Oceatie it in at one end. Chicago A Rtuillo Squirrel Jumbo was the crassest little model 1 had ever known. He scolded continually and all my efforts to sooth him were in vain. Even sugar seemed to sour his disposition, lie scolded when eating and when not eating. If I placed anything near his cage, he would jump to the wires still scolding as though he meant to break them. Only a lew days before I bought him he was a free squirrel, leading a rollickaome life in the woods. What wonder he was' indignant at finding himself a prisoner! Well, one afternoon I opened his cage door and offered him the freedom of my studio, of course expecting to have a very lively scene. Visions of upset vases, broken windows and general disorder stimulated my curiosity. I wanted to see just how much mischief he could do. The cage door opened, Jumbo leaped nimbly to the floor, and surprised me by behaving in the gentlest manner possible! After he had run about for a little while I reached for a paper bag of hickory nuts lying near me. Jumbo ran forward Immediately, jumped into from my my lap, took a hickory-nu- t fingers and hid it under tho bookcase. Standing up. I shook tha bag quite briskly; in a moment Jumbo was running up mv side to my shoulder and again took a nut from my fingers Now he did uot scold at all, but was conperfectly amiab.o truly a strong trast to his former self, lie kept taking nut from ino until aliumt every corner of the studio contained one. Finally a rug in tho middle of the floor str.ick him as the best placu under which to hide them, and the manner in which lie patted the rug down after hiding each nut was very comical. llii grew tired ot thin fuu at 1m t, rn at 1 F, a mountainous captured region of his suite under c ire am-stances calculated to impress the animal with an idea that it had been bra-cab- in ' Piurnela I grevionely outraged. The capture of the bru'e was effected i a result of a forest fire which drove .. dam from its native fastness to a point where Mr. Zaira ami his party were encamped. The mother of young bruin fled from the hunters with one her cub leaving the other to their mercy. The jeweler seized, tethered and muzzled the little creature and then took It home, erected a esge in his jewelry store and within his walls pampered it for tho delectation ot the multitude All this time the bear waa brooding over the unfair ed vantage the jeweller had taken and doubtless meditated revenge lie slyly congratulated himself on his Increasing strength, and waa Impatient with the delay of retribution. With a degree of Intelligence manufacture of e teas. This beyond hie years he selected a bunriay is prevented by the Asiatic cheap for hia triumph Nobody was in the store to observe hie attack, and there- - labor where tee pickers work for from six to eleven cents per day. Only the Assam varieties hsvs been tested at the Pinchurst plantation, but the Chinese plants will bear this lesson. The outlook is good for at least ItiO acres being piloted aud first quality of ten being harvested. But, its value as n crop for profit remain to be demonstrated. It is thought that by hiring women and children at very low wages to pick tho leave the industry can be made a success. This is of course not advisable. A lady bad soma goodi scat him marked C. 0. 1). A litt le girl exclaimed : 1 know wkat U. O. 1). mean It means head-aeli- a SSSNThompson's lm nrirntii IrHOillMMO r high-grad- At oa i Price; flssi.h 1ifiMsn Uipm lMiiriii' 1 K. fee ho. Me, UsirklKB. MHAW IMAU Ko HlBfi UL m rte I I It I Made la all alytaa and I Alda,- LUrhtm. I m Sal I VfttMrtf! work W.atrunamu, VI A V atuM pwnm, emupaet iu lion odrtt. mm 1111 - MfcfiNtfa I 100 UmpkiaC, Modal Mil la K nl, usn ahull ud Vm rim Mid Bare aopfrett. cartriiUt in tbe mu ou euat of anuiiuuliff ovrr any oIIht ral. riHNtii lb swOaiid BUtf. Finriaa. ligdiil trr-- r REPEATERS THE MARLIN bn FIRE ARMS CO., Ir Cm DROPSY TKKATKD FKKE. wlih Voxeuiblo KooimlldL I'oaitlvely Curoil uf eaaa. tiareeaaeapio Haveand UmiumuhU Vrua IM duas auurnod kuaclna by boat ten day a at laaM ayaipSiaiadiiapiar: mHand fnvfrmbuukloatlBo-ntal- a all ayaiMa rare Tan ut lm by anil. "If you ontar trial acnu ioa In auiupa lou-llilr-dl Call on Dsd, which was singularly near the Mil l HOSKV BETl'RNED. OIK Forovera quarter of a century, Dr. Lera I Golden lludiiid Durovery has effecting Throat and Luug affoo- nun ufhrutudiiul, Tha makers have Mich iiIUmmw in tha Disuuvery " fur curing Aatluu Bronchi ti aud incipient Cunsuiiqilion, that they can afford to guarantee it ed from the American consuls in Mr Isaac Lotnan, of 2wiot Delaware Ox, FU., writes ee follows: Chin Enough has been accomplishDa. H.V.Pnmc Bufed to demonstrate that a superior falo. N. Y.: lkur So 1 wish to write you of article can he grown in this country. my brother, Hurry CL The plaut is suited to many sections of Troup, who has hera fur ten years with sirk the West, and we hoie to see some of He bee hern amlinia. our irrigation farmers try the husiucs treated by tan different piiyikitaus, who have Tea plants may he grown either from (bm lie could not be or cutting cured. He bed to ml Many of the i eet 'up at night he gut to Chinese varieties and moat of the Assnort of breath; be sufsam hybrids develop into luxuriant fered with fearful and had a bad plants in this country. The yield for cough. After taking 1892, under high cultivation, was Doctor Plaeoe's Golden Medical Discovery end B. Tnotrr. equal to that of the best Indian garPleasant Pellet he did dens of the name tge. Tha rate of not gat abort of brmth.'aind van sleep all night" well of manured n production garden of 1,500 plant at six years of age, is Ey Watir reckoned at from 250 to 500 pounds. It is probable that the profit can never no buses noises it wNdfrl 10 kl'ltVlh'l be of any consequence, except in pickUthfi Mlsl vhrl lM trlSleillff liH IridPAff Klkfll Y II Lb W Jl WiiUMhmfciffpnw4 ing the small, young leaves, used in the ailnu-ubia- mark. pay lawns Ib.IMMhkin AMuxa.Atlania.Un A craok le merely an animated U. IX yuil ordor trial niaia Utla advsrUwaiaut lu an fore he was able to render hia revenge Idiosyncrasy with a handle to U. more complete. rare t'owawmpftoia He dropped his bur'y earthly taber- I mM anffhlloko II ranv IiwhiIfiiI UNminik b rnmnutf nacle from the shelves upon the frail tmoo K w ih bsw. r The frog are the greatest croakers in the HEN VEH TEN r ANO AWXI.Sit showcase smashing them; he hugged lllaka M. trench do Its to his bosom until time world, aud they never do any work. was no more; he chewed gold watches See CMrhaaiwr padmy Uoutaadr. la gthar auburn. PHOTO. SUPPLIES and chains into shapelea masse and OBUlusnatraa. H. M. DAV1 lttl Livrama M while men Bilk la grown In twenty state he picked shreds of gold a'd silver who in mate. It buy groan every from bis teeth with tal l fork. Ills .HARDWARE, vane A M. MimBgd SON TUteamh aad Waaaa. ut Hanson's Mnste Cora Salvo. ork of destruction was not discovered AM to car or Bauer fstvsiMi until he had been well revenged, and WuihM tor It Pries I! mot W.H. D. lloavar. Vol.X No. 5JK.-- 4I. then, with an amount of forethought four dwifUt kaa wrt.bn to advarilaacl plaaaa lay Untyoa Men locked In Jell are always la favor of a surprising in one so young, he took locknut. tbo advaruaaiaaut Satan iwpa an refuge in a sewer, where he defied a manner in rendered that capture necessary his murder in cold blood. IF YOU WANT TO FEEL 1 PERFECT CURE PROMPTLY, OF THE BKYESGK. d Denver Directory. i. U.J-I- AA Sot1 till Sun Vlrtorla'e Crown. The crown worn by Victoria weighs nearly two pound it cumpriaea more then three thousand precious atones set in various design The most prominent gem in the ruby given to Edward, the black prince, by Pedro, king of Castile. It is in the front of the crown, set in maiteso cross comlarge diamond posed of seventy-fiv- e The lower part of the crown band contains a row of IN pearl the upper Between them and in front partliS. is a largo sapphire. Back of that again ia a smaller sapphire aurroundad by six Between oi hers and eight emerald tbe two larger sapphires are designs Above the containing use diamond band are eight more sapphires surand mounted by eight diamond the same number of festoons cone Besides the tain 100 diamond crowa there are three others around the upper pert of the crown containand between the ing 3ni diamond four are fonr ornament e ich with e ruby in the center and containing LUMBAGO. ST. JACOBS OIL WILL DO IS IT N0THIN6 ELSE CAN DO. mal-tes- respectively 84, 80, H5 and B7 diamond From the crosses rle four arches composed of oak leaves end acorn the The leaves containing 71 diamond acorns are each of a single th'rty-tw- o pearl, and are set in cups made of : 4 diamonds Above the arches stands the mound, containing ? 58 diamond and above the mound is tbe cross, containing a very large sapphir four very large and If 8 smaller diamond All tbe stones are gmnine, and no as in some other European crown colored glas which has replaced the The crown entire is genuine stone valued at Si,M0,00Q. An Esfflo Dolsca Especially for Fanner Miner R. R. Hands and others. Double sole extending down to the heel.. EXT1CA. WEAKIXO QUALITY. Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is the bat they over hod. Ask your dialir far them and don't ho persuaded into an inferior V p-- a Gooaa. jp John Bettorf of Crawford eounty. Mol, heard a terrible cackling among his gees and on going to ascertain the cans discovered that an immense gray eagle had buried Its talons in large gander, which, with other was swimming on pond in the field. The eagle was nnable to rise with its prey, while the gander struggled hard to . 1828-3- 1 Are you going to issue a Holiday edition? Do you intend to use a Holiday Supplement? Have you seen our Write samples? us. Body Type For Sale Cheap. Wa hava oov thousand pound, of brovlsr body type la pot condltlon.mada of axtra uiisl by Harabart Hrua. A Sptadlar, Biaaufau urrra of tbe famous superior eopprr-m'ir- d type. We will sell It Is Ionian! IUU pounds or more, to bo dollv-tro- d as soon as we Rat on our new, at the low price uf Lawreuce St., 25 Cents a Pound. Denver, Colo. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS f THOMSON'S Place Ycur Order How - WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, 01 West Jarksoa R SLOTTED CHICAGO. ILL. CLINCH RIVETS. No tool rnialnd. Only a hammer mmM the eaoi.k a xn the to drira and clmrh them anally and qairkly Icsriuk th clinch aloolnwly (mouth. Rrqnirip nor birr Hit t ao hold to lm mndn In Ilia Kirrtu They am S1S0NB. TOUCH and DUSdBLa. All length., aaUona or Killlont now in ar aaaurtrd, put np la ban Aak yaar riaalrr for thaw, or land Mo. In .tamp, for 1 Nix nflOU; aowrlrd dm. onoPE. Brevier Second-Han- d UBUSHERS! Western Newioaoer Union. 111-c- - PIERCED. CURE escape. Bettorf ran to the edge of the nr pond, and the gander at once swam to JUDSON L.BAxcrarri-aaTHOMSON MFC. CO., its master's fee who caught the eagle Wolthaw, Mann. by the neck and less and held it i nder water until It v as nearly drowned. To latrodur our Eldif , Fez Illustrated farm and He then emoved its talons from the literary px per we lire awayback of the gander and conveyed It to nrwaulia w loan pnxlaire paid. a coop, where it soon recovered, and rrlbrra hampl copy and Mat Fit is now as active and as well as ever. of book- - Free WMlrile this week, LULL llunic-tr.- 'l ra Jlih ft., 1 u. 'I he gsnrler, however, was so severely I lllmow uiubx. Nek tl. 0 per y ar. died after. a that few it days Injured T he e gie measures nearly seven fret from tip to tip of wing ' HAVE ! I i f ' I j Ynil IUU Ilka paraplrntlon, Sanaa Intense ttchinr This form and UUf2 whan wan nbaanuiOarraoTHnsuiOffUAo pile remedy, s. ana dueoily on nrvr oa pane alfaria Itill tamor allay. nohfne. JlriPries Droasi.ts npofunnuanr Dll ermalL oaaako.Miladalphia.r If CO TlltLD AT TO Whlrb nbaarka SOe. Dr. Morse-Co- e affbarinc Mfiaef Flaeanaary footwear for Me Woaiaa and Cblldte Aiwa 11Factory la Ik. Waa dao't handle our line write a ad we will Inform yua where to hay thea. Aak for our C M. MM and MAO ebon. Irma 1BAN Anr ITMkB Mabk. FAITOBT AT OMAHA, yoardsalai r r nENSIONJuKTO fw Successfully Prooeeuteo Claim Patents7 TndeMarksi Examl nation and Adr. EM. H Lain Principal l.aamlnar ITS. Tanaion Hureeu. Ijnalu Inst war, liwUialto'alliizr.Uuiiia, auy tins aa to ralantaMllry of or llnw to Urt for " InrmiHxi."Hat Halving. ai .fui- rzr:: st'Tika. tambwxj. r of custom believed that tbe It is raising the hat lr: sail ting lnlica is Elys Cream Balm from he derived days of chivalry, WILL ' HB when he knights unhelmed before a ladies, that by doing thrr mig"t forego the advantages which their conferred armor upon them render-nthem d- - fr useless and at the same time by such act declare their bell f that woman was the soul and fountain of honor. C'niitom of g A! v&vPt serveu r e-- r MMiBillvM am! people who hift week Imbmot PiKe Cure for It bu cured ConfwBipltoii. ft bee not m Jar IhNCHul. one. It la not bed to take. U Is the best Ornish syrup, lurid crsrrwlrsrc. S.Te. CATARRH MTC0HgVMRT40H. I: |