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Show ft Polsen, 229 west Forest street, Friday, November 17, at 7:30 oclock in the evening. A good program has been arThe Ft. Brigham camp of the ranged and the officers would Daughters of Utah Pioneers will like a good attendance, it was meet at the home of Mrs. Esther stated. Brigham Camp Of DUP Will Meet Friday Personalize... GREETING CHRISTMAS YOUR or your family. We can make them from your snapshot or any photo we have on file for $3.50 per dozen. Or if you wish, well be glad to take a picture, in our studio f .for a small additional charge. 1 PHOTO ART 68 Vt South Main 39-fo- Le-Ro- y com-pose- with a PHOTO of you . PAUE Foils Time To Take Action (UP) Kan. LEAVENWORTH, BOX ELDER NEW Delicious Hot Turkey Dnner Is Served To wasnt Apparently the owner Leaven- North a coming back, so Many At Annual Perry Ward Dinner Last Friday of rail worth resident called police to Wednesday. NovemCS section Each i meeting The regular monthly model car parked. The annual Perry ward dinMildred Egbert led the of the Kindergarten club was used in the standard railroad report a 1934 Asked how on the street, he ner was held Friday evening. ies. home. his near two group in community singing. held last Thursday afternoon at track weighs more had been left about two and a haR. vehicle Noyember 10 in the ward amuse- Invocation was offered by the long the War Memorial home. tons. ment hall where a large crowd D. White, after which Bishmeetand old acquaintances gathered Minutes of the previous Rulon Hlrschi gave the adwere renewed and new friend- op ing were read by Mrs, Evan dress of welcome. who read the names ships formed. Special feature of the pro- Bergstrom new Many ward members and for- gram was the appearance of the of the following ladies, as B. R. Mrs. club: of the members mer ward members were seated Happy Singing Grandmothers of Bess, Mrs. Charles Burt, Mrs. at three long tables attractively Salt Lake City which is decorated with the horns of of Mary Stevenson, Fan- Ronald Ballingham, Mrs. Lyman Frost, plenty forming the centerpieces nie B. Terry, Alsheld Mork and Chlarson, Mrs. Edward Robert and running the length of the Effie Yates. These ladies were Mrs. Jack Horton, Mrs. table, intermingled with autumn gowned in pioneer costumes D. Jones, Mrs. Glen Dummer, leaves. The menu included de- with each wearing an original Mrs. Curtis Johnson, Mrs. Howard Kelly, Mrs. -- Alvin M. Lar-selicious hot turkey with all the pioneer hat. They played their Mrs. K. Barton Olsen, Mrs, traditional trimmings. Napkins own accompaniment. Mrs. Ethel Reeve, and other decorations added a Clements and Mrs. Arlene May Petersen, Mrs. Burt Thanksgiving touch with their Wright furnished transportation Mrs. Royal Reeves, Mrs. Jesse turkey decorations. The decora- for the group. They entertain- L. Roberts, Mrs. J. Oldroyd, Mrs. ting committee included Mrs, ed with several numbers, after Elmo Lish, Mrs .Roy Barnard Brant Johnson, Mrs. Max Facer which a dramatical reading was and Mrs. Frank Cook. and Mrs. Ernest Able. The program consisted of two given by Pat Reed. A cemic skit Following the dinner, a pro- and song was given by Harper vocal numbers sung by Mrs.e gram was presented under the Billings and DeLoy Bate who Glen Knudsen. She sang Char-maindirection of the M.LA. with Isaac were in costume. Two vocal and Sleepy Hollow A. Young as master of ceremon- - duets, A well prepared, A Simple Melody," and Tune. very My Foolish Heart," were sung delightful review of the book Champion by Billie Busby and Lawrence by Frank Tisley, Wright, accompanied by Arlene Road," was given by LaPreal Wight. A saxophone duet, Glow Wight. Announcement was made Worm," was then played by of the annual Christmas party, Barbara and Richard Billings, to be held December 14 at 4 accompanied by Louise Davis, to oclock at the War Memorial home. conclude the program. The ward Relief society then Light refreshments were servinvited everyone to their ba- ed by a committee headed by zaar following the program. Mrs. Alfred Frye. She was asMany lovely articles were dis- sisted by Mrs. MacLaren Funk, played and sold under the di- Mrs. Loren Balls, Mrs. C. R. rection of Hazel Nelson, work Jones, Mrs. Clyde Larsen, Mrs. director an Vivian Nelson, in Lester Andersen, Mrs. Otto Jencharge of the quilt making. A sen and Mrs. Clark Hillam. beautiful quilt was won by Mrs. , Paul Barnard. County DUP Convention Dancing concluded the .eve- LaPreal Wight Gives Interesting Review Of "Champion Rad" At Kindergarten Meet Phone 945 SERVICE Do You Know a 3 d . Tolcphono Company To Be Held Nov. 18, nings entertainment. Among special guests were At New Fourth Ward the South stake presidency and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Glen The county convention of the M. Bennion, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edof Utah Pioneers will Daughters win Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Rudgar be held Saturday, November 18, Price. at 2 p. m. at the new Fourth The affair was under the di- ward chapel. rection of the ward bishopric Mrs. Kate B. Carter, president with presidencies of the various of the Central camp, and other comthe organizations forming officers from Salt Lake City, will mittees. be In attendance as special All children of the ward under 12 years of age enjoyed a guests. A good attendance from all turkey dinner at the school county camps is urgently debuilding Friday noon, under di- sired, according to the county rection of Mrs. Merle Andrews, in charge. school cook, assisted by com- officers mittee members. When You Sco One? Of course theres no distinguishing mark about a telephone company stockholder. Theyre just everyday people nearly a million of them I , living in cities, towns and rural communities all over America. Many of them are telephone employees; over half are women. Stockholders are an important part of good telephone service. Their invested savings have Cellmate Not Honest helped build the Bell System which serves so many people and gives employment to 600,000 States Telephono & Hor Thi: a cellmate, as Edward Baldwin can testify. A man released at Manhattan, Kan., three weeks ahead of Baldwin moved into the latters Wichita apartment, borrowed money on Baldwins car ' with the title as security, and made off with his watch and radio. men and women. The Mountain UY WICHITA, Kan. (UP) It doesnt pay to get too chummy with Telegraph Co. s UR l V I LEG if 4 ' ten me ' wntiMiaSi, If 6 later thn you think! Dir do PM TO W Au believe that something has happened in 1950 that you should take to heart. Ever since this year's Buicks were introduced , their big bulge in sales has come from people who traded other makes of G to make Jihisbounteo usjjeauty. INSULATION ROLL ROOFING Perfect protection for garage, farm buildings, etc. 55, 65, and 90 lb. weights. Heavy felt back, asphalt Impregnated. Durable slate or ceramic surface. 90 lb. roll $4.70 i cient. Sealed 9 against moisture. 10 down. A Month CAULKING Stop those drafts around door and window frames with caulking. Easily applied with special gun. Costs only a fow cents per opening. NEW 'fytVWUJSL PROTECT YOUR COSTLY INVESTMENT i$5T bo-twe- en door. Screen and glass panels are quickly interchangeable. Well made of selected straight grain wood, sanded and ready to paint or varnish. 2-- 8 x .. $22.45 A on fuel bills year after year with Balsam Wool. Rolls out smoothly ceiling joists. Permanent. Highly offi- Save up to 20 STORM DOORS er (Build. The total is more than 200,000. Nuw con cot plenty from winter protect your weather, build that new garage new. We can furnMt elected elding, dintenden lumber, reefing, etc and arrange for conttractien Small down payment. Terms at lew m... $11.99 A Month 1 Lb. Thats 200,000 "freshmen added to the roll call of Buick owners 200,000 people who must have sized up the current version of the cars they owned, and decided that Buick offered more thrill, more comfort, more satisfaction for the money. Beyond that, of course, there were other hundreds of thousands who already owned a Buick and bought a new one IF., Cartridge WEATHER STRIPPING this year. But were speaking here of new owners only. We can name many reasons for this landslide including Fireball power an incomparable ride and Dynaflow Drive. We can remind you that the Buick Special, Super and Roadmaster just about blanket the range of a aspirations matching prices with many sixes in the lower brackets matching distinction with the finest in the fine-ca- r field. car-owne- t SUPER and SPECIAL aw dtlu Spring bronze. Tacks around door openings, stops hoot loss. Available I ' complete cartons or by the foot. As low as . 5cft. DOOR STRIPS Neat metal and felt strips. Fit along bottom of door, make teal when door weather-tight it closed. Quickly attached. 36 in. length....- - 45c EASY MONTHLY TERMS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BUNDY MOTOR CO. 19 South Main Street - WMN mm AutoMoiiin Phone 272 aii iuiit line w.u .uuo Brigham Citft them lilt art Alt X on rs We might add that Buick prices are doubly attractive since their list prices include many .features customarily on the "extra list. But why try fo spell out all the reasons Buick wins in a showdown? The proof of the pudding is in this great car itself. Better come in look it over and find out what an unbeatable buy it is. Standard . ROADMASTER, tptnmal at QU It on :d ut |