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Show UTAH STATE HEWS The citizens of Union are organizing organiz-ing a Commercial club Approximately 25,000 school children chil-dren of Salt Lake took part in the annual field day and outing at Wanda-mere Wanda-mere on June 2. There is every reason to believe that the city of Logan will secure from the Carnegie corporation funds for a library building. The Utah Educational association . will hold its annual convention December De-cember 20, 21 and 22, but the convem tion city has not been selected." The fees for Utah county in May totaled to-taled $1,395.65. All but about ?75 of this amount was collected in the offices of-fices of the oounty olerk and county recorder: An unidentified man who was found lying at the bottom of a stairway in-the in-the rear of a saloon in Salt Lake City, died in the city emergency hospital, without regaining consciousness. Traffic on the Denver & Rio Grande was delayed about seven hours on account of both main tracks being obstructed ob-structed by a dirt and rock slide at Scenic, just west of. Soldier's Summit. Three persons were injured when a. portion of the grandstand at the University Uni-versity of Utah campus collapsed at the conclusion of the outdoor performance perform-ance of a "Midsummer Night's Dream." Mrs. F. C. Garrett, 23 years old, of Denver, attempted suicide by drinking a solution of ten grains of bichloride of mercury at her room at a hotel in-Salt in-Salt Lake, but it is believed she will recover. His flesh cooked by scalding steam, the dead body of an unidentified man was found lying upon a carload of cin. ders at Ogden. Authorities are in- clined to the opinion that death was accidental. Julia LaRose, 27" years of age, suicided sui-cided at Salt Lake, taking poison. She left a brief note addressed to John Hansen, her former husband, saying in substance that she was. weary of life. A stay of execution in the case of the state against Jesse Gesas, recently recent-ly convicted at Salt Lake of involuntary involun-tary manslaughter for the killing of Edward Davies in an automobile accident, acci-dent, has been ordered. A parade of babies is to be one of the features of the Pioneer day celebration cele-bration in Ogden, July 24. This parade pa-rade will be a separate feature from the big pageant planned for the morning morn-ing and prizes will be given. Since his disappearance last December Decem-ber no trace has been found of J: B. Sorenson, postmaster of Redmond, who was indioted by the federal grand jury on a charge of having absconded ab-sconded with more than $2,000. N. R. Rawley, 41 years of age, the Arthur plant millman who was struck by a stage auto driven by Glen Jensen Jen-sen while Rawley was riding a bicycle bi-cycle near Garfield, died at a- Salt Lake hospital from his injuries. The American Pencil company and the Dixon Graphite company have-a, representative who is going into the Uintah basin and Millard county to survey the graphite deposits which are controlled by the two companies. A little girl's attempt to recover from the street a small "Preparedness day" American flag which a companion compan-ion had dropped led Marion Nelson, aged 3, of Salt Lake, to be run down by an automobile and almost instantly killed. George W. Cockley, former secretary, secre-tary, and Romulus Cortio, former treasurer of the Idaho Bonanzo Mining Min-ing company, will be returned to Salt Lake City to face trial in the federal court November 13, on the charge of using the mails to defraud. Blowing. the safe of W. H. Elmer's saloon in Mammoth and breaking into the store of the Silver City Mercantile company at Silver City during the night, burglars secured $1,300 in money and negotiable checks and a quantity of plate and jewelry. That the fruit crop of Utah outside of the "Dixie" country was practic-' ally destroyed by the frosts and cold weather of the past six weeks is shown in a comprehensive survey conducted con-ducted by the extension division of the Utah Agricultural college. The Grand Army of the Republie. department of Utah, has filed with the governor a petition for quarters in the state capitol. The organization desires a place in which its records and relics can be safely kept and where offices can be maintained. While defending his aged mother against an atack by Frank and John Franish, at Park City,' Thomas Scan-Ian, Scan-Ian, aged 24 years, received a fracture frac-ture of the right upper arm and injuries injur-ies to the back which may prove serious. se-rious. The Franish brothers have been arrested. It is rumored about the capitol that Frank De Pretto, sentenced to death for complicity in the murder of Eugene Allen at the Highland Boy store in Bingham canyon two years ago, would be granted a commutation of sentence at the meeting of the state pardon board June 17. Friends of Ben E. Rich, former president pres-ident of the southern states and eastern east-ern states missions of the Mormon church, unveiled a tablet to his memory mem-ory at Salt Lake on Decoration day. B. H. Roberts and J. Golden Kimball, both of whom were associated with him in the mission field, were the principal speakers. May passed without breaking up the drought which has hovered over Salt Lake and vicinity since March, a total of .61 inch ot precipitation being recorded re-corded for the month, a deficiency oi 1.34 inches over the normal rainfall. |