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Show I ffiEGEA,'H Grain and Feed Store on hand At the close oftbepreient volumeolthe ! for sale or exTimes, ihl Office change for grain, stock, merchandize., (or ether good property Jdf. Linurth, ! ' J3. B: Bail, I i - The ondoraigntd kwuvmitwiUy m Prtrf & ' i RAIL, H " 'I i - nsCIEYB and FORWARDi f 'goods . 1 :, CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES RfflAftKIVV M any quantity. SJJ FRANCISCO, GOiid. Orders, revpectfully solicited. v. 13-- tf " i VIOI IS BIRINGS There id ''r ssqtH l tffV t j i ar.iv , , j1Vkti ! 75 i ft: ' St. Ceorg, Jan. l!io ebutc O " ! Sold a thg w y. G 8 REASO CIIAR r cents eaoh, 15. tf3 X i I "" HOSES. QMAIIA eri r ;l. - - ; H , uU Spire a Georgt Drug Store! - .r 1 i l M 4 For Canker, iiu- h sr .For Diarrhea,- Cholera'Morbne. Cholic,; Whooping Coagh, : Painj n the teeth or face, nna aa a Soqthing.OordiJ.for infanta giree immediate relief. ". U .' ' syrup, ' rtr,i s ' Sore ' j ' . ri" Uumore ..I.;,,:.: "c l ; 1 1 ,ff v Mouth, r or (Jlocrous NERVE AND BONE LINIMEMT, ol .i pi For Rheumatism and alL diseases The very hast Horse Liniment. I - -- i- " v-- RANCHING! a few flowering shrubs, bulks, bedding plants for tale, vis.t Stm - , ; ill trr niTV I Jl. .!lg'a tfm SAM i.tAr. .ESSENCE - OP LIFE, O t A DEKVEU.-- Iako. utuos win . , fT- - ti 1 REFER TO Em: n-r- .i .j EYE SALVE, purebawd of iMr. 8. ..M for weak, inflsmed or troubleaome the undiTidsd half of. the Lids, Sore Eyes, Ac. , RMt r- AVING " re-iSe- aif. i Ere f r1 i ; Uaiirhe ka.?n 8e Bamhlin k Bltir's. i iwl; TONIC PILLS in Ranch Velley, eeitof Spring Valley, I Bt. Georgs, ;Uuh, maybe founJ a good 1 Dixie stock 1 iSTOCKS' r eoiirit patronage growers, Will Stock ef weil-a- i sorted . cure the Ague, Chills, and InterVERBENAS, Being hrmight Opr ir Texas, I roach no Fevera immediately. mittent owna ever or oii. aaw PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, Rsnche better DRUGS, PETUNIAS,.,.. shr . . . . line. Dixons Mason north A of of Medioinea the kind for the right .ai.so.... &., J apa i "WILLIAM M.OOdY. .ft ; Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for People,, the Climate, and: the Diseases ivALLFLOWJER-!- " rf the Country. Itch, I lies, Ac. ; Hive Syrup, Composi Inc Tubeioaei. and many I an with a ears, by tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most .Proscriptions put cp others; also choiuj cullectijnof Chinese experienced Druggist. Chrysanthemums. dfy Mcdiefn I JOHNSONS DRUG STORE, 1 kill.: . : Back Charges Paid" iVABlE ! j HAVE ''KflZseeKne, i;r, A ud iu ; : i from 10 Asm.- - ri MONTANA? stabling aud Rraalt Wm. FIXINGS. A 1 GEN ERALlY.OF STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSINESS MEN1' - ! usutluieiil. v( 6kiuic8 Vfif 1 vf; t cboiee & . , rJ RE W MEXICO, at Lowest Market Rates. ftcrieul'ural Implements A Mining Tool. v . JVoi , 3 and fi Front Street, Teems Urn and Emigrants supplied in 0 if-- t UTAH; t Producer ii irisipy ,ffom A. r , . t . and other I ; UM Fairiilv'MecU ! EVEBT KIND! Of terjiincs tf e o. ' Ti4!irib ' ySB&A 4: A1EAL, ' liroiTii ' i (i FLOUR,,;. (Suceewri to' L. B, Benchlry A Co.',) ak n., o izaa . or GERMAN AMERICAN ENGLISH . ? F. D: Ktllogg LIN FORTH, KELLOGG, 1 JAV.SS.fct: TALUABUS: &? C6.j ' i . h : : ; : 3-l- ( a . - in Snap-Dragon- s, BROOMS! 1 $3T Two doers above St. George Tlall. J E. JOHNSON. . The Unereigned oCFers a superior article of doubjewound wire, fastened v . jL'SiSir IHIOB!) I BLANKS!! BLANKS!! BLAPKS !! Broome, at wholesale or rejail; Grain Iwinoi Brrw4 a M fna B.tolaewa aaw Produoo received in payment. and Uw rttura Elal it Will part milk For etle at the MTimea OTieef. Blank of trust, Deedi Bondt, Mortsgee, a ra A' TTt I 1 I ! J Powereattorney Bills of sale,'.' Subpoenas, A CHOICE LOT P if I useful and business a tw piaat oi tba aiibi faiatoi Tiriiij af thi ond many convoinent acaitifal arMflag visa, naaf at aai eraaBaatal far I blanks. SoalliTcniMeSr., st.LALcCIly, s ik. ornaalso rid beet Keeps an extensiye assortment of Fancy varieties; gr.udai JOHVBOX. BUnki of uij itjt. prlsttd to ordfr oi. good.sise t I . . J; I. and mental other Treiaud Goods, Tore, Shrubbery, I Bort Confectionerr, Booki n0c St. Camrga, Vtak. Oat. 10,1863 plant!. Medioinea, Stationery and Yankee Ni TO THE SAINTS in DIXIE A choice lj of HARDY GRAPES, tiona, which he offers at the lowest ium C. WHjKISSON, , e. lad elsewhere those of yon haring business WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER such as stand this northern climate, an 1 ketfignrf Look in at-no charge for ahowiny his lathe South or West that yon wish me to 1 I Fruit abundantly. Curiosities. tend to, make known your wishes by letter to A block and a half, south of the Puoli B. F. JOHNSON. ; .Worn Gaqrzia and you shall bo hoard and ai- - I Scuare, on Main S'r-o- t. tunher and , - i- nn Dls ill r rTh ii. WvB. JOHNSON, J , J, . f r t - - - . 1 :, by letter J reier them to me at Rome Ga. I d doctrine of the Saints or for theirf;u L. R. writin which ean be had from me at Rome B or from Bi John Brown 206 North 14 street Lou- - Residence St is Me. (oars A. J. Kershaw. two blocks ; a ; 2 J ess W. Croibr Rome Georgia Nor. 21 63. Fetot, requested to copy. ji l i V if f . rq4. i r'sftfii a of MayW 1 -- !i.!! Pcll SeDC tv Uxcut aijecent eetie. h ,!:!? : V - Vi? a Sox. j. w Nursery wm tern Y-- ' - ' i l kfi?L I i ! .1: i f '.iM He a ehoios I i Garden : : ! oollnotion of St. George Apr, 15 lh sPmS'.jr san&. 'JhiS'0DV Pr. I I I ! will reward J. CRAWFORD Apple, Qoineei Plum Peaoh, Oherry, PomoEraniteAf--0 mond, Catnips, Allanthne. Honey Locust, Mulberry, etc., etc. etc., Alio some New, Choice, as well E. a.ohiiaon. HOUSE, U,, I COMPOUND as gt fST and Fruiting Shrubs, JS11 I (POILiL the Blood, remove Flowering Plants t0n,P lainte, timulatetho LIvp ;sa wpESEfis: sit oHa T ann - er y Slet bt Ctti-riew- soothing sykup: nr - 1 r0,1 rp sth House Plants, etc. it sweet' with sugar, crumbled in I break TBr'u ot bread ab0TC 0 E AJN Q S HRUB SI La.the and stit.downjn the cellar Afew tock is small, those I I hours afterward 'she went down Purchase ahould be in sea- of ,nnE Best varieties of and AiP.p .several fjund raU, gloriously fuddled; ( STRAWBERRIES, be proro... J.E. JOUNSON, St. Gear,., h. foail enjaged fa throwing potato paHiier' and GOOSEBERRIES, and hauing one another ST. GEORGE DRUG up to drink . RASPBERRIES, STOM a n and six chili Ilovtrlas t1m d other ledroUo irpt: removed from Virginia to Ohio hori tad Cardea. Ter aalo for ouh orpint, Brown and Allen, sraia. . at the the whole distance and the & Tanner. OBi,. on Si Oeerge UUh, OeL aoiSflS. other cariymg an infaht fctrainis. a number on article of Keep - hand Fine sole leather, wnspresent at a recehi LOANED! Oow-hid- e, v luprior Medicine lor Newark, Ohio haricg at-i'-ffi A .line was some! tape borrweJ ta,ncd Hege oMO years. : fough, eongh. Cold., H,V.,,P.nS Kip, calf, A goat skin, time ago, from my place. Will the T:e Oregon Slate Fair commences Harness Leather etc,, U affection, of.the Throat, or the injunctions of Serin-- 1 Lu01fr person regard Wh,eh (hey offer to 9th of September, I860, and 00 immediate to! relief-nothgre. exchange and return 1 before ing are, bet nd other produce. being expoied Will ccstinue sir days. . er can be used. J. E JoBjtsoy. Parowan Utih Apl 20 1888. Sold at,St, George Drug Store :4 - i (j) the Trayclcra and ommodaled .ill, ,e bo.i comlrt the market affords. ltf W H; CRAWFORD. ForeIn ornpcsJ IrAi1Jei?and i ?toek In-hr- Vi. to other ?t?w!errJTTant8 E. J. nln.o.t. .Uh . 8 Inniu. on l.fl ,!,oald.rI finder FROfT AMD 08NAMESTAL . j Jr fe pp,-it- W! I NIXON, mi rrTrtotu v i JOHN EARDLEY Fruit Trees! f,f. retail, at TR A Y EDI ..n, and yonno th. oluer trai.ded J. 1 ) ; nd S I'm1 Uncle's son how, JOflIVLARSElf, I 5?' Man. Well 1 think eorffe All work in braiding, jonre not I c., done Jar from a. fool. with dispatch. Rf I : JlnjrlLfVelL.i know Ordinan y, I'm not t ,fi'!nC7wholesale .fr FindUy. celebr.te.l Flour, ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE ltf WHIPS AND LARIATS. died, and ma'am married Unde- - So a: 5TV'- You see Dad 1Vhrat mng Saaras4 hy, I am Uucles son How can that be ? norigh.; cm. sw i Alan. w!1i.Ltoke' Corn Ih.rJ disphrch . ; CROCKERY WARE, ,pubHoeonelw n dner and Gabinet Maker. Sf, Georgt will execute order in his line wih on he Has. E,i. Tannery JAMES CRAGUN. 0f - (WTgsm a SW 7 ltf lt nilai.' Utah. 131 D well a.Ttlo A traveler, overtaa Email king boy, asked "him whose ! TT nd be ready deliver roils by the ' ,0,ic!t the patronage Qnrinv fuiltS G. HIGGINS. f0 wan Gnonox GaniiHiw. ParowanSO Apl. 1868, ..... r - 1 myervioM, 12-- tf i - d nki"g my patron, for 1 ! to inforn! them, Wool Cording 2fHBWnW0Ui,p 1 . - -- ti-o- m |