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Show a acrTsry sr g!tg f'a . f;t gft Jsa AsJ$hjSa : n-y- n r ... t ... , ' .f rjr-p$- ? r: i IaI in' Jt', -- T mm! tiiV " r.- - I : f; ' 2t f I0OR1 hh til, I " - ErECTALlCOxilRSH Sin insl '&S"SS?3n&S M W young -- the peoplo in the t Tab eroacle, .Mentis estimated Jf fr5-o-th-- Bf .b,.,. FIRST 8 w New ltiEfl- and - Ahoicncflm tTff nt i': T:, A co . ino ! OR HVi1 ,, vr 7r coi ; !i i 1 Tiroes, Rio'Virgenins S PUBLISHED by .L some co by an a Hour to I -- Jurtowaiga? r w vt : 'tEU3IS- f This is - b i 4 TOES ! . 1 .d we havi ongrayii needle ' - rhT.roV author p? quant written hear two ytnri ago. . i two were there case , he our v re'-entt mt On the t npid ihinv do. e. via. Th miMi.Earira from ito Konl., i.ubliiber m oil bnve bn n dull, for I turn lb. cheerlol was illwninated,-bya Door article of ucb JkV MP AA ..1 moilVi-d. A. for not wilharaw- - L?u. 8)e fiuod Preat. Georg been rthertupid - -muh. 1 ,icA iLe. , ,v,.-niie- ua: 1 ; &&,. e Two, other c Two Gracu Poem by Am fashion lfolied Walnv a year K& insb muai VI iuuo..ia.B.ni,oi, non late of St. Geo. cf the Jbnt. now, notions and iws art heresies, to be see the pro-u- s Dsseiet tfews tlBce, laughed at by mm of rsctieal sci- an ague- amllmade . es.,or I typ. sense.-"and once I . iWe ask Bio. B. in all candor If it ble Tisit. for biintelf. md I Prcst E. Sncw left Ibis city for Uo mm becanaa two yaara.'ago'I did not would not- be bitter ay l know how the W Malaga would' fare tie public too, to give his tTjxrience the north a wesk. ago reYiied and dismembered ir.ueh ( instead of; opinions, give facts deducr I . Wu&tskq High north- winds yrs-e- d this coi'ntry , as it wMjus-thnto give tLe juveniieLciist, an !,op-;i- n under our soil and climate, instead terd&y and frost last night Sunny growing . pcrUaity lor . display ,, of.i character.1 season ,fir st imported and the Eeavei of far fetched theories. and cool in my garden at f:Klwwil,r.we ; hare not; been batter 1 cuttings and - ; advice this remember Bro. B.'vill in y ours at a.l ueorge, Dams,. j t musad an evening through the season EDITORS TABLE. v I we gave bim long ago. w :'Ve 1 think a, second presentation but had not yet fruited. ; is smi.itin. to I The Mtrcb Ko. oi U e i;cd lc.iTe. Erp-Bsudabie, a nd tte bonorlsoath jiea btfoie usj wUlI its uitui Stenhouse aipparentiy kept lo sbove i . f tT.n; , : A L in suchdesjre ew ..V6 iipsc.H I any one but the fault exoellencl , rnd in all its sweet fresh s couple of inV where he had nothing better. I we find is that Bro.' B. is too fact ness of beuty a feast of southern geoUcmcn ficm AnrMs, bn their way am alto politely reminded that I rec- much too fast. lie htsnt the be Feher patience stele ofliteature, and an outpourirg becauae to wait, brteSrfES fcP wtb iagot, slow eftuet, experiments, lu or southern sjmpathies, feelings pud of them to aell." (Editor paek, who I is too apt to jump at conelusions, eebed ard thoughts. never rceammehded anything he bad mdulgenceof lift,; then loo Ule, learn he was mistaken. WB I to We lore this quitt taken' ! and enroU8ly In, sell, of course not.) sovtniy of the n, There and hus certainly is, beei warm .mouth hearted Ume The . of south when It ttlls quiet ; I had them to sell for some time, in this d .du?h encamped I was immediately after the destructive .place, an tales of wrong, and of lard despoiled ' asspeiation of intelligent anar practical and outraged of friends and team , took their I and runious flood at puowp3n;ftho hopes n and went Mo the where myvineyard, i orcharKuaT fruit growers, whe meet many times buried all gone, lost, ruined, and no in the year, to compare, fruit and ex redress this side of. . a - r laid in the w6n. I garden aSd Heaven, and et took pennee, and for general Pomologies! your time will ccmej will discuasions and fur the importation of be meted out. nionsly fired upon b their. com ( the great Pacific' Ocean, solTsome I new and choice fruits Both Published by Cm. D. .. H. Hill pagnondu to enable ine . to start i twain and if among these voyage. : hastened to this tbe names of L 8 Hemenwav W Charlotte . .. I.l:. u. itv. ct5d,u .. N. C. at $3,CG per. E. Dodge, H. iV. Miller, Sifter o jesr. THE 8ATTBDAY EVENING TOST. A. and rsturned to. find, his friend nn am sorry Mean sorrv kn4 SV. Jackeon, K, BenUey, C. A. Terry! . Tbia old and fitvorite I degree H. Crawford (of Washington) H harmed and the Attempted murderer psper has hein I and , uciicrnereaiur. nlarged beautified, and is now IfOBfipHd hns sjnce been arrested and II TheoriesEynng, W. H. Braneb and others bne are out of fashion of the best, as it is much the stand preeminent: ; ..brought bsekto this T city.. More the Wi cheapest of the first-claWith weeklies. these halm have .Bcambs. frit!. should I . the hand is iSShSnh tbs bish new fully Its ' contents are ihe most of literary labored for our improvement in fruit character. The historical culture, and the importation of all the interesting of story or tiii kino tux oamblebs, fruits known to civilization But His trial erme off y the jury that tlui' one acre T has 'in hekrin finest Mies by Broe Muhltach, possesses alike B. r could not afford to take our ur- - this-yesof of that; interest w.PatT.f vsriity, msy be slow ccach and submit hi dnMdI rnd a sound moral, ideas to great .to ten:yei.rs better for Miss novelet, by the expungiag influence of Douglas, called , I ixjxil,: tolhsve? , experience .Pnionment,: i. . f THE OB, TIDX OF FATE, will ADam; as he should have don?i thus materi- v has remtlier. . be itself proven with commenced to be followed (Malaga ally lesieniD.hm usefulness, for Bro. shortly last issue the weather hai l o .her Fdy enough beyond . all novelets from other talented by B. has capacity and talent, if it could authors.. Specimen copies may be means tb be beronlrolledand making quite a change, hd'nowP,-Woooler feels -- warm. and balmy managedby ; , .-.f while ther0?6'111, icfJV at; ur, oflSce, ana- - upon appli-aciio- n hia. ' heads, thn r 1orchard! and foreststliat adorn curl Mr. Editor will be furnished gratis by the am much We wish Brc B. no; harm nor have afreets and even ' the mountain-si- de obI,&ed I foF jour assistance rendered we. the .least bitterness. towards him pablisherr. 10 Price f with a beautiful premium en- i of ! W Jmk feme, and bene but aa a public verdant, eye! cheer ?? Mt; and journalist as one i e 8ret future will not be fee:u a ful Tbe eky it often partially over--1 Jr11 or 6 copie. rJ8):S.bOayer-deep and . cast-aintereit. in (end nd one for yet the warmth increases, ??J7en o:'c?iancs to; correct our practical pomology, lively 8.00.. Addreu and being a prim ' md verdnre begins to push out Won: f?ll,e'!e,.,1?ry Co., ment member ot our 319, Walnut 8l pomologies Philadelphia. ; tT01?" WitKipectfnlly csrfnlly, and that we may feel sure ; it has been rather a duty then society of the presence of lovely Daniel Bonelli. .??! UL Ml'ieribeS, wo futnub tbo a Pssure, to . spring,; the, I a few., corrections troublesome black houtefly busirmdv : next will be move Poit at 8J.00. , w.?f?he needed;, 7 appeud plenty, end tbe bee, the Pol,,a r l Friend. ThoTadyi frmVha lJiih PieMure pnllish honey SIDS from thu hlnntn aI iL. I Thu itKnw. f.M Ik N0B3CA&CH. B; anything for the public;. ; Ms result of hu ex- IWO, 1 - to-d- - t 1 to-d- ay. ; . -' . : Nr- . . v V, - - bad-plent- a. lA f m Mi . tr end-justic- Z 4 Vs 'Iff l ;J : 1 . , 5 of Uk8r ' rfiir :T . Edi-or.-f- 1 e . 7uy d4 tni& u, ss to-da- r aHP &, m-Si- nce . -i- ' is grti) ; &i; m ; tf'& of i' it :4u, -- toi . . $ to Mi lt kri : i v. or: tof i iJiU r f v ;v m 4: . 5 t . I Prntols tnvmuMiiire'. l- thaf ; ir t.are not - . v K accurate - ? lui.y'ti f Jill'. ; gOykiL , t the dreamipglap ofrosyJniie,:!, aJ . -- i at: .t -- r 111 i .i-- ex-.be- en 1 to r The worn!' ani a south rear Tb esoh the I sur ot k firs. lx ( 1 non It ske lies rep . Pr. m steel e Five The urday gravii - Whit'ij'HhV differencs in our jonug girl and an'old hat? : between ... engraving A. a light where fireiide dreimi are taking viiiblc but elherial ihapee; Pl ta |