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Show SALT.) LAKE ;a.hriWA7 ' l GlSii - W A ' u, r Chila1 Dress cm Maniuia e cntont, wjtbont,or. the aid of . a matua-- ,. maker.' 4,80 several pages1 of House and other receipts? fn' short, every- - 4 s i iL1 LAKE T.B. CITY. STENHOUSE,Rt)PfiIF.TOR. 1869 A . ,- -V 1 'M.ehln.rvVf ik ' -- od Toolt most Blndlnvwi!? en?blea ns to tarn out al! kinds of pattern, dlU0ttB,,r at prIcet t0 and OxnmS the times. ... L!fP WI1L KECEIVE PBOMPT ATTENTION AiwfLS F0R BINDIS(i FURNISHED REQUIRED, ' if IE THE BEST STYLE OF WORK EXECUTED ' . ThU ll07e? R0BI8 ,by i1'0 T f ; 9 S.:- UU1 ' I fc'MD - , - - .W It I 24, French artist. desirable premium ever offered. For large oluhs, as will be seen below, an extra copy, will be sent in addi AM. tion. : Skkd FOB - IT ! '! 8 . Ter mg..always in advance: i eoPY for one year . .- 6 JoO 3 . i e, . . ls CO ,jp and one to aSWEFfr at8 low. f : S t st-1 26:10-- ? HARDW 4 ni? TnerWl11 ?fcI rk r & I. h 'Ofmentif eichanpe for. 8TOCRd P roduW or f irwhinh I n HORNEn bu,,,le!, of potilo., P d'livcred atC,l. bushel or at my .to e Pfy- - br. 86-0- 0 b ..'S? t IerSWare V.II. fL I 3.75, pay ..above. . J. PETERSON. . No 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa. ("Specimens sent to thuse wishiug to get' up clubs. I have now In successful operation THE LAMB KNITTING Maoliine, aft KNITS A STOCKING IN 15 MINUTES ! new STRAUB'S PATETundsr-' KNITTING In the heel and narrowing runner off the toe complete; knits all sizos; narB-i rows and wid ms at will, an) knits tha web either Tubular or Flat, Single, Don with all the latest improvements,' and ble or Ribbed, PRODUCING JLL VJ am to RIET1ES OF JCNI1 jSPPARKL, from perpared turn out a article if i? 'ffia-ac.i- L first-cla- ss F1 Li O mitten, or glove, toil I shawl hood. or ladys From GOOD WHEAT. ' No other Mathint in the RoZd css do then things. FLOUR exchanged for ' WH T The firmer doubles the value of his wool by converting it into Knit Gtfpds His girls or boys prepare it for the market without dromptl,,tUnd to. , Anpl.-gfcf 'xnens.. Alarg) amount of custom knitr j r i i in done be every neighboihood. ting may 9tf ' EaNOW,. The Machine soon pays for itself in any inwoman new a offers and to and family, PGA T OF ROCKS STATIONS dependent occupation. It actually makd-vactufabrics and fashions them Into . MOIIAVE an i uf silt's-stocking- , Ti EJ CUSTOM WOKE , ub I j- p'.e Stocking. s gg - garments. Its owners thus pockets all the raoriTS. It is simple, todurable, easily succeed in operated, and guaranteed the hands of every purchaser The LAMB MACHINE has takn First Premiums , wherever exhi htteL including the Paris I SSS on,-thrivin- d, 1 is.) - - 6 Cand oneto getter Address, Post-paiCHARLES li-ii- r g-al- - acres WMlftiM,.y 1 1 - 8 copies for oi e year, 1 1 copies; of elnb) 1 first-clas- Inches by 16,) The Star of ,a.er the oilebrated roaeter-ieic- e f,mous MUSTROLLOW'!! Lr sent GRATIS, a copy of oqi1 Mersotint for framing. (sjo ,he Sii is 0.I"e'most steel fashion , plate, and SEND. FOR IT! SEND FOR IT!1 or an nmising engraving of Ha'f an & Harrison' Godbe; Hour too Early' (at the Then . party.) T , ... Proprietors. we have the usual The new Volume o? the Utah Mug-Minlarge number of devoted to th engravings e fashions greatly enlarged. A fine hand, needle work. Ac. As to the literary some sheet, villi tl.e largest amount rnnfn(,.Dai..J VJJiiJ ;i .Jfamous frfoiTlfyfl'tiintrtntiy.- intcrei'ing novelet by toe Reduced to $4.6ogpcr year author of Kail Lynne,' and the Reduced to $4,59 per year ! p:qusnt and romantic story, Between Relttced to $4,60 per yeurl ! Two' are con'inud, Among the One dollar and a half returned to other contents we note The Story of Two Summers."' by "Nora Perry; etch member of ci'ihsJin'TfEistcrn and Grade villi, the .Gulden ," a Englsh; periodicals. Poem by Florence Percy; Send .for Prospectus Bertha," Send for Prospectus 1 by Amanda 51. Douglas; Editorial, It will be srnt free on application 1 fashionable intelligence. Jfc Published by. Deacon A Peterson. 319 It will be lehL free on application !I 4 ny one eastern or English publiWalnut street. Philadelphia, i,t $2 60 cation obtained at reduced ra?es for year (which aDo,; inclu !es a large steel engraving.) 'Four, copies, $6.00. subset ibers to the Utalr Magazine AS FOLLOWS; Fire copies (ar.d one ' $8 00. The Lai; s Friend" and The SatHarper's! Month ly and the Utah urday Evening Post," (.ni.erie. en- - Magazine for one year $7j60a. Fam; gravin ;,) $4.00 ily Herald and Utah Magazine $8.00. Phrenological Journal and ' the Utah G0DEY3 LADY S ROOK..,, Magazine, $6.50. The London JourThe April No. 'is a beauty and a nal and (he Utah Mag tzin $8 00a wonder, fresh ns the rurd ure of spring, and as warm and beautiful as our sunny The New York.Ldger and the Utah south. Who is so barren and in the Magazine $6,50. Harp ra Bazar and B w rear of progress, as not to take Godey? the. Utah Magnznt $7,50. i the Utah Magazine $8.00. an Th Allantic Monthly, 'a vouraein Demorests Monthly and the Utah i got over zine $6 60.' 'i he Amercan Mies fon Mkg ur table. The April No. lacksnothW Agrculturiat and the Utah Magszine of keeping up its h;gh reputation as a I $5,50. Harper's Weekly and the s Utah Mtfgazine..fi7J0-- . JSoipntlfla-A- lituary Send 25 Ccn-TkToni!iirrior7irnTTjri.o iirpen . finds and worth, f high litu try talent, a specimen copy. The send Ur will b. .Mowed ,h. .mono, off bt B-l- - pcri " ettl n op a Club be eT.e,r7v t. . Address M. W. LEE T, Gxif. Amkt, GJ0! 'bv X RlFEn iCTFlSi uivtt T and good acomodations, for an and aratoQsn Fifth St. St. Louts, opp. 50 miles East of, Agents wanted everywhere. offersd. No consignments made. 'MenPtlon conuts SAN BERNARDINOf and .ketch., talc, h 1863. 6th n forma utary best array of authors La Ghauge. Mo., Jac. much can- Salt L ke City. ll tf M II W. LEET, Sir; Too repast 0 Ma-chi- ne if the Knitting fever hi sahUn n published 4n" Th Phrenological DAILY AND WEEKLY. I purchased of you last sprlnK of the Y is one lanN. Wells & that Fowler by think; aometlmea, deed I ehoioest monthlies, for family reading would fail to express its true value the center the machine forHhe purpose 1 published It sliould ad rn d h. TERK8 FOR 189 1 table of every well regulated family. money, I I g THE in ASD runnii BES1 IS trouble no have lied DAILY Yearly, by mail (in advance) $10 00 TIIE CHEAPEST write WORLD . do - 8 06 do that ex presSix months, testify to anything you may Wo notico by do do - 1 00 One eih -tho month, on favor. died Johnson ident Andrew Respectfully w & bOHOK. Ona week, payablo to carrier or agent, 25 OFFERS FORJJ ult of parylisis. Jan. 2d. 1868. WEEKLY One copy, one year, - - $2 00 the 3 We also notice by tilezrara 11809 TEaar. Hwo- Co., Miss., 1 75 Clubs of fire to ten copies, each Dear sir; We are Mr gives 1 50 . . Indians'drive of 100 hoad of stock months for six One This popujar Monthly Magstlne copy till. th. KltUne pto.'Il from Scipi on the 2drh. more for the money thnn any in the lvrU. for take $100 she would not An extra copy will be sent to the person For fti69, it will be greatly improved. It My wife says truly, Yonr, Utah makes np a club of ten, and , an addiwho Migiuine. will contain tice of Tin BRACEr. ! tional copy for every twenty subscribers ONE THOUSAND PAGF4S A copy of the Ayalaxche Calthereafter. ! 11 SPLENDID SI EEL PLATES sent to every subscriber to the be will endar 2 MAMMOTH FASHION PLATES! Weekly. 12 COLORED BEULIN PATTERNS! Additions can bo made to the elubs at all beet and cheapest newspapor in Tho largest, CUTS! times dnring the year, at proportionate rates 9 JO WOOD contains Utah, ! tbo times, in every case to expire with tho 24 PAGES OF MUSIC COLUMNS FORTY-EIOirr Dolclub; othorwise, single inscription rates must All this will bo given for only Two No. 1. bo paid. Any variation from this rale breaks of or a dollar le-- tnjn Maga a lars year, Br Habht. np the club aystemaltogether. We can only Its of the class of lVtersou. zincs afford papers at club rates by having them all i I am composed of 13 let'ers. the for in tune expire together. VALES and is puUWwd on Thursday, horses. Aty 1. 6, 4. s used about Remittances can bo made at our risk when TEL- WEEKLY tho in . matter 11, 2i is used aKy ,ent 10. 7, 12, TbToaMnJS or BditorUla fn postoffieo money or letters, upon rogiatered eiubraeea ai11 pnu I inter- - cr3 or of the are so froqnent- of day, letters Konoy imnortant queationa U mich needed. .. news, Local mncix earned by their 80 this jogt Territory, of oomplaint jy Mt to tbo pcoplo ou i088) that we are compelled to we I Are the beet published anywhere. what the modes Telegraph, 2, Correspondence, adopt news, RnUroad 10,12. 8,13,11, the to of transmission of globe, kom all parts designated protect ourselves like'. Wetcrn,Nortbera, well as as ?riwtns from the Eastern, patrons. c 8, 3, 4, is whAt we eo P ica oftho Avalanche sont free Southern press, interesting wwinstracuvo and Spocimcn Silk Culture and 13, 9 10. 6 1 1, 2, 0f0&go. mllT1 All letiten, telegraphio dispatch's, and man. to u rybo4y sealed and ad- 0a ' 2, 9, 13, U Srong. Pressed88, II J3, 3, 4, 6, is what boys wear, Termos; strictly in advance. AVALANCHE. paid by us1 copy, 1 year $5,00. My whole U an amusing place. Avalanche Building, Memphis, Tennesee postage $15,00. and 3 f correct ft ft i Ls Diary The person handing in. the a $23,50. 5 IS Blacbftne, 1 $15,00 a it MAMMOTH COLORED Knitting: answer to this Enigma will receive 10 another Clubs. column In will.be found adv of to up and an extra copy gitter ike priie .book. of the . Lamb Knitting Maobino one of Send for specimen number, No. 30 Shooting en lhe most practical best and cheapest are to n. Stexhvobf. B. T. Enigma Answer d of aU othCTgt These plates ana JotM correctly- by Utah. that is made. We will order the jn&cnine jrraTeil on steebiwics the usual sue, Editor and Proprieler, Salt Lake City, one. for those d Noll V. ,0b!"b"b; .l0! -- . 9i I i- -f mSg Memphis Avalanche. - Te'-egra- tht u 3-- en , Weekly Telegraph 7oung Folks Goner. ;frize emgh a : TiHait.yiMQ 44, ,Sl NOVELETTES i; - Peent X 1 ss1 lvi4 i Jo'Susy Fashion Plates ' . 3Uf. wishing iV |