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Show - . vv' 8eeb'eesi Seeds fresh'and'pure of ni needed , for ih garden Vr$ . y r J . feffitot'tygMOiorge ' r. 7 SURVEYORS A ENGINEERS IN2TRU MENTS FOR SALE. s . - . at thrTixis Office. '! 1 i Lini X t m j i.-- , D0U6L&S i.e ff ,c; j ,f . i The undersigned will' attend to 'the ox edition of Deeded Bonds," Mortgagee, Deeds of Trnet, Powers of Attorney Uontraoti, and all- other. Official. Busi ness, required of a Notary Public . Office --rAt Ri o Yirgen Times'1 rooms, Si. George. ;j. K. JOHNSON, Notary Public. - k , , s Shop i ? ' daperied. E l.ith Wineheaermak-in- V on Geralds side. .Yes or No? fa.,It, Oer and kissing her. room - tUlTercnei from the bright nest they hid; left behind Bit ahe toUher old-fashion- 0- : . Which should it bo r ; r'"Ser ed . ,0f kpt - Yra, lore t And he Is dead, she said fo her soft, tremulous tones. il Last night I might Gerald papa,' I cannot " gather Poo, Roger! If he Le had b it lived returned mYni Ir to come back: he aredeadb '; hl unel,i hir Tbt othsn The1 poverty . that ones stood tn I.!' ,ith B g such a confession. He hated the man cordially, whoever he might im.'. How hid a lover found entrance into har secluded life? f j It mus1. hue been a childiah patslbn, he returned making' an effort to keep a tremble of anger from his voice. Her fintt impulje was to tarn away without any further explanation, but he u nuiui w uis roriune. wii urignr, nasned race, bearded end brave wendorful romances they Ud planned in with exuLaot manhood. - Deep and tender .. that. May-tim- e of youth, the but seven-Ire- n eyes, that smiled with a lost remembraaew Mil A VI U SALOON, and he Iwo-an- d twenty! Had any of In their depths ' J one door south Of printing it comh true? Year alter i : ; Sdilh! year she had OFFICE. gone ,on In a dull a fashion, that now she 7rhereJ1?d At itned to that full. rfeh round herself almost longing for some ex- voice? Only, one man had Will bn open every YtedDesday and Saturto eslt citement and pleasure. And what of him? kef SOf And then she tookaai day, wtiro he w II be.prepared to lather and Cbught her hand ' She r&memb;rad the dav oLjhftuurai. AAtwftAmn hare coins, jaws and lips, inline beat style. h AnirDecaast My crniej irVersril1ain(y'iiesaowsr She knew then, and her heart gave a i had her a she doubted be little, hid will I last the great bound. If I rain vour regard at and cold . j u 11 N SON7 curt me now. een answer not do .There, in the ruddy glow of the (lire conteut. Nay, livis si faith longest Merchant ways womans A Commission told their stories. He, of eue-ce- ss Auction and Then he led her away, judging rightly them- light they solace Men often said. he r Sue 1 beat ed, even beyond his hopes; but at.ths ally. that delay would e his St. George, Utah women while sit si new with faces, selves the amid .gay throng, last, untoward events, that seemed to delay of asnstruc floated up and dowr. and dream. and receife home disp Will him on every side, and of days that had to compliments pd badinage, listeuirg Grain s showed hi shore t white of Merchandise, linedream A ju a like been like ages to him. At his eoming, ' ted. Goods, Wares, the little scene seeming resolve set terms a favor liberal the stern, lips A knight in a domino begged tidings- - had grsetedt Lim that Edith hal Stock Ac. upon : celled me unreasonable, te been have the You in Earlier won by another, and he ; had stolen of her band piesently. lor I blamed ine and ahe but give donbting, aid, into the featlvi scene to judge for himself, evening be had bsen ia'roduced, no I no ask WIIEELWMIGIIT I faith here, word, Somo now. yon my and if the news were true, to bscome a had f.irgolte 1 the nirae five For will I usua from end go to her you. years accept wanderer again." tidings t,npu!seiirgd ICONS mads or repaired, I ,trangc love on my silent way. and if I live, come back ctd and the notice at life old short the on But her smile confessed that there, wta should done WhV Jobbing I not be will If fne of yen ELMORES. fores! such you' Why worthy no need. Yet ahe repefted her vigil now. come back to her wi h Itf relented a hut have at word, would a and a :8he face wonderderiug how she could have lingered sluuld she rememl er boyish And offer. to farther no Was had persuasion he a moment in her dccison. bovish voice with such distinctness. in the sou kissed . somawhere parted twilight, so He held the sweet face in the rosy 'hey it ainon r the livin.s or lying bad come and fi gone had it and years shadow of the fl imes, and glanced for in the silent grave? IMhe former, iorn died or his in had w Sorgum of faitn, ought Roger Whether A pair many seconds into the true, earaset eyes. failed her for all the brave proniises given, to turned his fa it in others, hopes, ho asked of Five high And my answer? years failing tu.I. r. tor .le. inquire and ahe emiled haughtily. Bat was face hi not it tell. could i no she aid Yea or No? sia. nissd and gone, J, E. Johnson. came to her now, his s ft and tender waft a rut that olew lingering The crimson (rush rose to her, .temples, music The almost listened sho the far and Yes. dancers and the but eht said soMy jiausea, macli Ho had oicf. .h. and for Pe..llng fcLkln, hito liM. and Rroopa Th. hp.J royal, rcbea we My queoa! It seemed and as if half now, knew i she i m. i Ui nk ud v. will have love. W had rone out of her life amid Ihe brighMiese Gerald Van Duyna, smoking his Turkish queen, are gracious grave, I subtle fiSm Siianirltinir r her a.hin was Gardens, Floral . Here temptuion II ffjvctv St. George pipe afti.d the luxury visible everywhere l Yce No. n & 8m some or; Fa fingers. out gold deep voice, striking in his room, smiled regretfully. There Wan , A full Anioe oolleetioi1 of bedding brain wi as h it h,r there, dalUed her blight one woman in the world who could not be her nature, and making ine plant., for .ale. Chry.auiheinuin -- Wcll.iunaware. rrerii as if she had , not dinced until bought with gold and he had missed her. and krK moods past midnight Verhenas. 8tocU. Patmes. Ice r wJite But do all the good things of life belong queen mut need have i rive and Gerald tell her. to but Putimia.. first at it Oleander. story, Oeranium.. ) Sir Knight The cares of' stale miy press I ing loo aacred to there for careless to oue man, place was i J i vniieties. I many other rest in its quiet iCBu? queens are still women. eyes.. No-A: gentleman was walking down Johnson. E. dear, with J, meanRoger! Roge a grave Something in the tono gave itto the other day when he treneUte. Bometh.ng peering through the window the street, ah seemed powerless she said startled her--a jtreuk ol yellow dawn siw two boys cn the sidewalk apparVou come from a far land, : and her answer lowiS Th Bmp And what may your quest be? searching for towelling. One ently her dress qiapading yet unwritten, aearch for cnnstaucy. He gave the boys: remarked, just as he Let us use the Medicines that grow i up A iiffhtleush still uncharged.. Should she, take her of BR dollara is , Jieihlnka SirKnight. he who takes a tiara and seep re, or sjt uncrowned all her reached them; mid the Mountain arid stop importation So the gee -for dis- womane love his guerdon, has no right days? And t.hsu the figure of the knight . worth hunting after . I havo a well fitted Laboratory rose before her. and the tone in I, which he tleman stopped and searched a while.. oils and preparing extract s to doubt until 'is be proved false. Essential announced bequest a eareh tor had tilling There was a strange, iot tired, and said loathe And then? have should his light laugh Fiailly he who all Why voice. constancy. and invite the in exnertan quiver Have you lost a ten-doll- ar ' even yet? her hoys; ended lias thus, you sting Mf HSRB3. quest your MEDlCINal With a hurried movement she wrote a noteT No, Sir, said should have chosen more wlsey. new a : should utter who ai.eo.er of word and she slip upon paper simple ,ad tho.e Khe coud rot tell why we didn't know but wo : could ' find I revellers 1..M. be would 1.. Thi at late oth.r-it. folded a save that 1 or tone, ir thoao wurda In so sharp herself in a shawl one. there was a nameless pain at her biart, breakfast; so, wrapping la onoofotfr large cities, a short fori the woman who watched, and to 1 she took poseesaton of the luxurious couch In Ihoee to not dreamt .hU and ,sl but bravo sleep. tnd waking Western editor wai'met loyal knight. whom returned no lhy tine to bring them to m. the the tender fce broode l over here again and Van r.w.rded. approached, Gerald bim by. the Duyhe l.rnctotllp B J(llI1,an. by a friend, who taking two oarted. but Edith glanced after the van- - I with the smile It used to wear, ' ' Dnyna entering the library, hand exclaimed: ishine form and saw it no.: more that night. I Gerald Van St. Geo. June 23, 1863. ftAm delighted : to see you. How Ani at last ihe revel was .done. hZn found hla answer awaiting him. At first naat midnizht, and Edith Winchester had I he frowned, and shut hia white teeth tor long are yon going to stay? cone to her room. Her father, who had gather in a desperate fashion. ..He was to having women say him Nay, Why, I think said the editor, f been sitting by, . the fireside, dosing, and 1 not used one would come to her senses and and thle watching for her, atkrted up. & did not despair. my preeieus relent. He My aarling! he aald looked She beautiful when ahe and of them fairest royally were all, 1 hoped you was going to 8ay child! you 3T , down a queen without!1rr;ends and a fond leme tobreakfait, ileicrved vou t) win, won, as I hare given her robe. She gave a quin smile as aha. 7 or lw0? heart. ltfn A M Gjsmimj&nr C fyn Duyna. ;.' I will stay heremarry with twt wHI old io. r head on her hand J frownf leaned her Bit that t evening , whtn her father deep thditght. Should she g!te th it brief i to Gerald's his unusual dissipation episode keeping, aiid thus dis- -, .erled put mieS;H forever, like laying some ghost or if af E? to hfs room, and. the sat srone a haunting past? To nighty it had liesu !b5fra the fire, half buried la the cishioua the grer -- -upon her the remembrance stiong of five ot A.1 - NLb I n i. .BA B.b' . .Sh - ' This calm, fair ?;? of iiri - "m Good night, my Jov,, 4 - ' r ' There lay a letter before her she! reengufxd ' the writing : at a glance. Geralt) Vai Duyiie: ninint to besiege her at every , kvenue,.and she smiled with ft!.. s1 little disA4 in. t ' ' Some Hies of tenderimsjnnate. pleading aft entreaty fo an answer,4; bar. it ever f v so brief. i .i , ; .:i, Edith Winchester . felt that "lt was a temptii g proposal.' Wealth, position, ' ,ve and a life of fullest enjoyment. bhe coni I see that her father ' was already enlisled Gerald Van Duyne stood ! before her. barring her egress, liis face. duelled : with expectation, bis eres deep rand'- beseeching, but with her, noxt breath Edith knew why she cmid resist them so well.,; Oh! she exclaimed; I wish yon had not nid'i . L think ' " ' H Nay, my : gracioiis queen, : put all thoughts Siidmlagirings; eaii'.e If do not lore,, and , I; inay have been you too abrupt, lat me teach you the sweet lesson. She met his 'glance fearlessly raising her own serene eyes, and he knewthen that he had not moved hesoubS piq ied him Into desperate daring, sad he determined to overruled all her objections. But r one came that he little expected.1 ; I will teH y.Hi: (he truth, she said, l.hare loved. oue mauj I do not know ihst I can love auot'ier. r never to be naif. . for.-- racrit':r. - .tr . , She seated herself at the Concluded. - Inquire 'i sraiiinDa x .iA firsUrat set of itJl... , f almost eJ(lly; But , t xel ; . rM ..v,.,.f ; ,1 tltU l havei not ' daeldad ?X Utah Dra'S WreV ?rS ;T(T8CltvSfORg7 . i I gro ymsEMTnwig ! sons plac.V I JjjJd ; , '' :i:irTrKr - W ... GANK MILL. HOUSE PLANTS, - : lnt, bt Mturie 531axni'?flclwiPl r ut . twas - oil-"ro- lhsybut . do . ao,a CROSBY & CLARK. Tanners Curriers UTAH, GEORGE generous' Already j I L-- . |