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Show AMBROSE Lots or Homes SPRING BACK Sunnyhill Acres Lehi FHA 235, 245, VA Approved Fully Improved Lots SEAT k $13,500- - $15,500 225-074- cat. gray striped Central School. 3 near 9 They call it : The Overnight Wonder" for constipation. " f REE beautiful Some aie Siamese. Call 756 3942. 9 18 lip LOW INTEREST STATE MONEY TO ft GOOD HOME- - Call now to see if you qualify for this loan. Only one left. You can own a 2 bedroom, full basement home for only $48,000. Call Eldon J. Stubbs at 224-195- 0 or Frank at 785-465- 9 or Hank 785-627- 224-195- 0 house at or Deloy or Susan at 785-329- 7 at 224-195- and REDUCE or Frank at t SAFE at datf.H-- S3 "water DENTURE WEARERS A major CUSHION GRIP DENTURE ADHESIVE one application holds comfortably up tg 4 days WITHSLEEP-EZ- plans, 3 bedroom split. Heat ducts and cold air return in lower level. Blocked out for future Best fireplace. buy in Utah County. BARRATT DEVELOPMENT Preston Ray L Realty Co. 6 785-465- WHY RENT? REALTOR TRANSFERRED Have a - bdrm. up, 2 down 2 768-980- 4 in N.East Lehi 756-605- - Choice comm. property in PI. Grove Over 6600 sq. ft., priced at $90,000. Call or RAY L REALTY 756-605Reese Johnson 756-312- 8 acre lots, duplex lot, and acre, acres development ground in Lehi. Call E. Peck BLDG. LOTS of V RAY L REALTY connection fees. Buy a Home and Save on Commissions 756-605- Price includes or RAY 768-980- lots home or trade 11 acres in Lehi for home. More in Blackhawk or RAY 768-980- 4 L REALTY details REALTY 756-605- PRICED TO SELL Beautiful bldg. lot in PI. Grove in or RAY Cascade Meadows. $18,500. Call Leo 377-577- 1 L & REALTY 756-605- IN UNITS REALTY bedroom units, excellent rental history, maintenance free exterior, Brand A.F. townhouse-style- . Low as condo conversion. 494-W- 5 BEDROOM, 2200 sq. ft. beautiful home in Eldridge (Salem) only $69,900. Exceptional buy and view. White brick rambler, fire place, family room, basement. No. 6 brick Call Laraine 756-723- 1 or RAY L 756-605- BEAUTIFUL REALTY new, well built, maintenance, excellent potential VIEW N. LOT in subordinate. Call Arden 6 ASSUME THIS extra nice 3 bedroom brick rambler in Pleasant Grove, 1386 sq. ft. up, acre. Only $75,000. No. basement, 2 baths, fireplace, covered patio, 2 car garage on 561-W- Orem, owneragent 756-523- 3 756-270- will or RAY L Park and the appealing design of this 1784 sq. ft. split level is an irrestible combination. 3 bedrooms, custom draperies, washerdryer hook547-W- 6 ups on main floor. Only $59,900. No. THE TRANQUILITY 2 BEDROOM, OF Deerfield 1157 sq. ft. rambler, washerdryer on main, large lot, 2 car garage, N.W. Provo $57,500. No. 525-W- SQ. FT. brick plus 3 roughed-in- , 3 bedrooms, 2696 Rambler, fireplaces, 2 car garage, utility on main floor. $82,000. 562-W- 50 - Approx. 74 acres with 80 shares of water. Grows abundant crops. Older home on property. or RAY L REALTY Contract sale. Call E. Peck 768-980- 4 FARM GROUND 756-605- COMMERCIAL a computer print out off State Street in PI. Grove. PROPERTY Lehi. state street in area 88x145, frontage. Assumable loan, Lehi, $17,900. Wilson 768-322- 7 interest loan or owner will or 768-318Call contract. consider LOT LOT FOR YOUR MONEY area in a nice Lehi. $17,900. Wilson or MOVING -- acre lot. Financing $69,900. Carole 768-318- better than new oak cabinets custom 4 avail., 768-328- 8 & quality carpets. 610 acre Carole zoned animals. Hebertson or 768-328- 8 768-318- - LEHI IN BUY brick large FIX UP & INCREASE equity rambler, large rooms, on 5 Lehi 2 bdrm, older frame acres, plus brick garage, home to be sold as is Zoned 30x60. animals, $5,500 contract avail. Call flowing well for animals, Carole Hebertson fully fenced, irrig. water. or No. 30896. $149,000. NEW LARGE SPLIT LEVEL - 1500 Carole 768-318- FAIRLY PRICED- - 4 bdrm, 2 ASSUMABLE LOAN VA - 4 bsmt., double plus work shop. Low down com. full bdrm., garage, Zoned pmt., $59,900. Wilson 768-322- 7 Lehi family room plus 700 sq ft room over garage leady foi you to decorate yrold RAY L REALTY PROPERTY, nice 1386 sq. ft. bldg. reasonably priced with full bsmt. For more information, call RAY L REALTY 756-605STREET 11 ACRES or Hebertson STREET STATE FORK - Has flowing wells, fenced, can be zoned AM. Melodie terms. Contract or 768-381- 9 768-318- 8 utility room, attractive room with fireplace. loan assumable. Call RAY L REALTY 756-605ATTRACTIVE or RAY L REALTY acres, home. 50 peach trees cany 11 & pasture. Will interest contract 297. Owner down. financing. 3578. CABIN TIBBLE FORK - Am. $55,000. carpeted, Financing terms. fully Call Carole 768-318- LOT FOR 88x145 or Ann McDade. . Niel Hebertson 756-652- bath, 1 YOUR MONEY- - in Wathen in Lehi.,. 768-322- 7 768-318- Aaron Kvans. . - 756-359- 1 completely 70x270 AVAILABLE HOMES 3 CONTRAC- T- ON 3 bdrm, full HOME: SHARP bdrm bsmt, extra finished down. & neat. clean choose your carpet and Real 756-359- 1 Call Clint light fixtures. $73,900. Call $53,900! eve 756-706eve Clint 756-359- 1 in ramblers - Lehi you NEW 4 bdrm. LISTING: WINDOW sets off this family rm off large kitchen, available immediately, sharp rambler just right. 3 block fencing. Call Clint in bdrm., l34 bath good 756-359- 1 eve 756-706location, Lehi. Low interest rate and only $75,900. Call KITCHEN: eve 756- - BEAUTIFUL Clint 756-359- 1 Extra cupboards, pantry, 7065. lots of space, very lovely 3 new, 3 bath rambler bdrm, l3 bdrm 2'A baths, fam room extra main lot, large ideal location in Lehi. tenance free exterior. Quiet rate. interest Lower family neighborhood. You'll 756-359- 1 $89,900. Call Clint love it. Call Terry 756-359- 1 756-706eve eve 756-631Brand BEAUTIFUL HOME MOBILE DISTRESS SALE . terms, only $13,000. fireplace to $55,900. Call eve 756-359- 1 Terry Vj ACRE IN ALPINE: school Paul Close 756-21- Melodie Green . Chris Grange . . CASH POSITIVE 601 West State Street Lehi 68-3578 68-3188 petrified wood fireplace, must see! Call Beautiful Terrv eve 756-359- 1 of three space. one not to be sold church is -- Paul 756-359- 1 in the road. Utilities $55,900. 3591 eve 756- - to town schools. Only Call Jerry 756 Close & 756-652- Hazel Julian . . Paul Julian John Stratum Will Jim Price Jerry Edwards sell on contract or negotiate Kayl Smith terms. Easy to work with. Stan Robinson. Only $65,000. Call Terry at Jim Wilson eve Wesley Jarvis. 756-631- 756-359- 1 LOW DOWN in home eve 756-389- Call & . .... South PG, 3.7 Acres, Come in Western Realty 2 FLOW: location Highland Bdrm duplex in Am. Fk., NEW LISTING: 4 bdrm, V $41,900. Trade equity on home or sell on contract. bath, 2300 sq ft of living terms. All ROOM TO MOVE on 1 acre 6315. ERTY 1 374-61- 756- - 3897. 768-36- 768-39- eve 756-359- 1 nga 768-31- 756-523- 3 Call eve 756-359- 1 grow animals & kids. 5 Beautiful view of Alpine bdrm, over 2000 sq ft mtns. Choice place to live. Great home. finished Great buy at $17,600. Call LIGHT INDUbi hiAL PROP- 768-34- Ralph Pratt. . . . Howard Koyle. . Ed Price church. & separately. Call eve 756-452- 7(18-38- Jerry Parduhn . Wilson Ha j ward Ray Cox LEHI: has cut Fleetwood, the Cadillac of Anxious owner 3 bdrm. trailers, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, price on quiet area & excellent home with full basement & duplexes, , Carole Hebertson FHA 245 One in Lehi and one in Am. Fork. Priced to sell. For details call E. Peck 768-980- 4 or RAY L REALTY 756-605- sale reduced convenient, price 3 bdrms., to sell! Call Bob eve 756-394lot, HOME: 3 bdrm, 2 Good LOVELY animal rights. .87 on bath acre, water & assumable FHA loan with animal Beautifully rights. low monthly payment. Only Call grounds. 756-369landscaped 1 $57,000. Call Terry 756-359- 1 eve 756-631Terry 756-631eve remodeled, 756-605- TWO LD.S. CHAPELS for situated nicely Very NEW LISTING: This 7 , 768-32- in quiet section of A.F. of basement finished with wet 756-270- HORSEMEN: FOR finished basement sq. ft. & 2265 finished, excellent condition, 1 acre extra large lot, good buy at pasture, corral, water - All $74,900. Call Jerry this plus a swimming pool 768-318- home Nicely decorated, 80 bar and rec. room. Call Arden Spencer 8 yr - 2 might consider home & 2 or for zoned duplex in acies. Call Ray 374-612bdrm., 226-192- 8 756or Lvnn for rental use can rear, Subdivision $17,900. Wilson your wife will love this 1222 sq. ft. home in PI. Grove. 3 bdrms., combination storage & 10 FARM. beautiful BUY FOR INVESTMENT REALTY for more information KITCHEN MINI with A 756-605- Jerry 756-652- bdrm, 768-328- mobile home in good condition with range, fridge., and water softener. Call RAY L Lovely eve Carole Call $79,900. 768-318- Fork Canyon, 3 bdrm., bath, or Call $53,900. 768-328- 768-318- Johnson 756-312- 8 in PG. 7065. STORY- - 768-318- Beautiful Call eve of Farm Home Loan. 3 bdrm full basement, nice house 756-359- 1 BAY CEDAR FORT OLDER HOME- - Made Lehi - Carole in 768-322- 7 brick rambler. or 756- - NEW in very nice OWNER Clint 756-359- 1 eve 756-359- 1 ASSUMPTION GREAT City have 768-318- No. GARAGE WITH POTENTIAL or 3718 sq. ft. (5) over head i. doors paint room, unit. Assum. $34,500. Carole - 149 Noftt State, Ortm,Utt4857 768-941- 7 $65,000. Assume loan balance of $37,000 at Nice older home, excellent condition - live in or convert to offices and build storage units in back. Call Reese COUNTRY 226-333- 3 'j' 2 6 Call for ww basement fin. 27158, only $79,900. Ann BLDG. - Lehi advantages but can animals! $23,900. to SALE on 17 acres of raw ground in Lehi. Ready to develop, part in City and sewer through or RAY L REALTY 756-605property. Call E. Peck 768-980- 4 STARTER HOME 6 No. Will 88x145 in Terrv 756-631- 756-359- 1 zoned com. or Call Clint BUILD LATER- - 2 - avail eve FEE PAID - Lot in 768-318- or CONTRACT MAIN water. irrig. 768-318- 8 768-941- 7 756-605- 94. 6 has you 768-318- Lehi, $13,075. contract. consider 29010. Ann com. in Payson with 4 bedrooms, garage, thermopane windows, garden, shed. Enclosed patio, $49,900. No. 571-W- 6 TWO STORY OLDER HOME large Large rooms on 5 acres, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, family room, zoned animals. well, Flowing 768-318- BEST 756-605- Fully improved view lots on prestigious or Nob Hill in American Fork. Call Laraine 756-723- 1 RAY L with 768-322- 7 L. Estates, PI. Grove, for WILL TRADE 3 20 570-W- Peck E. LOTS OF LOTS $53,000 buys this cute 3 bedroom, family room with fireplace, swamp cooler large lot. Assume or possible contract. No. 541-W- Call 756-605- call E. Peck ONLY only $64,000. No. 17 3 768-980- 4 M - ACRES HIGHLAND Come out the terms! Call 756-359- 1 eve 756-706- lots Call Terry 756-631- acreage separate. Great set for the can assume the up Don't pass this buy family. in and work 768-318- SECLUSION plus workshop, A REALTY or 768-941- 7 rates or BUY NOW- VA acres State Assumable loan, Street in Am. Fork. Flowing $59,900. Wilson wells, fenced, can be zoned or terms. CENTRAL LOCATION in Lehi Contract com. or for a business. 3.8 acres, Melodie negotiable financing terms. CHOICE VIEW LOTS in Lake Terrace - N.E. Lehi. DUPLEX with 2 two Am. MOVIE THEATER or SAV-CO- and available. American Fork loans. 11 INVESTORS SEWER at $67,900 and $55,250. Pick own carpets, qualify for loan and move in. Call RAY L . bldg. lot in front. $68,900. or 768-318Melodie 768-381- 9 756-605- Priced REALTY lower than current interest ac Limited with 3 bdrm rambler, zoned will sell house or can sell We bdrms., garage with grease pit, zoned animals. Has a new fenced, Almost - 768-381- bath in Am. Fork. Nice garage with shop area. Priced to sell at $57,500. Call E. Peck or RAY Sales and Servicing - to GOOD TERMS- - new homes on contract at 768-318- and'1 Sewing and Vacuum 33 West Main Priced well at $74,900. Call 756-359- 1 eve 756-706- 4 768-328- 8 Convenient terms on 4 bedroom older Home in Lehi. Vacant, ready to move in.- - Priced at or E. Peck 768-980$38,900. Call RAY L REALTY 756-605- 2 Fork. Older acre. 1 aluminum building in Lehi. $149,000. Carole 4,400 sq. ft. with office or space & freeway exposure. LOW DOWN PMT. 4 bdrm., full bsmt., double garage or Call Ann CONTRACT SALE REALTY on home 768-318- 768-941- 7 L VIEW Lehi home COUNTRY Fort, live. FINANCING EXCELLENT TERMS OWNER BEAUTIFUL - LIVING COUNTRY eve 756-359- 1 3.82 Ann 768-318- place great $50,000. Carole 166 WEST MAIN Repairs on all makes and models of vacuums and sewing machines. - acres in Cedar 10 TWO NEW HOMES available A- -l Carole $39,800. $54,000. Lehi older remodeled 4 ACRES next to city limits bdrm., 2 baths, full bsmt., 5 Lehi. $28,000 per acre. in includes small building lot. ENJOY Doctors have found a medication that in many cases gives rompt, temporary relief lor ours from Dain and burning itch in hemorrhoidal tissues, then helps shrink swelling of these tissues caused by inflammation. The name: Preparation H. No prescription is needed . Preparation H. Ointment and suppositories. Use only as directed. - city. lowered, Call Carole caused by inflammation Eldon J. Stubbs Real Estate, Inc. 1215 North State Orem being RELOCATING OWNER 756-605- Hemorrhoidal Tissues 785-329- - Clint Animal IN LEHI ACRES Price Swelling Of 785-627- 6 ONLY $55,000 for all of Sharp 3 bdrm Vk clean 3 this: Extremelv bath home. Fireplace, deck, bdrm, 2 bath brick rambler double Buy on garage. Very large family room, IN LEHI- roof, rewired. IN HOME draperies, new kitchen remodeled 768-318- 7065. LEHI - New BRICK eve 756-359- 1 Terry contract, assume present fenced yard. contract or assume 1st supply, one only! Great terms. mortgage. OLDER - 3 ACRE 1 768-318- P.O. Box 276 American Fork, Utah 84003 Helps Shrink this almost new, two bedroom, two bath mobile home. This home has everything from a winter fireplace to a summer cooler. Beautiful interior, storm windows, dishwasher, disposal, fridge, range and many extras. Owner will consider contract, call for details. Eldon J. Stubbs Real Estate Inc. at or Hank at or Deloy at Buy ON rights, irrig. water, to annexed the $59,900. Carole extra strength anesthetic safely cools all kinds of problem itching virtually on contact. And BiCOZENE's antibacterial action speeds healing of itchy genital or anal areas. Look for BiCOZENE Creme in the purple box at your pharmacy. Or ask for Extra strength. Use only as directed. BlTOZEIS'E portion go for a down payment and get a portion of the home appreciation. Call for further details ELDON J. has apt. NEW BRICK HOME LEHI 5.6 It's called BiCOZENE and it has 20 more antithetic than Lanacanc? BiCOZENE's We have several ways you can own your own home while you are renting. For $475 per month you can have a 224-195- 0 756-310- 4 carport, potential. $58,000. Melodie 768-381- 9 or 768-318- 768-318- 768-381- 9 relieves problem itching. 785-282- 9 new bdrms., 2 car garage, zoned animals. Melodie Extra strength orHankat785-6276.RENTTOovY- 785-627- Tyler 756-645- garage IN 756-325- with or Hank Jack 756-396- in Lehi City, cul. well. Aaron or 3 bdrms., -- newly remodeled, drapes, new carpet, Living - Already has 4 bldg. permits avail, animal rights ALMOST Evenings call: 756-768- CLOSE TO TOWN COUNTRY 768-318- e 3 bedrooms, full basement, carport or and many other extras. Call ELDON J. STUBBS garages REAL ESTATE, INC. at 0 or Susan at COMPANY OF bdrm, COUNTRY LOCATION - 3 full bsmt, large kitchen & bdrm, 2 bath, all brick 3100 sq. ft. fam room combination, rambler. Large yd. Assume VA loan. finished. .42 acre with well. STARTER- - 4 GOOD Priced at only $49,900. Call Call Clint 756-359- 1 eve 756- - 756-631- 768-318- 2 baths, or sleep inducer that helps you get a good night's sleep. And isn't that all you want? Use only as directed. During the month of September only the seller will pay all your closing costs except pre payable on selected new homes. Call while there is a good selection left. or 768-318- ACRES 768-384- 3 r YOU CAN REST EASY, Sleep-Ezcontains a gentle or Susan 785-282SEPTEMBER SPECIAL or 768-384- 3 improvements are in at Mountain Meadows Plat B, at 330 South Storrs Avenue in American Fork. 2 bedroom rambler, 3 bedroom rambler, two 2 bedroom Jerry 224-195- 224-195- 0 -- Kip. 785-465- 9 can purchase a 3 bedroom, full basement home, with 2 car garage, a large deck over garage on nearly Vi acre with animal rights on a contract with a low down payment and a low interest rate. Call now ELDON J. STUBBS REAL ESTATE, INC. at 0 or Hank at INC. Plans $49,900.00 and up 4 You STUBBS REAL ESTATE, 1 acre, LAND CANYON WEST water. to road well Close cul. and drilled, included, has animal rights. (No. $600.00 per acre, will sell 29948). $25,000. Aaron 40 acres. Melodie GET OUT OF TOWN All SALE 224-195- 0 New Homes, 5 Dean cotton rags, etc. Call advancement CONTRACT I Ft with FAST mtm in is 768-381- 9 798-642- or Frank imly for Mom Tablets & pills" STORY PHARMACY. WANTED: 0 to care kids while GoBese 785-282- Looking for an investment, then look at this 4 plex. Seller will carry contract and will even take a lot or house on trade, so don't wait Call ELDON J. STUBBS Model Ua Wtmd-- t f pill irM 756 7115 hospitalized with new baby. 1 week 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. $2.50 an hour. 4PLEX 6 I NEEDED GRANDMA 798-642- 3 Take over low interest rate loan or buy on contract. 3 bedroom, W bath, full basement, 2 car garage and much more. Call ELDON J. STUBBS REAL ESTATE, INC. 785-627- tai operated. It DISTRESSED SALE or Jon at 11 BABYSIT IN MY HOME, can own this 4 bedroom brick home for only $58,500. It has family room, 2 fireplaces and is in an excellent area. Call ELDON J. STUBBS REAL ESTATE, INC. at or Jon at or Deloy at 785- 3297. INC. owned BEDROOM You REAL ESTATE, good frflMH) What t liw Ovrnught PtIU. Thai' right Look lot ihr while ben. IRISH SETTER male, free !u good home. Peacocks for sale. Call 18 fjch nHice it Hidepcfldentlf ini Arc ihmi with V" Uuiiw' linti uw,-the link tthitr pill thty r.ll "Ihr Hrriirgil M'mmW 4ivl oar pill at hedhmr vainly wiit-t- y sIiiimiUic. vur uwn natural rhythm. Owfimjht. So mi thf muriwiit. ihni'i bark on Ihr bright1 udt. Cmu1jc1IIv' M kittens. at rr-- s' vi 6 Miscellaneous 224-195- 0 H. SHOOTING JH-JM- OwnerAgent 4 VTOrCy ) NJ IT7 ...BUT I 'M ONLV DON'T ! Lost and Found 8 225-609- .(SH-H- YOU MIGHT HIT AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER C015IRI MlSlf 84-M- FOUND-- Earl Farnsworth KNOW KINGS GOOD TIME IV You pick your house plan 7V40a JXjBfT-- . jK -- Don Evans I Y DON'T YOU JPl -- . 375-821- 6 . 7"(vti,t25 756-678- 2 . Robinson & 756-436- 2 756-787- 5 . Curtis . . . - Great starter Terry Shurtz .... Inga PG. $40,900! Clint Wilson. . . . work out the Mike Smith .... Inga Robert Wilson. . Broker 756-359- 1 756-452- 9 756-452- 9 375-725- 4 756-631- 5 756-389- 7 756-706- 5 756-656- 3 756-394- 9 Wilson Realty 405 East State Am. Fork 756-359- 1 4 |