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Show m fig? g RENT- Commercial office, doctor or dentist or lawyer or other professional office. Call STORAGE PI. Grove. any item. Close in American Fork, well lighted and protected. $10-$1or ' per month. Ca see Jesse Spafford. FOR 1 UNFURNISHED 2 APT.- - & bdrm 3 duplex. P.G.. 3 bdrm townhouse, 2 bath family rm enclosed FOR RENT - Individual units. Furniture, contractors tools, inventory waging for resale or most A.F.; patio. Call or or RENT- - 4 bdrm. 3 baths, large fam. rm.; 2 car garage, half acre, fenced, yd., zoned foi animals in a beautiful Provo subdivision. Call or bdrm. apts. in Alpine - Lehi Springville. Carpets, drapes, air cond.. w & d hookups, 7 and appliances. No pets. Call tf or 2 AND 3 BEDROOM 3 bedroom P.G., A.F., 2 in DUPLEX townhouse in bath family room, enclosed Fridge, stove, washer-drye- r hookups. No pets, smokers or drinkers. Couple preferred. apartment. RENT- - Wilson & NEW STORAGE State Street. 12'xl5 $125 stove, carpet, DUPLEX, hookups, no pets. drapes, $170 per mo.. $100 deposit. Call Century 21 Robinson & Wilson bedroom furnished 1 apt. with a.c. no pets, no smoking, couples or singles only. 424 N. 100 It E., PI. Grove. UNITS off just 10'xl2', $19; through the Christmas season 2000 square feet of prime American Fork, Main Street, commercial space. Just $300 per FOR RENT Lease could possibly thereafter at slightly price. Call Ken at The higher Citizen, Lehi, very nice bdrm. home for rent, no pets, $300 per mo. Call ask for Lynn, $150 damage deposit required. APT for TWO BEDROOM rent. 720 PI. Grove. Locust Ave. 2 BEDROOM APT. Carpet, drapes, excel, location, air cond.. Adults preferred. 310 So. 5th East, STORE A.F. Grove FOR basement. days eves. Ask for Marv. DELUX home 2 bedroom furnished 5 winter months. for DUPLEX in hookups, fam. rm.. iv. MAIN ON STREET in PI. 1000 sq ft for lease. & 2 bdrms, full bsmt., frig, carpets, drapes, stove, or Lehi $230 mo. Call DUPLEX FOR w.d. Lehi- - rm. stove, older bdrm 3 home on land zoned for animals, or $250. mo. Call Carole. SPACE for lease. South Center Street Plaza, 20 Air Am. Fork. Center Street. Conditioned, ideal for office or stores. $190.00 per month for 600 sq. ft. - ample parking. Can provide 1.200 sq.ft. space or 1.800 sq ft. space. BARRATT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 30 South Center Street. Am. Fork. Ted RENT- - $160 per mo. Small 2 bdrm home near A.F. hospital, fenced yard. May have option to buy. RENT- - sublease nearly 2000 square feet for five months for just $350 per month, then can pick up full lease at $460 per month. Call Ken Will DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL 1836 Help Wanted GREAT WAY COME- Be TO your A SECOND own boss. Lehi home, 3 bdrm, 2 major appl. furnished, Ig. family room. $400 mo. or no inventory immediate profits. boundaries. SOLICITOR HAIRSTYLIST- - Stylist 1 For - now other extras optional. Will sacrifice for only $49 900. Call evenings only. appt. FOR SALE Part lime counter down system, terms. Call oltrs ALPINE a Call days 9 18 (214) Hartley foi anytime Vi neg. acre new - Great Lg buy on 3 bdrm lot in A.F.. decorated, great, quiet neighborhood. A steal at $53,000. nicely 1c Call WANTED: Kip. Enclosed rent, 459 Pleasant Grove. Sat. Sept. 20, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. cab-ov- MUST SEE INSIDE! Am. Fork, Utah 1460 sq. ft.. bdrm., car garage in Highland. Approx one-haacre, many extras. Must see to appreciate. Apraised at 9 $85,600. Make offer. Call MUST SELL 3 - 2 FOR . 2285 sq. ft. with animal rights. Seller very flexible with down and terms. Lease option avail., acre, possible. beautiful (new thick carpet for downstairs bedrooms), plus family room currently being used as master REAL ESTATE bedroom. Negotiable beautiful custom drapes, MR. or SALE Dennis desire also add other items of your and finance with house under long-ter- mortgage. was appraised one and a half years ago at over $48,000, for The FIX-I- T "ti LOT-- Vacuum Supplies 90 x 120. Near school, ASSUMABLE 11 Small Appliance Repairs Open Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 to 5:30 loan four bdrm, bath, brick s 1 and home, with dbl. garage. Fenced, stereo, intercom system, 143 E. lot. by owner $69,900. equity, low 80's. evenings. 20 West Main, Lehi 1350 No. Lehi. House before basement bedrooms were carpeted, family room finished and storm windows added. Also over $4500 in mortgage payments have been made since then. Now asking Assumable 9.5 only $49,900. FHA loan. graduated owner equity can be percent $17,000 partially financed if necessary. For down, example, with $10,000 $32,500 mortgage assumed, and financed $7,000 by owner, payments would start at about $370 per month, rise slightly with graduated mortgage and then drop to about $340 at the end of 10 years. Call foi an appointment. - finance. $77,000. Call 9 4 tf - 2400 ft living area, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 4 bdrms. built-ivac, fenced in yard, sprinkling system, carport & patio. Owner can NOTICE Is or your Tote-GoSnow Blower ready for the season ahead? Deer Hunting Restriction In Will Mary Ellen Gulch; 785-256- By Written 1090 N. 300 E. Pleasant Grove & after 4:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m. Call Silver Inc. 355-240- 2 Bill's Small Engine Repair Permission Only Yankee Gold it start and run? If not, call BY OWNER- finance. $77,000. Call te 5 In Business Since 1965 Rebel Silver Inc. Tecumseh, Kohler Briggs & Stratton Proctor Mining & Exploration Inc 785-562- 6 Guindon ,,im" 4 IMPORTANT NEWS FOR or SUFFERERS! Mm OLLUTION COSTS US MILLIONStGRIME DOESN'T PAY! MOMENTUM" Tablets are 50 This remarkable tablet gives aspirin relief, yet protects against stomach stronger than Doan's. Before you take Doan's Pills lor muscular backache, remember this MOMENTUM Tablets are 50 stronger than Doans That means MOMENTUM gives you 50 more pain reliever per dose to relieve backache To reduce pain, soothe inflammation can move more so muscles krasen-y- ou freely in minutes' There's no stronger backache medication you can buy without a prescription man MOMENTUM Tablets Take only as directed DOS CUDS vrotKiz&Too. upset lATS IS i EATS AND WAIST IS WAIST Acre's too much talk about enforce img the laws and not enough about the obeying LAWS' DUENTRIC COATED ASPIRINl pet caw pnpto ftt97 MiHtr Morten ComfMftv. wbwdarv ot A H NobtmCo Richmond. Virinia 73230 (W MPH IS THB 55 SPBSD LIMIT! Mpam was A HERO! not THE first only theWAS MAN THE MAN WHO ;HB FIRST MAN TO HAVE NO MOTHER-IN-LA- FIRST ATE A W! THAT'S HOW WE KNOW HE I, LIVBO IN. . SHOP Vacuum Cleaner repairs Ml Makes church, park $14,400. $8,000 undei appraisal. Assume 9 and a half percent interest. Will take lot ? FHA GREAT HOUSE FOR SALE IN P.G. or or Realty, New and Used Vacuums PROPERTY items: piano, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer, living room furniture, full and twin beds, lawn mower, etc. Could view. 1 ACRE with animal rights, trees. Beautifully decorated, 5 bdrm., 3 bath home with 2 fireplaces. Basement finished. Big garage with opener. Call Bill Harper, Terra bdrm, fam. room, fruit storage shelves, shed, custom L.R. drapes, & garden. Ask for Ken at subsidy of monthly payment Northern setting with the outside. You live on the inside, so come in. Four bedrooms from Possible 5 bedrooms, 2 and bath, fireplace, den, fence, sprinkling system, close to school and church, See at 1571 N. 1040 W., Orem, BY OWNER- - $17,000 loan at 9 and a half percent interest on $32,600, $280 mo., taxes & insurance included. 4 1 finished home Gorgeous ALPINE Newly painted split entry home on nice lot surrounded by alfalfa fields at the west end of 500 Ninth (424 West). Don't make final judgement 4 eves., SOFTENER' TOOL BACKACHE SALE-- 1 down YOU in $74,900. acre ground in Lehi 4 shares irrigation water, animal FOR or jjjejpM I Open House For Sale horse van. Super for cold weather and hauling. 1970 Chevy Nova standard shift, good condition, great second car. Call SALE Call Subdivision. Millview NICE- - Real Estate fully FOR LOTS BUILDING appt. 730 No. 150 West SALE- - JEST FOR IAUGHS trfiWLGmfa Fl for rights or can 2400 ft living area, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 4 bdrms, built-ivac, fenced in yard, sprinkling system, carport & patio. Owner can BY OWNER- Clean cotton rags, etc. Call LOTS tf family wants to rent cabin or swap for house in Toronto 6 19-t- t for 3 wks. Call COKSTIMTION WITHOUT Exclusive CITY rambler Mi WANTED- - age or older. Apply at Alpine Co. Club, 100 E. 10500 No., in BY OWNER- Wanted 21 yrs of payment, subdivision, terms negotiable. 15 year contract. Buy directly from developer and save commissions and closing costs. lot Jean lop & piotilabie Sportswear shop foi yoin veiy own Select from ovei 100 biann - Lpvi Wiangiei Chic Lee Sedgetiei't and assembly woman. Apply al Tn City Cleaners. 61 N. Merchant. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES Home for BY OWNER- - sale, 1400 sq ft upstairs, finished 4 bdrm, 2 basement, baths, fenced, central vacuum, sprinkling Business Opportunity FASHIONS THIS HOME FOR SALE OUT Four bedrooms, family room, nice corner lot facing large alfalfa field, feeling of living in the country without the expense. Beautiful curtains, dishwasher, piano, and taking applications for their new hairstyling salon in the American Fork Grand Central Plaza. Stylist 15 WANTED- is evenings. CHECK needed for The Citizen, The Free Press and The Review. Pay by the hour and-o- r by the sale. Call Ken at FHA APPROVED MUMS Oft CRAMK For 400 No, Contact Dean Wilkinson, West Call many mote. $16 500 00 includes inventory beginning fixtures and training. Open wiilnn requirements, monthly volume bonus. GETRaiEF hook- washer-drye- r UNITS- - WANTED - but must carry contract and won't pay more than $12,500. Lot must face southward. Bntiama And HELP acre. Full solid oak LOT highly No by Call A.F. ROM ups, large living room. Fenced yard. Near stores, school, cburch. No smokers or drinkers. STORAGE REQUIRED- - Wanted Assistant to Magician: Write . Dr. Bloch, The Magician, 920 East 6th Street, New York, N.Y. 10009. ASSISTANT PACESETTER IN- in basement, Air cond., Quality throughout. cabinetry. choose carpets & light Buyer fixtures. Generous allowances on Call SPACE feet available square downtown American Fork. $459 per month. Call Kip at - home Luxury these off sale price. $116,000.00. with clientel preferred. at SALE-- Highland offered 1900 sq ft on RENT- - bath, bedroom apartment. 2 refirg., FOR your're covering and allows you behind the scenes to rub elbows with the athletes. Call Ken at SUBSCRIPTION decorated, great, quiet neighborhood. A steal at $53,000. costs FOR IN AUGUST FOR Stove, Lehi. 2 bedrooms, $25,900, $1,000 down, 30 year contract 8 28 4t PRIME DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL 2t FOR ' American Fork. FOR Lehi RENT- - ADDING 2 RENT- - fridge. Ig. storage rm. FOR AND By Owner to help cover American Fork sports. Pay's not great, but the job is lots of fun. Gets you in free to the events machine rental and repair service. Priday's Office Supply SPACE Call house, 2 baths, H acre, irrigation water rights, family room with fireplace. $69,500. Call SIX BEDROOM nicely with $400 improved $13,900 down. Buy directly from developer and save commissions and closing WRITER SPORTS Call Couples only. 4 BDRM Ramsey Commercial Rentals HOUSE FOR RENT S. RENT- - Call costs. Lg- 14 For Sale agents. We will train you. If you think you would like an exciting career in real estate call Clint 7 5 tf Wilson STORAGE HAY Great buy on 3 bdrm culde sac lot in A.F., OWNER- - BY rambler. P.G. 21 12x20', $29 per month. Lighted and well secured. Realty RENT- - barn or buy your stored hay through the winter. NEED x New LOTS $13,900 with $400 down. Buy directly from developer and save commissions and closing ladials. Realty $24; continue 2 BEDRM Century 21. Realty has need of new and experienced real estate WANTED HELP tires 2 D- 78 GR LEHI FHA APPROVED subdivision Robinson-Wilso- COMMERICAL month. It FOR FOR Call Clean two bedroom RENT- - bdrm apt. mature 1 TYPEWRITER dep. Call Century $125 Robinson mo. 2tp FOR SPACE OFFICE patio. Call 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath large family room, 2 car garage, acre, fenced yard, zoned for animals in beautiful Provo Subdivision. Call VERY NICE FOR RENT Am. Fork. Minimum 21 yr. of in person at 585 E. - Copies of History of Lehi and Lehi Centennial History. Call Warren Goates, 768 8159. WANTED- WANTE- Sleeps 6 to 8 people, good m.p.g.. contact Marvin's Motor Plaza for details, - Permanent ffitolMiaip QKfeQ) age. Apply State Road. A.F. p.m. " HOME stores. food employment. GOOD 2 23' MOTOR 2t FOR LOOKING ARE RENTERS: FOR Harts lady. Call WE STORE CASHIERS CONVENIENCE UNFURNISHED APTS- - nice 2 bdrm apt in Lehi, air cond., stove, fridge, drapes, w.d. hookups, no pets. Call 1 or after 5:30 ante G0 TOMATOE TO PROVE THEY WEREN'T POISONOUS. THIS WON HIM SO MUCH FAME, HE DECIDED TO 30 ONTO DEBUNK OTHER MYTHS SO HE ATE A TOAD STOOLj 6wnD()m 1MO LA. Tin Syr. "Yet another shopping center falling to the bulldozer to make more farmland. Honestly, where will it alt end?" |