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Show Thursday, September At- 18, 1980-P-age I B-- 5 - al! 72 CHEVY f ton. camper shell, automatic, good condition 51000 or best offer Automobiles 74 77 UMDCtUISU TOYOTA with 350 engine. 20,000 miles on engine. RV cam. Hard top and soft top. Brush bumper. Roll cage. Gas can rack. Ball hitch. 1974 SUNT CB radio. $3400 firm. or Don't I'm up, give sometimes hard to reach. 1 2t '6S ditioner. Make 8011. 9 18 2tp Chen cassette. Call 1978 TKUNDERBIRD, beautiful, green with white, fully loaded with only 16.000 miles on. 4.800. Also United Standaid water con- DODGE DART. Runs '68 1977 DODGE Sliding window, body fair, runs good but burns excessive oil. 9 18 ltp 6 FIREBIRD cyl., 5.000. VAN 9 18 2t '75 needs 73 500 or best offer. KARMANN Classic '56 9--1 VW Call 1973 SALE- - Small stereo with 2 speakers, carpet, drapes, rod iron bookcase, kettle large braided rug. chain I bench, kitchen table gold velvet seat. Starts Sal. Sept. 20 at 9 a.m. 288 West Mam. Lehi. 9 love I Only 800 miles I I I I I Price $6495.00 and nut mix. $2.79 per lb.. $13.95 per 5 lb.; dried pears, $2.79 per lb., $13.45 per 5 lb.; Pineapple rings dried, $1.99 per lb., $9.95 per 5 lb.: Pine nuts after Oct. - in shell. $2.59 per lb.. $12.95 per 5 lb.: Coconut dried sweetened high lamps, chair, crib, kids sheer clothes, Home drapes. Interior wall hangings, weights and I I Drive Ed Car per 5 lb.: Macadamias. $6.89 per lb.. $34.45 pei 5 lb: Walnuts.. $2.69 per lb.. $13.45 per 5 lb.; Banana chips. $1.89 per lb.. $9 45 per 5 lb.: California fruil FOR SALE- - Campei $1.69 per lb.. $8.45 per 5 lb. Free all on orders. 10o delivery discount on nuts by case or tin. Please no calls between Fn. 5 p.m. and Sun. 8 a.m. Prices may & 4. icebox, stove, bargain at $350. jacks, sleeps sink, heater, SALE- - 756 Call HAND CROCHETED BOOTIES- - FOR SALE- Like cowboy boots or tennis shoes, etc. $3 00 pair. West 10050 No.. Highland. 2 Priced 4's x 75 2xl0's; cents; ; 2xl2's: baseboard marble sinks; shelf material; metal and wooden extenoi doors; interior doors panel moulding 50 cents a piece; bricks 10 cents each, minors; closet doors, range hoods; sinks; paint and many other misc. - Slag. fill, top soil. Backhoe, loader work. Call or 374 1742. 6 12 tf SALE- Enclosed cab-ovhorse van. Super for cold weather and hauling 1970 Chevy Nova 2 standard shift, good condition, great second car. Call dr, Complete Service and Bodyshop VY sheep for sale- - Lambs. Jan. 15. 11586 S 2700 West. Riverton alter 5. American Fork. 2 MOTOR BIKES FOR SALE- - Honda electric Good SALE- - FOR typewriter. $100.00. new bowling ball half puce. $ .50; portable sewing machine $15 00. ladies a half, 8 FT SLEEPER TOP for GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS pick-up- . Holley Auto Company SAL- E- FOR mouth wide Pontiac - Buick - GMC 297 W. Main - American Fork John fruit jars, quarts, $2.50 per dozen ORCHARDS pears, peaches, lemons, and Hales. Pick yourself or picked. 1095 So. Main, 4 foot brake, Pittsburgh and Lock former. Call 2t FOR FOR SALE- - Corn 8 FOOT bed floor, with SLEEPER icebox carpet, and Maytag GE COUCH, DRESSER, bed. See baby 8 - loot Insulated sleepei. 30'x60'12' $4769 each (2) (2) RASPBERRIES- - $9.00 you old wks great 1980 Model $5993.00 Close Out Save Up To SALE- - Red Roman Beauties Jonathans. Golden Delicious. $5.50 you pick. $6.00 we pick. Bring own con- $3498. r tainers. 9771 N. Alpine Road Like new or call Like New $400000 1978 Big Selection Small To Large Cars XR7 FOR Couch, dresser, baby bed. See at 10930 No. 4800 West.' '2998 00 Cougar SALE- - order after 3 19" color 9 Pass. Wagon SALE- braided rug Large clothes, misc. lamps items weights and household children's toys, rod iron bench bookcase high chair, and much chain 19" black DINING ROOM SET CEIHU3V nearly new 266 W. Main Amer. Fork, ?56-496l- SALE- - Clarinet, CHAIN 8 SALE- and a half foot - King size 7498- - 1976 BMW 530 1977Audi100L-- S 1979 Pontiac Bonneville 3998- 5998- - 1972 1969 1969 1970 Call Cougar Convert Mark III Malibu SS 396 2998- - 2498- - FOR SALE- - Cucumbers, tomatoes! greeting cards. Call Venoy Turner 1979 Ford F150 Super Cab 977 GMG Van Customized Caprice Classic 1 977 Pontiac Catalina 1977 Monte Carlo 1 975 speed Mustang 1 ... . ........ 2698- - 224 I 2698- - 2498-. . 2498- - IMPORTANT: BRING IN THIS ADD TO GET THESE LOW PRICES ROUGH SPECIAL TOMATOES - Cantaloupes for sale mi. north Day of 756-4- Highland 16. concrete products after 8 a.m. all day til 10 p.m. or 50 W. 200 N.. Lehi, Apt. 14. 5 15 tf TV SERVICE - Expert color and B&W TV service. Authorized RCA service center. Picture tube replacements. 2 year warranty. rates. Reasonable HEALEY COLOR TV E CLEAN CHIMNEYS; or wood Professional NORMAN SERVICE $100,000 of Life Insurance Annual Renewable Term to Age 95 Monthly!! Premium Age Powerful 'Steam mount system Rates traction of Call Flood $14.01 Room, Genie' truck for thorough ex 145 Z4.Zi 155 $46,331 deep down dirt and smoke and damage restoration, odor control, anti soil. 6 24 hr. statewide service Before 8 a.m. or Homes - Apartments - Call Business LEE NICHOLES After 2 p.m. $12.73 25 s $15.95 Estimates LADY- - Chimney EXPERT SERVICE INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Reasonable fireplace stoves. Utah "We clean 'em clean" Painting h WE Quick, RAINBOW Am. at Fuller Brush 756-447- 9 Agents' Calls Welcome! 0 for $285. nice patio rental . FOR KIDS, pets. 3 bedrooms. $265 has fireplace, lots more. Rental Aide 374 1261. Jorgensen Upholstery 4 P.G. BEDROOM, basement, fenced lor kids. pets. 2 car carport $280. Rental Aide. Beat FOR SALE- - To order call Searle. RENT- - 2 the Holiday Rush, and get your upholstery done now and nice price. 2 and a half bedrooms. $165. Children, ok. Call Rental Aide. DUpTSTfOR l CONDITION SAVE 5 on a sofa and chair or just a sofa Remnants For Sale Also! 67V2 West Main bdrm. - American Fork 756-454- 1 $190 per mo. $100 deposit. No smokers, no pets. Call carpeted. Jim 2798- - 1979 Honda CVCC 1977 Honda CVCC . 45982998- 1977DatsunB210 977 Toyota Corolla 1976DatsunB210 269- 8279- 8- 1976 Bob Cat 1975 Pinto 1975 Pacer 199- 8169- 8159- 8- 1 A PRICES GO UP AFTER SursiiuTiTrafgB SEPTEMBER 30th 1976 Dodge Super Cab askfor: only. ECONOMY CARS 4 . 3798-197-7 or for or For all your CARPENTER? Furniture Carpet Cleaners NICE PLACE, Larry 5 BACKHOEING- - Residential grading, top soil, fill, culvert installation, Call Landscavation, or before 8 a.m. COLOR Call SHARPENING SAW tf TOMATOES 6998-4x- A 756-406- aid. accepting 1 FENCED Church. Call Carl A-- 8 Like SLAG PRODUCTS for sale. sand, gravel, fill dirt. Call John Roundy. Also 1973 dump truck 6000 Series, good cond. 3498-3598-- Malibu Convert ALL IN bed complete new. SPECIALTY CARS LUXURY CARS atmosphere, learning activities. Farm and snacks. the price. 4 has air basement, HOUSE hookups. SALE- Daily CHILD home. Former CONTACT JIM HUNSAKER NEED and previous teacher will do 785-251- bedroom, FOR home, long 756 LOVING in my Lindon lunch Hot & stove, fug. drapes, no smokers, drinkers or pets. $225 mcl utilities HUGE my typewriter, CONCRETE, Fork. r camper. Also parts '71 thev pickup, dismantled, with mattress 0 I COMMERCIAL concrete flatwork. Porches, steps, curb & gutter. Lie. TELEMARC - 167 N. 300 Jj MATURE office teacher. HELP YOU REMODEL your RESIDENTIAL TEACHER school For Rent PREFER including a good motor. 756-288- CAN home with a new addition, decks, cement work, fireplaces, basements, etc. Call grime. used one year. Has been completely checked out by music store $150. Call FOR cond.. $100.00. 09 EAST MAIN IN AMERICAN FORK TEACHER FREE for a 1 WE white & all kinds, carriage 6330. Ton 4x4 FRED DALTON $149- 8DAVE SCOTT DONHOLMSTEAD By the Day - Week - Month Jierr-A-CA-R Rent a New Pinto for $14.95 a day with Call 756-358- 5 190 East Main - i0OFreeMi,es American Fork i 1 ' V ' gates est. for Average Lehi West Main with 4 chairs, MOTOR PLAZA Berendson papering. SALE Galaxy IN'S title, paint sheetrock, TYPING, & GREAT TIME A CERTIFIED more. Sal. starting at 9 a.m.. 288 FOR r-lARV- remodeling, EXPERIENCED guar., free estimates. before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m., SALE- - equip., misc. kitchen ADDITIONS, bathroom CARE Ext., work $169.00 25" console $620 4l Sat. Sept. 2o79 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1135 No. 520 E.. Furniture, farm Alpine. J2998 00 Loaded GARAGE 1966 CARDNAL TRAVEL TRAILER 16 ft good condition. $1000. MOVING yj $399.00 $450.00 17" color p m. you trampolines Remember for your fences call Don M. Yates, tf sale Place Call now. Highland, or call 1977 Cougar Ainge for . TV Would standards, Don Call CUSTOM PAINTING- - Int. & Call C.L G.E. Color Delicious. a - like a tf 12 6 building, remodeling needs call nursery & Wagoneer 4x4-ai- FOR with Boost students, Elementary piano children or adults. Call YOUNG my anytime for free estimates. (I)40'x60'xl5' $8,261 each 5 in CHILDREN babysitting in my home. Call your APPLES - 76 Inside and outside storm windows installed. Call for free estimate. 12 6 tf PAINT Free Estimates. carpentry, to apply fertilizer. Determine your fertilizer needs with a soil test. Call Bruce 9 18 4t Webb. IS FALL dog. CONCORD GRAPES lor 1976 Jeep a AND in Am. Fork BLOW ON ACCOUSTICAL CEILING and Oarylene Nickel). Buildings $14.00 we pick. 1280 East Main. Am. Fork. -- CHILD GLASS West Main the neat fence around your yard? Call today for a free estimate by a licensed Also contractor. playground equipment. Basketball BASEMENTS, 50'xlOO' Machinery (2) W family from across Children's preschool experience experienced, certified teacher. For more information call $5,750 each pick. 1978 Jimmy 4x4 Loaded Air YOUR Kindergarten 14,000 bu. Grain Bin fiberglass Make offer. BASSETT HOUNDS REGISTERED RON'S SEWING KELLER'S Remodeling GIVE on Service. Alpine home. Day or night. Call 9 1 1 2t Monica Ask for Lee or call AND SALES CHAIN LINK FENCING let your hobby work extra demonstrating CLASS COMPLETE CHECK UP A 30 years, ask our for TEND and (4)40'x90'xl5' $8,483 each 6 yrs 13' FF evenings. - WILL details. Earn (I HAVE hospital Am. Fork. Call 8 17 tf toys with intermediate beginning, model. 8 weeks $20 $25 Starting October. Coral Hicks 3 SALE- MACHINE SERVICE customers. hostess of an American Jackie at DRAWING Enduro. 1975 YAMAHA 400 condition. excellent at 10930 No. 4800 West, Highland RED OF CHRISTMAS EXPERIENCED FOR sale. Call Kent Day FREE! Be a jEWING MACHINES, ALL me furnace before cold weather comes. Frank's Heating and . of new compressor $200. Frige, MOST OR - Manila - AND HEATING New work or your INVENTORY evenings. . and tomatoes for GENUINE GM PASTSl washer. SALE- - LANDSCAPING you Call old. have a plumbing need, call plumb to please). Colin Grant 12 6 tf CONTRACTORS ob too large or too small. Design work & blue prints Free or estimates. Call Nancy Makin for you. $9,752 each new motor. $125. PRESCHOOL- HOLIDAY contractor. ALPINE PLUMBING No Needlecraft kids. 900 E..Lehi. FOR Licensed Call PROFESSIONAL BE CREATIVE LIQUIDATING SALE- - FOR offer takes. Spuds, carrots. and 768 8320. 689 No. old. Fill, grading, hauling, ditches, sewer, road base, top soil, slag, septic tanks, and foundations lootings, DANCE CREATIVE CON- Careful craft CO. will appreciate. you smanship References happily furnished Free estimates on jobs large and small. If CHILDREN'S t REMODELING STRUCTION BACKHOE NG garden rotovated, field discing, harrowing, light grading, call for appointment. or Cart, Kyle or Curtis plowing, for Telephone light. $275 negotiable. 7563533 COOPS ALPINE Warnick - Custom, work, Residential or Home Toy party. Call SALE- - CHICKEN DONE- SALE- - & 1970 Anelus camper. 9 and a half ft., exc cond.. icebox, 9 18 ltp stove. FOR WORK certified, $18 monthly, aiea, experienced teacher M.W.F. - 9 30 to 1130. or 12 30 to 2:30 Call or Payson. Pulley CLEAN regular quarts $2.00. Setter lush SALE- TRACTOR - commercial, one time or monthly basis. Free estimate. Reasonable rates Call 7564341. 7 RILEY . carrots TOMATOES, onions, potatoes, canteloupe. and crenshaw organically giown. Pampas plumes, straw flowers, and many other dried yarrow Call flowers for ariangemenls. a acetyline welding and 40 Maple cutting outfit. Lane P.G. handy-man- s GENERAL MOTORS PASTS DIVISION Lab Besl CANNING garage antique STEEL BUILDINGS FOR WINDOW WASHING Clean up Call Am Fork old, yrs. l cheap-Cal- TILLING AND YARD fall classes starting Sept. 16. Call shoes, some new. size 6 and 6 and TWO $300, beds, captains light. 30" white. Call ELECTRIC STOVE, 90, Excellent condition, $400, Honda 70. Excellent condition. Polyglycoat & Fiberseal Underseal & Lubrication CROSS BRED HEAVY 2 TRUMPET, items. Saturday 8 5 440 East 5th 2lp North. Lehi. PUPPIES SALE- Kenmore wringer washer. Good condition. Best offer 45 No. 300 takes. Call EXPERT SERVICES FOR SALE change without notice. FOR 6225 linoleum; carpeting; $l-$- all 14 ft driveways. to sell. If you have ever wanted any of the following items no s the time to buy. 2 flatbed trailers-- 1 CONN SALE- - - expanded metal; 8 16 ft. Call steel, and 6 FOR 4657. 9 18 2tp GARAGE lb.; FOR FIREWOOD $1645 per 5 $17.95 HUGE GARAGE ELSIN0RE MB 250 never raced, good cond. $500 Call 76 HONDA Call lb.: Cashew splits $3 49 per lb.. $17 45 pei 5 lb.; Cashew wholes large. $3.99 per lb.. $19.95 per 5 lb.; Peacans Mammoth halves. $3.59 per lb. 9 LTD For Sale GMC 1980 Pontiac ft FORD - 4 males. 4 females. $1.00 each; food $1 00 lb Also 4 newborn gerbils. ready in about 2 weeks. Call Clark. 768 3450 GERBILS- Cashew chips small. per $2.29 per lb.. $11 45 pei 5 lb.: Cashew pieces large. $3.29 per lb.. 5 passenger station, new radials. ex. cond. Very reasonable. 1 Special for Wee- k- I Low MACH I, II 2tp Holley Auto Co. -- MUSTANG It KEEP THAT GREAT GM FEELING WITH Pontiac - Buick $17.45 per 5 lb.; Brazils large. $2.29 per lb., $11 45 per 5 lb.; Mixed nuts. $3.09 per lb.. $15 45 4 speed. 8 track. 27 mpg mags, am-fhighway. Must sell! $2,200. 1500 GHIA, bus. make offer. 9 18 pei 5 lb.; Almonds large. $2.69 per lb and $13 45 per 5 lb.: Blanched Virginia P nuts, $1.29 per lb.. $6 45 per 5 lb.; Sunflower seeds hulled $1.39 per lb., $6 95 per 5 lb.; Filberts large $3.49 per lb.. 4 spd New studded tires. pickup $550 AND DAVE MAN, Phone 375 7535. The following shelled nuts are quoted by the lb. in 2 and a half and 5 lb bags: Pistachios 8 crown natural, $23 99 one half ton. CHEV MUT BEVERLY WAID, 768 Call great, but spitting out oil. Will sell' for half Blue Book at only 600. Call 8 18 tf Randy. bodywork, offer. THE mm fc MM MMy - - - - |