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Show Lehi Free Press Page A- - Thursday, September ' children and youth the highest advantages ia physical, mental, social, and spiritual education. PTA is a wel established organization with structure, policies, guidelines, and leadership training programs that make it an ongoing organization. Since everyone who works in PTA is a volunteer, there are bo vested interests to be gained - only better schools and communities. EDUCATION Open House At From every membership fee collected, 20 cents is used to support the national PTA programs, 30 cents for the state, Lehi Junior High and the remainder to finance council and local PTA's. Everyone that works in PTA, be it the National President, State or local, receives the same wages the satisfaction of giving service. The only membership monies that are used for paid salaries are those necessary to hire occasional professional secretarial and custodial services. ... Just a reminder all interested persons are invited to attend Lehi Junior High School's "Open House" this Thursday evening, September IS, from 7:30 9:15 p.m. Informational letters and class schedule forms were sent home with junior high students Monday, September 15. Parents, as a convenience to you, please have your student complete his daily schedule on the form provided and bring the schedule with you Thursday evening. The evening . . . consisting of a tour of the building, short presentations by the teachers and course outline material . . . will serve to acquaint you with the school's teaching staff and others responsible for the education of your student u Since its introduction HS5. the chidrea's ebons has perfonwed ia several firesides, aperas, beea on Chorus "Getting beautiful children's most the sound put of UYU-T- and m some bearing then of the finest musk.'' hat Margaret is Woodward's efforts as special instructor ef the children's chorus at BYU is all about The class which is the by department of music and and Conferences PTA's potential is unlimited as long as there are concerned individuals willing to assume the role of the ad- vocate of children and youth. The national PTA provides one of the most powerful lobbying forces for the welfare of children, in the nation. It has been an instrument by which many concerns have been brought to the attention of our government and of educators. V mi performed each Christmas with the a ca pella chorus. They have also sung at the LOS Primary General Board's Christmas Party ia Salt lake City and sang for the LOS General Sunday School Board at Prove. The class runs from Oct 1 to Dec 10. It will be taught Wednesdays from p.m. in the Madsen Recital Hall and is open to children ages 9 through 14. should Students call Conferences and Workshops (378 4853) to arrange for an appointment with Mrs. voices used IfsABcyFor fiance ill Instructor To Teach Children's Workshops, has been taught d PTA 18, 1980 Woodward, Mrs. by consecutively for IS years. Mrs. Woodward says the course helps children grow opup giving them portunities to perform in Woodward. its many activities are evaluating current concerns and conducting statewide Critical Issues Conferences in such areas as Emergency Preparedness, Good Nutrition, Ef fective Parenting, etc. Provides Key To Better School BEN" A handsome baby boy was born to Meidoa and Jewel Luttmer Bullock of Lehi oa in the September '8 Reduce jour beat bin Reduce your electric bill tear on your furnace by lettinf Reduce wear us perform this service for you I Now Available In Utah County American Fork Hospital. The husky young lad checked in Complete Service Includes: at nine and pounds measured 21 and a half inches tall The proud parents have named him Thomas McKay. He has one thrilled sister, Anna, two years old. Tickled mother Lehi. pink is Vera Clean Fan and Squirrel Cage Clean Heat Exchanger Oil Fan & Motor Adjust Fan Belt Install Permanent Type Filter 3 Calls Per Year Check grand- of Bullock are and Also happy grandparents Jacob Sarah Luttmer of Alpine. is Great grandmother & One Extra call with Central Air Conditioning For More Information and Fast, Efficient Service Call 785-461- 7 Utah Valley Fan & Filter Eudora Patterson, American Fork. ism GLASS schools again in session, local PTA units are preparing to conduct their annual PTA membership drives. According to Birgitta Holbrook, Lehi Council PTA President, this very membership can provide a vital key to improving the quality of education, both on a local and a national Bullock The state level of PTA has been actively engaged in identifying and solving problems within the state. Among Membership With The Service That Psjfs For Itself Neldon And Jewell coiorizer. paint Just a few ot the programs local PI A units have been involved with include sponsoring scholarship progiams. staffing eye clinics, sponsoring Reflections contests and and staffing the volunteer programs for the Read Bennett's Inside Storm Windows let you keep the weather, hot or cold, outside where it belongs and they let you control the temperature inside your home. You can install them on the inside of your present windows, an easy project. schools. level. The five objectives of PTA 1) to promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship, 2) to raise the standards of home life, 3) what the to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth, 4) to bring into closer relationship the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth, and 5) to develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all But PTA needs every parent, teacher, admimstiator, student and concerned citizen interested in children and youth, before it can accomplish it's full potential. Lehi's PTA council encourages every citizen of Lehi to join this worthy cause. The future of the PTA is bright. What PI A has done in the past has been valuable to schools and communities . . . PTA is going to do in the future will be priceless BIB Mlb muni in CJVrjM OFF SALE! J NS Problem Solvers at Wasatch Bank invite you to apply for . . . o;n 1 n . Wasatch Bank Brings VISA Plus Banking to Utah Valley are very Things Banking Card "THERE'S MAGIC IN PTA say the posters at the Sego Lily Elementary School as Kemp, Shalynn and Tesila Burnham get ready to take one to their classroom to remind students to urge their parents to join this worthwhile iwiuws ror sure what interest charges will be how they'll be applied.' and what service will be imposed, charges just to own a card. organization. PTA "Magic" confusing and "up in the air coneernine rroHit cards these days. No one Many people use their credit cards just so can keep track of they their Membership expenses, Week At Sego Lily "There is Magic in PTA" will theme all activities parents of Sego Lily school children are being asked to join and support the Sei'O Lily PTA. A special "Nk f iership Wet., is underway at the All promoted Kick-Of- school. senior Grandparents or citizens who are interested PTA children to encourage their parents to join. what's in the by this year. organization Posters of magicians have in been placed every classroom to help remind happening in Lehi schools are also invited to join the Each child who brings an envelope PTA. whether back, their parents have joined or not, will receive a special treat to let them know their sponsored members efforts in helping promote PTA are appreciated. PTA by will COINS J53 WEST MAIN, SUITE 6 761-522- 0 BUSINESS HOURS ; ALIUS CLEANER KNOT m MAfiMEERS a small checkbook and its accepted worldwide without the identification hassle of regular checks. It looks like a credit card but it's not. Purchases or cash advances come directly out of your checking account at Wasatch Bank. Flip it over 12 and it's a Check GuaranteeCash ReserveCai le $ P.M. SAT. 10 A.M. 10 6 Ml. .and beginning this fall you'll use your card for RADE True fjttr enc reams 11. 24 Hour Banking CASH anytime, night or day, weekends or holidays, from your checking or get from or teller Bank automated any of nearly a hundred savings account at Wasatch in Plus Center Automated Teller Machines located Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico, Arizona and soon in Utah Call or visit any Wasatch Bank office for an application form. Mr "IfKCJdS NttUKtt lASSIS IINSCI Evrhts CAPITAL CCLLECTCLE REFERENCE GHEES ix vex tart wit , if cac tc& uses , isms , fcis , art mbi tiler lens wmi J) jg 768-845- ' h Pay your Purchases or annual charges for using the The "-w- MPiiss; Card card - uo.u ic "IU U S NOT n vr. IUU can use your VISA credit card merchant or bank The will handle the just ke he ZTW card sales. He'll the oj hiv uues just as with a VISA ;":-ief..SI- credit card. adyfl"r Pchase or cash however, won't t0. a o credit, come "f? kirectlyoutofyrur flt have used vm.r Piasuc chprlt" . If : n you're or purchasing from a merchant that know you, you won't hive to go through the usual Wasatrhgnaount ..""J' elthe'--SfrL- OREM AT UNIVERSITY MALL 224-- 1 PLEASANT GROVE 225 SOUTH MAIN SANTAOUIN 1 00 EAST MAIN 754-3- 2 8 LEHI 620 EAST MAIN b 10 on 1 CASH! I ARC! PRESERVATIVES "dve i'Y interest 00 MuicKiy. He'll run ;r your purchase through his imDr nfor You'll -T- credit, there still is a way you can use trie convenience of a plastic card, maintain the same kinds of records you have in the past, and CreHif rani Z t o WCTMM AM VIEWERS Assess FRI. APPRAISALS sctfttt H CONTAINERS No Annual Fee as a Should you use a regular check, your Visa Banking Card will guarantee it up to $ 1 50. In addition you'll have a cash reserve should you overdraw your account. LEHI S. and Foreign Coins it attar it prvftsslMtf eM ertctltr; SAKTY -- silver scrap,Duiiion, COMPLETE SUPPLIES it Check . . BII- V- SEIL l. CMN - TIES. y Gold and ftr SUPPLIES BULLION Use It's like carrying THE COIN TRADE CENTER J" turner The class with the most NOW OPEN lis? ii tne each purchase is madeday to comply with cut backs in be given to Parents are being asked to remember The PTA never forgets your child. Don't forget the PTA start charging om may board the class with the highest percentage of memberships returned. memberships received will be awarded a prize which will be beneficial for each class member. A class party pay their balances off each month and never have to (or Want to) nav inow,. wen though credit cards v 1 1 1 785-500- 1 1 6 your card mply enter the amount avance in vour |